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Jun 5th, 2019
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  1. While I agree that things got out of hand with a player, I should not get 4 harassment vios...
  3. note:
  4. I reported them for calling me psycho, stupid, etc in forums. denial said that it was not harassment and we were allowed to be around each other and that if these names bothered me my only option was to block them. muki said this note applied to me too. We were never told to stop contacting and we were told specifically that even insulting the other in forums was okay.
  6. vio1: We were told specifically that we were allowed to have contact and to even attack each other with minor names like stupid by Denial before this. I was never told otherwise and I was only complaining in forums that the mods would even think that attacks like this was okay. That was the whole context of when I called them a bad person. AS *WERE TOLD THAT CONTACTING AND EVEN ATTACKS WERE OKAY BY THE ADMIN, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A NOTE AT MOST SINCE IT CHANGED WHAT THE ADMIN SAID WITH NO WARNING.*
  8. Vio2. I would agree to keep this vio on the grounds that things did not stop after vio1. I should have 1 vio entirely for all instances at that time. That being said I got this vio specifically because I was talking about the vio1 on the lobby wall after charley brought up this topic. They reported me for harassment 2x. the first time the admin gave me site spam instead. instead of appealing the first vio, this person reported me again and I got a harassment vio 2 for this one instance. *I literally got 2 different vios for 1 instance. yes maybe I could not have talked on the lobby wall for 30min about it but charley literally started the convo and did not tell me to stop. We stopped the convo and only then did a mod say that we should stop discussing it and I did.* This should not have been 2 vios at all. mods should not be starting convo topics that they will then use to vio someone for even talking about it. I stopped when I was told there too!
  10. vio 3: I made a thread asking mods to look at my vios or just forgive them since I have not played forever and was nearly banned from the vios relating to harass1/2. this person that I harrassed joined on a secret account and started drama again. i remade requesting that we do not talk about the vios 1/2 specifically. another guy did and slandered me. to avoid drama I privately emailed him my side of the story in hopes that he would take the slanderous post down. If someone gives false information, i should be able to write and correct them. people should not be even getting vios for complaining to other people behind their back. It especially is not the case when the message is just the person correcting that other person when they do not know the whole story.
  12. Vio4: I wrote him an apology and asked if we could try to move forward in pm. yes they claimed to have blocked my messages but then they would just not get the message if so.... in the past few weeks they have still gone out of their way to post on every report that they think involves me and to post in my threads. *If they felt harassed they would honestly be avoiding me?* also why is the case that they can contact me and attack me in forums but I cant contact them with an apology letter and ask if we can try to move on? They literally hijacked my thread yesterday that was just asking for the mods to show me grace in regards to the 8vio system and attacked me bringing up that I harassed them and crap. I literally blocked all the accounts that were theirs in the thread so I could avoid getting in it with them, but they bypassed on a hidden alt and changed the tread topic to attack me and bring up the vios. I did briefly mention the natures of all the vios that would be forgiven, but I changed the details of the harassment vios so that people would not know who was involved. this person had no reason to even go there.. IF they felt harassed they would not have in the first place
  14. *Finally I will say that I did not always handle things right, but the mods and the other person were equally at fault. things got way out of hand, and I am sorry for my part in that*
  16. That being said this was not worthy of 4vios here. this person since the time has continued to try to be around me and start drama, and they would not if they really felt harassed. also the whole nature of how I got the first 2 vios was really wrong. We had a well defined order from denial but this was changed without warning to get harassment 1 and it broke his deal. the 2nd vio also was 1 instance and it got me 2 separate vios...
  18. I want this drama to end, but I need you guys to be fair and stop the drama too. I offered to leave her alone entirely and not even bring up the vios again no matter what. I just asked her to try to also move on and forgive me so we can avoid more drama. that is not worth of 4 harassment vios and a site ban?
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