

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. vintage1948Today at 7:00 PM
  2. Listen you can live in your personal computer world I can live in my analog world but if I get a computer in needs to be fast like it's supposed to be because it's new
  3. DebrisfieldToday at 7:01 PM
  4. there's decade old computers faster than some new ones
  5. vintage1948Today at 7:02 PM
  6. Just going to say this now I don't know if I'm going to get VR I don't know how long I'll be on this Discord all I know is it's starting to get really boring
  7. HTFCirno2000Today at 7:03 PM
  8. What
  9. DebrisfieldToday at 7:03 PM
  10. life is boring
  11. HTFCirno2000Today at 7:03 PM
  12. Well
  13. That's your choice
  14. vintage1948Today at 7:03 PM
  15. Life is boring to you because you make it boring
  16. DebrisfieldToday at 7:03 PM
  17. life is boring because I expect it to mean something
  18. HTFCirno2000Today at 7:03 PM
  19. Honest opinion debrisfield: you are opposite of me lmao
  20. vintage1948Today at 7:03 PM
  21. This is another reason why you got dang people stay inside all the time on your stupid VR headsets talk in the people across the United States or in other countries or whatever because you got no friends in real life I once had friends that I moved I got nobody is going to be like that for the rest of my life until I die
  22. shoemeanToday at 7:04 PM
  23. can you kids lighten up a little
  24. DebrisfieldToday at 7:04 PM
  25. I had friends in real life and I ended up realizing they were total tools
  26. most people ive seen online are pretty damn nice and have been better than most people ive known irl
  27. vintage1948Today at 7:07 PM
  28. I just tell it like it is
  29. DebrisfieldToday at 7:08 PM
  30. even when I had "friends" they never invited me to do shit and rarely showed up if i invited them
  31. so its not like that mattered much
  32. vintage1948Today at 7:08 PM
  33. Having friends in real life is a lot more fun online because you get to fool around and scream at people outside your car windows and literally get chased by people and it's so much fun because there's so much adrenaline going through you so you hop on the freeway and Escape by pushing the gas down all the way and getting away from those people that's when life gets very exciting
  34. Now I'm going to leave and shop for onions limes and other crap
  35. DebrisfieldToday at 7:08 PM
  36. sorry I dont like committing crimes
  37. cya
  38. HTFCirno2000Today at 7:10 PM
  39. Goodygoody two shoes don't exist, everyone has committed a crime of some sort even without realizing
  40. DebrisfieldToday at 7:10 PM
  41. no like he literally just said he'd go speeding on a freeway
  42. HTFCirno2000Today at 7:11 PM
  43. Oh
  44. DebrisfieldToday at 7:11 PM
  45. not exactly a petty crime you dont get prosecuted for
  46. I jaywalk everytime I cross my street
  47. vintage1948Today at 7:12 PM
  48. It's not committing crimes it's called having fun don't be a little snowflake bitch ass mother fucker
  49. DebrisfieldToday at 7:13 PM
  50. you dont have to be that mean about it
  51. i'd call speeding at possibly 50 over a crime
  52. snugglesToday at 7:14 PM
  53. lol
  54. guess im a snowflake bitch ass mother fucker for not driving like a maniac, putting peoples lives in danger (and your own), and breaking the law
  55. DebrisfieldToday at 7:15 PM
  56. i got mad at a person who ran a red light and almost t boned me
  57. am i a snowflake bitch
  58. snugglesToday at 7:15 PM
  59. not in the slightest
  60. DebrisfieldToday at 7:15 PM
  61. ha nerd
  62. snugglesToday at 7:16 PM
  64. DebrisfieldToday at 7:16 PM
  66. shoemeanToday at 7:17 PM
  67. im a snowflake for not turning my fellow man into a car pancake
  68. vintage1948Today at 7:22 PM
  69. Oh I'm not being mean I'm being who I am like I said I tell it how it is we didn't commit crimes we never got in trouble by the police we just yelled at people basically like a loud ahhhhhh
  70. DebrisfieldToday at 7:22 PM
  71. "We didnt get caught therefore its not a crime to speed on the freeway"
  72. vintage1948Today at 7:22 PM
  73. Some people we called them names but most of time we just yelled and we used to yell at the people downtown every Friday night at the drunks
  74. Listen my car was not a fast vehicle the fastest I've probably gotten it was 70 miles per hour remember that was a 2-ton car I had so basically trying to step on the gas was like it took about 20 seconds to hit 30 miles per hour
  75. DebrisfieldToday at 7:23 PM
  76. slow fucking car
  78. idk where you were and the limits there
  79. but probably higher than that
  80. vintage1948Today at 7:24 PM
  81. Now I'm at Walmart shopping for vegetables and it stinks here because well you know McDonald's and there's ghetto people on Wow $0.68 for potatoes holy crap
  82. DebrisfieldToday at 7:24 PM
  83. "potatoes"
  84. vintage1948Today at 7:44 PM
  85. Well I just seen some kind of faggot in like a green shirt brown khakis and some kind of gold chain total straight fag, gross(edited)
  86. vintage1948Today at 7:56 PM
  87. And we had a 70 mile per hour speed limit which I pretty much did 70 or 55 on the highway that's in miles per hour so normal speed
  88. DebrisfieldToday at 7:56 PM
  89. i mean you said 70 mph then said mph again so
  90. vintage1948Today at 7:59 PM
