

Nov 6th, 2012
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  1. [7:58:29 PM] Seth Fletcher: I hope Obama wins
  2. [7:58:35 PM] Scizor300: same here
  3. [7:58:36 PM] edward lindsey: wtf?
  4. [7:58:41 PM] Scizor300: dude
  5. [7:58:45 PM] Seth Fletcher: Rommeny doesn't know what he's talking about or he's hiding something
  6. [7:58:53 PM] Scizor300: romney is pushing for trickle-down economics
  7. [7:58:55 PM] Seth Fletcher: Either way, I don't like it
  8. [7:58:56 PM] Scizor300: that's a fucking bad thing
  9. [7:59:02 PM] edward lindsey: Same thing goes for Obama
  10. [7:59:04 PM] Scizor300: a really fucking bad thing
  11. [7:59:19 PM] edward lindsey: he did cover up the recent terror attack
  12. [7:59:26 PM] Seth Fletcher: Howso?
  13. [7:59:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: Scizor, shut up
  14. [7:59:51 PM] edward lindsey: he blamed it on a video and say that al queda had nothing to do with it
  15. [7:59:58 PM] Scizor300: well uh
  16. [8:00:03 PM] Scizor300: wasn't that kind of the reason
  17. [8:00:16 PM] Scizor300: extremists can be angered by the smallest things
  18. [8:00:21 PM] Scizor300: and have the worst reactions
  19. [8:00:23 PM] Seth Fletcher: You mean the Bengazi attack, right?
  20. [8:00:25 PM] edward lindsey: yeah
  21. [8:00:37 PM] edward lindsey: Have you payed attention to fox news
  22. [8:00:37 PM] Scizor300: Romney handled the attack on the embassy like a fucking asshat
  23. [8:00:38 PM] Seth Fletcher: That's a lie
  24. [8:00:42 PM] Scizor300: FOX?
  25. [8:00:44 PM] Scizor300: AHAHAHHAHAHAHA
  26. [8:00:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: Obama said it was a terrorist attack the very next day in the Rose Garden
  27. [8:01:16 PM] Scizor300: But yeah
  28. [8:01:31 PM] Scizor300: Romney came out and said that the Obama administration didn't take enough action
  29. [8:01:46 PM] Scizor300: Didn't say anything about the people killed, just saw it as an opportunity to attack Obama
  30. [8:01:51 PM] edward lindsey: look I really dont want to get into a political arguement with anyone. but think about it...We are in debt cause of obama
  31. [8:01:58 PM] Scizor300: ...No
  32. [8:02:04 PM] Seth Fletcher: No
  33. [8:02:16 PM] Seth Fletcher: Obama is raising us out of debt, actually
  34. [8:02:27 PM] Seth Fletcher: He just didn't do it as fast as he'd said he would
  35. [8:02:33 PM] edward lindsey: and we also have a lot of trouble across the border due to that fast and furious thing
  36. [8:02:34 PM] Scizor300: He kind of inherited the shit that the Bush adminstration did
  37. [8:02:45 PM] Seth Fletcher: And to Rommeny, that's grounds for kicking his ass out of office
  38. [8:03:01 PM] Scizor300: And Congress has explicitly aimed to keep Obama a 1-term president and keep him from doing anything
  39. [8:03:01 PM] edward lindsey: actually that shit....has been around for a long time before bush
  40. [8:03:12 PM] Scizor300: Which prevented him from doing a lot
  41. [8:03:15 PM] Seth Fletcher: Rommeny's economic plan doesn't make sense
  42. [8:03:31 PM] Scizor300: Romney's economic plan is both flawed in mathematics and in theory
  43. [8:03:49 PM] Seth Fletcher: He's expanding on damn near everything, and decides that getting rid of ObamaCare is the best way to lower defecit
  44. [8:04:12 PM] Scizor300: he wants to increase defensive spending and shut down pbs
  45. [8:04:14 PM] Scizor300: like
  46. [8:04:19 PM] Seth Fletcher: Which, if he actually did get rid of the WHOLE MEDICARE plan, would only accoutn for less than a quarter of the defecit
  47. [8:04:23 PM] Scizor300: the cost scale of the two is so radically different
  48. [8:04:32 PM] Scizor300: Ryan is a fucking moron too
  49. [8:04:52 PM] edward lindsey: okay Let me ask you this, Does you think Obama change disability program
  50. [8:04:54 PM] Scizor300: The entire second debate was just him stumbling over thin air while Biden laughed it up
  51. [8:05:32 PM] Seth Fletcher: Free Medicare?
