
Glorious Inferno Training 2

Dec 25th, 2019
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  1. [09:20] Kelly walks into the arena, stretching his arms out. He knew his earlier encounter ended up lucky for him, and he was fully intent on taking advantage of being able to live another day. His four chains unfurl and situate themselves on his sides, reared up and ready to strike. Then, the Watchman's ever-trusty earthen armor begins to form around him, acting as a second skin.
  3. He doesn't use his mental aid as he usually does, aiming to keep his cool, and thus full effectiveness, entirely under his own power. After waiting for Solon to come within range of him, Kelly's chains move in; one or two to intercept his blow, and another to counter! If he has kept his calm successfully, Kelly's chains move in full synchrocity with his limbs, attacks from one of the two directly leading into the other! This would eventually be the way of a new Style... One of Six Arms.
  4. (Kelly Kirk)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [09:22] The knight walked into the arena with his one City watchman friend behind him. He is also one of the few that wield metal magicks. Something that Solon hasn't been able to spar against. It will be good training. This will also be a great time to push his limits further.
  9. With a smile on his face, he suppressed his anger. Not towards the lad but just in general. Being a explosion magi you really need to control your emotions well or you might end up nuking a town. The knight draws his blade, his yellow eyes piercing all that pass his gaze. It may add a bit of discomfort to Kelly for the remainder of the fight. Who knows? Most people have to deal with him looking like this in actual combat anyway. Maybe he is taking this quite seriously?
  11. He crouches down into his animalistic like form of Ifrit. The air in the Dojo seems to get quite hot. Solon lets out a breath and a vortex of flames encompass his feet. His breathing continues as it seems he is trying to control something inside him. After a few seconds the flames shoot up and surround his being. Small wings launch out of the aura but only for a second. A break in the vortex is formed with a shock wave. Now it looks like the normal aura all other fire magi wield. Oh so common.
  13. With a brighter and denser aura than most. Black spots form below his eyes. He has placed himself as his limit from the start again. He is really pushing this to the extreme.
  15. "Go." His tone was quite monotone. He starts his rush instantly, not giving Kelly a break. It would only make it harder for the both of them if he did.
  16. (Solon Tofusin )
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [09:35] The inter beast within Solon was released albeit for only a second. It seems like he is attempting to push his limit to awaken... or perhaps control something that he has deep within him. The training with Rosa, taught him that he should attempt to control his anger. Not let it be completely wild. Though he still did fight like an animal the whole fight. Still baring those eyes of death looking deep within the soul of those he stares at.
  21. The mastery over combat was on Solon's side. To be honest he isn't really sure how many true encounters he has had with a opponent. This knight before this lad has seen death flash before his eyes many a times. Perhaps not his own but others.
  23. His relentless assault against the lad was crazy. It was like a beast hunting for its prey. The only time he was halted at all was when Kelly used some of his metals to encase his feet. Stopping him from moving. While no sound left his lips you can tell it was almost like he had succumb to something. Though he still didn't attempt to kill him... Luckily.
  25. The fight was swiftly ended with a snap of his fingers. Chased by a loud crack. A explosion follow. It sent the lad across the room onto his knees.
  27. Solon raises out of his strange stance and nods. "Sorry about that... If your willing to go again that would be nice." His speak wasn't weak like other times he had down this.
  28. (Solon Tofusin )
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [09:37] {Item} You drop Stir Fry.
  32. [09:49] Kelly had a lot on his mind after his encounter with Gunnhildr's tormentor, and it showed. The reflexes of both sets of limbs were slower than they ought to be, his chains lagging just behind each of Solon's blade strikes, and his limbs being just a bit too slow to hit him... When he was in range. Often times, the rocky Watchman is repeatedly bombarded by explosions and flame, his chains being able to do little to counter such a fighting style. Finally, after a disappointing showing, Kelly is sent across the room with one last explosion, being sent to his knees. "You can go again if you want... I think I'm just a bad fit against the type of magic you use."
  33. (Kelly Kirk)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [09:50] Melora breaths heavily.
  37. (Melora)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [09:50] Melora says, "My turn yet."
  41. [09:50] Kelly Kirk says, "Alright."
  42. [09:50] Kelly Kirk says, "Your turn."
  43. [09:50] Melora says, "Time for actual pain. "
  44. [09:54] The sleepy eye'd, one-armed metaphysical magi was leaning against not but the air as some sort of lean to. Whereas the staff floated besides them rather than within their grip. Fingers soon splayed over their eyes. Rubbing the reddened hues with a yawn. Someone really wasn't getting enough sleep as of late. Once Kelly departed the arena field, they'd lean back upon their heels with a sharp groan.
  46. "Ooph… Real pain, actual pain. I hope. The other guy was.. Alright."
  48. Yeah that was the word they'd use to try and sound polite. Reality slowly warping at the corners of their fingers. Perception begun to bend, the room seemed smaller, the walls seemed to tower higher than before, and Melora appeared to be floating.
