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Mar 21st, 2016
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  1. # #
  3. # QQ:::::::::QQ k::::::k M:::::::M M:::::::M CCC::::::::::::C #
  4. # QQ:::::::::::::QQ k::::::k M::::::::M M::::::::M CC:::::::::::::::C #
  5. # Q:::::::QQQ:::::::Q k::::::k M:::::::::M M:::::::::M C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C #
  6. # Q::::::O Q::::::Quuuuuu uuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaaaa k:::::k kkkkkkk eeeeeeeeeeee M::::::::::M M::::::::::M C:::::C CCCCCC #
  7. # Q:::::O Q:::::Qu::::u u::::u a::::::::::::a k:::::k k:::::kee::::::::::::ee M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::MC:::::C #
  8. # Q:::::O Q:::::Qu::::u u::::u aaaaaaaaa:::::a k:::::k k:::::ke::::::eeeee:::::eeM:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::MC:::::C #
  9. # Q:::::O Q:::::Qu::::u u::::u a::::a k:::::k k:::::ke::::::e e:::::eM::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::MC:::::C #
  10. # Q:::::O Q:::::Qu::::u u::::u aaaaaaa:::::a k::::::k:::::k e:::::::eeeee::::::eM::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::MC:::::C #
  11. # Q:::::O Q:::::Qu::::u u::::u aa::::::::::::a k:::::::::::k e:::::::::::::::::e M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::MC:::::C #
  12. # Q:::::O QQQQ:::::Qu::::u u::::u a::::aaaa::::::a k:::::::::::k e::::::eeeeeeeeeee M::::::M M:::::M M::::::MC:::::C #
  13. # Q::::::O Q::::::::Qu:::::uuuu:::::u a::::a a:::::a k::::::k:::::k e:::::::e M::::::M MMMMM M::::::M C:::::C CCCCCC #
  14. # Q:::::::QQ::::::::Qu:::::::::::::::uua::::a a:::::a k::::::k k:::::ke::::::::e M::::::M M::::::M C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C #
  15. # QQ::::::::::::::Q u:::::::::::::::ua:::::aaaa::::::a k::::::k k:::::ke::::::::eeeeeeee M::::::M M::::::M CC:::::::::::::::C #
  16. # QQ:::::::::::Q uu::::::::uu:::u a::::::::::aa:::ak::::::k k:::::kee:::::::::::::e M::::::M M::::::M CCC::::::::::::C #
  17. # QQQQQQQQ::::QQ uuuuuuuu uuuu aaaaaaaaaa aaaakkkkkkkk kkkkkkk eeeeeeeeeeeeee MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM CCCCCCCCCCCCC #
  18. # #
  19. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  20. #Made by MajorProbes #
  21. # #
  22. # #
  23. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  24. #Internal config:
  25. #If you wish to use MySQL just remove the # and edit to your settings below:
  27. #script options:
  28. #$ init com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  29. #$ db url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/skript
  30. #$ db username USERNAME
  31. #$ db password PASSWORD
  32. options:
  33. QMC.PFX: &3&l[&e&lQuakeMC&3&l]&r # Prefix of QuakeMC
  34. QMC.SCPFX: &e&lQuakeMC # Scoreboard Prefix of QuakeMC
  35. Q.WORLD: world # World Map of QuakeCraft
  39. MaxKills: 25 # Need Kills For Win a Game
  40. StartingMessage: &fGame starting in
  41. StartingMessage2: seconds&f.
  42. StartMessage: "&a&lGAME STARTED"
  43. GLMessage: "&eGood Luck :)"
  44. ScoreKillsMSG: "&eKills"
  45. ScoreDeathsMSG: "&eDeaths"
  46. KillMSG: "§7%shooter% (%{Q.KILLS.%shooter%}%) §ashoot §7%victim% (%{Q.KILLS.%victim%}%)"
  47. MOTDWaitingMSG: "§2§lWAITING"
  48. MOTDStartingMSG: "&e&lSTARTING"
  49. MOTDIngameMSG: "&c&lIN-GAME"
  50. MOTDRestartingMSG: "&f&lRESTARTING"
  51. KickRestartRoom: "QuakeMC Restarting!."
  52. MsgRestarting: " &4&lServer will be restarting shortly, thanks for playing!"
  53. version: 0.1
  55. #!---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. #!---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. variables:
  63. {Q.DEATHS.%player%}= 0
  64. {Q.KILLS.%player%}= 0
  65. {Q.MUN.%player%}= 1
  67. on skript load:
  68. execute console command "/gamerule keepInventory true"
  70. command /setlobby:
  71. permission: quakemc.admin
  72. trigger:
  73. set {lobby} to location of player
  74. send "&a&lWaiting Lobby has been set."
  76. command /quakemcadmin [<text>] [<text>]:
  77. permission: quake.admin
  78. aliases: /quakemcadmin:quakemcadmin, /sk:quakemcadmin
  79. trigger:
  80. arg 1 is "setspawn":
  81. arg 2 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8" or "9" or "10" or "11" or "12":
  82. if world of player is "{@Q.WORLD}":
  83. set {Q.SPAWN.%arg 2%} to location of player
  84. message "{@QMC.PFX}§aSpawn §7%arg 2% §asuccefully set to §7%location of player%"
  85. else:
  86. message "{@QMC.PFX}§cYou must be in world of §7Quake §cto set a Spawn."
  87. else:
  88. message "{@QMC.PFX}§cAvaible Spawns: §71§c,§72§c,§73§c,§74§c,§75§c,§76§c,§77§c,§78§c,§79§c,§710§c,§711§c,§712"
  89. arg 1 is not set:
  90. message "{@QMC.PFX}§b Use /quakemc setspawn (1-12)"
  91. message "{@QMC.PFX}§b Use /setlobby"
  93. command /quakemc <text> [<player>]:
  94. permission: quakemc.use
  95. executable by: players
  96. description: Info!
  97. usage: &3/quakemc &6[&e- &9coins&6 &e- &9stats &e- &9topstats]
  98. permission message: You do not have permission to do this!
  99. trigger:
  100. if argument 1 is "help":
  101. message "&8&l===&3&lHelp&8&l==="
  102. message "&9/quakemc stats [player] &6(Displays a players stats)"
  103. message "&9/quakemc coins [player] &6(Shows a players Coin Balance)"
  104. if argument 1 is "stats":
  105. if arg 2 is not set:
  106. wait 1 tick
  107. open chest with 3 row named " &3&lQuakeMC" to player
  108. format slot 4 of player with skull of player named "&a&l%player%'s Stats" to be unstealable
  109. format slot 10 of player with xp bottle named "&3Level" with lore "&a%{quakemc.level.%player%}%" to be unstealable
  110. format slot 12 of player with slimeball named "&3Played" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%player%.played}%" to be unstealable
  111. format slot 14 of player with sunflower named "&3Coins" with lore "&a%{balance::%player%}%" to be unstealable
  112. format slot 16 of player with diamond sword named "&3Top Killstreak" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%player%.killstreak}%" to be unstealable
  113. format slot 20 of player with iron sword named "&3Kills" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%player%.kills}%" to be unstealable
  114. format slot 22 of player with nether star named "&3K/D Ratio" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%player%.kills}/{quakemc.%player%.deaths}%" to be unstealable
  115. format slot 24 of player with dead bush named "&3Deaths" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%player%.deaths}%" to be unstealable
  116. else:
  117. wait 1 tick
  118. open chest with 3 row named " &3&lQuakeMC" to player
  119. format slot 4 of player with skull of arg 2 named "&a&l%arg 2%'s Stats" to be unstealable
  120. format slot 10 of player with xp bottle named "&3Level" with lore "&a%{quakemc.level.%arg 2%}%" to be unstealable
  121. format slot 12 of player with slimeball named "&3Played" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%arg 2%.played}%" to be unstealable
  122. format slot 14 of player with sunflower named "&3Coins" with lore "&a%{balance::%arg 2%}%" to be unstealable
  123. format slot 16 of player with diamond sword named "&3Top Killstreak" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%arg 2%.killstreak}%" to be unstealable
  124. format slot 20 of player with iron sword named "&3Kills" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%arg 2%.kills}%" to be unstealable
  125. format slot 22 of player with nether star named "&3K/D Ratio" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%arg 2%.kills}/{quakemc.%arg 2%.deaths}%" to be unstealable
  126. format slot 24 of player with dead bush named "&3Deaths" with lore "&a%{quakemc.%arg 2%.deaths}%" to be unstealable
  127. if argument 1 is "coins":
  128. if {balance::%player%} is not set:
  129. set {balance::%player%} to 0
  130. if arg 2 is not set:
  131. message "&7You have &3&l%{balance::%player%}% &7coins!"
