
*Blinks behind you*

Jun 21st, 2021
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  1. The witch reached forward, screeching, her razor-sharp fingernails an inch away from Daud’s face. The Mark of the Outsider blazed and he transversed away, materializing on top of one of the bookcases. Below, the two witches turned to look before vanishing from the floor and appearing on the top of the bookcase opposite. In unison, the pair threw their hands out, from which grew twisting, writhing black-and-green tendrils of vegetation, the blood briars magically soaring outward to ensnare the assassin.
  3. Daud reacted, transversing up to their bookcase and appearing behind them. His blade sank into the first witch’s back, piercing her squarely between the shoulder blades. Screaming in agony, she groped behind her, but Daud twisted the knife and yanked it out, before moving away, kicking as he did so. The witch toppled to the ground, dead.
  5. Dishonored: The Return of Daud, Chapter 24
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