  52. [8:05:41 PM] Seth Fletcher: Hell yeah that's a good thing
  53. [8:05:56 PM] Seth Fletcher: We're the only first-world country that DOESN'T have it
  54. [8:06:39 PM] edward lindsey: Right now I dont know how free medicare would affect a authistic person like me
  55. [8:07:04 PM] Scizor300: It won't
  56. [8:07:08 PM] Seth Fletcher: It'd give you free Medical care?
  57. [8:07:20 PM] Seth Fletcher: I don't think you understand what Medicare is
  58. [8:07:46 PM] edward lindsey: i do but I generally dont trust anything what the liberal party says
  59. [8:07:57 PM] Scizor300: hey ryu
  60. [8:08:04 PM] Scizor300: what state do you live in
  61. [8:08:06 PM] Seth Fletcher: Yeah, because the Republican party did SO WELL with the nation in the past
  62. [8:08:08 PM] edward lindsey: kansas
  63. [8:08:27 PM] Seth Fletcher: Look back at Ragean
  64. [8:08:36 PM] Seth Fletcher: He flung the nation into debt
  65. [8:08:48 PM] Seth Fletcher: And the Democrat Clinton hauled us back up
  66. [8:08:58 PM] Seth Fletcher: Only to have Bush throw it back down again
  67. [8:08:59 PM] Scizor300: Bill was a damn good president from what I know
  68. [8:09:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: All the good presidents were Democrats
  69. [8:09:53 PM] Seth Fletcher: Andrew Jackson was by far the best president the US ever had
  70. [8:09:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: And he founded the Democratic party
  71. [8:10:12 PM] edward lindsey: he was after Lincoln right?
  72. [8:10:24 PM] Seth Fletcher: Before
  73. [8:10:28 PM] edward lindsey: oh
  74. [8:10:38 PM] Seth Fletcher: He was actually able to hold off the Civil War
  75. [8:10:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: Then his Vice, Van Buren, was able to hold it off a little longer
  76. [8:11:07 PM] Scizor300: Until Buchanan came and fucked it all up
  77. [8:11:11 PM] Seth Fletcher: When a Republican came into the office, everything ent to shit
  78. [8:11:26 PM] edward lindsey: But Lincoln is a Republican
  79. [8:11:28 PM] Scizor300: Buchanan was actually a democrat
  80. [8:11:35 PM] Scizor300: Lincoln was the republican
  81. [8:11:42 PM] Seth Fletcher: I was referring to Lincoln
  82. [8:12:00 PM] Seth Fletcher: He did take us out of the Civil War, but he was just undoing his own fuckup
  83. [8:12:24 PM] Seth Fletcher: He was also the president the Civil War started unde
  84. [8:12:37 PM] Scizor300: That was Buchanan IIRC
  85. [8:12:48 PM] Scizor300: Lincoln came into presidency during it
  86. [8:12:55 PM] edward lindsey: hey can you guys see if you can send me a inv to the guild?
  87. [8:13:41 PM] edward lindsey: Justin had some trouble the past two days and i was wondering if it is just him or if something buggy is going on with gaia
  88. [8:15:23 PM] Seth Fletcher: Eh, it doesn't matter
  89. [8:15:34 PM] Seth Fletcher: Obama won as of 5 minutes ago
  90. [8:15:49 PM] Scizor300: California is a blue state
  91. [8:16:03 PM] edward lindsey: that is exit polls
  92. [8:17:07 PM] Seth Fletcher: You apparently have already been invited
  93. [8:17:28 PM] edward lindsey: hmmm.....i dont see any notification at all
  94. [8:18:03 PM] Seth Fletcher: Obama: 274 Rommeny: 203
  95. [8:18:19 PM] Seth Fletcher: Electoral votes
  96. [8:18:26 PM] Scizor300: yeah obama started surging ahead with the electorals as soon as the west coast came in
  97. [8:19:01 PM] Scizor300: Where are you getting your information, Draid?
