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Jun 9th, 2017
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  1. USE [master]
  2. GO
  3. /****** Object: Database [Bookshop] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:09 ******/
  4. CREATE DATABASE [Bookshop]
  7. ( NAME = N'Bookshop', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Bookshop.mdf' , SIZE = 73728KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )
  8. LOG ON
  9. ( NAME = N'Bookshop_log', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Bookshop_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1908736KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )
  10. GO
  12. GO
  13. IF (1 = FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled'))
  14. begin
  15. EXEC [Bookshop].[dbo].[sp_fulltext_database] @action = 'enable'
  16. end
  17. GO
  19. GO
  21. GO
  23. GO
  25. GO
  27. GO
  29. GO
  31. GO
  33. GO
  35. GO
  37. GO
  39. GO
  41. GO
  43. GO
  45. GO
  47. GO
  49. GO
  51. GO
  53. GO
  55. GO
  57. GO
  59. GO
  61. GO
  63. GO
  65. GO
  67. GO
  69. GO
  71. GO
  73. GO
  75. GO
  76. EXEC sys.sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format N'Bookshop', N'ON'
  77. GO
  79. GO
  80. USE [Bookshop]
  81. GO
  83. GO
  85. GO
  87. GO
  89. GO
  91. GO
  93. GO
  95. GO
  97. GO
  98. USE [Bookshop]
  99. GO
  100. /****** Object: UserDefinedTableType [dbo].[BookList] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  101. CREATE TYPE [dbo].[BookList] AS TABLE(
  102. [ID] [int] NULL
  103. )
  104. GO
  105. /****** Object: UserDefinedTableType [dbo].[Books] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  106. CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Books] AS TABLE(
  107. [ID] [int] NULL,
  108. [Amnt] [decimal](18, 2) NULL
  109. )
  110. GO
  111. /****** Object: UserDefinedTableType [dbo].[OrderBookAmnt] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  112. CREATE TYPE [dbo].[OrderBookAmnt] AS TABLE(
  113. [AMOUNT] [int] NULL
  114. )
  115. GO
  116. /****** Object: UserDefinedTableType [dbo].[WishlistBookList] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  117. CREATE TYPE [dbo].[WishlistBookList] AS TABLE(
  118. [ID] [int] NULL
  119. )
  120. GO
  121. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Bleep] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  123. GO
  125. GO
  126. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Bleep](
  127. [BleepID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  128. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  129. [Text] [nvarchar](140) NOT NULL,
  130. [DateTime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
  132. (
  133. [BleepID] ASC
  135. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  137. GO
  138. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Book] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  140. GO
  142. GO
  143. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Book](
  144. [BookID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  145. [Title] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
  146. [Author] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
  147. [Genre] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
  148. [Summary] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
  149. [Price] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
  150. [Image] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
  152. (
  153. [BookID] ASC
  157. GO
  158. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Comment] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  160. GO
  162. GO
  163. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Comment](
  164. [CommentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  165. [TopicID] [int] NOT NULL,
  166. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  167. [Text] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
  168. [Date] [date] NOT NULL,
  170. (
  171. [CommentID] ASC
  175. GO
  176. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Coupon] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  178. GO
  180. GO
  181. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Coupon](
  182. [CouponID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  183. [Percentage] [int] NOT NULL,
  184. [Code] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
  186. (
  187. [CouponID] ASC
  189. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  191. GO
  192. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Customer] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  194. GO
  196. GO
  197. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer](
  198. [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
  200. (
  201. [CustomerID] ASC
  203. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  205. GO
  206. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[NewBook] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  208. GO
  210. GO
  211. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NewBook](
  212. [BookID] [int] NOT NULL,
  213. [Amount] [int] NOT NULL,
  215. (
  216. [BookID] ASC
  218. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  220. GO
  221. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[OrderBooks] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  223. GO
  225. GO
  226. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderBooks](
  227. [OrderID] [int] NOT NULL,
  228. [BookID] [int] NOT NULL,
  229. [Amount] [int] NULL,
  231. (
  232. [OrderID] ASC,
  233. [BookID] ASC
  235. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  237. GO
  238. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[OrderCoupons] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  240. GO
  242. GO
  243. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderCoupons](
  244. [OrderID] [int] NOT NULL,
  245. [CouponID] [int] NOT NULL,
  247. (
  248. [OrderID] ASC,
  249. [CouponID] ASC
  251. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  253. GO
  254. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Orders] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  256. GO
  258. GO
  259. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders](
  260. [OrderID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  261. [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,
  262. [Date] [date] NOT NULL,
  263. [Total] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
  265. (
  266. [OrderID] ASC
  268. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  270. GO
  271. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Person] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  273. GO
  275. GO
  276. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](
  277. [PersonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  278. [Email] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
  279. [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
  280. [Address] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
  281. [City] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
  282. [BirthDate] [date] NULL,
  283. [Gender] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
  285. (
  286. [PersonID] ASC
  288. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  290. GO
  291. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[RespondBleep] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  293. GO
  295. GO
  296. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep](
  297. [RespondBleepID] [int] NOT NULL,
  298. [BleepID] [int] NOT NULL,
  300. (
  301. [RespondBleepID] ASC,
  302. [BleepID] ASC
  304. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  306. GO
  307. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[RespondComment] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  309. GO
  311. GO
  312. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment](
  313. [CommentID] [int] NOT NULL,
  314. [RespondCommentID] [int] NOT NULL,
  316. (
  317. [CommentID] ASC,
  318. [RespondCommentID] ASC
  320. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  322. GO
  323. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Review] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  325. GO
  327. GO
  328. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Review](
  329. [ReviewID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  330. [BookID] [int] NOT NULL,
  331. [Text] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
  332. [Rating] [int] NOT NULL,
  334. (
  335. [ReviewID] ASC
  339. GO
  340. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[SecondhandBook] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  342. GO
  344. GO
  345. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SecondhandBook](
  346. [BookID] [int] NOT NULL,
  347. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  348. [Date] [date] NOT NULL,
  350. (
  351. [BookID] ASC
  353. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  355. GO
  356. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Topic] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  358. GO
  360. GO
  361. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Topic](
  362. [TopicID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  363. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  364. [Title] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
  365. [Date] [date] NOT NULL,
  366. [Text] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
  368. (
  369. [TopicID] ASC
  373. GO
  374. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Users] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  376. GO
  378. GO
  379. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users](
  380. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  381. [Username] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
  382. [Password] [nchar](20) NOT NULL,
  384. (
  385. [UserID] ASC
  389. GO
  390. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[UsersFriends] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  392. GO
  394. GO
  395. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends](
  396. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  397. [UserFriendID] [int] NOT NULL,
  399. (
  400. [UserID] ASC,
  401. [UserFriendID] ASC
  403. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  405. GO
  406. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[WishList] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  408. GO
  410. GO
  411. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WishList](
  412. [WishListID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  413. [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
  414. [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
  416. (
  417. [WishListID] ASC
  419. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  421. GO
  422. /****** Object: Table [dbo].[WishlistBooks] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  424. GO
  426. GO
  427. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WishlistBooks](
  428. [WishlistID] [int] NOT NULL,
  429. [BookID] [int] NOT NULL,
  431. (
  432. [WishlistID] ASC,
  433. [BookID] ASC
  435. ) ON [PRIMARY]
  437. GO
  438. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ON
  440. GO
  441. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (1, 226, N'Obninsk State Technical University for Nuclear Power Engineering', CAST(N'1900-01-01T22:56:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  442. GO
  443. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (2, 196, N'Wuhan University of Technology', CAST(N'1900-01-01T00:28:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  444. GO
  445. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (3, 5, N'Otaru University of Commerce', CAST(N'1900-01-01T22:28:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  446. GO
  447. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (4, 170, N'Universidad Central', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:15:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  448. GO
  449. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (5, 28, N'Ecole Supérieure d''Ingénieurs et de Techniciens pour l''Agriculture', CAST(N'1900-01-01T11:14:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  450. GO
  451. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (6, 202, N'Fachhochschule München', CAST(N'1900-01-01T10:55:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  452. GO
  453. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (7, 150, N'Institue of Technology, Tralee', CAST(N'2017-05-15T09:05:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  454. GO
  455. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (8, 54, N'Avondale College', CAST(N'1900-01-01T12:44:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  456. GO
  457. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (9, 42, N'Nirma University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T16:22:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  458. GO
  459. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (10, 175, N'Kigali Institute of Education', CAST(N'1900-01-01T04:24:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  460. GO
  461. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (11, 204, N'Gaziantep University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T22:24:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  462. GO
  463. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (12, 87, N'Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg', CAST(N'1900-01-01T06:26:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  464. GO
  465. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (13, 151, N'Centro Universitário de João Pessoa', CAST(N'1900-01-01T20:20:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  466. GO
  467. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (14, 202, N'Université de Lomé', CAST(N'1900-01-01T02:22:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  468. GO
  469. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (15, 69, N'Universitas Kediri', CAST(N'1900-01-01T20:06:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  470. GO
  471. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (16, 74, N'Richmond University - The American International University in London', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:15:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  472. GO
  473. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (17, 131, N'Capitol University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T12:03:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  474. GO
  475. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (18, 236, N'Hokkaigakuen University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T04:28:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  476. GO
  477. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (19, 122, N'Delaware State University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T19:03:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  478. GO
  479. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (20, 35, N'New York Academy of Art, Graduate School of Figurative Art', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:55:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  480. GO
  481. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (21, 60, N'Queens College', CAST(N'1900-01-01T23:00:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  482. GO
  483. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (22, 199, N'People'' s Friendship University of Russia', CAST(N'1900-01-01T00:26:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  484. GO
  485. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (23, 111, N'University of Trinidad and Tobago', CAST(N'1900-01-01T01:36:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  486. GO
  487. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (24, 124, N'Pacific Northwest College of Art', CAST(N'1900-01-01T18:16:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  488. GO
  489. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (25, 25, N'Universidad Adventista de Colombia', CAST(N'1900-01-01T22:52:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  490. GO
  491. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (26, 34, N'University of Texas', CAST(N'1900-01-01T20:02:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  492. GO
  493. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (27, 83, N'University of Crete', CAST(N'1900-01-01T09:56:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  494. GO
  495. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (28, 205, N'New York Medical College', CAST(N'1900-01-01T01:20:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  496. GO
  497. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (29, 248, N'Agnes Scott College', CAST(N'1900-01-01T03:17:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  498. GO
  499. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (30, 188, N'Muthesius-Hochschule, Fachhochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:06:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  500. GO
  501. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (31, 134, N'Kwangju National University of Education', CAST(N'1900-01-01T20:21:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  502. GO
  503. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (32, 10, N'Moscow Technical University of Informatics and Communication', CAST(N'1900-01-01T09:46:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  504. GO
  505. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (33, 2, N'Institute of Information Technology', CAST(N'1900-01-01T11:16:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  506. GO
  507. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (34, 92, N'Universidad de Puerto Rico, Bayamon', CAST(N'1900-01-01T01:24:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  508. GO
  509. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (35, 49, N'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Management', CAST(N'1900-01-01T17:57:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  510. GO
  511. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (36, 116, N'Athens State College', CAST(N'1900-01-01T17:28:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  512. GO
  513. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (37, 122, N'Bethel College Newton', CAST(N'1900-01-01T05:30:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  514. GO
  515. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (38, 166, N'Ajou University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T12:55:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  516. GO
  517. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (39, 64, N'St.Patrick''s International College, London', CAST(N'1900-01-01T08:54:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  518. GO
  519. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (40, 146, N'Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:34:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  520. GO
  521. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (41, 197, N'International University College of Technology Twintech (IUCTT)', CAST(N'1900-01-01T10:07:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  522. GO
  523. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (42, 203, N'Ateneo de Zamboanga University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T15:05:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  524. GO
  525. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (43, 66, N'Mejiro University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T00:19:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  526. GO
  527. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (44, 181, N'National Pingtung University of Science and Technology', CAST(N'1900-01-01T05:35:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  528. GO
  529. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (45, 51, N'Hamline University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T01:35:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  530. GO
  531. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (46, 238, N'Asia University', CAST(N'1900-01-01T02:07:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  532. GO
  533. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (47, 199, N'Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa', CAST(N'1900-01-01T21:43:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  534. GO
  535. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (48, 5, N'Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros', CAST(N'1900-01-01T11:29:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  536. GO
