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Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. Option Explicit ' Forces declaration of variables/types
  4. Sub standard_deviation()
  5. ' Declare all variables, as required by enabling of Option Explicit
  6. Dim row_count As Byte, i As Byte ' Row count equates to number of measurements (-1 if header). If the row count might be longer than 255 you can change them to Integer or Long, dependent on your needs
  7. Dim data_col_index As Byte, target_col_index As Byte ' Column Number that contains the data and COlumn number to populate results
  8. Dim sum As Double, xbar As Double ' Sum of all measures and Mean, respectively
  9. Dim squared_diff As Double, variance As Double, std_dev As Double ' Squared Difference, Variance and Standard Deviation, respectively
  10. Dim WS As Worksheet ' Worksheet object, should be constant, hence all caps, but Objects can't be compiled as constants in VBA
  11. Dim rng As Range ' Range/Cell object
  13. 'Dim spread As Double
  14. ' Application Logic:
  15. ' Instantiate squared difference variable as it is a running total
  16. squared_diff = 0
  17. ' Set col_index to the column that contains data and target column as dest. Change as needed
  18. data_col_index = 1: target_col_index = 2
  19. ' Set the WS constant to the first sheet in workbook. Change as needed
  20. Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
  21. ' Get row count in column(col_index). Change col_index as needed
  22. row_count = WS.Cells(Rows.Count, data_col_index).End(-4162).Row
  23. ' Get sum of all measures
  24. sum = Application.WorksheetFunction.sum(WS.Columns(1))
  25. ' Mean is sum/row_count
  26. xbar = sum / row_count
  27. ' Loop through all rows, set range object, get squared Difference
  28. For i = 1 To row_count
  29. Set rng = WS.Cells(i, data_col_index) ' Sets range object
  30. 'spread = (rng.Value - xbar) ^ 2
  31. 'Debug.Print CDbl(spread)
  32. squared_diff = squared_diff + (rng.Value - xbar) ^ 2 ' (Calculates (measurement - mean) squared and adds to running total
  33. Next i
  35. ' Calculate spread of sample
  36. variance = squared_diff / (sum - 1) ' variance = total of all squared differences (measurement - mean)^2 / n -1
  37. std_dev = Sqr(variance) ' standard deviation is variance squared
  39. Debug.Print "SUM is " & sum
  40. Debug.Print "N - 1 is " & row_count - 1
  41. Debug.Print "XBAR is " & xbar
  42. Debug.Print "VAR is " & variance
  43. Debug.Print "STD_DEV is " & std_dev
  45. WS.Cells(2, 3).Value = std_dev
  47. End Sub
  49. 7.436566035
  50. 7.273077821
  51. 7.421956493
  52. 7.191491523
  53. 7.41702391
  54. 7.248892198
  55. 7.289012484
  56. 7.296538223
  57. 7.326332635
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