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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <configuration>
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  6. <system.web>
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  8. </system.web>
  9. <system.serviceModel>
  10. <services>
  11. <service name="MwWcfLibrary.Service">
  13. <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:8733"
  14. binding="netTcpBinding"
  15. bindingConfiguration=""
  16. bindingName="Action"
  17. name="ActionInterface"
  18. contract="MwWcfLibrary.Actions.Interfaces.IAction">
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  24. binding="mexTcpBinding"
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  27. contract="IMetadataExchange" >
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  33. address="net.tcp://localhost:8733"
  34. bindingConfiguration=""
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  36. bindingName="LifeSign"
  37. contract="MwWcfLibrary.LifeSign.Interfaces.ILifeSign" >
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  40. </identity>
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  42. <endpoint binding="netTcpBinding"
  43. address="net.tcp://localhost:8733"
  44. bindingConfiguration=""
  45. name="DataInterface"
  46. bindingName="Data"
  47. contract="MwWcfLibrary.Notification.Interfaces.IData">
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  50. </identity>
  51. </endpoint>
  52. <endpoint binding="netTcpBinding"
  53. address="net.tcp://localhost:8733"
  54. bindingConfiguration=""
  55. name="PublicDataInterface"
  56. bindingName="PublicData"
  57. contract="MwWcfLibrary.PublicData.Interfaces.IPublicData" >
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  60. </identity>
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  62. <endpoint binding="netTcpBinding"
  63. address="net.tcp://localhost:8733"
  64. bindingConfiguration=""
  65. name="PublicStateInterface"
  66. bindingName="PublicState"
  67. contract="MwWcfLibrary.PublicState.Interfaces.IPublicState" >
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  69. <dns value="localhost" />
  70. </identity>
  71. </endpoint>
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  85. <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
  86. </behavior>
  87. </serviceBehaviors>
  88. </behaviors>
  89. </system.serviceModel>
  90. </configuration>
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