  537. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (49, 26, N'Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles', CAST(N'1900-01-01T04:10:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  538. GO
  539. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (50, 206, N'Wimbledon School of Art', CAST(N'1900-01-01T03:06:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  540. GO
  541. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (52, 160, N'w', CAST(N'2017-05-15T09:17:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  542. GO
  543. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (53, 160, N'w', CAST(N'2017-05-15T09:19:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  544. GO
  545. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (54, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T09:22:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  546. GO
  547. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (55, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:01:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  548. GO
  549. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (56, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:27:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  550. GO
  551. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (57, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:30:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  552. GO
  553. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (58, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:33:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  554. GO
  555. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (59, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:35:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  556. GO
  557. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (60, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:37:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  558. GO
  559. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (61, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:38:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  560. GO
  561. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (62, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:43:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  562. GO
  563. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (63, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:46:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  564. GO
  565. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (64, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T10:54:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  566. GO
  567. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (65, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-15T11:05:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  568. GO
  569. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (66, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-22T10:03:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  570. GO
  571. INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID], [UserID], [Text], [DateTime]) VALUES (67, 160, N'I added a new book to my wishlist. Go check it out here:', CAST(N'2017-05-22T10:06:00' AS SmallDateTime))
  572. GO
  573. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Bleep] OFF
  574. GO
  575. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Book] ON
  577. GO
  578. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1001, N'Harry Potter and the Philosopher''s stone', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon''s house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who''s parents have been killed in a ''car crash''. He is bullied by them and his fat, spoilt cousin Dudley, and lives a very unremarkable life with only the odd hiccup (like his hair growing back overnight!) to cause him much to think about. That is until an owl turns up with a letter addressed to Harry and all hell breaks loose! He is literally rescued by a world where nothing is as it seems and magic lessons are the order of the day. Read and find out how Harry discovers his true heritage at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, the reason behind his parents mysterious death, who is out to kill him, and how he uncovers the most amazing secret of all time, the fabled Philosopher''s Stone! All this and muggles too. Now, what are they? ', CAST(7.28 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP1.jpg')
  579. GO
  580. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1002, N'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'Harry Potter''s summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone ...Dobby''s sinister predictions seem to be coming true.', CAST(8.09 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP2.jpg')
  581. GO
  582. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1003, N'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it''s the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run – and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry''s tea leaves.. But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss.', CAST(8.09 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP3.jpg')
  583. GO
  584. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1004, N'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter - but that doesn''t stop Harry dreaming that he will win the competition. Then at Hallowe''en, when the Goblet of Fire makes its selection, Harry is amazed to find his name is one of those that the magical cup picks out. He will face death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards, but with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he might just make it through - alive! ', CAST(8.09 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP4.jpg')
  585. GO
  586. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1005, N'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors'' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord''s return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort''s savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time. ', CAST(8.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP5.jpg')
  587. GO
  588. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1006, N'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in an atmosphere of uncertainty, as the magical world begins to face the fact that the evil wizard Voldemort is alive and active once again.', CAST(8.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP6.jpg')
  589. GO
  590. INSERT [dbo].[Book] ([BookID], [Title], [Author], [Genre], [Summary], [Price], [Image]) VALUES (1007, N'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows', N'J.K. Rowling', N'Fantasy', N'As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid''s motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm that has kept Harry safe until now is now broken, but he cannot keep hiding. The Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything Harry loves, and to stop him Harry will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle must begin - Harry must stand and face his enemy. ', CAST(9.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'HP7.jpg')
  591. GO
  592. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Book] OFF
  593. GO
  594. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ON
  596. GO
  597. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (1, 15, 64, N'generate user-centric e-markets', CAST(N'2016-05-19' AS Date))
  598. GO
  599. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (2, 24, 37, N'orchestrate B2C experiences', CAST(N'2016-05-11' AS Date))
  600. GO
  601. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (3, 14, 58, N'engineer innovative initiatives', CAST(N'2016-05-12' AS Date))
  602. GO
  603. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (4, 25, 233, N'revolutionize dynamic portals', CAST(N'2016-07-07' AS Date))
  604. GO
  605. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (5, 23, 36, N'optimize open-source web-readiness', CAST(N'2016-06-04' AS Date))
  606. GO
  607. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (6, 21, 223, N'seize extensible communities', CAST(N'2016-12-26' AS Date))
  608. GO
  609. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (7, 8, 33, N'orchestrate dynamic metrics', CAST(N'2017-03-10' AS Date))
  610. GO
  611. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (8, 30, 141, N'incubate mission-critical e-services', CAST(N'2017-01-16' AS Date))
  612. GO
  613. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (9, 4, 73, N'reintermediate virtual bandwidth', CAST(N'2016-10-15' AS Date))
  614. GO
  615. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (10, 28, 204, N'deliver collaborative initiatives', CAST(N'2016-07-06' AS Date))
  616. GO
  617. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (11, 8, 209, N'cultivate innovative functionalities', CAST(N'2017-03-03' AS Date))
  618. GO
  619. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (12, 13, 201, N'deliver dot-com vortals', CAST(N'2017-01-02' AS Date))
  620. GO
  621. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (13, 14, 102, N'mesh mission-critical experiences', CAST(N'2016-05-13' AS Date))
  622. GO
  623. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (14, 17, 68, N'synergize dynamic schemas', CAST(N'2016-07-09' AS Date))
  624. GO
  625. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (15, 10, 161, N'transition integrated synergies', CAST(N'2016-08-07' AS Date))
  626. GO
  627. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (16, 27, 100, N'engineer B2B ROI', CAST(N'2016-11-10' AS Date))
  628. GO
  629. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (17, 25, 216, N'implement e-business relationships', CAST(N'2017-03-09' AS Date))
  630. GO
  631. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (18, 25, 184, N'engineer revolutionary vortals', CAST(N'2017-02-26' AS Date))
  632. GO
  633. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (19, 20, 126, N'redefine customized schemas', CAST(N'2016-09-22' AS Date))
  634. GO
  635. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (20, 11, 96, N'synergize bricks-and-clicks initiatives', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date))
  636. GO
  637. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (21, 29, 210, N'productize vertical vortals', CAST(N'2016-05-13' AS Date))
  638. GO
  639. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (22, 24, 100, N'iterate web-enabled convergence', CAST(N'2016-12-21' AS Date))
  640. GO
  641. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (23, 12, 77, N'repurpose magnetic platforms', CAST(N'2016-05-29' AS Date))
  642. GO
  643. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (24, 6, 37, N'enhance collaborative channels', CAST(N'2016-10-14' AS Date))
  644. GO
  645. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (25, 12, 33, N'unleash B2C infrastructures', CAST(N'2016-04-24' AS Date))
  646. GO
  647. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (26, 3, 67, N'disintermediate 24/7 users', CAST(N'2016-11-21' AS Date))
  648. GO
  649. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (27, 10, 17, N'e-enable strategic functionalities', CAST(N'2016-04-26' AS Date))
  650. GO
  651. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (28, 8, 32, N'productize cross-platform technologies', CAST(N'2016-08-26' AS Date))
  652. GO
  653. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (29, 17, 14, N'transform value-added methodologies', CAST(N'2017-01-10' AS Date))
  654. GO
  655. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (30, 1, 102, N'streamline dot-com channels', CAST(N'2016-08-26' AS Date))
  656. GO
  657. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (31, 13, 192, N'facilitate integrated synergies', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date))
  658. GO
  659. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (32, 8, 242, N'envisioneer out-of-the-box experiences', CAST(N'2016-12-28' AS Date))
  660. GO
  661. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (33, 14, 228, N'drive robust deliverables', CAST(N'2016-12-01' AS Date))
  662. GO
  663. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (34, 16, 101, N'visualize front-end metrics', CAST(N'2016-06-23' AS Date))
  664. GO
  665. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (35, 29, 112, N'recontextualize strategic convergence', CAST(N'2016-11-23' AS Date))
  666. GO
  667. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (36, 24, 126, N'cultivate one-to-one solutions', CAST(N'2016-09-18' AS Date))
  668. GO
  669. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (37, 5, 150, N'engage impactful deliverables', CAST(N'2016-05-25' AS Date))
  670. GO
  671. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (38, 18, 48, N'morph seamless communities', CAST(N'2017-03-07' AS Date))
  672. GO
  673. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (39, 20, 116, N'embrace open-source e-markets', CAST(N'2017-01-07' AS Date))
  674. GO
  675. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (40, 10, 167, N'synthesize viral channels', CAST(N'2016-07-31' AS Date))
  676. GO
  677. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (41, 11, 147, N'optimize real-time e-business', CAST(N'2016-09-17' AS Date))
  678. GO
  679. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (42, 8, 180, N'revolutionize strategic platforms', CAST(N'2016-07-15' AS Date))
  680. GO
  681. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (43, 30, 57, N'aggregate transparent initiatives', CAST(N'2017-03-15' AS Date))
  682. GO
  683. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (44, 26, 36, N'scale e-business platforms', CAST(N'2016-05-21' AS Date))
  684. GO
  685. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (45, 9, 129, N'strategize turn-key applications', CAST(N'2016-11-13' AS Date))
  686. GO
  687. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (46, 6, 22, N'generate end-to-end experiences', CAST(N'2016-05-05' AS Date))
  688. GO
  689. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (47, 6, 76, N'visualize scalable networks', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date))
  690. GO
  691. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (48, 23, 246, N'reinvent distributed mindshare', CAST(N'2016-09-04' AS Date))
  692. GO
  693. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (49, 4, 134, N'grow plug-and-play content', CAST(N'2016-11-28' AS Date))
  694. GO
  695. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (50, 12, 7, N'monetize enterprise platforms', CAST(N'2016-10-06' AS Date))
  696. GO
  697. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (51, 30, 92, N'empower sticky eyeballs', CAST(N'2016-07-02' AS Date))
  698. GO
  699. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (52, 1, 158, N'exploit customized web services', CAST(N'2016-05-11' AS Date))
  700. GO
  701. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (53, 14, 104, N'optimize proactive markets', CAST(N'2016-05-27' AS Date))
  702. GO
  703. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (54, 23, 173, N'synthesize value-added synergies', CAST(N'2016-12-14' AS Date))
  704. GO
  705. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (55, 5, 239, N'redefine open-source mindshare', CAST(N'2017-01-12' AS Date))
  706. GO
  707. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (56, 1, 176, N'redefine transparent communities', CAST(N'2017-02-06' AS Date))
  708. GO
  709. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (57, 1, 75, N'incubate cross-media technologies', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date))
  710. GO
  711. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (58, 10, 57, N'revolutionize killer e-services', CAST(N'2017-03-08' AS Date))
  712. GO
  713. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (59, 23, 128, N'cultivate clicks-and-mortar solutions', CAST(N'2016-11-03' AS Date))
  714. GO
  715. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (60, 10, 121, N'architect user-centric e-services', CAST(N'2016-08-15' AS Date))
  716. GO
  717. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (61, 28, 78, N'extend cutting-edge content', CAST(N'2016-08-12' AS Date))
  718. GO
  719. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (62, 15, 196, N'maximize efficient schemas', CAST(N'2017-02-07' AS Date))
  720. GO
  721. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (63, 5, 113, N'aggregate viral e-markets', CAST(N'2017-03-17' AS Date))
  722. GO
  723. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (64, 9, 249, N'transform proactive schemas', CAST(N'2016-12-25' AS Date))
  724. GO
  725. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (65, 27, 130, N'facilitate rich networks', CAST(N'2016-06-13' AS Date))
  726. GO
  727. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (66, 19, 165, N'orchestrate seamless bandwidth', CAST(N'2016-06-13' AS Date))
  728. GO
  729. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (67, 1, 55, N'enable extensible portals', CAST(N'2016-07-20' AS Date))
  730. GO
  731. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (68, 2, 3, N'disintermediate transparent technologies', CAST(N'2017-01-18' AS Date))
  732. GO
  733. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (69, 22, 8, N'visualize proactive content', CAST(N'2016-09-16' AS Date))
  734. GO
  735. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (70, 16, 119, N'mesh real-time interfaces', CAST(N'2017-02-08' AS Date))
  736. GO
  737. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (71, 28, 220, N'innovate real-time communities', CAST(N'2017-03-19' AS Date))
  738. GO
  739. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (72, 28, 231, N'facilitate dynamic schemas', CAST(N'2016-11-18' AS Date))
  740. GO
  741. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (73, 12, 82, N'incubate bleeding-edge networks', CAST(N'2016-06-14' AS Date))
  742. GO
  743. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (74, 29, 51, N'reintermediate wireless models', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date))
  744. GO
  745. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (75, 7, 35, N'iterate revolutionary initiatives', CAST(N'2017-01-12' AS Date))
  746. GO
  747. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (76, 10, 247, N'exploit collaborative mindshare', CAST(N'2016-05-03' AS Date))
  748. GO
  749. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (77, 21, 21, N'extend 24/365 vortals', CAST(N'2016-11-08' AS Date))
  750. GO
  751. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (78, 20, 15, N'streamline dynamic communities', CAST(N'2016-05-05' AS Date))
  752. GO
  753. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (79, 3, 171, N'e-enable magnetic bandwidth', CAST(N'2016-08-13' AS Date))
  754. GO
  755. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (80, 4, 233, N'innovate distributed partnerships', CAST(N'2016-06-26' AS Date))
  756. GO
  757. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (81, 13, 102, N'evolve collaborative initiatives', CAST(N'2016-08-30' AS Date))
  758. GO
  759. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (82, 5, 162, N'enable clicks-and-mortar initiatives', CAST(N'2016-10-03' AS Date))
  760. GO
  761. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (83, 12, 224, N'engage holistic initiatives', CAST(N'2016-08-14' AS Date))
  762. GO
  763. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (84, 2, 149, N'grow cutting-edge web-readiness', CAST(N'2017-02-14' AS Date))
  764. GO
  765. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (85, 7, 101, N'enhance collaborative metrics', CAST(N'2016-08-07' AS Date))
  766. GO
  767. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (86, 18, 98, N'utilize out-of-the-box niches', CAST(N'2016-08-12' AS Date))
  768. GO
  769. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (87, 29, 196, N'incubate global mindshare', CAST(N'2017-02-17' AS Date))
  770. GO
  771. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (88, 27, 119, N'monetize global partnerships', CAST(N'2016-04-30' AS Date))
  772. GO
  773. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (89, 22, 65, N'whiteboard end-to-end eyeballs', CAST(N'2016-12-28' AS Date))
  774. GO
  775. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (90, 8, 8, N'envisioneer 24/7 users', CAST(N'2016-09-30' AS Date))
  776. GO
  777. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (91, 28, 152, N'visualize holistic web-readiness', CAST(N'2016-12-04' AS Date))
  778. GO
  779. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (92, 26, 249, N'monetize open-source convergence', CAST(N'2016-08-19' AS Date))