  132. send player title "&9QuakeMC" with subtitle "&7You have &3&l%{balance::%player%}%&7 coins!" for 3 seconds
  133. else:
  134. message "&7%arg 2% has &3&l%{balance::%arg 2%}% &7coins!"
  135. send player title "&9QuakeMC" with subtitle "&3%arg 2% has &3&l%{balance::%arg 2%}%&7 coins!" for 3 seconds
  136. if argument 1 is "topstats":
  137. message "&8&m----------&r&8[&3QuakeMC&8]&8&m----------"
  138. message "&6Top Killer: &3%{quakemc.topkills}% &6with &3&l%{quakemc.topplayer.kills}%"
  139. message "&6Top Deaths: &3%{quakemc.topdeaths}% &6with &3&l%{quakemc.topplayer.deaths}%"
  140. message "&6Top KD: &3%{quakemc.topkd}% &6with &3&l%{quakemc.topplayer.kd}%"
  141. message "&6Top Coins: &3%{quakemc.topcoins}% &6with &3&l%{balance::%player%}%"
  142. message "&6Top Level: &3%{quakemc.toplevel}% &6with &3&l%{quakemc.topplayer.level}%"
  143. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  145. command /quakemcforcestart:
  146. permission: quakemc.command.forcestart
  147. trigger:
  148. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c30 {@StartingMessage2} "
  149. set {Q.STATUS} to 1
  150. loop all players:
  151. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  152. wait 10 seconds
  153. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c20 {@StartingMessage2} "
  154. loop all players:
  155. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  156. wait 10 seconds
  157. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c10 {@StartingMessage2} "
  158. loop all players:
  159. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  160. wait 1 seconds
  161. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c9 {@StartingMessage2} "
  162. loop all players:
  163. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  164. wait 1 seconds
  165. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c8 {@StartingMessage2} "
  166. loop all players:
  167. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  168. wait 1 seconds
  169. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c7 {@StartingMessage2} "
  170. loop all players:
  171. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  172. wait 1 seconds
  173. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c6 {@StartingMessage2} "
  174. loop all players:
  175. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  176. wait 1 seconds
  177. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c5 {@StartingMessage2} "
  178. loop all players:
  179. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  180. wait 1 seconds
  181. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c4 {@StartingMessage2} "
  182. loop all players:
  183. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  184. wait 1 seconds
  185. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c3 {@StartingMessage2} "
  186. loop all players:
  187. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  188. wait 1 seconds
  189. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c2 {@StartingMessage2} "
  190. loop all players:
  191. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  192. wait 1 seconds
  193. broadcast "{@StartingMessage} &c1 {@StartingMessage2} "
  194. loop all players:
  195. play raw sound "" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  196. wait 1 seconds
  197. set {whitelist} to true
  198. set {Q.STATUS} to 2
  199. loop all players:
  200. play raw sound "mob.wither.shoot" at loop-player with pitch 1.5 volume 0.25
  201. broadcast {@StartMessage}
  202. broadcast {@GLMessage}
  203. loop all players:
  204. teleport loop-player to {Q.SPAWN.1} or {Q.SPAWN.2} or {Q.SPAWN.3} or {Q.SPAWN.4} or {Q.SPAWN.5} or {Q.SPAWN.6} or {Q.SPAWN.7} or {Q.SPAWN.8} or {Q.SPAWN.9} or {Q.SPAWN.10} or {Q.SPAWN.11} or {Q.SPAWN.12}
  205. set {Q.ING.%loop-player%} to 1
  206. set {Q.MUN.%loop-player%} to 1
  207. set {Q.KILLS.%loop-player%} to 0
  208. remove emerald from loop-player
  209. remove mob spawner from loop-player
  210. remove chest from loop-player
  211. apply speed 2 to loop-player for 999 days
  212. if {kit.%loop-player%} is "Basic":
  213. set {kit.%loop-player%} to false
  214. make console execute command "shot give %loop-player% basicrailgun"
  215. if {kit.%loop-player%} is "Golden":
  216. set {kit.%loop-player%} to false
  217. make console execute command "shot give %loop-player% goldenrailgun"
  218. if {kit.%loop-player%} is "Diamond":
  219. set {kit.%loop-player%} to false
