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May 21st, 2018
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  1. it wont use the unnecessary power, it uses as much as the system needs needs but no more my electric bill would $40 bucks from the PC alone and its always on doing something extensive and yes the cooling system i came up with a 8ft tract that uses a very powerful pump and it adds out to an extra $100, yes id admit the bullet phsycs are nice with ATI but anything else like driving in bf3 is a pain in the a$$ when you hit a little rock (stops the vehicle in it tracks more like it) (compared and ati 5400 HD card with AMD CPU with an nvidia 540m with Intel extream i7 (laptop) (amazingly i can't belive there fitting 6 core in that thing, go figure) and every thing works nice, but as i said before ATI graphics cards have problems with overheating or producing an very not-so-nice heat value
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