  98. [8:19:07 PM] Seth Fletcher: Again, Obama won as of 5 minutes ago
  99. [8:19:44 PM] Seth Fletcher: I'm getting this from MSNBC live feed
  100. [8:20:22 PM] Seth Fletcher: Apparently, a lot of Democrats and Obama supporters look very happy, while the Rommeny supporters don't
  101. [8:20:31 PM] Scizor300: the tears shall be delicious
  102. [8:20:31 PM] Seth Fletcher: Then, the numbers are up at the top
  103. [8:30:36 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Get ready for four more years of fuck ups.
  104. [8:30:46 PM] edward lindsey: agree
  105. [8:30:56 PM] Seth Fletcher: Four more years of fuckups?
  106. [8:31:01 PM] Seth Fletcher: See conversation above
  107. [8:31:02 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Entirely.
  108. [8:31:06 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I did.
  109. [8:31:20 PM] Dakota - sonicman: And, Civil war wasn't Lincoln's fuck up, by the way.
  110. [8:31:20 PM] edward lindsey: you and sciz are too brainwashed by the liberals to know the truth
  111. [8:31:31 PM] Seth Fletcher: Now tell me how Obama has been fucking up over the past four years
  112. [8:31:41 PM] edward lindsey: keystone pipeling
  113. [8:31:44 PM] edward lindsey: line
  114. [8:31:52 PM] Scizor300: you are a fan of fox and you call us brainwashed
  115. [8:31:53 PM] Scizor300: the irony
  116. [8:32:03 PM] Dakota - sonicman: By making America apologize to other for other countrries because they hate us.
  117. [8:32:07 PM] edward lindsey: im a fan of the truth
  118. [8:32:23 PM] edward lindsey: i really dont care for all of the fuckups obama is doing
  119. [8:32:33 PM] edward lindsey: weaking our millitary is one of them
  120. [8:32:52 PM] Scizor300: uh
  121. [8:32:53 PM] Scizor300: no
  122. [8:32:54 PM] Seth Fletcher: We have the highest military budget on the planet
  123. [8:33:02 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He's depleting it.
  124. [8:33:04 PM] Seth Fletcher: Bigger than the next 25 on the list
  125. [8:33:11 PM] Seth Fletcher: most of them are allies as well
  126. [8:33:13 PM] Scizor300: he's putting more money into special forces than he is on the army
  127. [8:33:23 PM] Scizor300: he's not weakening the military
  128. [8:33:45 PM] Seth Fletcher: Besides, disarmament would probably be GOOD for the socio-economic growth of the nation
  129. [8:33:49 PM] edward lindsey: how about this..We need to be more energy indepentant
  130. [8:33:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He's spending money where it doesn't count.
  131. [8:33:59 PM] Scizor300: yeah we're kind of doing that
  132. [8:34:09 PM] edward lindsey: and he is preventing us from drawing energy from our own country
  133. [8:34:13 PM] Scizor300: why do you think everything is so fuel-efficient
  134. [8:34:21 PM] Seth Fletcher: [8:34 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  136. <<< He's spending money where it doesn't count.Such as?
  137. [8:34:23 PM] Scizor300: he's taking the enviroment into account
  138. [8:34:23 PM] Dakota - sonicman: "We need more wind turbines to be built HERE, IN, CHINA"
  139. [8:34:27 PM] Dakota - sonicman: By the way.
  140. [8:34:30 PM] Scizor300: Yeah uh
  141. [8:34:35 PM] Scizor300: the china thing is romney's deal
  142. [8:34:53 PM] Scizor300: he's the guy with actual employees in china
  143. [8:35:00 PM] Dakota - sonicman: For what? Having our stuff, NOT built there?
  144. [8:35:32 PM] Seth Fletcher: China DOES occupt most of our debt
  145. [8:35:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman: And for the record, I'm not brainwashed by Fox, I listen to Glenn Beck.
  146. [8:36:08 PM] Seth Fletcher: ...That's worse
  147. [8:36:11 PM] Scizor300: what state do you live in
  148. [8:36:25 PM] edward lindsey: i listen to Rush
  149. [8:36:28 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Worse?!
  150. [8:36:42 PM] Seth Fletcher: [8:36 PM] edward lindsey:
  152. <<< i listen to RushRush Limbaugh?
  153. [8:36:50 PM] Scizor300: dakota what state do you live in
  154. [8:36:53 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He speaks nothing but the truth! He's not a politician because He wants to say the truth and nothing but it!