  91. The speed limit was 70 miles per hour where I was I went 70 miles per hour what's so hard to understand about this nothing sometimes I would take it up to 80 one time I took it up to 90 and the whole car was shaking but I only did that twice(edited)
  92. DebrisfieldToday at 7:59 PM
  93. 90 in a 70 area :thinking:
  94. vintage1948Today at 7:59 PM
  95. Listen no cops were around two lanes on the 505 nobody was the wiser
  96. DebrisfieldToday at 8:00 PM
  97. and 55 is pretty fucking dangerous
  98. as well
  99. vintage1948Today at 8:00 PM
  100. 55 in America is very slow on the highway
  101. DebrisfieldToday at 8:00 PM
  102. also nobody saw doesnt make it okay
  103. I know 55 is slow dude
  104. vintage1948Today at 8:00 PM
  105. 55 is not fast
  106. DebrisfieldToday at 8:00 PM
  107. thats why its dangerous
  108. im not retarded
  109. vintage1948Today at 8:01 PM
  110. The speed I do in my car currently is between 60 and 70 miles per hour and that's it and I don't act like a maniac here because there's a lot of cops patrolling everywhere but back home not really but you know that's California for you
  111. DebrisfieldToday at 8:01 PM
  112. I mean i'd want to know cops are making sure the roads are safe
  113. and 60 on a 70 freeway is dangerous
  114. shoemeanToday at 8:01 PM
  115. the speed limit on the freeway is 75
  116. DebrisfieldToday at 8:02 PM
  117. say the speed limit is 70
  118. I drive 80
  119. im being a fuck of a lot less of a hazard than the person going 60.
  120. shoemeanToday at 8:02 PM
  121. ^^
  122. thats why the left lane exists
  123. vintage1948Today at 8:02 PM
  124. Very surprised that the crime rate here in Arizona at least where I am is really low thank God cuz I don't want a bunch of black people going to like yo what's up bro I'm going to steal your shit cuz because I'm a fuck your girl and grab my crotch while shooting you sideways with my glock(edited)
  125. A few days ago there was a shootout on the freeway where this guy was waving a pistol in the air in five cops literally obliterated his whole body with bullets and I was like oh yeah let's not screw around in this state
  126. DebrisfieldToday at 8:03 PM
  127. is that a shoot out or an idiot getting shot for being cocky with a gun near cops
  128. or cops shooting a guy for no reason
  129. vintage1948Today at 8:04 PM
  130. Plus when I drive I drive like an old man so it's funny guy people passing me and surprisingly enough in Arizona the regular speed limit is 40 miles per hour not 25 or 15 40 miles per hour and I'm not kidding but that's because the main roads are five Lanes wide
  131. Okay stop being that guy and my freaking dude was shooting at cops literally stole a car and Grand Theft Auto in real life until he got wasted by cops because he was pretty much firing at them and they took him down
  132. DebrisfieldToday at 8:05 PM
  133. so it was a shoot out lol
  134. vintage1948Today at 8:05 PM
  135. Yeah I'm in Arizona we live in western civilization like literally Cowboy kind of stuff but modernized
  136. shoemeanToday at 8:05 PM
  137. more like the stone age
  138. you dont even have daylight savings
  139. DebrisfieldToday at 8:05 PM
  140. shit we got more modern means of genociding the natives
  141. idk american history im just gonna shut up
  142. vintage1948Today at 8:07 PM
  143. Daylight savings was only a thing made for Farmers so they could get an extra hour out of the day even though it does completely nothing literally you're just pushing your clocks back an hour while time goes forward
  144. @shoemean
  145. renatus_lupusToday at 8:07 PM
  146. from what I remember it was shit like smallpox that did most of them in since that never was a thing here until the dirty, unwashed yuros came over by boat
  147. DebrisfieldToday at 8:07 PM
  148. I mean we brought it over and often weaponized it
  149. we've been using biological weapons for several thousand years
  150. shoemeanToday at 8:08 PM
  151. ok caveman
  152. go back inside cause time scary
  153. also the west coast is like 90% farm we need daylight sav ings
  154. vintage1948Today at 8:08 PM
  155. I really hate people that's a guns kill and it's like okay put a loaded gun on a table and see what it does and you stand there and it does nothing guns don't kill people kill people with guns
  156. So for instance school shootings the guy that shoots is not blamed the gun is which is the most retarded thing ever
  157. DebrisfieldToday at 8:09 PM
  158. the problem with gun violence is how little anyone gives a fuck about mental health
  159. and how the media basically glorifies shooters
  160. vintage1948Today at 8:09 PM
  161. Exactly
  162. And all the racism crap that's happening Morgan Freeman said there's one way of getting rid of racism you stop talking about it but it's such a hot topic for the media will keep talking about it and they'll blame Republicans for being racist even though Republicans are the ones you want to get away from racism while Democrats want racism to stay plus just the other day Hillary Clinton was just interviewed and said black people look all the same and the interviewer was like no they don't and then the crowd laugh then if Donald Trump said that the media would explode
  163. DebrisfieldToday at 8:10 PM
  164. i mean
  165. just pretending it doesnt exist wont stop it