  780. GO
  781. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (93, 7, 144, N'integrate next-generation bandwidth', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date))
  782. GO
  783. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (94, 20, 106, N'transform end-to-end users', CAST(N'2016-09-21' AS Date))
  784. GO
  785. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (95, 30, 133, N'expedite compelling web-readiness', CAST(N'2016-08-18' AS Date))
  786. GO
  787. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (96, 9, 185, N'matrix value-added bandwidth', CAST(N'2016-08-02' AS Date))
  788. GO
  789. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (97, 11, 72, N'scale e-business ROI', CAST(N'2016-06-18' AS Date))
  790. GO
  791. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (98, 23, 132, N'benchmark sexy partnerships', CAST(N'2017-01-11' AS Date))
  792. GO
  793. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (99, 16, 172, N'reintermediate virtual markets', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date))
  794. GO
  795. INSERT [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID], [TopicID], [UserID], [Text], [Date]) VALUES (100, 13, 181, N'innovate granular e-markets', CAST(N'2016-09-05' AS Date))
  796. GO
  797. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Comment] OFF
  798. GO
  799. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] ON
  801. GO
  802. INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] ([CouponID], [Percentage], [Code]) VALUES (1, 10, N'ABCDEFG')
  803. GO
  804. INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] ([CouponID], [Percentage], [Code]) VALUES (2, 20, N'QWERTY')
  805. GO
  806. INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] ([CouponID], [Percentage], [Code]) VALUES (3, 30, N'MAYFEVER')
  807. GO
  808. INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] ([CouponID], [Percentage], [Code]) VALUES (4, 15, N'WHATEVS')
  809. GO
  810. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Coupon] OFF
  811. GO
  812. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (251)
  813. GO
  814. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (252)
  815. GO
  816. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (253)
  817. GO
  818. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (254)
  819. GO
  820. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (255)
  821. GO
  822. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (256)
  823. GO
  824. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (257)
  825. GO
  826. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (258)
  827. GO
  828. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (259)
  829. GO
  830. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (260)
  831. GO
  832. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (261)
  833. GO
  834. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (262)
  835. GO
  836. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (263)
  837. GO
  838. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (264)
  839. GO
  840. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (265)
  841. GO
  842. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (266)
  843. GO
  844. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (267)
  845. GO
  846. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (268)
  847. GO
  848. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (269)
  849. GO
  850. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (270)
  851. GO
  852. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (271)
  853. GO
  854. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (272)
  855. GO
  856. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (273)
  857. GO
  858. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (274)
  859. GO
  860. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (275)
  861. GO
  862. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (276)
  863. GO
  864. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (277)
  865. GO
  866. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (278)
  867. GO
  868. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (279)
  869. GO
  870. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (280)
  871. GO
  872. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (281)
  873. GO
  874. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (282)
  875. GO
  876. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (283)
  877. GO
  878. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (284)
  879. GO
  880. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (285)
  881. GO
  882. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (286)
  883. GO
  884. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (287)
  885. GO
  886. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (288)
  887. GO
  888. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (289)
  889. GO
  890. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (290)
  891. GO
  892. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (291)
  893. GO
  894. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (292)
  895. GO
  896. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (293)
  897. GO
  898. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (294)
  899. GO
  900. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (295)
  901. GO
  902. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (296)
  903. GO
  904. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (297)
  905. GO
  906. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (298)
  907. GO
  908. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (299)
  909. GO
  910. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (300)
  911. GO
  912. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (301)
  913. GO
  914. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (302)
  915. GO
  916. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (303)
  917. GO
  918. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (304)
  919. GO
  920. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (305)
  921. GO
  922. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (306)
  923. GO
  924. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (307)
  925. GO
  926. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (308)
  927. GO
  928. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (309)
  929. GO
  930. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (310)
  931. GO
  932. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (311)
  933. GO
  934. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (312)
  935. GO
  936. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (313)
  937. GO
  938. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (314)
  939. GO
  940. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (315)
  941. GO
  942. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (316)
  943. GO
  944. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (317)
  945. GO
  946. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (318)
  947. GO
  948. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (319)
  949. GO
  950. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (320)
  951. GO
  952. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (321)
  953. GO
  954. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (322)
  955. GO
  956. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (323)
  957. GO
  958. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (324)
  959. GO
  960. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (325)
  961. GO
  962. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (326)
  963. GO
  964. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (327)
  965. GO
  966. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (328)
  967. GO
  968. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (329)
  969. GO
  970. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (330)
  971. GO
  972. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (331)
  973. GO
  974. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (332)
  975. GO
  976. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (333)
  977. GO
  978. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (334)
  979. GO
  980. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (335)
  981. GO
  982. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (336)
  983. GO
  984. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (337)
  985. GO
  986. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (338)
  987. GO
  988. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (339)
  989. GO
  990. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (340)
  991. GO
  992. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (341)
  993. GO
  994. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (342)
  995. GO
  996. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (343)
  997. GO
  998. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (344)
  999. GO
  1000. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (345)
  1001. GO
  1002. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (346)
  1003. GO
  1004. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (347)
  1005. GO
  1006. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (348)
  1007. GO
  1008. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (349)
  1009. GO
  1010. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (350)
  1011. GO
  1012. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (351)
  1013. GO
  1014. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (352)
  1015. GO
  1016. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (353)
  1017. GO
  1018. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (354)
  1019. GO
  1020. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (355)
  1021. GO
  1022. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (356)
  1023. GO
  1024. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (357)
  1025. GO
  1026. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (358)
  1027. GO
  1028. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (359)
  1029. GO
  1030. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (360)
  1031. GO
  1032. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (361)
  1033. GO
  1034. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (362)
  1035. GO
  1036. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (363)
  1037. GO
  1038. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (364)
  1039. GO
  1040. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (365)
  1041. GO
  1042. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (366)
  1043. GO
  1044. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (367)
  1045. GO
  1046. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (368)
  1047. GO
  1048. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (369)
  1049. GO
  1050. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (370)
  1051. GO
  1052. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (371)
  1053. GO
  1054. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (372)
  1055. GO
  1056. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (373)
  1057. GO
  1058. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (374)
  1059. GO
  1060. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (375)
  1061. GO
  1062. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (376)
  1063. GO
  1064. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (377)
  1065. GO
  1066. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (378)
  1067. GO
  1068. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (379)
  1069. GO
  1070. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (380)
  1071. GO
  1072. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (381)
  1073. GO
  1074. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (382)
  1075. GO
  1076. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (383)
  1077. GO
  1078. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (384)
  1079. GO
  1080. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (385)
  1081. GO
  1082. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (386)
  1083. GO
  1084. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (387)
  1085. GO
  1086. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (388)
  1087. GO
  1088. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (389)
  1089. GO
  1090. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (390)
  1091. GO
  1092. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (391)
  1093. GO
  1094. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (392)
  1095. GO
  1096. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (393)
  1097. GO
  1098. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (394)
  1099. GO
  1100. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (395)
  1101. GO
  1102. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (396)
  1103. GO
  1104. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (397)
  1105. GO
  1106. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (398)
  1107. GO
  1108. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (399)
  1109. GO
  1110. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (400)
  1111. GO
  1112. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (503)
  1113. GO
  1114. INSERT [dbo].[Customer] ([CustomerID]) VALUES (505)
  1115. GO
  1116. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1001, 87)
  1117. GO
  1118. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1002, 64)
  1119. GO
  1120. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1003, 131)
  1121. GO
  1122. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1004, 185)
  1123. GO
  1124. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1005, 174)
  1125. GO
  1126. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1006, 36)
  1127. GO
  1128. INSERT [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1007, 201)
  1129. GO
  1130. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1101, 1001, 1)
  1131. GO
  1132. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1102, 1002, 1)
  1133. GO
  1134. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1103, 1001, 1)
  1135. GO
  1136. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1104, 1001, 1)
  1137. GO
  1138. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1105, 1004, 1)
  1139. GO
  1140. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1106, 1005, 1)
  1141. GO
  1142. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1108, 1004, 9)
  1143. GO
  1144. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1109, 1003, 8)
  1145. GO
  1146. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1113, 1001, 2)
  1147. GO
  1148. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1113, 1004, 2)
  1149. GO
  1150. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1114, 1001, 5)
  1151. GO
  1152. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1115, 1001, 1)
  1153. GO
  1154. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1116, 1001, 1)
  1155. GO
  1156. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1117, 1001, 1)
  1157. GO
  1158. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1118, 1001, 1)
  1159. GO
  1160. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1120, 1001, 1)
  1161. GO
  1162. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1121, 1002, 1)
  1163. GO
  1164. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1122, 1001, 2)
  1165. GO
  1166. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1123, 1001, 1)
  1167. GO
  1168. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1124, 1001, 1)
  1169. GO
  1170. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1124, 1007, 2)
  1171. GO
  1172. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1125, 1002, 1)
  1173. GO
  1174. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1126, 1004, 2)
  1175. GO
  1176. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1127, 1002, 1)
  1177. GO
  1178. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1127, 1003, 2)
  1179. GO
  1180. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1128, 1001, 2)
  1181. GO
  1182. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1129, 1002, 1)
  1183. GO
  1184. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1130, 1004, 2)
  1185. GO
  1186. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1131, 1002, 1)
  1187. GO
  1188. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1132, 1002, 1)
  1189. GO
  1190. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1132, 1003, 1)
  1191. GO
  1192. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1133, 1001, 2)
  1193. GO
  1194. INSERT [dbo].[OrderBooks] ([OrderID], [BookID], [Amount]) VALUES (1135, 1001, 1)
  1195. GO
  1196. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ON
  1198. GO
  1199. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1101, 501, CAST(N'2017-02-02' AS Date), NULL)
  1200. GO
  1201. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1102, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), NULL)
  1202. GO
  1203. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1103, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), NULL)
  1204. GO
  1205. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1104, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), NULL)
  1206. GO
  1207. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1105, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), NULL)
  1208. GO
  1209. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1106, 501, CAST(N'2017-01-02' AS Date), CAST(8.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1210. GO
  1211. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1107, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(8.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1212. GO
  1213. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1108, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(9.99 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1214. GO
  1215. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1109, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(72.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1216. GO
  1217. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1110, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(56.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1218. GO
  1219. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1111, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(55.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1220. GO
  1221. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1112, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(27.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1222. GO
  1223. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1113, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-02' AS Date), CAST(38.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1224. GO
  1225. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1114, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-03' AS Date), CAST(45.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1226. GO
  1227. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1115, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1228. GO
  1229. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1116, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1230. GO
  1231. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1117, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1232. GO
  1233. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1118, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1234. GO
  1235. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1119, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1236. GO
  1237. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1120, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1238. GO
  1239. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1121, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(9.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1240. GO
  1241. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1122, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(16.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1242. GO
  1243. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1123, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(8.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1244. GO
  1245. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1124, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(28.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1246. GO
  1247. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1125, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(9.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1248. GO