  155. [8:36:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Florida
  156. [8:36:57 PM] edward lindsey: yeah Rush Limbaugh
  157. [8:37:00 PM] Scizor300: romney
  158. [8:37:04 PM] Scizor300: speaking the truth
  159. [8:37:12 PM] Scizor300: holy fuck have you watched any of the debates
  160. [8:37:14 PM] Seth Fletcher: [8:36 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  162. <<< Worse?!Yeah, that's like saying Cadence Cowgil is a dependable source
  163. [8:37:14 PM] edward lindsey: i also listen to Glenn Beck
  164. [8:37:21 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I didn't say Romney.
  165. [8:37:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: Well, you're for Rommeny
  166. [8:37:39 PM] Scizor300: anyways
  167. [8:37:43 PM] Scizor300: back to my original question
  168. [8:37:45 PM] Scizor300: dakota
  169. [8:37:50 PM] Scizor300: what state do you live in
  170. [8:37:52 PM] Seth Fletcher: Explain his economic plan and ho it doesn't make sense
  171. [8:37:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman: [8:36 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  173. <<< Florida
  174. [8:38:33 PM] Seth Fletcher: He's not closing loopholes, he's keeping medicare, he's expanding our already profuse military budget
  175. [8:38:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: Where are the cuts?
  176. [8:38:38 PM] Seth Fletcher: Obamacare
  177. [8:38:45 PM] Scizor300: i find it odd that both of you live in the deep south and want romney
  178. [8:38:51 PM] Seth Fletcher: That only amounts to about 7% of the budget
  179. [8:38:57 PM] edward lindsey: i live in the midwest
  180. [8:39:12 PM] Scizor300: you live right on the outside of the deep south
  181. [8:39:20 PM] edward lindsey: kansas city
  182. [8:39:29 PM] Seth Fletcher: And that's the expenses he's ADDING ON, not the already existing defecit
  183. [8:39:32 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He's cutting Obamacare and keeping medicare for the elderly (55+) and would allow the rest to come up with a new plan, one that they would help us with.
  184. [8:39:40 PM] Scizor300: yeah
  185. [8:39:40 PM] Scizor300: uh
  186. [8:40:00 PM] Scizor300: keeping medicare for the elderly and ditching everything else would be disastrous
  187. [8:40:09 PM] Seth Fletcher: Again, that only accoutns for about 7% of the defecit
  188. [8:40:16 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He's not ditching, he would help. us. make. a. new. plan.
  189. [8:40:23 PM] Scizor300: what plan
  190. [8:40:27 PM] Seth Fletcher: Oh, so he doesn't have a plan
  191. [8:40:35 PM] Seth Fletcher: TOTALLY
  192. [8:40:38 PM] Seth Fletcher: THAT SOLVES EVERYTHING
  193. [8:40:48 PM] Dakota - sonicman: That's not the point.
  194. [8:40:54 PM] Scizor300: yeah that kind of is
  196. [8:41:05 PM] Seth Fletcher: WE'LL MAKE IT TOGETHER!!
  197. [8:41:11 PM] Seth Fletcher: THAT'LL MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY
  198. [8:41:13 PM] Scizor300: if he's saying shit without a solid plan that is really bad
  199. [8:41:19 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He ran a successful business for 25 years.
  200. [8:41:20 PM] edward lindsey: Look let me say this..I really want to see if they would be a easier well for a disabled millitary person to get his benifits.
  201. [8:41:27 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I think he knows what he's fucking doing.
  202. [8:41:40 PM] Scizor300: He ran a successful business because he was a strong-arming and manipulative fuckwad
  203. [8:41:56 PM] edward lindsey: that is what we need to get out of debt
  204. [8:42:06 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Gave his entire inheritance to chairties and gave his paychecks to them as well.
  205. [8:42:13 PM] Dakota - sonicman: How the fuck could he do wrong?
  206. [8:42:15 PM] Seth Fletcher: HAH
  207. [8:42:23 PM] edward lindsey: we need someone who has the balls to stand up to big threats
  208. [8:42:40 PM] edward lindsey: Not some pussy ass wimp who just says sorry all the time
  209. [8:42:42 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Obama does no such thing
  210. [8:43:01 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Well, yes, he says sorry.
