

Sep 11th, 2017
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  1. Hoshido Bond Festival Scramble DLC Conversation: Soleil & Kanna (Mother/Daughter)
  2. Kanna: Hey, Mom! There was a group of really cute girls at that Street Stall some time ago!
  3. Soleil: Yup! There was! Well observed, Kanna. ….Huh, you look awfully happy, don’t you?
  4. Kanna: …For some reason…I…My heart went pit-a-pat when I saw those girls…
  5. Soleil: ………
  6. Soleil: Eh? Say again? What do you mean by that?
  7. Soleil: Li-like, what kind of feeling do you feel? Could it possibly mean that do you feel like talking to those girls very much?
  8. Kanna: Yes, I do I do!
  9. Soleil: It can’t be that…you feel really like making passionate advances at those girls?
  10. Kanna: Righty-O! Just like everything you said! Mom, you’re amazing! If it’s you, Mother, it feels as if you can see through my heart!
  11. Kanna: I-It’s a bit embarrassing somehow…
  12. Soleil: Ooh…Gods…
  13. Kanna: What’s the matter, Mom?
  14. Soleil: So-sorry, I kinda feel like fainting…
  15. Kanna: Fainting!? Are you not feeling well!?
  16. Soleil: Nope, you’re mistaken.
  17. Soleil: A comrade has at last come upon me, I thought, so before I could even realize, I unintentionally…!
  18. Soleil: I’m grateful to Gods for this…
  19. Kanna: Mother?
  20. Soleil: Listen well, Kanna. I have all those feelings too…Like you, my heart will also go pit-a-pat and I feel like talking to her whenever I see a cute girl!
  21. Kanna: Eeh? I didn’t know. Then, Mother and I are comrades, aren’t we!
  22. Soleil: Yup. I am so happy I found a girl-loving partner!
  23. Soleil: Moreover, my partner is no one but my own cutie-pie daughter too!
  24. Soleil: Hnnn….You are truly a cute one! Kanna is indeed the cutest girl in the world!
  25. Kanna: Ahaha! Mother, you are wonderful too! So wonderful that I almost want to eat you!
  26. Soleil: Thank you! Since today is a Festival for Children, I really want to make my cute Kanna even happier. Is there anything I can do…Ah. Perhaps I should use that Magical Powder…
  27. Kanna: …Magical Powder?
  28. Soleil: Yeah. I got it from Kamui back in the past. If you drink this powder, everyone will appear as their opposite sex!
  29. Kanna: What? That sounds fun!
  30. Soleil: Isn’t it~!? If we drink it, those undesirable bunch…e-veryone will turn into cute girls! Of course, Kamui too…Your Father was insanely cute…
  31. Kanna: Let’s do it Let’s dooooo it!
  32. Soleil: Gotcha! Then, wait until this Festival is over. Those guys wearing nothing but loin cloth over there, and every single man in our army will look like cute girls, so do look forward for it…
  33. Kanna: Even those guys in loin clothes too!? How embarassing! But, I am so excited! I will be waiting for you after we have taken those thieves down, then. My cute Mother!
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