  1249. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1126, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(18.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1250. GO
  1251. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1127, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(27.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1252. GO
  1253. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1128, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(16.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1254. GO
  1255. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1129, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(9.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1256. GO
  1257. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1130, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(18.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1258. GO
  1259. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1131, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-06' AS Date), CAST(9.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1260. GO
  1261. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1132, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-07' AS Date), CAST(18.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1262. GO
  1263. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1133, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-07' AS Date), CAST(15.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1264. GO
  1265. INSERT [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID], [PersonID], [Date], [Total]) VALUES (1135, 501, CAST(N'2017-06-08' AS Date), CAST(7.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)))
  1266. GO
  1267. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Orders] OFF
  1268. GO
  1269. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Person] ON
  1271. GO
  1272. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (1, N'', N'Jessica', N'1 Sauthoff Road', N'Alukama', CAST(N'2016-06-10' AS Date), N'Female')
  1273. GO
  1274. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (2, N'', N'Bonnie', N'83878 Hallows Alley', N'?awf', CAST(N'2016-04-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1275. GO
  1276. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (3, N'', N'Judy', N'82 Bunker Hill Center', N'Ciloa', CAST(N'2017-03-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1277. GO
  1278. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (4, N'', N'Earl', N'26239 Goodland Court', N'Prnjavor', CAST(N'2016-09-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1279. GO
  1280. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (5, N'', N'Roy', N'199 Corry Avenue', N'Rzgów', CAST(N'2017-01-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1281. GO
  1282. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (6, N'', N'Victor', N'88667 Washington Center', N'Borås', CAST(N'2016-09-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1283. GO
  1284. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (7, N'', N'Randy', N'4063 Meadow Vale Street', N'Molchanovo', CAST(N'2016-06-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1285. GO
  1286. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (8, N'', N'Douglas', N'3395 Burning Wood Avenue', N'Mangkon Daja', CAST(N'2016-07-04' AS Date), N'Male')
  1287. GO
  1288. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (9, N'', N'Carol', N'17499 Westridge Pass', N'Liudu', CAST(N'2016-07-25' AS Date), N'Female')
  1289. GO
  1290. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (10, N'', N'Roy', N'19648 Dexter Road', N'Comalapa', CAST(N'2016-10-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1291. GO
  1292. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (11, N'', N'Jane', N'1 Mayer Terrace', N'Th? Tr?n Thanh Luu', CAST(N'2016-07-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1293. GO
  1294. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (12, N'', N'Michelle', N'98 Pleasure Street', N'Thala', CAST(N'2017-02-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  1295. GO
  1296. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (13, N'', N'Victor', N'24453 American Ash Point', N'Mengjia', CAST(N'2016-07-14' AS Date), N'Male')
  1297. GO
  1298. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (14, N'', N'Chris', N'40 Debs Court', N'Cauto Cristo', CAST(N'2016-06-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1299. GO
  1300. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (15, N'', N'Betty', N'70 Eagle Crest Crossing', N'Al Hoceïma', CAST(N'2016-03-30' AS Date), N'Female')
  1301. GO
  1302. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (16, N'', N'Beverly', N'90 8th Terrace', N'Qijing', CAST(N'2016-12-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1303. GO
  1304. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (17, N'', N'Alice', N'61659 Thackeray Lane', N'Hornówek', CAST(N'2016-07-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1305. GO
  1306. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (18, N'', N'Gary', N'79 Little Fleur Place', N'Yanjiang', CAST(N'2016-06-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1307. GO
  1308. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (19, N'', N'Frances', N'73223 Sauthoff Way', N'Terter', CAST(N'2016-09-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1309. GO
  1310. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (20, N'', N'Roy', N'590 Thompson Junction', N'Mudon', CAST(N'2016-07-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1311. GO
  1312. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (21, N'', N'Nicole', N'6938 Arkansas Court', N'Kedungwringin', CAST(N'2016-11-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1313. GO
  1314. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (22, N'', N'Albert', N'23 8th Crossing', N'Douala', CAST(N'2017-02-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1315. GO
  1316. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (23, N'', N'Katherine', N'4 Almo Court', N'Yanglinshi', CAST(N'2017-02-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1317. GO
  1318. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (24, N'', N'Jacqueline', N'31 Fieldstone Place', N'Cisewu', CAST(N'2016-10-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1319. GO
  1320. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (25, N'', N'Shirley', N'43 Helena Alley', N'Lucaya', CAST(N'2016-09-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1321. GO
  1322. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (26, N'', N'Doris', N'7608 Union Center', N'Souto da Costa', CAST(N'2016-08-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1323. GO
  1324. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (27, N'', N'Howard', N'23721 Myrtle Circle', N'Guane', CAST(N'2016-07-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1325. GO
  1326. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (28, N'', N'Michael', N'0088 Mariners Cove Drive', N'Borlänge', CAST(N'2016-06-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1327. GO
  1328. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (29, N'', N'Paula', N'701 Drewry Junction', N'Chengyang', CAST(N'2016-12-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1329. GO
  1330. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (30, N'', N'Frank', N'876 Morningstar Lane', N'Xiangfu', CAST(N'2017-02-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1331. GO
  1332. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (31, N'', N'Ruby', N'4110 Towne Drive', N'Fort Erie', CAST(N'2016-12-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1333. GO
  1334. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (32, N'', N'Norma', N'0158 Drewry Crossing', N'Behabad', CAST(N'2017-03-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  1335. GO
  1336. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (33, N'', N'Richard', N'6472 Chinook Trail', N'Cova Figueira', CAST(N'2016-09-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1337. GO
  1338. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (34, N'', N'Donna', N'175 Aberg Alley', N'Roudnice nad Labem', CAST(N'2016-06-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1339. GO
  1340. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (35, N'', N'Terry', N'131 Prentice Trail', N'Waddan', CAST(N'2016-07-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1341. GO
  1342. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (36, N'', N'Debra', N'3697 Beilfuss Road', N'Manalu', CAST(N'2017-01-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1343. GO
  1344. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (37, N'', N'Irene', N'9113 Pearson Hill', N'Itagüí', CAST(N'2016-12-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1345. GO
  1346. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (38, N'', N'Steve', N'0 Eagan Way', N'João Pessoa', CAST(N'2016-10-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  1347. GO
  1348. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (39, N'', N'Rachel', N'3 Carberry Lane', N'Gading', CAST(N'2016-11-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1349. GO
  1350. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (40, N'', N'Shawn', N'5 Delaware Center', N'Yaqian', CAST(N'2016-07-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1351. GO
  1352. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (41, N'', N'Mildred', N'04081 Crest Line Street', N'Boroon', CAST(N'2017-03-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1353. GO
  1354. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (42, N'', N'Victor', N'6665 Ridge Oak Street', N'Buenavista', CAST(N'2016-11-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1355. GO
  1356. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (43, N'', N'Gloria', N'72706 School Parkway', N'Nymburk', CAST(N'2016-12-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  1357. GO
  1358. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (44, N'', N'Rachel', N'7156 Barby Road', N'Qianzhou', CAST(N'2016-11-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  1359. GO
  1360. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (45, N'', N'Antonio', N'42 Tennessee Alley', N'Shi?an as Suflá', CAST(N'2016-12-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1361. GO
  1362. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (46, N'', N'Frances', N'9310 Sunnyside Drive', N'Port Louis', CAST(N'2016-10-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1363. GO
  1364. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (47, N'', N'Juan', N'6 Fairview Hill', N'Liangdong', CAST(N'2017-02-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1365. GO
  1366. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (48, N'', N'Brian', N'9093 Corry Hill', N'Qingshan', CAST(N'2016-04-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1367. GO
  1368. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (49, N'', N'Terry', N'27235 Arkansas Avenue', N'Andradina', CAST(N'2016-03-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1369. GO
  1370. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (50, N'', N'Anna', N'576 Heath Pass', N'Domont', CAST(N'2016-07-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1371. GO
  1372. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (51, N'', N'Carl', N'2 Dapin Crossing', N'Salto', CAST(N'2016-11-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  1373. GO
  1374. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (52, N'', N'Arthur', N'2924 Schiller Trail', N'Trawniki', CAST(N'2016-10-14' AS Date), N'Male')
  1375. GO
  1376. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (53, N'', N'Phillip', N'7983 Hanson Plaza', N'San José Acatempa', CAST(N'2016-11-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  1377. GO
  1378. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (54, N'', N'Jose', N'2 Schlimgen Crossing', N'Beitan', CAST(N'2016-12-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1379. GO
  1380. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (55, N'', N'Nicholas', N'4044 Longview Park', N'Dolice', CAST(N'2016-06-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  1381. GO
  1382. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (56, N'', N'Angela', N'447 Bowman Street', N'Lyon', CAST(N'2016-09-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1383. GO
  1384. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (57, N'', N'Nicholas', N'0 Sycamore Parkway', N'Makrýgialos', CAST(N'2016-10-12' AS Date), N'Male')
  1385. GO
  1386. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (58, N'', N'Donald', N'6 Cascade Plaza', N'Myeik', CAST(N'2016-05-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1387. GO
  1388. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (59, N'', N'John', N'29765 Stephen Drive', N'Zagora', CAST(N'2016-09-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1389. GO
  1390. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (60, N'', N'Christopher', N'8 Bartillon Parkway', N'Rudy', CAST(N'2016-10-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1391. GO
  1392. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (61, N'', N'Paul', N'0 Arkansas Drive', N'Hénin-Beaumont', CAST(N'2017-03-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1393. GO
  1394. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (62, N'', N'Rebecca', N'36727 Kenwood Way', N'La Reforma', CAST(N'2017-01-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1395. GO
  1396. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (63, N'', N'Steve', N'711 Mallory Hill', N'Yiliu', CAST(N'2016-10-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1397. GO
  1398. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (64, N'', N'Rose', N'868 South Park', N'Namyslów', CAST(N'2016-08-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1399. GO
  1400. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (65, N'', N'Mildred', N'5 Fordem Avenue', N'Båstad', CAST(N'2017-03-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1401. GO
  1402. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (66, N'', N'Patrick', N'35 Graedel Way', N'Beauharnois', CAST(N'2016-04-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1403. GO
  1404. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (67, N'', N'Earl', N'74 John Wall Junction', N'Pulong Gubat', CAST(N'2016-07-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1405. GO
  1406. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (68, N'', N'Debra', N'5 Kingsford Point', N'Livadiya', CAST(N'2016-05-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1407. GO
  1408. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (69, N'', N'Benjamin', N'8 Washington Park', N'Ketrzyn', CAST(N'2016-11-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1409. GO
  1410. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (70, N'', N'Bobby', N'0925 Bluestem Park', N'Pitumarca', CAST(N'2016-08-12' AS Date), N'Male')
  1411. GO
  1412. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (71, N'', N'Marilyn', N'5 Beilfuss Lane', N'Brits', CAST(N'2016-06-10' AS Date), N'Female')
  1413. GO
  1414. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (72, N'', N'Eugene', N'6837 Talmadge Pass', N'Pangal Sur', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1415. GO
  1416. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (73, N'', N'Sharon', N'2 Sachs Court', N'Curuzú Cuatiá', CAST(N'2016-08-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  1417. GO
  1418. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (74, N'', N'Jonathan', N'89 Autumn Leaf Parkway', N'Aluminé', CAST(N'2017-02-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  1419. GO
  1420. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (75, N'', N'Amanda', N'01319 Truax Drive', N'Jurak Lao’', CAST(N'2016-11-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  1421. GO
  1422. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (76, N'', N'Susan', N'264 Steensland Alley', N'Al ?ammamat', CAST(N'2017-01-31' AS Date), N'Female')
  1423. GO
  1424. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (77, N'', N'Sean', N'1 Meadow Vale Hill', N'Areado', CAST(N'2016-08-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  1425. GO
  1426. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (78, N'', N'Patricia', N'6 Di Loreto Hill', N'Lucé', CAST(N'2017-01-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1427. GO
  1428. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (79, N'', N'Mark', N'72331 Darwin Road', N'Amieirinha', CAST(N'2016-08-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1429. GO
  1430. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (80, N'', N'Brenda', N'387 Pennsylvania Court', N'Bolo', CAST(N'2016-06-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1431. GO
  1432. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (81, N'', N'Rose', N'1 Farragut Pass', N'Shang Boingor', CAST(N'2016-05-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  1433. GO
  1434. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (82, N'', N'Edward', N'8 Memorial Court', N'Kandahar', CAST(N'2016-09-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  1435. GO
  1436. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (83, N'', N'Ryan', N'666 Merrick Road', N'Gaspar', CAST(N'2016-08-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1437. GO
  1438. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (84, N'', N'Thomas', N'30 Sycamore Circle', N'Sarana', CAST(N'2016-06-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  1439. GO
  1440. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (85, N'', N'Donna', N'52811 Golf View Circle', N'Sulkava', CAST(N'2017-03-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1441. GO
  1442. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (86, N'', N'Walter', N'5733 Namekagon Terrace', N'Izmaylovo', CAST(N'2016-04-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1443. GO
  1444. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (87, N'', N'Phyllis', N'6980 Evergreen Place', N'Chocope', CAST(N'2016-07-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1445. GO
  1446. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (88, N'', N'Jean', N'262 Buhler Court', N'Guinoaliuan', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1447. GO
  1448. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (89, N'', N'Elizabeth', N'2 Sunbrook Point', N'São Martinho do Campo', CAST(N'2017-02-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1449. GO
  1450. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (90, N'', N'Helen', N'55758 Lakewood Terrace', N'Shenwan', CAST(N'2016-08-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  1451. GO
  1452. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (91, N'', N'Ryan', N'52 Graedel Pass', N'San Pedro Carchá', CAST(N'2016-11-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1453. GO
  1454. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (92, N'', N'Gerald', N'92 Clarendon Park', N'Tegalgede', CAST(N'2017-03-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1455. GO
  1456. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (93, N'', N'Ruby', N'48 Dahle Parkway', N'Rybnik', CAST(N'2016-11-30' AS Date), N'Female')
  1457. GO
  1458. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (94, N'', N'Barbara', N'06 Dryden Circle', N'Paiçandu', CAST(N'2016-07-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1459. GO
  1460. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (95, N'', N'Lori', N'665 Gale Crossing', N'Yuyapichis', CAST(N'2016-11-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1461. GO
  1462. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (96, N'', N'Cheryl', N'38944 Claremont Trail', N'Maumbawa', CAST(N'2016-03-26' AS Date), N'Female')
  1463. GO
  1464. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (97, N'', N'Beverly', N'287 Monterey Terrace', N'Sidu', CAST(N'2016-04-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1465. GO
  1466. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (98, N'', N'Craig', N'4072 Lotheville Pass', N'Sosnovka', CAST(N'2016-06-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1467. GO
  1468. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (99, N'', N'Virginia', N'75 Barnett Drive', N'New York City', CAST(N'2016-12-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  1469. GO
  1470. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (100, N'', N'Catherine', N'1 Gulseth Hill', N'Talospatang', CAST(N'2016-05-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  1471. GO