  211. [8:43:12 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I meant he doesn't stand up for America.
  212. [8:43:21 PM] Seth Fletcher: In what instance?
  213. [8:43:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: In what instance does Obama not stand up for America?
  214. [8:43:40 PM] edward lindsey: like the 9/11 attack at the ambessy
  215. [8:43:48 PM] Seth Fletcher: The Bengazi attack?
  216. [8:43:52 PM] Seth Fletcher: Explain
  217. [8:44:00 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I am sorry that you hate us for an internet video, why don't we let you attack us while I appologize some more?
  218. [8:44:08 PM] edward lindsey: he blamed it on a video, he didnt say it was a terror attack until 2 to 3 weeks later
  219. [8:44:22 PM] Scizor300: the video was the issue
  220. [8:44:30 PM] edward lindsey: It wasnt the issue
  221. [8:44:34 PM] Scizor300: do you understand how easily butthurt some people can get over the smallest things
  222. [8:44:37 PM] Seth Fletcher: Actually, there's documented proof that Obama called it a terrorist attack the very next day in the Rose Garden.
  223. [8:44:49 PM] Seth Fletcher: He also said those responsible will be hunted down
  224. [8:44:50 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Sure, that he fabricated.
  225. [8:44:51 PM] edward lindsey: We was dealing with terrorist who just dont like us at all
  226. [8:44:58 PM] Seth Fletcher: *snicker*
  227. [8:45:04 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Where's his birth documents?
  228. [8:45:09 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Still trying to find those.
  229. [8:45:15 PM] Scizor300: Holy fuck
  230. [8:45:15 PM] Seth Fletcher: He was too busy killing Osama to find them
  231. [8:45:20 PM] Scizor300: You are still on that bandwagon
  232. [8:45:21 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Suuuuure~
  233. [8:45:28 PM] Dakota - sonicman: That's the excuse.
  234. [8:45:40 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He didn't give the call to fire until a few weeks later.
  235. [8:45:49 PM] edward lindsey: and just because Osama is dead doesnt mean Al queda is dead
  236. [8:45:57 PM] edward lindsey: He just cut off one head
  237. [8:46:00 PM] Scizor300: well obviously
  238. [8:46:05 PM] Scizor300: you can't kill an idea
  239. [8:46:08 PM] Seth Fletcher: We're still going after Al Queda
  240. [8:46:39 PM] edward lindsey: We just need to bomb the f out of Iran and any country that supports terror
  241. [8:46:54 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Also, lemme bring this up, is it coincidence that New Orleans and Chicago are both Democratically run?
  242. [8:46:59 PM] Dakota - sonicman: What's wrong with that?
  243. [8:47:05 PM] Dakota - sonicman: They're both terrible cities.
  244. [8:47:20 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Down in the dumps.
  245. [8:47:30 PM] Scizor300: uh
  246. [8:47:34 PM] Scizor300: yeah
  247. [8:47:41 PM] Scizor300: katrina kind of happened with new orleans
  248. [8:47:50 PM] Scizor300: bush did jack diddly shit with that
  249. [8:47:59 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Chicago?
  250. [8:48:05 PM] Dakota - sonicman: What's that excuse?
  251. [8:48:34 PM] Seth Fletcher: Why is everyone giving a fuck about everything BUT the economy at home?
  252. [8:48:44 PM] Seth Fletcher: Fuck Chicago for all I care
  253. [8:48:49 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Why is there no answer for Chicago?
  254. [8:48:50 PM] Seth Fletcher: I hope it gets nuked
  255. [8:48:52 PM] edward lindsey: mostly cause that is what is important
  256. [8:48:56 PM] Scizor300: yeah and
  257. [8:49:03 PM] edward lindsey: we need to be safe in our country
  258. [8:49:07 PM] Scizor300: isn't mississippi considered the poorest state
  259. [8:49:11 PM] Scizor300: which is republican-run
  260. [8:49:13 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Katrina happened years ago. It could have been fixed by now.
  261. [8:49:31 PM] Seth Fletcher: Why divert from real issues?
  262. [8:49:32 PM] Dakota - sonicman: What's the excuse?
