
Hoof Rain Feelsy 12/14/14

Dec 14th, 2014
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  1. [13:15] * Rain groans sitting up in bed stretching out her wings with a soft fwump. "Ngnghh....Hoofy?"
  3. **Rain soon realizes she's the only one in bed**
  5. [13:17] * @GreenHoof sits in the living room in his chair, doing nothing but staring down at his hooves folded in his lap silently with his ears folded back.
  7. [13:20] * Rain frowns and trots out of bed mane undone from the braid she normally wears. "Hrm..." Rain trots out of the room into the living room and soon spots Hoof looking rather down and out. Sneaking up concerned like Rain gently nuzzles against the stallions neck as she sighes happily, "Hey Hoofy, are ou alright? You look a lil down..."
  9. [13:21] * @GreenHoof doesn't react that much, just kinda shrugs.
  11. [13:22] * Rain blinks concerned now as Hoof doesn't respond, coming around the couch Rain kneels down and looks at Hoof in the eyes. "Hoofy?? Are you alright? What's wrong you look sad..."
  13. [13:26] * @GreenHoof frowns, his bottom lip quivering slightly, but he otherwise holds it together. He takes a deep breath. "Th-that... made me feel pretty bad last night..." Hoof says quietly before resting his head on his hooves.
  15. [13:28] <Rain> "What..." Rain blinks before coming closer to Hoof, "Wait what do you mean made you feel bad last night? What happened? Was it Tide bargingin in last night ?"
  17. [13:29] * Rain gently touches Hoof's face, "Hoof what happened last night to make you upset?"
  19. [13:31] * @GreenHoof shakes his head. "It was... what you said. About m-me and Tide and a harem of stallions to do what you want... A-am I not enough?" Hoof barely chokes out the last bit, gulping down to make his throat less tight.
  21. [13:34] <Rain> "...Oh god Hoof! No that, yes you are, but oh jeeze...Hoof, Hoof hun, listen that was a joke I wasjust trying to make a funny joke cuz we were all piled in atop the couch and I was just..oh man see this is why i'm not a jokester, my jokes make everyone upset, I'm so sorry Hoofy..." Rain says looking upset as she lets her hoof drop and holds the stallions legs as she looks to try getting a glimpse of Hoof's eyes.
  23. [13:36] <@GreenHoof> "I-I know it was a joke... But like... we're monogomous, right? y-you hold my heart in your hooves, Rain... I'm sorry I'm so sensitive b-but... I just love you very much..."
  25. [13:39] <Rain> "Oh hoof," Rain leans up and kisses the stallion softly, "Yes you big goof, we are. I didn't know that you were..I didn't know you were so serious about it, my bad man, I'll cut down on those kinda of jokes alright?" Rain leans up and kisses Hoof's brow gently, "I love you too silly."
  27. [13:41] <@GreenHoof> "I know it was a joke... I'm sorry I took it so seriously. B-but it made me feel bad... Sometimes I think you're too good for me... I'm afraid of losing you."
  29. [13:42] <@GreenHoof> "I-I don't deserve you, Rain... That's why I'm scared..."
  31. [13:43] * Rain frowns hearing this, "Well lemme you tell you thi buster, don't be thinking you can get rid of me that easily, as a matter of fact, you bet be expecting to see me for a long time you get me buddy?" Rain gives Hoof a determined look before she gets an idea, "Hey...I have an idea, you know how you usually wind up getting involved in all those shenagins with weird things by yourself I might mention?"
  33. [13:45] * @GreenHoof nods, picking his head up to look at Rain. "y-yeah?"
  35. [13:47] * Rain reaches back and bites into one of her primaries on her left wing, giving a sharp jerk of a tug prompting a gasp from the purple mare Rain turns to Hoof holding her feather in her mouth the quil still dripping with a small drop of blood. Holding out the feather towards the stallion Rain waits for Hoof to realize what she just did to herself.
  37. [13:49] * @GreenHoof gasps, looking down at the feather. "R-Rain! y-you just hurt yourself!"
  39. [13:49] <GreenHoof> "Wh-why did you do that?"
  41. [13:51] * Rain motions with her head for Hoof to take the feather from her mouth.
  43. [13:52] * @GreenHoof reaches forward with his head and takes the feather in his own mouth, looking to Rain worriedly.
  44. [13:54] <Rain> "Cuz it's a symbol of trust Hoofy, when a pegasis, well at least in my head, when I trust someone enough, I can feel safe enough to let them have a part of me, something that makes me, me. That's a primary feather, without all of my primaires, I can't fly. So it''s sorta my way to say I trust you enough to look after me while I'm grounded until it grows back." Rain looks away at the ground hooves shuffling nervously, "And so your not...well all alone if we wind up seperated or nothin..."