  220. make console execute command "shot give %loop-player% diamondrailgun"
  222. every 1 seconds:
  223. loop all players:
  224. set hunger of loop-player to hunger of loop-player + 5
  226. command /top:
  227. executable by: console
  228. trigger:
  229. if {quakemc.checked} is true:
  230. loop all players:
  231. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.kills} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.kills}:
  232. set {quakemc.topplayer.kills} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.kills}
  233. set {quakemc.topkills} to loop-player
  234. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.deaths} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.deaths}:
  235. set {quakemc.topplayer.deaths} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.deaths}
  236. set {quakemc.topdeaths} to loop-player
  237. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.kd} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.kd}:
  238. set {quakemc.topplayer.kd} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.kd}
  239. set {quakemc.topkd} to loop-player
  240. if {balance::%loop-player%} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.coins}:
  241. set {quakemc.topplayer.coins} to {balance::%loop-player%}
  242. set {quakemc.topcoins} to loop-player
  243. if {quakemc.level.%loop-player%} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.level}:
  244. set {quakemc.topplayer.level} to {quakemc.level.%loop-player%}
  245. set {quakemc.toplevel} to loop-player
  246. else:
  247. set {quakemc.topplayer.kills} to 1
  248. set {quakemc.topplayer.deaths} to 1
  249. set {quakemc.topplayer.kd} to 1
  250. set {quakemc.topplayer.coins} to 1
  251. set {quakemc.topplayer.level} to 1
  252. loop all players:
  253. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.kills} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.kills}:
  254. set {quakemc.topplayer.kills} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.kills}
  255. set {quakemc.topkills} to loop-player
  256. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.deaths} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.deaths}:
  257. set {quakemc.topplayer.deaths} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.deaths}
  258. set {quakemc.topdeaths} to loop-player
  259. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.kd} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.kd}:
  260. set {quakemc.topplayer.kd} to {quakemc.%loop-player%.kd}
  261. set {quakemc.topkd} to loop-player
  262. if {balance::%loop-player%} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.coins}:
  263. set {quakemc.topplayer.coins} to {balance::%loop-player%}
  264. set {quakemc.topcoins} to loop-player
  265. if {quakemc.level.%loop-player%} is bigger than {quakemc.topplayer.level}:
  266. set {quakemc.topplayer.level} to {quakemc.level.%loop-player%}
  267. set {quakemc.toplevel} to loop-player
  268. set {quakemc.checked} to true
  270. command /scoreb:
  271. trigger:
  272. if {quakemc1.ingame.%player%} is true:
  273. wipe player's sidebar
  274. wait 5 tick
  275. set name of sidebar of player to "&3&lQuakeMC"
  276. set score "&6K/D:" in sidebar of player to -1
  277. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.kd}%" in sidebar of player to -2
  278. set score "&2&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -3
  279. set score "&aKills:" in sidebar of player to -4
  280. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.kills}%" in sidebar of player to -5
  281. set score "&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -6
  282. set score "&4Deaths:" in sidebar of player to -7
  283. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.deaths}%" in sidebar of player to -8
  284. set score "&4&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -9
  285. set score "&2Killstreak:" in sidebar of player to -10
  286. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.kills_session}%" in sidebar of player to -11
  287. set score "&5&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -12
  288. set score "&6Coins:" in sidebar of player to -13
  289. set score "&e&l%{balance::%player%}% ⛂" in sidebar of player to -14
  290. set score "&6&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -15
  291. set {quakemc.%player%.scoreboard} to 1
  292. else:
  293. message "&c&lYou Must Be Ingame For That To Work!"