  263. [8:49:40 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Because people live there
  264. [8:49:58 PM] Seth Fletcher: Chicago isn't an issue to not vote for Obama, dumbfuck
  265. [8:50:12 PM] Seth Fletcher: It's policies and economic plans
  266. [8:50:17 PM] Dakota - sonicman: That's not why I brought it up.
  267. [8:50:27 PM] Scizor300: also
  268. [8:50:28 PM] Seth Fletcher: Then get to the point, Bazul
  269. [8:50:32 PM] Dakota - sonicman: I brought it up because Chicago and New Orleans are BOTH Democrat.
  270. [8:50:49 PM] Scizor300: if you say that chicago and new orleans are the poorest states
  271. [8:50:51 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Why are they both corrupt cities?
  272. [8:50:54 PM] Scizor300: where is the backup
  273. [8:50:58 PM] Scizor300: source?
  274. [8:51:01 PM] Scizor300: anything?
  275. [8:51:10 PM] Seth Fletcher: [8:51 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  277. <<< Why are they both corrupt cities?Every major city is corrupt
  278. [8:51:14 PM] Seth Fletcher: get over it
  279. [8:51:26 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Not what I meant
  280. [8:51:35 PM] Seth Fletcher: That's exactly what you meant
  281. [8:51:36 PM] Dakota - sonicman: They're both corrupt in economy.
  282. [8:51:44 PM] Seth Fletcher: Oh?
  283. [8:52:02 PM] Scizor300: Wow, holy shit
  284. [8:52:04 PM] Seth Fletcher: How's the rest of the nation under Obama's plan?
  285. [8:52:04 PM] Seth Fletcher: Better than before, is it not?
  286. [8:52:10 PM] Dakota - sonicman: No
  287. [8:52:20 PM] Seth Fletcher: Explain
  288. [8:52:20 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Where are you getting THAT info?
  289. [8:52:31 PM] Scizor300: Even anything I look for as the most corrupt state doesn't include the two
  290. [8:52:45 PM] Scizor300: I'd love to see where you're getting all of this from
  291. [8:52:48 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Considering there are more Americans using food stamps than ever before, I think that speaks pretty loudly.
  292. [8:52:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: The defecit is being lowered
  293. [8:53:09 PM] Scizor300: yeah it's called "inheriting a recession from bush"
  294. [8:53:17 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Bush, Bush, Bush.
  295. [8:53:19 PM] Scizor300: Obama is doing everything he can to improve that
  296. [8:53:22 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Obama's favorite word.
  297. [8:53:28 PM] Seth Fletcher: We HAVE to discuss Bush
  298. [8:53:38 PM] Seth Fletcher: He fucking started the recession
  299. [8:53:44 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He can't blame all the problems on Bush.
  300. [8:53:47 PM] Scizor300: You realize that congress has aimed to have Obama being a one-term president and has tried everything in their power to keep him from doing anything
  301. [8:53:50 PM] Seth Fletcher: Then Obama picked up the pieces
  302. [8:54:21 PM] Seth Fletcher: If Congress was Democrat, the defecit would be a lot better
  303. [8:55:15 PM] Seth Fletcher: Instead, Republicans refused laws and propositions, and the ones that they did take in, they tweaked
  304. [8:55:25 PM] Seth Fletcher: Then, they blame the whole thing on Obama
  305. [8:55:35 PM] Seth Fletcher: That's the repeated cycle of the past four years
  306. [8:55:51 PM] Seth Fletcher: Maybe the "fucking up" isn't Obama
  307. [8:56:01 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Sure.
  308. [8:56:19 PM] Dakota - sonicman: He's just as manipulative as people are putting Romney out to be.
  309. [8:56:24 PM] Scizor300: uh
  310. [8:56:32 PM] Dakota - sonicman: The drug cartell?
  311. [8:56:33 PM] Dakota - sonicman: What was that?
  312. [8:56:34 PM] Scizor300: okay where is this proof you can present
  313. [8:56:39 PM] Seth Fletcher: Rommeny has changed his position on almost EVERYTHING at least twice
  314. [8:56:40 PM] Scizor300: i'd love to see it
  315. [8:56:54 PM] Dakota - sonicman: An attempt to take away our right to bear arms gone wrong.
  316. [8:56:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: You can tell in the difference between debates and campaigning
  317. [8:57:47 PM] Scizor300:
  318. [8:57:55 PM] Scizor300: oh god donald trump turned into a raving lunatic
  319. [8:58:49 PM] Dakota - sonicman: [8:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  321. <<< The drug cartell?