  50. But that was just a twist of perception for Solon.
  52. Something that, for the time being could easily be seen through. They'd shift their weight soon afterwards. From left foot, to the right. Their missing arm catching at the staff, a metaphysical fluctuation of mana forming its cold, grey and clammy flesh before vanishing soon afterwards.
  54. "Put me to sleep. Why am I awake... I feel like I'm dancin' in a realm of dreams or somethin'. If I passout mid fight just toss me into the sewers so I can sleep proper-like."
  55. (Melora)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [09:56] A new challenger approaches the animalistic knight. She seems to be quite the strange one. All the more reason he should fight her at his full strength. She seems to enjoy pain? Is she a masochist or something... Whatever. Its still a fight he needed.
  60. Solon crouches down back into his stance readying himself for combat. His eyes narrow and dark. It pierces the soul of Melora. A small smile crosses his face. As he thinks about how he wished this was a real fight. His flames would fade. The black spots under his eyes fade. Before he would erupt into flames again, with small wings jetting out of his back for a second yet again. Only draining him more.
  62. "Yea..." He says before rushing her hopefully giving the lass what she wanted... a challenge.
  63. (Solon Tofusin )
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [10:05] Even explosions could not penetrate the webbing of metaphysical magic.
  68. Although Melora's attacks didn't seem to do much in terms of 'raw strength', there was a certain calculation in their movements. A stark contrast to the animalistic explosive Knight they faced in combat. Every movement, seemed time- where there were moments that the metaphysical magus simply moved from side to side...
  70. Like the lure of an angler, waiting patiently...
  72. Until Solon drew closer, a zip away, the sudden withering sensation of the body aging rapidly before regenerating through its own natural properties. As if someone had just set the Explosive Knight's metabolism onto hyperdrive. Joints would constantly ache, and every movement became a hassle.
  74. It didn't help that at times there were things that darted into the Knight's view. Disrupting his capabilities of fighting back.
  76. "Stronger than the other one."
  78. Was all she'd say between a press of her lips. Their fingertips entwining together once, it was time to end this explosive episode. When Solon drew close to drop a massive 'wapow', Melora would squeeze their fingertips together tightly. A constructing force soon amplified by the bent perception of the mind.
  80. The walls of the dojo closed in, everything vanished in sight...
  82. And toppled atop of Solon-
  84. Or that's what he saw. A few minutes would past, and soon he'd be free from the bending of perception. Melora tossing their staff from one hand to the other. Scorch marks visible across the skin.
  86. "Yeah. You actually hurt. Nice."
  87. (Melora)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [10:06] Séven says, "..."
  91. [10:07] Séven says, "How are you sir."
  92. [10:07] Séven says, "...."
  93. [10:13] Snap, Snap, Snap
  95. The knight while being in his animalistic state still casted his explosions via snapping. Each one would erupt into a roar. Small and large explosions a like would only barely touch the lass. He hasn't fought a good time magi in a while. After a while of being in his distorted state he understood what she was.
  97. "Aye. I need to train him more. He is still to weak."
  99. He response to her while the battle was still going. Ever growing weaker from his state. It was clear that he was pushing himself quite hard to keep up. He was still attempting to push himself over his limit.
  101. After a while of combat. The dojo looked like a war took place. Well it sorta did. This magi was one of the stronger ones Solon had faced to this point. He would hate to have to combat her in a true battle.
  103. "Thanks... Can we go again?" He asks with a drained sense to his voice. He needed practice.
  105. While he was waiting on her response he got up from the knee he fell upon. Taking in a deep breath.
  106. (Solon Tofusin )
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [10:16] "He's trying. Means something..."
  111. It felt admittedly good, winning. Now that they'd show it. The face still looked lackadaisical and mellowed out. It wasn't truly 'pain' that Melora had been after, but something to exhaust them.
  113. If anything, the way their magic seemed to meddle with the mind was more sadistic than masochistic. They'd wriggle their fingers once more, even their metaphysical arm of gravity and illusionary magic appearing momentarily through a fluctuation of mana to reveal it for a few split seconds.
  115. "I'm ready for the sweet release of sleep. My mind feels like it's on the verge of melting out m'ears. Only came to the arena to try and do somethin' to numb the limbs enough so I can take a nap."
  117. So far, no luck.
  119. "... Adrenaline might be keeping me up. Woops."
  120. (Melora)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [10:16] Remaining silent, deciding on whether they'd attempt to intervene for the sake of having their chance at a bout. Were only put to rest when suddenly hearing a familiar voice approaching to the side.
  125. "Hm?"
  127. A subtle groan eased past pressed lips. Rolling emerald eyes away from the healer and back towards the field. "Hello..." Was all the spoke in response, as composed as the knight was. Before the healer came.
  129. They seemed interested, really in a lot of things as of late.
  130. (Wano)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [10:28] Oooph
  135. This time they'd been caught by the explosive mage, a scattering of fragmented rock and earth sending the metaphysical magus scattering across the battlefield. Where it looked like, for a moment, certain victory had been claimed.