  295. command /scoreb2:
  296. trigger:
  297. if {quakemc1.ingame.%player%} is true:
  298. wipe player's sidebar
  299. wait 5 tick
  300. set name of sidebar of player to "&3&lQuakeMC"
  301. set score "&6Level:" in sidebar of player to -1
  302. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.level.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to -2
  303. set score "&2&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -3
  304. set score "&aLevel Progress:" in sidebar of player to -4
  305. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.kills.%player%.level}%/10" in sidebar of player to -5
  306. set score "&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -6
  307. set score "&4Times Joined:" in sidebar of player to -7
  308. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.joined}%" in sidebar of player to -8
  309. set score "&4&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -9
  310. set score "&2Top Killstreak:" in sidebar of player to -10
  311. set score "&b&l%{quakemc.%player%.killstreak}%" in sidebar of player to -11
  312. set score "&5&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -12
  313. set score "&6Coins:" in sidebar of player to -13
  314. set score "&e&l%{balance::%player%}% ⛂" in sidebar of player to -14
  315. set score "&6&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -15
  316. set {quakemc.%player%.scoreboard} to 2
  317. else:
  318. message "&c&lYou Must Be Ingame For That To Work!"
  322. on death of player:
  323. if {quakemc.ingame.%attacker%} is true:
  324. make console execute command "/quakemcadmin add %attacker% 10"
  325. add 1 to {quakemc.%attacker%.kills}
  326. add 1 to {Q.KILLS.%shooter%}
  327. set {quakemc.%attacker%.kd} to {quakemc.%attacker%.kills}/{quakemc.%attacker%.deaths}
  328. add 1 to {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session}
  329. add 1 to {quakemc.kills.%attacker%.level}
  330. set player tab name to "&b%{quakemc.level.%attacker%}% &6%player%"
  331. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is 3:
  332. broadcast "&3&lQuakeMC &3%attacker% &7has a killstreak of &3&l3&7!"
  333. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is 5:
  334. broadcast "&3&lQuakeMC &3%attacker% &7has a &a&lMEGA &7killstreak of &3&l5&7!"
  335. make console execute command "/quakemcadmin add %attacker% 20"
  336. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is 10:
  337. broadcast "&3&lQuakeMC &3%attacker% &7has a &5&lLEGENDARY &7killstreak of &3&l10&7!"
  338. make console execute command "/quakemcadmin add %attacker% 50"
  339. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is 15:
  340. broadcast "&3&lQuakeMC &3%attacker% &7has a &c&lGODLIKE &7killstreak of &3&l15&7!"