  322. [8:58:51 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Ahem
  323. [9:00:04 PM] Scizor300: so
  324. [9:00:09 PM] Scizor300: what about the drug cartel
  325. [9:00:17 PM] Dakota - sonicman: [8:56 PM] Dakota - sonicman:
  327. <<< An attempt to take away our right to bear arms gone wrong.
  328. [9:00:24 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Obama's not manipulative?
  329. [9:00:27 PM] Dakota - sonicman: And a liar?
  330. [9:02:50 PM] Seth Fletcher: Please explain how the cartel and Obama connect
  331. [9:03:00 PM] Seth Fletcher: and limit the bias and cursing
  332. [9:03:09 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Gave them guns.
  333. [9:03:27 PM] Seth Fletcher: Hmm, what proof is there of that?
  334. [9:03:46 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Trying to make us think "Getting guns is too easy, we should take away the right to bear arms.
  335. [9:03:58 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Therefore, making look even more like spineless people.
  336. [9:04:35 PM] Seth Fletcher: OK, I'm all for the right to bear arms. We can't expect Obama to be fucking Jesus, he has SOME flaws
  337. [9:04:47 PM] Seth Fletcher: He's against guns
  338. [9:04:56 PM] Seth Fletcher: So is almost everybody in California
  339. [9:05:03 PM] Seth Fletcher: That's not an excuse
  340. [9:05:09 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Some?
  341. [9:05:23 PM] Seth Fletcher: And with that, /argumnt
  342. [9:05:41 PM] Seth Fletcher: Yeah, some
  343. [9:05:54 PM] Seth Fletcher: Where is another flaw other than being "spineless"?
  344. [9:06:12 PM] Seth Fletcher: He has a solid economic plan, and he's tring to bring our boys back home by 2014
  345. [9:06:34 PM] Dakota - sonicman: So what? So we can get attacked again and send them back?
  346. [9:06:50 PM] Seth Fletcher: Maybe we shouldn't even be IN these countries
  347. [9:06:52 PM] Dakota - sonicman: "Spineless"
  348. [9:07:01 PM] Scizor300: No, so Afghanistan can actually take care of their shit if they're actually attacked
  349. [9:07:09 PM] Scizor300: We trained their troops for a reason
  350. [9:07:12 PM] Seth Fletcher: Where does it say in the Constitution that we should police the globe?
  351. [9:07:16 PM] Scizor300: We want them to be independent
  352. [9:07:38 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Yeah, but that won't keep them in there.
  353. [9:07:43 PM] Dakota - sonicman: We'll get attacked again.
  354. [9:07:48 PM] Dakota - sonicman: It's happened more than once.
  355. [9:08:01 PM] Seth Fletcher: By whom? The same people who attacked us last year and the year before that?
  356. [9:08:23 PM] Dakota - sonicman: Terrorists.
  357. [9:08:29 PM] Dakota - sonicman: It doesn't matter who.
  358. [9:08:30 PM] Seth Fletcher: We're replacing our troops with trained Afghans so that we can sent our vets back home and Afghanistan can take care of itself
  359. [9:08:33 PM] Dakota - sonicman: From that area.
  360. [9:08:46 PM] Dakota - sonicman: That won't stop the attacks.
  361. [9:08:52 PM] Dakota - sonicman: HOW will that stop the attacks.
  362. [9:08:58 PM] Scizor300: That'll become Afghanistan's problem
  363. [9:09:05 PM] Scizor300: They're the ones who have to deal with it
  364. [9:09:06 PM] Seth Fletcher: But by the time the "Attacks" keep coming, it WON'T BE ON OUR TROOPS ANYMORE
  365. [9:09:13 PM] Dakota - sonicman: And?
  366. [9:09:18 PM] Seth Fletcher: IT'LL BE AFGHANS
  367. [9:09:22 PM] Seth Fletcher: NOT US
  368. [9:09:29 PM] Dakota - sonicman: If they fail, they'll be on us again. Is there a plan B?
  369. [9:09:51 PM] Seth Fletcher: Who is "they"?
  370. [9:09:54 PM] Seth Fletcher: Al Queda?
  371. [9:09:59 PM] Seth Fletcher: Afghanistan?
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