  1472. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (101, N'', N'Jason', N'131 Westend Avenue', N'Stockholm', CAST(N'2016-10-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1473. GO
  1474. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (102, N'', N'Larry', N'04 Waxwing Parkway', N'Scarborough', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1475. GO
  1476. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (103, N'', N'Catherine', N'2 Karstens Hill', N'Delaware', CAST(N'2016-10-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  1477. GO
  1478. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (104, N'', N'Catherine', N'80 Roxbury Terrace', N'Matanzas', CAST(N'2016-10-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1479. GO
  1480. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (105, N'', N'Clarence', N'286 Pleasure Park', N'Keli', CAST(N'2016-06-12' AS Date), N'Male')
  1481. GO
  1482. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (106, N'', N'Carlos', N'04011 Merry Alley', N'San José de los Remates', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1483. GO
  1484. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (107, N'', N'Lawrence', N'000 Kim Plaza', N'Kakamas', CAST(N'2017-01-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1485. GO
  1486. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (108, N'', N'Larry', N'12558 Kropf Junction', N'Celje', CAST(N'2017-03-05' AS Date), N'Male')
  1487. GO
  1488. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (109, N'', N'Matthew', N'01006 Cherokee Place', N'Langkou', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  1489. GO
  1490. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (110, N'', N'Carlos', N'87257 Bultman Crossing', N'Tambulig', CAST(N'2016-09-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1491. GO
  1492. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (111, N'', N'Donald', N'03804 Warner Pass', N'Higuerote', CAST(N'2016-04-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1493. GO
  1494. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (112, N'', N'Betty', N'1 Fair Oaks Place', N'Guebwiller', CAST(N'2016-03-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1495. GO
  1496. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (113, N'', N'Alice', N'5045 Larry Terrace', N'Sundsvall', CAST(N'2016-07-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1497. GO
  1498. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (114, N'', N'Earl', N'2 Green Ridge Road', N'Fómeque', CAST(N'2017-01-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1499. GO
  1500. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (115, N'', N'Ryan', N'696 Rieder Street', N'Lidun', CAST(N'2016-04-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  1501. GO
  1502. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (116, N'', N'Rachel', N'24 Donald Alley', N'Gengcheng', CAST(N'2016-08-22' AS Date), N'Female')
  1503. GO
  1504. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (117, N'', N'Ruby', N'639 Prairie Rose Court', N'Cernošín', CAST(N'2017-01-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1505. GO
  1506. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (118, N'', N'Betty', N'72 Di Loreto Park', N'Jamaica', CAST(N'2016-12-14' AS Date), N'Female')
  1507. GO
  1508. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (119, N'', N'Paula', N'7 Eastwood Junction', N'Paseyan', CAST(N'2016-09-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1509. GO
  1510. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (120, N'', N'Debra', N'458 Blue Bill Park Junction', N'Xincheng', CAST(N'2016-12-18' AS Date), N'Female')
  1511. GO
  1512. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (121, N'', N'Jack', N'8 Lukken Hill', N'Xinxing', CAST(N'2016-12-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1513. GO
  1514. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (122, N'', N'Jeremy', N'5653 Kennedy Way', N'Arroyo Naranjo', CAST(N'2017-03-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1515. GO
  1516. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (123, N'', N'James', N'16 Buena Vista Trail', N'Xingquan', CAST(N'2016-09-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1517. GO
  1518. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (124, N'', N'Eric', N'31477 Eliot Lane', N'Gaoyao', CAST(N'2017-01-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1519. GO
  1520. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (125, N'', N'Daniel', N'528 Garrison Center', N'Songshan', CAST(N'2016-08-31' AS Date), N'Male')
  1521. GO
  1522. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (126, N'', N'Carolyn', N'9662 Ridge Oak Way', N'Chiquinquirá', CAST(N'2016-07-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1523. GO
  1524. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (127, N'', N'Patrick', N'16 Maryland Trail', N'Qiansuo', CAST(N'2016-07-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1525. GO
  1526. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (128, N'', N'Samuel', N'90978 Oneill Place', N'Madang', CAST(N'2016-06-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1527. GO
  1528. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (129, N'', N'Katherine', N'012 Springs Junction', N'Huyang', CAST(N'2016-06-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1529. GO
  1530. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (130, N'', N'Carol', N'79900 Lukken Drive', N'Munse', CAST(N'2016-10-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1531. GO
  1532. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (131, N'', N'Pamela', N'8 Chinook Hill', N'Chengbei', CAST(N'2017-02-12' AS Date), N'Female')
  1533. GO
  1534. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (132, N'', N'Shawn', N'60195 Huxley Pass', N'Apeldoorn', CAST(N'2016-05-31' AS Date), N'Male')
  1535. GO
  1536. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (133, N'', N'Teresa', N'46 Comanche Park', N'Gradishtë', CAST(N'2017-01-22' AS Date), N'Female')
  1537. GO
  1538. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (134, N'', N'Juan', N'31585 Katie Junction', N'Clarin', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1539. GO
  1540. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (135, N'', N'Phillip', N'290 Canary Center', N'Notre-Dame-des-Prairies', CAST(N'2017-02-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1541. GO
  1542. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (136, N'', N'Roger', N'36303 Merrick Crossing', N'Sobreda', CAST(N'2016-12-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1543. GO
  1544. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (137, N'', N'Chris', N'18131 Banding Terrace', N'Th? Tr?n Hát Lót', CAST(N'2017-02-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1545. GO
  1546. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (138, N'', N'Marie', N'1 Rutledge Terrace', N'San Isidro', CAST(N'2016-11-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1547. GO
  1548. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (139, N'', N'Frank', N'601 Esker Point', N'Smolenka', CAST(N'2016-10-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1549. GO
  1550. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (140, N'', N'Jerry', N'9 Shoshone Place', N'Buenavista', CAST(N'2016-11-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1551. GO
  1552. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (141, N'', N'Brian', N'0951 American Pass', N'Al Bariqiyah', CAST(N'2016-11-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1553. GO
  1554. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (142, N'', N'Benjamin', N'43 Riverside Way', N'Matou', CAST(N'2016-07-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  1555. GO
  1556. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (143, N'', N'Kevin', N'91 Ridgeway Plaza', N'Batou', CAST(N'2016-08-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1557. GO
  1558. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (144, N'', N'Joyce', N'833 Granby Drive', N'Cimislia', CAST(N'2017-01-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1559. GO
  1560. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (145, N'', N'Michelle', N'40 Briar Crest Terrace', N'Nedakonice', CAST(N'2017-01-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1561. GO
  1562. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (146, N'', N'Kelly', N'675 Ilene Plaza', N'Pantian', CAST(N'2017-02-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1563. GO
  1564. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (147, N'', N'Joshua', N'10 Mandrake Street', N'Louisville', CAST(N'2017-03-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1565. GO
  1566. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (148, N'', N'Jean', N'1741 Sage Lane', N'Semampirbarat', CAST(N'2016-07-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1567. GO
  1568. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (149, N'', N'Margaret', N'68 Dexter Hill', N'Huaicheng', CAST(N'2016-11-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1569. GO
  1570. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (150, N'', N'Phillip', N'99490 Del Mar Trail', N'Križanov', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1571. GO
  1572. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (151, N'', N'William', N'194 Meadow Ridge Junction', N'Ventanas', CAST(N'2016-06-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1573. GO
  1574. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (152, N'', N'Susan', N'620 Acker Drive', N'Horad Krychaw', CAST(N'2016-09-25' AS Date), N'Female')
  1575. GO
  1576. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (153, N'', N'Judy', N'6 Dixon Avenue', N'Tapacocha', CAST(N'2016-04-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1577. GO
  1578. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (154, N'', N'John', N'372 Messerschmidt Lane', N'Valday', CAST(N'2016-05-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1579. GO
  1580. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (155, N'', N'Julia', N'60164 Jackson Point', N'Mayong', CAST(N'2016-06-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1581. GO
  1582. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (156, N'', N'Samuel', N'05 Hayes Drive', N'Pontevedra', CAST(N'2017-03-07' AS Date), N'Male')
  1583. GO
  1584. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (157, N'', N'Julia', N'8 Arkansas Street', N'Amolatar', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1585. GO
  1586. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (158, N'', N'Barbara', N'9 Northport Avenue', N'Rivas', CAST(N'2016-06-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1587. GO
  1588. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (159, N'', N'Frances', N'98 Nobel Place', N'Ojiya', CAST(N'2016-10-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1589. GO
  1590. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (160, N'', N'Terry', N'9 Graceland Plaza', N'Lagoa do Itaenga', CAST(N'2016-11-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  1591. GO
  1592. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (161, N'', N'Rose', N'0661 Esker Lane', N'Maqian', CAST(N'2017-03-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1593. GO
  1594. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (162, N'', N'Jacqueline', N'22 Bartillon Point', N'Partille', CAST(N'2016-09-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1595. GO
  1596. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (163, N'', N'Keith', N'9 Sauthoff Street', N'Nuštar', CAST(N'2016-12-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1597. GO
  1598. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (164, N'', N'Anthony', N'126 Park Meadow Crossing', N'Tabuc Pontevedra', CAST(N'2016-11-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1599. GO
  1600. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (165, N'', N'Ruth', N'68 Hoard Pass', N'Tigaon', CAST(N'2016-10-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1601. GO
  1602. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (166, N'', N'Charles', N'22 Scofield Park', N'Jiazi', CAST(N'2016-07-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1603. GO
  1604. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (167, N'', N'Aaron', N'102 Mitchell Avenue', N'Lancaster', CAST(N'2016-08-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1605. GO
  1606. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (168, N'', N'Lawrence', N'1 High Crossing Way', N'Keli', CAST(N'2016-11-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1607. GO
  1608. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (169, N'', N'Frank', N'62368 Melby Avenue', N'Séléa', CAST(N'2016-11-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1609. GO
  1610. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (170, N'', N'Bruce', N'657 Esch Hill', N'Danxia', CAST(N'2016-05-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1611. GO
  1612. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (171, N'', N'Ashley', N'55 Autumn Leaf Junction', N'Igreja', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date), N'Female')
  1613. GO
  1614. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (172, N'', N'Julie', N'37 Dayton Avenue', N'Chenghuang', CAST(N'2016-03-30' AS Date), N'Female')
  1615. GO
  1616. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (173, N'', N'Janet', N'23 Twin Pines Lane', N'Villa del Carmen', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date), N'Female')
  1617. GO
  1618. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (174, N'', N'Shawn', N'6 Anzinger Parkway', N'Azogues', CAST(N'2017-02-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1619. GO
  1620. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (175, N'', N'Aaron', N'948 Independence Hill', N'Dankama', CAST(N'2016-08-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1621. GO
  1622. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (176, N'', N'Diane', N'004 Marquette Place', N'Huangshan', CAST(N'2017-03-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  1623. GO
  1624. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (177, N'', N'Sarah', N'24 Emmet Lane', N'Jiucaizhuang', CAST(N'2016-05-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1625. GO
  1626. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (178, N'', N'Jean', N'09 Delladonna Parkway', N'Balauring', CAST(N'2016-05-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1627. GO
  1628. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (179, N'', N'Thomas', N'41659 Morningstar Pass', N'Daijiaba', CAST(N'2016-04-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1629. GO
  1630. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (180, N'', N'Carlos', N'17 Dorton Road', N'Nancheng', CAST(N'2016-11-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1631. GO
  1632. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (181, N'', N'Scott', N'350 Morrow Place', N'Baisha', CAST(N'2016-04-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1633. GO
  1634. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (182, N'', N'Joe', N'453 Lake View Hill', N'Trubchevsk', CAST(N'2017-02-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1635. GO
  1636. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (183, N'', N'Johnny', N'350 Lien Park', N'Shuiyin', CAST(N'2016-06-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1637. GO
  1638. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (184, N'', N'Shawn', N'59 Cambridge Way', N'Karnice', CAST(N'2016-12-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1639. GO
  1640. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (185, N'', N'Paul', N'3 Crescent Oaks Point', N'Akzhal', CAST(N'2016-12-29' AS Date), N'Male')
  1641. GO
  1642. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (186, N'', N'Ernest', N'449 Erie Court', N'Kugri', CAST(N'2016-10-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1643. GO
  1644. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (187, N'', N'Steven', N'854 La Follette Way', N'Cedynia', CAST(N'2016-07-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  1645. GO
  1646. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (188, N'', N'Lisa', N'2 Fulton Street', N'Sayang Lauq', CAST(N'2017-01-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1647. GO
  1648. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (189, N'', N'Elizabeth', N'7 Eastwood Plaza', N'Plandirejo', CAST(N'2017-01-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1649. GO
  1650. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (190, N'', N'Deborah', N'54041 Melrose Parkway', N'Gozdnica', CAST(N'2016-10-10' AS Date), N'Female')
  1651. GO
  1652. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (191, N'', N'Maria', N'8534 Bay Park', N'Baicaogou', CAST(N'2016-10-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1653. GO
  1654. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (192, N'', N'Ronald', N'54 Village Lane', N'Ljukovo', CAST(N'2017-02-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1655. GO
  1656. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (193, N'', N'Rebecca', N'99 Lyons Street', N'Altavista', CAST(N'2017-03-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  1657. GO
  1658. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (194, N'', N'Helen', N'1007 Katie Drive', N'Salegading', CAST(N'2016-12-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1659. GO
  1660. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (195, N'', N'Lillian', N'9163 High Crossing Hill', N'Dachun', CAST(N'2016-10-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1661. GO
  1662. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (196, N'', N'Peter', N'73818 Hooker Alley', N'Solna', CAST(N'2016-08-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1663. GO
  1664. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (197, N'', N'Lisa', N'31 Spaight Crossing', N'Pico Truncado', CAST(N'2016-04-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1665. GO
  1666. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (198, N'', N'Dorothy', N'941 Mallory Drive', N'Zhaocun', CAST(N'2017-01-18' AS Date), N'Female')
  1667. GO
  1668. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (199, N'', N'Heather', N'8896 Loeprich Park', N'Blang Dalam', CAST(N'2016-12-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1669. GO
  1670. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (200, N'', N'Beverly', N'57 Sloan Place', N'Kukichuo', CAST(N'2017-01-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  1671. GO
  1672. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (201, N'', N'Juan', N'113 Vermont Pass', N'Lolak', CAST(N'2016-05-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1673. GO
  1674. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (202, N'', N'Raymond', N'05 Warbler Lane', N'Jiaowei', CAST(N'2016-04-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1675. GO
  1676. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (203, N'', N'Scott', N'31613 Beilfuss Trail', N'Rio Piracicaba', CAST(N'2016-11-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1677. GO
  1678. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (204, N'', N'Roger', N'80 Cardinal Circle', N'Pilchowice', CAST(N'2016-12-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1679. GO
  1680. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (205, N'', N'Mildred', N'97 Everett Center', N'Bergen', CAST(N'2016-08-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1681. GO
  1682. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (206, N'', N'Sharon', N'97 Prentice Hill', N'Boavista', CAST(N'2017-01-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1683. GO
  1684. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (207, N'', N'Gary', N'7 Del Sol Crossing', N'Hetou', CAST(N'2016-08-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1685. GO
  1686. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (208, N'', N'Benjamin', N'40335 Hanover Place', N'Shijiazhuang', CAST(N'2016-03-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1687. GO
  1688. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (209, N'', N'Jane', N'73034 Hermina Parkway', N'Tsaghkahovit', CAST(N'2016-07-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1689. GO
  1690. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (210, N'', N'Clarence', N'6582 Schiller Parkway', N'Pontang Tengah', CAST(N'2017-03-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1691. GO
  1692. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (211, N'', N'Benjamin', N'12 3rd Hill', N'Uryupinsk', CAST(N'2016-07-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1693. GO