  46. [13:59] * @GreenHoof looks down at the feather, then up at Rain, then down at the feather again. His eyes become a little misty at the explanation, bringing the feather down from his mouth and into his hooves, holding it almost reverently. "Oh Rain..." he mumbles, sniffling. "y-you didn't have to do that..." He huffs a little and blinks a tear out of his eye, bringing his hooves around Rain and pulling her into a hug. "B-but... thank you... for trusting me with this. I'll cherish it forever..." He gives a tender nuzzle to her cheek. "God I love you so much..."
  48. [14:01] * Rain sniffs as she uses her right wing to wipe at her eye before smiling as she is hugged. " problem Hoofy, anything for my special somepony! You just make sure to take good care of that feather alright?"
  50. [14:06] * @GreenHoof nods, closing his eyes tight to keep tears from falling. "I-I promise... I'll always take good care of it. Thank you." Hoof holds her in the hug for a while, feeling her chest against his and their heartbeats softly pounding against each other's chests. "I-I'm sorry I haven't been with you lately... I wish I had something to give to you lik-..." Hoof cuts off, suddenly remembering something. He gently lets her go from the hug, looking down at the red bandana around his neck. "Wait... I want you to have something too." Hoof carefully puts Rain's feather in his lap and reaches around the back of his neck and unties the bandana, pulling it off his neck and offering it to Rain. "It's nothing like what you've given me... but I want you to keep this."
  52. [14:08] * @GreenHoof 's chest now lays bare, the various nasty scars etched upon it now visible, now only slightly covered by a green tuft of fur.
  54. [14:08] <Rain> "Your bandanna?" Rain blinks surprised at the gesture as she slowly lifts the cloth in her hoof. Unnoticed by the mare is the fact her eyes start to water as she looks at the bandanna then the stallions chest of scars. "Oh Hoofy..." Rain holds the bandanna close as her other hoof trails over the scars tentativly.
  56. [14:10] * @GreenHoof sniffles and gives a weak smile. "I love you Rainy. Now and forever. I'll always be yours."
  58. [14:12] * Rain smiles back at Hoof as she leans up to gently kiss him once more. "I love you Hoofy, I'll wear this always, that way we're together no matter the distance."
  60. [14:12] * Rain looks at the bandana and then at her hooves, "Er...hey Hoof? How do I into knot tying with Hoovess?
  62. [14:16] * @GreenHoof picks the feather up in his hooves and leans forward to return the kiss. He chuckles a bit at her question, placing the feather back in his lap and reaching for the bandana, bringing it's corners around Rain's neck. "Eh... it takes some getting used to, and it's not the best knot... you just loops the ends over and feel for the holes, then you pull 'em through. you'll get the hang of it. D-don't feel like you have to wear it all the time, heh..."
  64. [14:18] * Rain grins as Hoof helps tie it around her neck looking down at the red cloth admiring it. "Nah, I dont wanna take it off Hoofy, thats for sure!"
  66. [14:20] * @GreenHoof smiles, leaning back and looking at Rain wearing his banada, making him smile wider. "Looks better on you than me, heh..." Hoof looks down at the feather in his lap, picking it back up. "Hm... What about this?"
  68. [14:23] <Rain> "HereI got an idea!" Rain says excitedly as she flaps her wings getting a bit of lift before letting out a yelp as she goes off center a bit from her borked attemmpt of flight. "Ahah...whoops." Rain states butt planted firmly on the ground.
  70. [14:24] <@GreenHoof> "B-be careful! Center of gravity and all that..." Hoof brings the feather up to eye level. "What's your idea?"
  72. [14:27] <Rain> "Oh! Right gimme a second..." Rain rolls over onto her stomach and lifts up on her hooves wincing a bit at the sore hoof before heading inside the kitchen, returning a bit late the mare holds some string in her mouth as she trots back to Hoof. "Here gimme teh feather, I'll make a necklace outta it and you can wear it close to your heart, I mean if thats arlight with you?"
  74. [14:30] * @GreenHoof smiles warmly. "I'd like that."
  76. GreenHoof gives Rain the feather, hoofing it over carefully.
  78. [14:35] <Rain> "Awesome! Cmon lets get it all settled up nice and pretty like..." Rain murmurs as she takes the feather and ties the string around before coming behind Hoof to fasten it safely around Hoof's neck.
  80. [14:36] * @GreenHoof sits still as Rain ties the necklace around his neck, smiling and looking down at the feather dangling when she's done. "I love it Rain. Thank you."
  82. [14:37] <Rain> "No problem Hoofy, love you too."
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