  341. make console execute command "/quakemcadmin add %attacker% 100"
  342. make console execute command "/top"
  343. if {quakemc.killstreaks.checked} is true:
  344. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is bigger than {quakemc.%attacker%.killstreak}:
  345. set {quakemc.%attacker%.killstreak} to {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session}
  346. else:
  347. set {quakemc.killstreaks.checked} to true
  348. set {quakemc.%attacker%.killstreak} to 0
  349. if {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session} is bigger than {quakemc.%attacker%.killstreak}:
  350. set {quakemc.%attacker%.killstreak} to {quakemc.%attacker%.kills_session}
  351. if {quakemc.kills.%attacker%.level} is 10:
  352. add 1 to {quakemc.level.%attacker%}
  353. clear {quakemc.kills.%attacker%.level}
  354. broadcast "&3&lQuakeMC &3%attacker% &7just leveled up to level &3&l%{quakemc.level.%attacker%}%"
  355. if {Q.KILLS.%shooter%} is equal to 25:
  356. loop all players:
  357. heal the loop-player
  358. clear loop-player's inventory
  359. clear shooter's inventory
  360. clear victim's inventory
  361. send " " to loop-player
  362. send " &3&lQuakeMC" to loop-player
  363. send " §7%shooter% §awin this game." to loop-player
  364. send " §e§lReward of Winner" to loop-player
  365. send " §f{@WinCoins} &6Coins" to loop-player
  366. send " " to loop-player
  367. delete {Q.KILLS.%loop-player%}
  368. delete {Q.DEATHS.%loop-player%}
  369. delete {Q.KILLS.%shooter%}
  370. delete {Q.DEATHS.%shooter%}
  371. delete {Q.KILLS.%victim%}
  372. delete {Q.DEATHS.%victim%}
  373. set {Q.STATUS} to 3
  374. add {@WinCoins} to the shooter's balance
  375. wait 30 ticks
  376. if {Q.ING.%loop-player%} is set:
  377. delete {Q.ING.%loop-player%}
  378. play raw sound "enderdragon death" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 20
  379. launch creeper firework colored red at shooter timed 1
  380. wait 2 seconds
  381. launch creeper firework colored red at shooter timed 1
  382. wait 2 seconds
  383. launch creeper firework colored red at shooter timed 1
  384. wait 2 seconds
  385. launch creeper firework colored red at shooter timed 1
  386. execute console command "/restartend"
  387. else:
  388. stop
  390. on death of player:
  391. if {quakemc.ingame.%victim%} is true:
  392. make console execute command "clear %player%"
  393. add 1 to {quakemc.%victim%.deaths}
  394. add 1 to {Q.DEATHS.%victim%}
  395. set {quakemc.%victim%.kd} to {quakemc.%victim%.kills}/{quakemc.%victim%.deaths}
  396. message "&3&lQuakeMC &7You had a killstreak of &3&l%{quakemc.%victim%.kills_session}%" to victim
  397. clear {quakemc.%victim%.kills_session}
  398. make victim execute command "/scoreb"
  399. else:
  400. stop
  402. on join:
  403. set {quakemc1.ingame.%player%} to true
  404. set {quakemc2.ingame.%player%} to true
  405. set {quakemc.%player%.kd} to {quakemc.%player%.kills}/{quakemc.%player%.deaths}
  406. if {Q.AUTOSTART} = 1:
  407. execute console command "fstartquake"
  409. on death:
  410. set death message to ""
  412. on drop:
  413. cancel event
  415. on pickup:
  416. cancel event
  418. on respawn:
  419. teleport player to {Q.SPAWN.1} or {Q.SPAWN.2} or {Q.SPAWN.3} or {Q.SPAWN.4} or {Q.SPAWN.5}
  421. command /restartend:
  422. permission: quakemc.admin
  423. trigger:
  424. broadcast " "
  425. broadcast {@MsgRestarting}
  426. broadcast " "
  427. wait 30 seconds
  428. loop all players:
  429. make loop-player execute command "/endkick2930"
  430. execute console command "/desbugar232"
  432. command /endkick2930:
  433. trigger:
  434. kick player due to {@KickRestartRoom}
  436. every 5 second:
  437. loop all players:
  438. if {quakemc.ingame.%loop-player%} is true:
  439. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.scoreboard} is 1:
  440. make loop-player execute command "/scoreb2"
  441. if {quakemc.%loop-player%.scoreboard} is 2:
  442. make loop-player execute command "/scoreb"
  443. else:
  444. stop
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