  1694. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (212, N'', N'Johnny', N'05 Browning Street', N'Pariti', CAST(N'2016-10-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1695. GO
  1696. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (213, N'', N'Lisa', N'73 Fordem Plaza', N'Mueang Phuket', CAST(N'2016-11-10' AS Date), N'Female')
  1697. GO
  1698. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (214, N'', N'Shirley', N'573 Jenifer Plaza', N'Pemzashen', CAST(N'2016-11-10' AS Date), N'Female')
  1699. GO
  1700. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (215, N'', N'Carl', N'1 Morning Lane', N'Fengqiao', CAST(N'2017-02-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1701. GO
  1702. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (216, N'', N'Brenda', N'917 Manufacturers Court', N'Tisco', CAST(N'2016-06-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1703. GO
  1704. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (217, N'', N'Deborah', N'8 Barby Parkway', N'Buka', CAST(N'2016-06-14' AS Date), N'Female')
  1705. GO
  1706. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (218, N'', N'Chris', N'90 Tony Avenue', N'Benešov', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  1707. GO
  1708. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (219, N'', N'Brian', N'504 Scoville Park', N'Duoxiang', CAST(N'2016-04-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1709. GO
  1710. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (220, N'', N'Benjamin', N'230 Thackeray Terrace', N'Birigui', CAST(N'2016-08-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  1711. GO
  1712. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (221, N'', N'Cheryl', N'7880 Scott Avenue', N'Mercedes', CAST(N'2016-03-30' AS Date), N'Female')
  1713. GO
  1714. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (222, N'', N'Anthony', N'096 Melby Street', N'Gowarczów', CAST(N'2017-01-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1715. GO
  1716. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (223, N'', N'Clarence', N'30 Bowman Way', N'Landázuri', CAST(N'2016-11-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1717. GO
  1718. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (224, N'', N'Ernest', N'37 Oakridge Circle', N'Nanganga', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date), N'Male')
  1719. GO
  1720. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (225, N'', N'Daniel', N'411 Independence Park', N'Plandi', CAST(N'2016-11-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1721. GO
  1722. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (226, N'', N'Sara', N'5 Messerschmidt Terrace', N'Madrid', CAST(N'2016-10-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1723. GO
  1724. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (227, N'', N'Edward', N'74623 Haas Trail', N'København', CAST(N'2016-11-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  1725. GO
  1726. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (228, N'', N'Joshua', N'163 Jackson Hill', N'Andoany', CAST(N'2017-01-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1727. GO
  1728. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (229, N'', N'Andrew', N'52 Lakewood Gardens Court', N'Moulins', CAST(N'2016-09-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1729. GO
  1730. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (230, N'', N'Janet', N'565 1st Trail', N'Jiangshi', CAST(N'2016-08-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1731. GO
  1732. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (231, N'', N'Diana', N'0082 Esker Plaza', N'Kebonagung', CAST(N'2016-05-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  1733. GO
  1734. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (232, N'', N'Kenneth', N'3 Grayhawk Way', N'Blendis', CAST(N'2017-02-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1735. GO
  1736. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (233, N'', N'Lisa', N'333 Nobel Court', N'Elefsína', CAST(N'2017-03-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1737. GO
  1738. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (234, N'', N'Louise', N'2076 Loftsgordon Parkway', N'Songlong', CAST(N'2016-12-12' AS Date), N'Female')
  1739. GO
  1740. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (235, N'', N'Johnny', N'4329 Esker Place', N'Padangan', CAST(N'2016-06-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1741. GO
  1742. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (236, N'', N'Brenda', N'06 3rd Drive', N'Pran Buri', CAST(N'2016-08-14' AS Date), N'Female')
  1743. GO
  1744. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (237, N'', N'Louis', N'2521 Arapahoe Circle', N'Kostopil’', CAST(N'2017-02-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1745. GO
  1746. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (238, N'', N'Anthony', N'40 Armistice Center', N'Pawitan', CAST(N'2016-07-07' AS Date), N'Male')
  1747. GO
  1748. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (239, N'', N'Douglas', N'1 Rutledge Crossing', N'Brnište', CAST(N'2016-09-07' AS Date), N'Male')
  1749. GO
  1750. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (240, N'', N'Melissa', N'4 Armistice Junction', N'Stradbally', CAST(N'2016-05-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1751. GO
  1752. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (241, N'', N'Gloria', N'1067 Londonderry Circle', N'Balaklava', CAST(N'2016-07-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1753. GO
  1754. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (242, N'', N'Billy', N'27 Cardinal Alley', N'Bayuwan', CAST(N'2017-02-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1755. GO
  1756. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (243, N'', N'Rebecca', N'6 Lawn Circle', N'Camatindi', CAST(N'2016-12-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1757. GO
  1758. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (244, N'', N'Andrea', N'850 Drewry Hill', N'Masarayao', CAST(N'2016-07-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1759. GO
  1760. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (245, N'', N'Jonathan', N'3274 Carioca Pass', N'Miramichi', CAST(N'2017-03-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  1761. GO
  1762. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (246, N'', N'Linda', N'82416 Springview Plaza', N'Jamaica', CAST(N'2017-01-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1763. GO
  1764. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (247, N'', N'Mildred', N'06499 Kingsford Drive', N'Petushki', CAST(N'2016-04-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1765. GO
  1766. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (248, N'', N'Roy', N'88 Lakeland Plaza', N'Créteil', CAST(N'2017-03-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1767. GO
  1768. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (249, N'', N'Jonathan', N'7865 Forest Terrace', N'Paraguaçu', CAST(N'2016-07-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1769. GO
  1770. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (250, N'', N'Ralph', N'90 Luster Road', N'Bulgan', CAST(N'2016-07-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1771. GO
  1772. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (251, N'', N'Carolyn', N'33 Loeprich Court', N'Cicayur', CAST(N'2016-04-30' AS Date), N'Female')
  1773. GO
  1774. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (252, N'', N'Bobby', N'97428 Reinke Way', N'Fenglin', CAST(N'2016-11-04' AS Date), N'Male')
  1775. GO
  1776. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (253, N'', N'Eric', N'68 Straubel Court', N'San Jose', CAST(N'2016-11-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1777. GO
  1778. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (254, N'', N'Gloria', N'640 Lien Park', N'Setono', CAST(N'2016-05-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1779. GO
  1780. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (255, N'', N'Denise', N'452 Moose Lane', N'Léo', CAST(N'2016-10-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  1781. GO
  1782. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (256, N'', N'Phyllis', N'42 Mockingbird Way', N'Ishikawa', CAST(N'2016-06-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1783. GO
  1784. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (257, N'', N'Tammy', N'37 Atwood Trail', N'Banyuurip', CAST(N'2016-08-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  1785. GO
  1786. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (258, N'', N'Richard', N'72776 Arapahoe Court', N'Piña', CAST(N'2017-01-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  1787. GO
  1788. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (259, N'', N'Gloria', N'670 Algoma Terrace', N'Carapelhos', CAST(N'2017-02-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1789. GO
  1790. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (260, N'', N'Doris', N'1 Anzinger Hill', N'Menzel Jemil', CAST(N'2016-05-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1791. GO
  1792. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (261, N'', N'Alan', N'74158 Hollow Ridge Terrace', N'Bugembe', CAST(N'2016-11-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1793. GO
  1794. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (262, N'', N'Melissa', N'30423 Ryan Crossing', N'Fengshuling', CAST(N'2017-03-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1795. GO
  1796. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (263, N'', N'Evelyn', N'2 Susan Park', N'Timrat', CAST(N'2017-01-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1797. GO
  1798. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (264, N'', N'Robin', N'32427 Hooker Drive', N'Cacoal', CAST(N'2016-05-26' AS Date), N'Female')
  1799. GO
  1800. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (265, N'', N'Dennis', N'5 Kensington Avenue', N'Penedo', CAST(N'2016-11-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1801. GO
  1802. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (266, N'', N'Amy', N'420 Nelson Road', N'Qal‘ah-ye Farsi', CAST(N'2016-10-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1803. GO
  1804. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (267, N'', N'Judith', N'73545 Algoma Terrace', N'Panganiban', CAST(N'2016-05-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1805. GO
  1806. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (268, N'', N'Gloria', N'52344 Coleman Hill', N'Fuxing', CAST(N'2016-04-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1807. GO
  1808. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (269, N'', N'Phillip', N'7227 Tomscot Lane', N'Kamubheka', CAST(N'2016-10-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1809. GO
  1810. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (270, N'', N'Larry', N'9 Sunfield Hill', N'Pembuanghulu', CAST(N'2016-09-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  1811. GO
  1812. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (271, N'', N'Anna', N'7 Manufacturers Point', N'Kajisara', CAST(N'2016-12-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1813. GO
  1814. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (272, N'', N'Peter', N'4663 Armistice Circle', N'Wangcungang', CAST(N'2016-12-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1815. GO
  1816. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (273, N'', N'Donald', N'49793 Rutledge Way', N'Baiguan', CAST(N'2017-01-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1817. GO
  1818. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (274, N'', N'Willie', N'00221 Anzinger Road', N'Suruhan', CAST(N'2016-08-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1819. GO
  1820. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (275, N'', N'Ronald', N'6 Hagan Park', N'Paita', CAST(N'2016-05-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1821. GO
  1822. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (276, N'', N'Justin', N'28 Claremont Point', N'Quiruvilca', CAST(N'2016-07-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1823. GO
  1824. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (277, N'', N'Scott', N'75 Cordelia Circle', N'Ribeirão Preto', CAST(N'2016-09-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  1825. GO
  1826. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (278, N'', N'Raymond', N'31 Erie Hill', N'Th? Tr?n Yên Th?', CAST(N'2017-02-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1827. GO
  1828. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (279, N'', N'Bobby', N'53 Westport Lane', N'Savannah', CAST(N'2016-09-05' AS Date), N'Male')
  1829. GO
  1830. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (280, N'', N'Christina', N'97590 Veith Parkway', N'Dolní Cermná', CAST(N'2016-04-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1831. GO
  1832. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (281, N'', N'Jean', N'33150 Blackbird Place', N'Belsk Duzy', CAST(N'2017-01-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1833. GO
  1834. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (282, N'', N'Carol', N'71 Moulton Court', N'Khelyulya', CAST(N'2016-08-22' AS Date), N'Female')
  1835. GO
  1836. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (283, N'', N'Jennifer', N'0326 Blue Bill Park Court', N'Anggana', CAST(N'2017-02-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1837. GO
  1838. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (284, N'', N'Michelle', N'38 Mifflin Court', N'Sam Khok', CAST(N'2016-07-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1839. GO
  1840. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (285, N'', N'Anna', N'16 Emmet Lane', N'San Pedro', CAST(N'2016-12-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  1841. GO
  1842. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (286, N'', N'Fred', N'370 Sloan Road', N'Sumuranyar', CAST(N'2016-07-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1843. GO
  1844. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (287, N'', N'Stephen', N'623 Waxwing Court', N'Ayolas', CAST(N'2016-11-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1845. GO
  1846. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (288, N'', N'Robert', N'668 Moulton Lane', N'Caja', CAST(N'2016-05-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1847. GO
  1848. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (289, N'', N'Richard', N'61 Lerdahl Park', N'Condoroma', CAST(N'2016-11-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  1849. GO
  1850. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (290, N'', N'Wanda', N'828 Raven Hill', N'Usman’', CAST(N'2017-01-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1851. GO
  1852. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (291, N'', N'Cheryl', N'7 Welch Plaza', N'Auray', CAST(N'2016-05-31' AS Date), N'Female')
  1853. GO
  1854. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (292, N'', N'Jason', N'77 Corscot Parkway', N'Chambly', CAST(N'2016-04-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1855. GO
  1856. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (293, N'', N'Phyllis', N'2 Kingsford Court', N'Nadezhda', CAST(N'2016-04-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  1857. GO
  1858. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (294, N'', N'Frank', N'51463 Eastlawn Lane', N'Vicente Guerrero', CAST(N'2016-12-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1859. GO
  1860. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (295, N'', N'Timothy', N'1776 Fairview Plaza', N'Kraskino', CAST(N'2016-11-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1861. GO
  1862. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (296, N'', N'Carol', N'50 Bunker Hill Place', N'Yangji', CAST(N'2016-05-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1863. GO
  1864. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (297, N'', N'Philip', N'6 Laurel Hill', N'San Gil', CAST(N'2016-05-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1865. GO
  1866. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (298, N'', N'Larry', N'6 New Castle Trail', N'Shigu', CAST(N'2016-08-14' AS Date), N'Male')
  1867. GO
  1868. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (299, N'', N'William', N'20915 Dovetail Place', N'Minuyan', CAST(N'2016-06-05' AS Date), N'Male')
  1869. GO
  1870. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (300, N'', N'Rose', N'6781 Moland Plaza', N'Ifon', CAST(N'2016-04-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1871. GO
  1872. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (301, N'', N'Chris', N'57 Londonderry Place', N'Santa Rosa', CAST(N'2016-04-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  1873. GO
  1874. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (302, N'', N'Elizabeth', N'0 Derek Road', N'Al ‘Ashshah', CAST(N'2016-04-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  1875. GO
  1876. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (303, N'', N'Jose', N'79 Springs Street', N'Kebonsari Kidul', CAST(N'2016-12-21' AS Date), N'Male')
  1877. GO
  1878. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (304, N'', N'Anna', N'177 Delaware Pass', N'Fujinomiya', CAST(N'2016-06-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1879. GO
  1880. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (305, N'', N'Andrea', N'56 Superior Alley', N'Longxi', CAST(N'2016-11-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  1881. GO
  1882. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (306, N'', N'Elizabeth', N'6 Paget Avenue', N'Gal’bshtadt', CAST(N'2017-02-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  1883. GO
  1884. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (307, N'', N'Roger', N'58 Fisk Pass', N'Yinglan', CAST(N'2016-12-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1885. GO
  1886. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (308, N'', N'Michelle', N'02630 Mitchell Court', N'Morales', CAST(N'2016-08-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1887. GO
  1888. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (309, N'', N'Frank', N'37967 8th Park', N'Saint-Maurice-l''Exil', CAST(N'2016-10-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  1889. GO
  1890. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (310, N'', N'Pamela', N'622 Sundown Drive', N'Szczecin', CAST(N'2017-01-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1891. GO
  1892. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (311, N'', N'Jose', N'204 Moland Drive', N'Shireet', CAST(N'2016-12-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1893. GO
  1894. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (312, N'', N'Kathryn', N'38 Blackbird Junction', N'Mamedkala', CAST(N'2016-12-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1895. GO
  1896. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (313, N'', N'Dorothy', N'0685 Scott Pass', N'Parigi', CAST(N'2016-11-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  1897. GO
  1898. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (314, N'', N'Richard', N'76378 Hoard Street', N'Huiyuan', CAST(N'2017-03-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1899. GO
  1900. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (315, N'', N'Tammy', N'176 Ronald Regan Point', N'Mzuzu', CAST(N'2016-05-14' AS Date), N'Female')
  1901. GO
  1902. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (316, N'', N'Gerald', N'5865 Pankratz Crossing', N'Sumberrejo', CAST(N'2016-05-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  1903. GO
  1904. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (317, N'', N'Angela', N'43 Red Cloud Circle', N'Golopau', CAST(N'2016-08-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1905. GO
  1906. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (318, N'', N'Phyllis', N'758 Grim Terrace', N'Enjitsu', CAST(N'2016-12-29' AS Date), N'Female')
  1907. GO
  1908. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (319, N'', N'Billy', N'66385 Jackson Parkway', N'Azua', CAST(N'2016-04-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  1909. GO
  1910. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (320, N'', N'Deborah', N'0667 Debra Terrace', N'Rusne', CAST(N'2017-02-22' AS Date), N'Female')
  1911. GO
  1912. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (321, N'', N'Deborah', N'6957 Macpherson Pass', N'Beidu', CAST(N'2016-11-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1913. GO
  1914. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (322, N'', N'Lillian', N'05540 Riverside Parkway', N'Pajoreja', CAST(N'2017-01-22' AS Date), N'Female')
  1915. GO
