
Pokémon Trainer Anon in Equestria. [Ch1]

Nov 1st, 2013
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  1. >The cave opened up as you proceeded further.
  2. >This was exiting, a previously hidden tunnel revealed by an earthquake.
  3. >You congratulated yourself, being nearby when the rumor spread.
  4. >A scientist had noticed it but he didn't want to explore it further since he didn't have any Pokémon to protect him.
  5. >Your heart raced.
  6. >Perhaps you'd find a valuable fossil to regenerate, or even some lost type never seen before.
  7. >As you reached the end of the tunnel, a large domed cave stretched out.
  8. >There was an underground lake in the middle with a small island at the center.
  9. >Small boulders stuck up from the water, allowing you to hop from one to another.
  10. >You did exactly that and before you knew it, you reached the center.
  11. >A glowing object had caught your attention and you now saw it up close.
  12. >It was a crystal between two arcing rock formations.
  14. >You moved closer and it began to glow.
  15. >You studied it for a while.
  16. >Was it an evolution stone?
  17. >Oh man, that would be so cool.
  18. >Maybe it was the secret to unlock a new evolution.
  19. >This place must be ancient, so an ancient Pokémon..
  20. >Kabutops perhaps, or maybe even GASP.. Mew?
  21. >You'd caught all 151, even the elusive Mewtwo.
  22. >Thinking about it, it had pretty much just grown attached to you after pranking you all that time.
  23. >It just bopped it's nose on the ball and surrendered.
  24. >It would have been awesome if it didn't just zap itself out of the ball and ran off again.
  25. >That's why you were here, you'd chased after it again and heard of the rumor.
  26. >It was on the way, so you decided to check it out.
  27. >You'd even brought it's spawn to make it surrender.
  28. >Oh god, you had caught it, but Mewtwo really made sure you knew it didn't like you.
  29. >It would obey your commands, but hell if it didn't point out every thing it thought you did wrong just to torment you.
  30. >You imagined you'd finally making that pink joker submit.
  31. >So much you didn't realize that the crystal was in your hands before it was too late.
  33. >White.
  34. >Falling.
  35. >Faceplant.
  36. "Ouch."
  38. >You put your hands on the cave floor that felt eerily smooth.
  39. >Opening your eyes, you looked around.
  40. >Marble tiles, pillars, white everywhere.
  41. >Large domed windows adorned the walls, showing some unknown horse-like Pokémons in effigy.
  42. >Did the crystal transport you into some kind of sanctum, or was the cave just an illusion to hide this chamber?
  43. >A million questions swarmed your mind before something caught your eyes.
  44. >One of the unknown species was looking at you, from a raised platform with stairs.
  45. >It stared at you with a hanging jaw.
  46. >Heh. Nice trick, but your illusion won't stop me.
  47. >Mewtwo had tried the same shit.
  48. >Illusions and mind games to try and throw you off from getting close.
  49. >You grabbed the ball and threw it.
  50. >From the ball, light emerged and formed the snarky latest member of your team.
  51. >"Oh great, the human needs my help again. I swear, how did you even manage to breathe before you caught me?"
  52. >You didn't feel like dealing with his shit right now.
  53. >You'd do it quick and start exploring this place.
  54. "Confusion, now!"
  55. >Mewtwo shrugged and swiped his arm outwards, sending a psychic mindwave towards the white horse-like Pokémon.
  56. >It took the hit head on, apparently caught by surprise.
  57. >Like expected, it began to sway back and forth, trying to speak but it only came out as random vowels.
  58. >A few blasts of colorful energy shot from it's horn, but in it's confusion all it did was miss and hurt itself as it fell flat on it's face.
  60. >You smirked and grabbed an Ultra ball.
  61. "Finish it off with a Swift attack."
  62. >Mewtwo didn't even argue this time, he just shoved his hand forward and a swarm of shining stars struck the confused Pokémon, sending it crashing back into the throne.
  63. >It struggled to get up, shaking legs and trembling weakly.
  64. >It's mane turned from it's beautiful aurora colors to a faint pink.
  65. >You threw the ball, a victorious grin spreading upon your lips.
  66. >"W-why?"
  67. >She spoke before the ball hit her and she transformed into light, absorbed by the ball.
  68. >Huh?
  69. >"Did it just speak?"
  70. >Mewtwo seemed as confused as you were.
  71. >He could speak telepathically, but you'd never heard of a Pokémon that could actually form comprehensive words.
  72. >You walked over to the pile of gravel that was left of the throne and wall.
  73. >The ball shook several times before the trademark click sealed the ball.
  74. >It was now under your control.
  75. >The ball would re-write it's neural patterns to accept your commands as if it was instinct.
  76. >You took off your back pack and fished a full restore from it.
  77. >The small capsule whirred and grew into a full bottle.
  78. >You connected it to the ball's intake port and injected the recovering medicine.
  79. >Then you picked up your Pokédex and made a scan of the ball.