  166. there's been many incredibly racist policies the US government has implemented like redlining that still have devastating effects on us today
  167. vintage1948Today at 8:11 PM
  168. We're not pretending it doesn't exist we just stop talking about it stop bringing up the topics because you keep bringing up a topic it's like adding gasoline to a fire if you stop adding gasoline to the fire the fire will eventually go out
  169. DebrisfieldToday at 8:11 PM
  170. so we dont talk about it
  171. and we do nothing
  172. aka we ignore it
  173. vintage1948Today at 8:12 PM
  174. We don't talk about it and we try to help those that have been hurt by it help them
  175. DebrisfieldToday at 8:12 PM
  176. there's adding gas to the fire and there's letting the fire just grow
  177. vintage1948Today at 8:12 PM
  178. You know what just fuck niggers who cares who cares about black people I'm just that I'm mad now I'm mad like who cares you know what they can hang from a goddamn tree for like are stupid people should be on the God damn Fields picking my cotton for the white man God dang it I wish you was the 1860s again I wish I had a slave God dang it was freaking easier back then
  179. shoemeanToday at 8:13 PM
  180. very epic
  181. renatus_lupusToday at 8:13 PM
  183. snugglesToday at 8:13 PM
  184. Looks like Zephyr was right
  185. vintage1948Today at 8:14 PM
  186. And this whole black lives matter situation is just a political movement it's bull crap if you say black lives matter that's racist because you're saying one race is better than the other if you say all lives matter it's equal
  187. DebrisfieldToday at 8:14 PM
  188. how is it racist to just say that some other group matters too lol
  189. look in #general-health for how they're being constantly hurt by corporations unjustly targeting them and driving down their standards of living
  190. and thats just one of many examples
  191. vintage1948Today at 8:15 PM
  192. If you just say black lives matter and white people don't or other races as well it's racist because you're saying this group of ethnicity is better than the other ones so if we said white lives matter is better than black lives matter will get called out but it's okay for them to say black lives matter because they're so oppressed, bullcrap
  193. DebrisfieldToday at 8:15 PM
  194. where did they say white lives dont matter
  195. shoemeanToday at 8:15 PM
  196. if you think blm is racist
  197. open a textbook to anywhere from the 1400s to the 1900s
  199. shoemeanToday at 8:15 PM
  200. read any history book actually
  201. DebrisfieldToday at 8:16 PM
  202. you could read all the way up to 2018 if you wanna look at less blatant shit
  203. also @Yutaka is right
  204. vintage1948Today at 8:17 PM
  205. You know what he's right fuck everyone who gives a shit
  206. Nobody can win political or racial crap like this it's literally just the war there's no winning any of this it just keeps on going keeps on going
  207. What did he say about me @snuggles
  208. renatus_lupusToday at 8:19 PM
  209. he's in vrchat
  210. vintage1948Today at 8:19 PM
  211. That's the other thing snugs you seem like you're better than everybody else just because you have a job and you've got such a smug kind of ego and it seems to be that you're kind of a douchebag now me I'm not any better I'm just a freaking dick that's who I grew up to be that's who I am if people want me to change that they can fuck right off
  212. The difference between me and you and everybody else in here is I speak my mind and and people find a offensive and it's like you get offended by it by words coming out of my mouth dang sucks for you(edited)
  213. DebrisfieldToday at 8:21 PM
  214. I speak my mind too
  215. so what difference
  216. shoemeanToday at 8:22 PM
  217. youre calling snugs a douchebag for having a job
  218. vintage1948Today at 8:22 PM
  219. If you heard what I sound like when I do speak my mind in real life or just in chat it's a lot different in text because who knows how people are feeling or trying to sound when they're texting it could even just be a boring tone
  220. I'm not necessarily calling him out for having a job you can have a job but your ego just seems so bad like you think you're so cool and people like that bug the hell out of me
  221. πš‚πšπšŠπš›πš•πšŽπšœπšœ πšŠπš—πš π™±πš’πš‹πš•πšŽ π™±πš•πšŠπšŒπš”Today at 8:24 PM
  223. vintage1948Today at 8:24 PM
  224. Seems like you think your mr. Perfect but nobody's perfect just because you think you are doesn't give you the right to try to act like one
  225. Because it only makes you look like an asshole
  226. White_Wolf1969Today at 8:25 PM
  227. Just calm down everyone
  228. vintage1948Today at 8:25 PM
  229. I see the world as just negative this negative that I see everything negative the only time I'm happy is when I'm jerking off(edited)
  230. I say stuff in public that people would just be like oh my God and I'll be like what? Are you surprised I said that in public does it hurt your feelings that I said such a thing and if they responded Yes I do like well that's too bad
  231. What that's what happens when you don't have a filter or try to make one because it just seems very pointless
  232. Now I'm really freaking hungry and I'm getting very angry probably because I'm hungry so I'm just going to leave it at that talk to you fools later
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