  1916. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (323, N'', N'Janet', N'15336 Chinook Center', N'Monamon', CAST(N'2017-02-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1917. GO
  1918. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (324, N'', N'Stephen', N'9836 Di Loreto Pass', N'Lazarevac', CAST(N'2016-12-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1919. GO
  1920. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (325, N'', N'Kevin', N'0544 Pine View Road', N'Zhangqiang', CAST(N'2016-04-05' AS Date), N'Male')
  1921. GO
  1922. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (326, N'', N'Antonio', N'97694 Continental Hill', N'Timbulsari', CAST(N'2017-02-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  1923. GO
  1924. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (327, N'', N'Aaron', N'09 Summerview Trail', N'Fristad', CAST(N'2016-04-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1925. GO
  1926. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (328, N'', N'Bonnie', N'9166 Messerschmidt Lane', N'Pocpo', CAST(N'2016-04-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  1927. GO
  1928. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (329, N'', N'Joyce', N'861 Shopko Park', N'Samouco', CAST(N'2016-11-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1929. GO
  1930. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (330, N'', N'Johnny', N'29974 Sundown Place', N'Bojong', CAST(N'2017-03-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  1931. GO
  1932. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (331, N'', N'Raymond', N'0 Scoville Junction', N'Tarnowiec', CAST(N'2016-10-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  1933. GO
  1934. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (332, N'', N'Betty', N'6704 Kedzie Trail', N'Yaxi', CAST(N'2016-10-29' AS Date), N'Female')
  1935. GO
  1936. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (333, N'', N'Carolyn', N'821 Upham Road', N'Tongle', CAST(N'2016-12-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  1937. GO
  1938. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (334, N'', N'Laura', N'0 Moulton Hill', N'Pasirangin Tiga', CAST(N'2016-08-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  1939. GO
  1940. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (335, N'', N'Edward', N'31198 Clove Parkway', N'Lifuta', CAST(N'2016-06-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  1941. GO
  1942. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (336, N'', N'Wayne', N'1252 Commercial Avenue', N'Jiazhuang', CAST(N'2016-05-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  1943. GO
  1944. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (337, N'', N'Howard', N'2 Di Loreto Center', N'Gunung Timur', CAST(N'2016-11-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1945. GO
  1946. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (338, N'', N'Kelly', N'099 Troy Place', N'Bijelo Polje', CAST(N'2016-11-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  1947. GO
  1948. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (339, N'', N'Jeremy', N'0 Arrowood Lane', N'Barreiro', CAST(N'2016-04-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1949. GO
  1950. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (340, N'', N'Gregory', N'7589 Northland Crossing', N'Soriano', CAST(N'2016-05-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  1951. GO
  1952. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (341, N'', N'Carolyn', N'1 Gateway Street', N'Jihuluntu Sumu', CAST(N'2016-10-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1953. GO
  1954. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (342, N'', N'Fred', N'71248 Toban Junction', N'Oeleon', CAST(N'2017-02-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  1955. GO
  1956. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (343, N'', N'Thomas', N'8 Hovde Avenue', N'Ingenio La Esperanza', CAST(N'2016-06-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  1957. GO
  1958. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (344, N'', N'Matthew', N'07 Kensington Lane', N'Piracuruca', CAST(N'2016-05-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  1959. GO
  1960. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (345, N'', N'Patricia', N'5328 Northland Pass', N'Amman', CAST(N'2016-11-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  1961. GO
  1962. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (346, N'', N'Catherine', N'5 Heath Road', N'San Jose', CAST(N'2016-06-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1963. GO
  1964. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (347, N'', N'Ashley', N'466 Graedel Lane', N'Hetai', CAST(N'2016-12-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  1965. GO
  1966. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (348, N'', N'Johnny', N'5696 Clove Parkway', N'Lanchyn', CAST(N'2016-05-04' AS Date), N'Male')
  1967. GO
  1968. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (349, N'', N'Brenda', N'0129 Memorial Plaza', N'La Calera', CAST(N'2017-01-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1969. GO
  1970. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (350, N'', N'Earl', N'40 Emmet Street', N'Togane', CAST(N'2016-12-29' AS Date), N'Male')
  1971. GO
  1972. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (351, N'', N'Robin', N'9 Magdeline Crossing', N'Dumandesa', CAST(N'2016-08-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  1973. GO
  1974. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (352, N'', N'Ronald', N'56590 Arizona Crossing', N'Garang', CAST(N'2016-06-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  1975. GO
  1976. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (353, N'', N'Carolyn', N'5594 Summer Ridge Lane', N'Pedro II', CAST(N'2016-11-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  1977. GO
  1978. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (354, N'', N'Nancy', N'65236 Mockingbird Point', N'Tallinn', CAST(N'2016-07-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  1979. GO
  1980. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (355, N'', N'Theresa', N'4127 Arizona Alley', N'Ghauspur', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  1981. GO
  1982. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (356, N'', N'Matthew', N'2 Caliangt Way', N'Qal‘ah-ye Shahi', CAST(N'2016-11-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  1983. GO
  1984. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (357, N'', N'Scott', N'33 Lakeland Way', N'Villa Santa Rosa', CAST(N'2016-12-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  1985. GO
  1986. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (358, N'', N'Ann', N'40 Merry Hill', N'Leiyang', CAST(N'2016-05-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  1987. GO
  1988. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (359, N'', N'Edward', N'99 Esch Street', N'Ílion', CAST(N'2017-02-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  1989. GO
  1990. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (360, N'', N'Jerry', N'91 Everett Crossing', N'Caoyan', CAST(N'2016-09-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  1991. GO
  1992. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (361, N'', N'Heather', N'33 Sutherland Road', N'Kota Bharu', CAST(N'2016-11-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  1993. GO
  1994. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (362, N'', N'Henry', N'4188 South Street', N'Agago', CAST(N'2016-07-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  1995. GO
  1996. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (363, N'', N'Frances', N'4462 Valley Edge Lane', N'Danja', CAST(N'2016-08-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  1997. GO
  1998. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (364, N'', N'Louise', N'3007 Warrior Point', N'Uticyacu', CAST(N'2016-11-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  1999. GO
  2000. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (365, N'', N'Roy', N'98461 Jenifer Pass', N'Sacanta', CAST(N'2017-02-12' AS Date), N'Male')
  2001. GO
  2002. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (366, N'', N'Phyllis', N'4994 Shelley Alley', N'Lyse', CAST(N'2016-12-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  2003. GO
  2004. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (367, N'', N'Russell', N'5638 South Junction', N'Kolomak', CAST(N'2017-02-27' AS Date), N'Male')
  2005. GO
  2006. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (368, N'', N'Antonio', N'6 Londonderry Center', N'Mosteiró', CAST(N'2016-04-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  2007. GO
  2008. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (369, N'', N'Ryan', N'7 Colorado Drive', N'San Juan', CAST(N'2016-08-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  2009. GO
  2010. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (370, N'', N'William', N'8855 Blaine Alley', N'Siguinon', CAST(N'2017-02-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  2011. GO
  2012. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (371, N'', N'Aaron', N'30894 Marquette Hill', N'Muzhijie', CAST(N'2016-09-08' AS Date), N'Male')
  2013. GO
  2014. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (372, N'', N'Chris', N'57 Briar Crest Pass', N'Naka', CAST(N'2016-08-25' AS Date), N'Male')
  2015. GO
  2016. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (373, N'', N'Deborah', N'6 Ruskin Hill', N'Karangtengah', CAST(N'2016-06-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  2017. GO
  2018. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (374, N'', N'Terry', N'11 Annamark Center', N'Oslo', CAST(N'2017-02-07' AS Date), N'Male')
  2019. GO
  2020. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (375, N'', N'Amy', N'66 Washington Court', N'Luntas', CAST(N'2017-03-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  2021. GO
  2022. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (376, N'', N'Kenneth', N'2190 Lawn Way', N'Challas', CAST(N'2016-08-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  2023. GO
  2024. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (377, N'', N'Doris', N'7309 Everett Terrace', N'Fredrikstad', CAST(N'2016-07-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2025. GO
  2026. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (378, N'', N'Jack', N'89343 Crowley Point', N'Barnaul', CAST(N'2016-09-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  2027. GO
  2028. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (379, N'', N'Ann', N'44 Red Cloud Lane', N'Vila Franca', CAST(N'2017-02-18' AS Date), N'Female')
  2029. GO
  2030. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (380, N'', N'Catherine', N'26 Arrowood Terrace', N'Amaigbo', CAST(N'2016-06-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2031. GO
  2032. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (381, N'', N'Eugene', N'92886 Old Shore Drive', N'Jieheshi', CAST(N'2016-07-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  2033. GO
  2034. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (382, N'', N'Patrick', N'8 Barby Street', N'Uddevalla', CAST(N'2017-01-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  2035. GO
  2036. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (383, N'', N'Annie', N'4 Bayside Road', N'Zhutian', CAST(N'2016-05-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  2037. GO
  2038. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (384, N'', N'Joan', N'9 Mallard Alley', N'Huangshi', CAST(N'2016-05-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2039. GO
  2040. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (385, N'', N'Laura', N'214 Judy Park', N'Pamece', CAST(N'2016-11-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  2041. GO
  2042. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (386, N'', N'Terry', N'53 Northwestern Pass', N'Czemierniki', CAST(N'2016-11-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  2043. GO
  2044. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (387, N'', N'Karen', N'926 Bowman Place', N'Rama', CAST(N'2017-01-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  2045. GO
  2046. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (388, N'', N'Larry', N'96 Goodland Center', N'Akademija (Kaunas)', CAST(N'2017-02-14' AS Date), N'Male')
  2047. GO
  2048. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (389, N'', N'Tammy', N'269 Caliangt Hill', N'Dahuangwei', CAST(N'2016-04-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  2049. GO
  2050. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (390, N'', N'Irene', N'82891 Elmside Avenue', N'Haoyi', CAST(N'2016-07-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2051. GO
  2052. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (391, N'', N'Dennis', N'33686 Autumn Leaf Junction', N'Beslan', CAST(N'2017-02-01' AS Date), N'Male')
  2053. GO
  2054. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (392, N'', N'Ashley', N'2 Holy Cross Point', N'Chigasaki', CAST(N'2016-11-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  2055. GO
  2056. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (393, N'', N'Henry', N'82800 Sachtjen Trail', N'Mmathubudukwane', CAST(N'2016-12-18' AS Date), N'Male')
  2057. GO
  2058. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (394, N'', N'Virginia', N'4981 Sullivan Circle', N'Shuiying', CAST(N'2016-11-26' AS Date), N'Female')
  2059. GO
  2060. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (395, N'', N'Ann', N'55301 Alpine Crossing', N'San Nicolás', CAST(N'2016-10-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  2061. GO
  2062. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (396, N'', N'William', N'21888 North Trail', N'Sancha', CAST(N'2016-04-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2063. GO
  2064. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (397, N'', N'Angela', N'76 Shasta Alley', N'A? ?il‘', CAST(N'2016-11-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  2065. GO
  2066. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (398, N'', N'Shawn', N'675 Londonderry Place', N'Kolape', CAST(N'2016-12-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2067. GO
  2068. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (399, N'', N'Peter', N'3532 Corscot Park', N'Ribas do Rio Pardo', CAST(N'2017-03-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  2069. GO
  2070. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (400, N'', N'Carolyn', N'0017 Russell Alley', N'Babice', CAST(N'2016-08-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  2071. GO
  2072. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (401, N'', N'Randy', N'20856 Bowman Pass', N'Trat', CAST(N'2016-05-19' AS Date), N'Male')
  2073. GO
  2074. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (402, N'', N'Sean', N'28 Darwin Alley', N'Shantou', CAST(N'2017-03-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  2075. GO
  2076. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (403, N'', N'Karen', N'5068 Annamark Plaza', N'Xinwu', CAST(N'2016-12-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2077. GO
  2078. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (404, N'', N'Beverly', N'00 Canary Center', N'Cornillon', CAST(N'2016-11-25' AS Date), N'Female')
  2079. GO
  2080. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (405, N'', N'Jennifer', N'817 Bonner Hill', N'Sumurber', CAST(N'2016-06-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  2081. GO
  2082. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (406, N'', N'Andrea', N'2 Buell Hill', N'Arue', CAST(N'2016-06-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  2083. GO
  2084. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (407, N'', N'Randy', N'179 Union Plaza', N'Itinga', CAST(N'2017-03-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  2085. GO
  2086. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (408, N'', N'Tina', N'1060 American Ash Lane', N'Peterborough', CAST(N'2016-04-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2087. GO
  2088. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (409, N'', N'Phyllis', N'969 Beilfuss Drive', N'Bambali', CAST(N'2016-07-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  2089. GO
  2090. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (410, N'', N'Jesse', N'7617 Oak Trail', N'La Suiza', CAST(N'2016-08-29' AS Date), N'Male')
  2091. GO
  2092. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (411, N'', N'Charles', N'3401 Hintze Trail', N'Ilhabela', CAST(N'2017-03-04' AS Date), N'Male')
  2093. GO
  2094. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (412, N'', N'Martha', N'388 Karstens Junction', N'Tvurditsa', CAST(N'2016-05-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2095. GO
  2096. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (413, N'', N'Kevin', N'36 Basil Way', N'Kilinochchi', CAST(N'2017-03-17' AS Date), N'Male')
  2097. GO
  2098. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (414, N'', N'Sarah', N'7132 Lakeland Court', N'Donghe', CAST(N'2016-09-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2099. GO
  2100. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (415, N'', N'Jessica', N'6154 Sycamore Lane', N'Naberera', CAST(N'2016-10-25' AS Date), N'Female')
  2101. GO
  2102. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (416, N'', N'Jean', N'7 School Pass', N'Abidjan', CAST(N'2017-01-15' AS Date), N'Female')
  2103. GO
  2104. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (417, N'', N'Susan', N'0 Marquette Circle', N'Al ?arajah', CAST(N'2016-08-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2105. GO
  2106. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (418, N'', N'Emily', N'28 Kingsford Park', N'Guanzhou', CAST(N'2016-06-27' AS Date), N'Female')
  2107. GO
  2108. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (419, N'', N'Chris', N'473 Saint Paul Park', N'Avesta', CAST(N'2016-08-22' AS Date), N'Male')
  2109. GO
  2110. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (420, N'', N'Nicholas', N'406 Mccormick Terrace', N'Khan Neshin', CAST(N'2016-09-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  2111. GO
  2112. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (421, N'', N'Rose', N'8 Farwell Way', N'Larangan', CAST(N'2017-03-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  2113. GO
  2114. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (422, N'', N'Debra', N'71 Prentice Court', N'Valparaíso', CAST(N'2017-01-07' AS Date), N'Female')
  2115. GO
  2116. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (423, N'', N'Linda', N'96 Coolidge Trail', N'Jujur', CAST(N'2016-09-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  2117. GO
  2118. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (424, N'', N'Samuel', N'35 Fulton Drive', N'Putukrejo', CAST(N'2016-12-13' AS Date), N'Male')
  2119. GO
  2120. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (425, N'', N'Kathleen', N'913 Katie Plaza', N'Eydhafushi', CAST(N'2016-08-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  2121. GO
  2122. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (426, N'', N'Rebecca', N'4 Iowa Circle', N'Coromandel', CAST(N'2016-08-26' AS Date), N'Female')
  2123. GO
  2124. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (427, N'', N'Joseph', N'5 1st Circle', N'Lianovérgi', CAST(N'2016-08-26' AS Date), N'Male')
  2125. GO
  2126. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (428, N'', N'Rose', N'84700 Morning Drive', N'Wadeng', CAST(N'2016-08-19' AS Date), N'Female')
  2127. GO
  2128. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (429, N'', N'Jesse', N'04 Burning Wood Alley', N'Henan’an', CAST(N'2017-02-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  2129. GO
  2130. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (430, N'', N'Ernest', N'579 Moose Terrace', N'Qui Nhon', CAST(N'2016-09-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2131. GO
  2132. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (431, N'', N'Charles', N'1 Jackson Avenue', N'Mikrókampos', CAST(N'2016-09-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  2133. GO
  2134. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (432, N'', N'Carlos', N'04932 Kennedy Lane', N'Oeba', CAST(N'2016-04-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  2135. GO
  2136. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (433, N'', N'Brandon', N'33790 Havey Place', N'Kcynia', CAST(N'2017-03-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  2137. GO
  2138. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (434, N'', N'Carl', N'064 Magdeline Park', N'Béoumi', CAST(N'2016-08-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  2139. GO