  137. Until they started 'rolling back' into place. It wasn't strong enough to injure them nor KO them, thusly the chronomancy reverted them back to their original standpoint, where they wobbled for a moment. Disorganized and disjointed, before slinging their staff forward with a bit more aggression.
  139. Mid dash, he was caught upon his foot, slung up into the air and back into the wall with a harsh thud.
  141. "What an explosive finish."
  143. They'd manage with a soft wheeze for air. Wiping the sweat from their brow. A mix of the blistering heat and over-exhertion kicking in as the sleepy-faced Magus finally stood upright and cracked their back.
  145. "I feel older than I actually am... I think it's because of the missing arm... I guess I could use a hands-up in life.- No wait.. That'd.. That'd only work if I was missing my head."
  147. A grimace. An invisible crowd immediately accousting the metaphysical magus. A crowd of jeers and boos from invisible spectators as they shooed and hushed the metaphysical magic away.
  149. "Not the time. I'm not performing..."
  150. (Melora)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [10:37] The fight started to pick up. He had gotten use to combat in this state at this point. Though she still had him overall. The first half he got a great land with a snap of his fingers causing her to fall for a bit. Though it didn't last long enough.
  155. "That's a start... but you might be one of the strongest people I have fought." He lets out a tired chuckle.
  157. Damn she is nothing to scoff at. If he get to the point where he can best her constantly he might actually have a good chance against Moonfall. She fights the complete opposite of Solon. He had to work around his time getting distorted around him as well as trying to land a hit. Its a tall order.
  159. Yet again the knight fell to the lass before him. He had only hoped he had been up to what she wanted. Since she wanted someone to win against her it seems.
  161. He gives her a nod. "Your missing arm is making you feel older? Did you lose it to a time magi like yourself or something? Or is it just due to the fact that is makes you feel crippled?" He askes not really noticing the joke she made along with it. He was interesting in what happened. If she gave him the time of day.
  163. "Oh also if you don't want to continue sparring now. We should meet up and spar quite a lot more. I need to practice against you. My main sparring partner isn't able to make me improve. I believe you might be able to." He takes a deep breath calming himself after the battle.
  164. (Solon Tofusin )
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [10:48] "Me, strong? Mmm..."
  169. It was hard not to feel the compliment from a bonified knight. The disowned noble tapping at the tattooed ink of shame on their cheek. Thumb digging into it for a moment. It made them feel a lot less bothered by it all. Their eyes slowly shut as they mumble a softspoke.
  171. "Thanks."
  173. But their eyes slowly jerked open afterwards, flexing their fingertips lazily when he spoke again. "Nah. Did something stupid. Uh, so. Like.. Ever just not even fight someone, because you're so stupidly short-sighted and focused on something else. So, then what happens is, ya don't notice that they've kind of crushed your arm into sand and made it useless because you were really focused on doing that one thing?"
  175. Man it sounded like Melora was a fecking idiot that didn't fight back when a friend mulched their arm.
  177. "That sorta happened. Was an accident. And it's been uh, handled." For someone that had their arm removed they were very... Lax about it. "Got two of them for a reason right? But I did wither the remains of the arm away. Useless thing and I'd rather have my magic controllin' a fake arm than like.. Mythril replacements.. Stuff.."
  179. Their voice trailed off as they yawned again. "So I had Robin shove a focus in the stub so I could cast better. Easy." What a long, stupidly complex story. "Said person 's all guilt ridden by it but I mean. I'm unbothered?" Their shoulders raise in a shrug.
  181. Judging by their slurred speech, Solon had managed to exhaust them to a point that functioning combatively was likely a no go. "Maybe later- yeah.. Right now I'm going to try and take another nap... Doubt it'll work."
  182. (Melora)
  183. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. [10:58] The flames around the knight dimmed as the conversation continued. He didn't expect so much information from just that. This person had gone threw quite a lot. Though it sounded ignorant to basically just give up your arm. Guess people go about things quite differently. Hoping everything works out for 'em he speaks.
  187. "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish the best for ya."
  189. Will it seems that the mix of combat and the conversation that he started got them to become tired. So in the end he sorta help them. But a focus in their arm? that sounds wild. He guesses if you don't need an arm to fight. Then you don't really need a fake one.
  191. He gives formal bow to the person. "I'm Solon Tofusin, Knight of The Blazing Lions. At your service." He recites as per usual. He raises his head and meets theirs.
  193. "Anyway take care. I hope you will spar me another time. It will help me quite a lot." His flames would fade as he sheathes is blade.
  194. (Solon Tofusin )
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [10:58] Melora says, "Melora. Or Mel. Sewer Wizard."
  198. [10:59] Wano says, "... "
  199. [10:59] Solon Tofusin says, "Nice to meet ya, Melora."
  200. [10:59] Cyrus Greengrass says, "Are all the sewer people wizards?.."
  201. [10:59] Melora says, "Nice to meet yuh too."
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