  80. >-"Unknown species. Recommending upgrading your Pokédex™ at the nearest research center."-
  81. >Oh man! This was an unknown species!
  82. >You had caught the one hundred and fifty second Pokémon!
  83. >YES!
  84. >"If you're done monkeying about, can I go back to sleep now?"
  85. >His tone didn't make it sweeter so you returned Mewtwo to the ball before his attitude ruined you sweet moment.
  86. >It would have been sweeter thought, if a spear didn't just slam into the wall an inch from your face.
  87. >You turn to the direction of where it came from and you see a large group of Pokémon in armor, wielding spears.
  88. >"Surrender and unhand the princess, you fiend!"
  89. >Fuck.
  91. >You stopped to think this over a bit rationally.
  92. >They wielded weapons, not uncommon.
  93. >Marowak and Cubone had bones to use, but spears were a different kind of hurt.
  94. >You could probably wipe the floor with the using Mewtwo, but you had another thought in your mind.
  95. >Gripping the ball tighter in your hand, you smirked.
  96. "Unhand her? Sure, if you so wish."
  97. >You chuckled and threw the ball to the floor before them.
  98. >The restored Pokémon appeared from it's blue light, standing with it's restored aurora mane before them.
  99. >One of the armored ones dropped it's spear and approached it.
  100. >"Princess, are you alright?"
  101. >You fold your arms across your chest.
  102. "Princess?"
  103. >Oh snap! She must be some kind of super-powerful Pokémon if she can make others address her as such.
  104. >You also weren't aware of male or female Pokémon.. something you'd have to mention to Prof Oak once you got back.
  105. >In either case, you wanted these pests gone. They'd thrown spears at you.
  106. >So you aimed your Pokédex at the newly caught... wait a minute.
  107. >You just realized she didn't get transported to the storage unit.
  108. >Suddenly, you look at your belt, seeing that you indeed had all six Pokéballs on your belt.
  109. >Why are you suddenly allowed to have seven members on your team?
  110. >could it be the strange chamber you're in?
  111. >Maybe the PC can't sense you from here.
  112. >Another thing you'd have to fill Oak in on.
  114. >You aim the 'Dex at the newly caught one and click to have it scan the move set.
  115. >Strange.. a big list suddenly appears.
  116. >Did she really have this big of a move set?
  117. >Four was the norm, or at least you thought so.
  118. >You'd never found one with more than four at least.
  119. >You must have hit the jackpot this time.
  120. >You scrolled down and found one, oh this one was a classic.
  121. "Solar beam!"
  122. >The white one began charging up her horn.
  123. >"Uhm.. princess?"
  124. >She shook her head, looking back at you with sorrowful eyes.
  125. >"Please, no!"
  126. >It's too late. She released the charged energy and in a flash all the other ones lay sprawled on the floor and against the walls, groaning.
  127. >You chuckled, skipping down the stairs and gave her a pat on the back.
  128. "Now that's my girl. I think we're going to be a wonderful team."
  129. >You barely had tome to retract your hand before she snapped her teeth at it.
  130. >"Don't you DARE touch me, you monster! What did you just make me do?!"
  131. >A feisty one... ugh, just like Mewtwo.
  132. >You sighed and checked your 'Dex.
  133. "Scan for Pokéball malfunction."
  134. >It beeps a bunch before it displays the message -"No malfunction detected, Ultraball at full operational function."-
  135. >Odd. Why didn't she accept you?
  136. >Even Mewtwo would not attempt to harm you even if he gave you lip.
  138. >You stroked your chin before sucking her back into the ball.
  139. >She must be some kind of super-powerful Pokémon if she has this big of a move set and can resist the neural programming.
  140. >Man, with all of this you'd easily walk away with some kind of award.
  141. >Oak would get one too. He was odd, but he knew a lot of stuff about Pokémon.
  142. >You strolled down the hallways. Apparently the whole cavalry had appeared to stop you because you couldn't find ONE armored type as you walked along.
  143. >Most of the others you came across ran in fear as you approached, so you had no chance to investigate them.
  144. >This was getting weird.
  145. >No matter where you went, you couldn't find the exit to the cave anywhere.
  146. >Then you finally came to a pair of large doors and you pushed them open.
  147. >Holy shit.
  148. >There was an entire town inhabited by these weird Pokémon.
  149. >You stood in the doorway for a bit. The horse-types began to form a crown, speaking over each other.
  150. >One of them walked up to you. It was a small one.
  151. >"Uhm mister? Who are you?"
  152. >You blinked a few times.
  153. "What?"
  154. >It scraped it's hoof on the shaped stairs leading up to the doors you stood by.
  155. >"It's just.. I've never seen anything like you before."
  156. >A Pokémon who'd never seen a human before?
  157. >You were pretty sure that was bullshit.
  158. >Pokémon and humans had existed alongside each other since the dawn of both their kind.
  160. >You sighed and looked down at it before your eyes returned to the crowd.
  161. >This wasn't getting any better.
  162. >And where the hell was the cave opening?
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