
make a quiz game on notepad! Works on windows 10 ONLY! notepad required

Nov 4th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. title Quiz Game!
  3. color 0a
  5. :menu
  6. cls
  7. echo Welcome, to........ DA MENU!
  8. echo ---------------------------
  9. pause
  10. echo From here you can......
  11. echo -----------------------
  12. echo.
  13. echo 1. Start
  14. echo 2. Info
  15. echo 3. Exit
  16. echo.
  17. pause
  19. set /p menuchoice=
  21. if %menuchoice% == 1 goto startgame
  22. if %menuchoice% == 2 goto info
  23. if %menuchoice% == 3 exit
  24. goto menu
  26. :info
  27. cls
  28. title Information on da quiz!
  29. pause
  30. echo This quiz is highly awesome!!!! Please use at your own risk!!!
  31. pause
  32. echo It's a joke if you couldn't tell
  33. cls
  34. goto menu
  36. :startgame
  37. cls
  38. title Prepare... to start the QUIZ!!1!!
  39. color 1a
  40. echo Please enter your name...
  41. echo.
  43. set /p player=
  44. echo.
  45. echo Press any key to start, THE QUIZ!
  46. pause >nul
  47. goto q1
  49. :q1
  50. clr
  51. title Question 1!
  52. cls
  53. echo Question 1
  54. echo ----------
  55. echo.
  56. echo Who owns the company "Microsoft"?
  57. echo.
  58. echo A) Steve Jobs
  59. echo B) Me
  60. echo C) Bill Gates
  61. echo D) A random guy in the dustbin! : class="re0">O
  62. echo.
  63. set /p ans1=
  65. if %ans1% == a goto wr1
  66. if %ans1% == b goto wr1
  67. if %ans1% == c goto cr1
  68. if %ans1% == d goto wr1
  69. goto q1
  71. :wr1
  72. cls
  73. title You LOSE! Ha ha! >:D
  74. color 8b
  75. echo Sorry, %player%... But you lost :'(
  76. echo.
  77. echo Press any key to return to the menu...
  78. pause >nul
  79. goto q1
  81. :cr1
  82. cls
  83. title YOU ARE CORRECT!!!1!! : class="re0">3
  84. color 9a
  85. echo Congratz! You got this question, correct! Well done, %player%!
  86. echo.
  87. echo Press any key to continue...
  88. pause >nul
  89. goto q2
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