  2140. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (435, N'', N'Emily', N'780 Ohio Terrace', N'Ar Raw?', CAST(N'2016-04-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  2141. GO
  2142. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (436, N'', N'Amanda', N'32 Buena Vista Terrace', N'Mora', CAST(N'2016-03-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  2143. GO
  2144. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (437, N'', N'Terry', N'703 Carberry Parkway', N'Suibara', CAST(N'2016-03-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  2145. GO
  2146. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (438, N'', N'Heather', N'63225 Eastwood Road', N'Cibojong', CAST(N'2016-09-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  2147. GO
  2148. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (439, N'', N'Mark', N'6 Merrick Parkway', N'Shunhe', CAST(N'2017-03-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2149. GO
  2150. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (440, N'', N'Kathryn', N'0179 Duke Way', N'Dijon', CAST(N'2017-03-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2151. GO
  2152. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (441, N'', N'Aaron', N'4818 Maple Court', N'Stari Bar', CAST(N'2016-04-05' AS Date), N'Male')
  2153. GO
  2154. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (442, N'', N'Earl', N'7 Armistice Circle', N'São Gotardo', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  2155. GO
  2156. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (443, N'', N'Anthony', N'1 Cordelia Junction', N'Cangkreng', CAST(N'2016-09-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  2157. GO
  2158. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (444, N'', N'Tina', N'11467 Iowa Lane', N'Pulau Pinang', CAST(N'2017-02-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2159. GO
  2160. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (445, N'', N'Phyllis', N'5693 Buhler Alley', N'Sarlat-la-Canéda', CAST(N'2017-02-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  2161. GO
  2162. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (446, N'', N'Kathy', N'16 Schlimgen Drive', N'Chengdong', CAST(N'2016-05-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  2163. GO
  2164. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (447, N'', N'Steve', N'47315 Blue Bill Park Circle', N'Lyuboml’', CAST(N'2016-12-04' AS Date), N'Male')
  2165. GO
  2166. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (448, N'', N'Tina', N'55 Eagle Crest Terrace', N'Baranowo', CAST(N'2017-03-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  2167. GO
  2168. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (449, N'', N'Arthur', N'7 Twin Pines Crossing', N'Emiliano Zapata', CAST(N'2016-10-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  2169. GO
  2170. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (450, N'', N'Paula', N'044 Autumn Leaf Avenue', N'Meikeng', CAST(N'2016-08-05' AS Date), N'Female')
  2171. GO
  2172. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (451, N'', N'Ruby', N'1252 Almo Plaza', N'Pavilosta', CAST(N'2016-03-28' AS Date), N'Female')
  2173. GO
  2174. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (452, N'', N'Larry', N'1 Southridge Park', N'Luleå', CAST(N'2016-11-29' AS Date), N'Male')
  2175. GO
  2176. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (453, N'', N'Helen', N'14581 Maple Wood Terrace', N'Íquira', CAST(N'2017-01-04' AS Date), N'Female')
  2177. GO
  2178. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (454, N'', N'Evelyn', N'53248 Gale Drive', N'Wat Sing', CAST(N'2016-06-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  2179. GO
  2180. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (455, N'', N'Irene', N'5 Redwing Trail', N'Neuville', CAST(N'2016-08-12' AS Date), N'Female')
  2181. GO
  2182. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (456, N'', N'Diana', N'8 Northridge Plaza', N'Botou', CAST(N'2016-09-06' AS Date), N'Female')
  2183. GO
  2184. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (457, N'', N'Steve', N'3 Schurz Trail', N'Qingshui', CAST(N'2016-11-20' AS Date), N'Male')
  2185. GO
  2186. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (458, N'', N'Judith', N'165 Kropf Parkway', N'Ituberá', CAST(N'2016-04-01' AS Date), N'Female')
  2187. GO
  2188. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (459, N'', N'Jennifer', N'5029 Cottonwood Park', N'Zhouzhuang', CAST(N'2016-04-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  2189. GO
  2190. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (460, N'', N'Keith', N'22842 Meadow Vale Junction', N'Akankpa', CAST(N'2016-07-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  2191. GO
  2192. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (461, N'', N'Carlos', N'39589 Fremont Pass', N'Thessaloníki', CAST(N'2017-03-10' AS Date), N'Male')
  2193. GO
  2194. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (462, N'', N'Judith', N'3 Melody Road', N'Ojrzen', CAST(N'2016-07-17' AS Date), N'Female')
  2195. GO
  2196. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (463, N'', N'Kathy', N'1073 Lake View Park', N'Sypniewo', CAST(N'2016-09-18' AS Date), N'Female')
  2197. GO
  2198. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (464, N'', N'Janet', N'05486 Pleasure Hill', N'Alkmaar', CAST(N'2016-06-23' AS Date), N'Female')
  2199. GO
  2200. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (465, N'', N'John', N'362 La Follette Crossing', N'Tsagaan-Owoo', CAST(N'2016-06-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2201. GO
  2202. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (466, N'', N'Andrea', N'350 Logan Road', N'Aston', CAST(N'2017-03-11' AS Date), N'Female')
  2203. GO
  2204. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (467, N'', N'Lori', N'2 Dottie Plaza', N'Bente', CAST(N'2016-06-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  2205. GO
  2206. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (468, N'', N'Eugene', N'567 Leroy Way', N'Tintina', CAST(N'2016-07-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  2207. GO
  2208. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (469, N'', N'Angela', N'04 Linden Place', N'União dos Palmares', CAST(N'2017-02-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2209. GO
  2210. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (470, N'', N'Antonio', N'7 Donald Plaza', N'Zhongpai', CAST(N'2017-02-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  2211. GO
  2212. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (471, N'', N'Kenneth', N'26246 Packers Alley', N'Presidente Dutra', CAST(N'2017-02-06' AS Date), N'Male')
  2213. GO
  2214. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (472, N'', N'Steven', N'8103 Heath Trail', N'Paris 01', CAST(N'2017-03-02' AS Date), N'Male')
  2215. GO
  2216. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (473, N'', N'Roy', N'2 Shelley Hill', N'Anjia', CAST(N'2017-02-09' AS Date), N'Male')
  2217. GO
  2218. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (474, N'', N'Gerald', N'66096 Derek Point', N'Pedra Azul', CAST(N'2017-02-11' AS Date), N'Male')
  2219. GO
  2220. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (475, N'', N'Kimberly', N'24 Carberry Park', N'Qaryat ad Da‘is', CAST(N'2016-04-12' AS Date), N'Female')
  2221. GO
  2222. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (476, N'', N'Joshua', N'68628 Crest Line Hill', N'Itacarambi', CAST(N'2016-04-23' AS Date), N'Male')
  2223. GO
  2224. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (477, N'', N'Donald', N'30 Moland Junction', N'Artemivs’k', CAST(N'2016-05-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  2225. GO
  2226. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (478, N'', N'Dennis', N'43832 Briar Crest Way', N'Medang', CAST(N'2016-06-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  2227. GO
  2228. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (479, N'', N'Joyce', N'71 6th Road', N'Yujia’ao', CAST(N'2016-04-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2229. GO
  2230. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (480, N'', N'Andrew', N'73127 Maple Wood Circle', N'Tucupita', CAST(N'2016-12-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  2231. GO
  2232. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (481, N'', N'Heather', N'11 Dryden Trail', N'Lamerd', CAST(N'2017-03-09' AS Date), N'Female')
  2233. GO
  2234. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (482, N'', N'Tina', N'354 Westerfield Pass', N'Medveda', CAST(N'2016-04-21' AS Date), N'Female')
  2235. GO
  2236. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (483, N'', N'Craig', N'71 Blue Bill Park Center', N'Dinskaya', CAST(N'2016-07-31' AS Date), N'Male')
  2237. GO
  2238. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (484, N'', N'Bruce', N'8 Express Lane', N'Kryevidh', CAST(N'2016-09-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  2239. GO
  2240. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (485, N'', N'Heather', N'14 Delladonna Trail', N'Rongai', CAST(N'2016-08-29' AS Date), N'Female')
  2241. GO
  2242. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (486, N'', N'Marilyn', N'7 Butterfield Terrace', N'Saray', CAST(N'2016-12-20' AS Date), N'Female')
  2243. GO
  2244. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (487, N'', N'Emily', N'27413 Calypso Lane', N'Cabriz', CAST(N'2016-09-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2245. GO
  2246. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (488, N'', N'Nancy', N'2 Kropf Alley', N'Cieurih Satu', CAST(N'2016-12-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2247. GO
  2248. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (489, N'', N'Daniel', N'188 Mitchell Park', N'Knivsta', CAST(N'2016-08-16' AS Date), N'Male')
  2249. GO
  2250. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (490, N'', N'Janice', N'56639 Cody Terrace', N'Bukedea', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'Female')
  2251. GO
  2252. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (491, N'', N'Stephanie', N'746 5th Road', N'Jönköping', CAST(N'2016-08-13' AS Date), N'Female')
  2253. GO
  2254. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (492, N'', N'Rachel', N'66 Jana Street', N'Ban Kruat', CAST(N'2016-08-29' AS Date), N'Female')
  2255. GO
  2256. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (493, N'', N'Marilyn', N'659 Summerview Crossing', N'Khueang Nai', CAST(N'2016-05-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2257. GO
  2258. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (494, N'', N'Theresa', N'95886 Mandrake Crossing', N'Madrid', CAST(N'2017-01-03' AS Date), N'Female')
  2259. GO
  2260. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (495, N'', N'Joseph', N'36345 Del Sol Lane', N'Yuelai', CAST(N'2017-01-28' AS Date), N'Male')
  2261. GO
  2262. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (496, N'', N'Julia', N'9 East Drive', N'Sukth', CAST(N'2016-10-16' AS Date), N'Female')
  2263. GO
  2264. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (497, N'', N'Christopher', N'007 Veith Center', N'Lianghe', CAST(N'2016-03-30' AS Date), N'Male')
  2265. GO
  2266. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (498, N'', N'Jerry', N'14 Thierer Point', N'Minjian', CAST(N'2016-04-15' AS Date), N'Male')
  2267. GO
  2268. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (499, N'', N'Edward', N'94 Mesta Crossing', N'Pingshan', CAST(N'2016-08-03' AS Date), N'Male')
  2269. GO
  2270. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (500, N'', N'Nicholas', N'6859 Lunder Point', N'Palayan City', CAST(N'2016-07-24' AS Date), N'Male')
  2271. GO
  2272. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (501, N'', N'Célina Ngapy', N'Fiep Westendorplaan 120', N'Zaltbommel', CAST(N'1999-11-02' AS Date), N'Female')
  2273. GO
  2274. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (503, N'm', N'M', N'F', N'Z', CAST(N'1976-06-09' AS Date), N'1')
  2275. GO
  2276. INSERT [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID], [Email], [Name], [Address], [City], [BirthDate], [Gender]) VALUES (505, N'', N'Marian van de Laar', N'Fiep Westendorplaan 120', N'Zaltbommel', CAST(N'1976-06-09' AS Date), N'1')
  2277. GO
  2278. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Person] OFF
  2279. GO
  2280. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (1, 24)
  2281. GO
  2282. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (2, 13)
  2283. GO
  2284. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (3, 36)
  2285. GO
  2286. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (4, 39)
  2287. GO
  2288. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (5, 36)
  2289. GO
  2290. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (6, 20)
  2291. GO
  2292. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (7, 29)
  2293. GO
  2294. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (8, 36)
  2295. GO
  2296. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (9, 15)
  2297. GO
  2298. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (10, 40)
  2299. GO
  2300. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (11, 2)
  2301. GO
  2302. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (12, 18)
  2303. GO
  2304. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (13, 27)
  2305. GO
  2306. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (14, 5)
  2307. GO
  2308. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (15, 22)
  2309. GO
  2310. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (16, 3)
  2311. GO
  2312. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (17, 3)
  2313. GO
  2314. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (18, 27)
  2315. GO
  2316. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (19, 36)
  2317. GO
  2318. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (20, 17)
  2319. GO
  2320. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (21, 3)
  2321. GO
  2322. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (22, 26)
  2323. GO
  2324. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (23, 11)
  2325. GO
  2326. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (24, 8)
  2327. GO
  2328. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (25, 32)
  2329. GO
  2330. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (26, 16)
  2331. GO
  2332. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (27, 5)
  2333. GO
  2334. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (28, 26)
  2335. GO
  2336. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (29, 33)
  2337. GO
  2338. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (30, 3)
  2339. GO
  2340. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (31, 17)
  2341. GO
  2342. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (32, 25)
  2343. GO
  2344. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (33, 8)
  2345. GO
  2346. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (34, 6)
  2347. GO
  2348. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (35, 20)
  2349. GO
  2350. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (36, 8)
  2351. GO
  2352. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (37, 3)
  2353. GO
  2354. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (38, 26)
  2355. GO
  2356. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (39, 5)
  2357. GO
  2358. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (40, 15)
  2359. GO
  2360. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (41, 28)
  2361. GO
  2362. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (42, 37)
  2363. GO
  2364. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (43, 23)
  2365. GO
  2366. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (44, 5)
  2367. GO
  2368. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (45, 15)
  2369. GO
  2370. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (46, 14)
  2371. GO
  2372. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (47, 20)
  2373. GO
  2374. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (48, 22)
  2375. GO
  2376. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (49, 24)
  2377. GO
  2378. INSERT [dbo].[RespondBleep] ([RespondBleepID], [BleepID]) VALUES (50, 32)
  2379. GO
  2380. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (3, 39)
  2381. GO
  2382. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (3, 90)
  2383. GO
  2384. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (5, 2)
  2385. GO
  2386. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (6, 21)
  2387. GO
  2388. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (7, 2)
  2389. GO
  2390. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (7, 46)
  2391. GO
  2392. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (7, 55)
  2393. GO
  2394. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (10, 73)
  2395. GO
  2396. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (11, 58)
  2397. GO
  2398. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (13, 21)
  2399. GO
  2400. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (17, 77)
  2401. GO
  2402. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (21, 32)
  2403. GO
  2404. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (22, 86)
  2405. GO
  2406. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (28, 99)
  2407. GO
  2408. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (30, 48)
  2409. GO
  2410. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (31, 64)
  2411. GO
  2412. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (32, 8)
  2413. GO
  2414. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (32, 49)
  2415. GO
  2416. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (34, 36)
  2417. GO
  2418. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (34, 82)
  2419. GO
  2420. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (36, 62)
  2421. GO
  2422. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (40, 65)
  2423. GO
  2424. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (43, 29)
  2425. GO
  2426. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (44, 31)
  2427. GO
  2428. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (48, 7)
  2429. GO
  2430. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (48, 54)
  2431. GO
  2432. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (50, 90)
  2433. GO
  2434. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (51, 70)
  2435. GO
  2436. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (54, 38)
  2437. GO
  2438. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (54, 73)
  2439. GO
  2440. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (55, 79)
  2441. GO
  2442. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (57, 97)
  2443. GO
  2444. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (60, 52)
  2445. GO
  2446. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (63, 16)
  2447. GO
  2448. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (63, 19)
  2449. GO
  2450. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (66, 2)
  2451. GO
  2452. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (66, 6)
  2453. GO
  2454. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (67, 46)
  2455. GO
  2456. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (67, 95)
  2457. GO
  2458. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (69, 17)
  2459. GO
  2460. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (74, 93)
  2461. GO
  2462. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (77, 97)
  2463. GO
  2464. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (78, 28)
  2465. GO
  2466. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (79, 45)
  2467. GO
  2468. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (80, 16)
  2469. GO
  2470. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (81, 87)
  2471. GO
  2472. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (84, 56)
  2473. GO
  2474. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (88, 51)
  2475. GO
  2476. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (89, 66)
  2477. GO
  2478. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (93, 41)
  2479. GO
  2480. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (96, 38)
  2481. GO
  2482. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (96, 64)
  2483. GO
  2484. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (97, 7)
  2485. GO
  2486. INSERT [dbo].[RespondComment] ([CommentID], [RespondCommentID]) VALUES (97, 69)
  2487. GO
  2488. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ON
  2490. GO
  2491. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (1, 180, N'Abata', CAST(N'2016-05-18' AS Date), N'brand wireless web-readiness')
  2492. GO
  2493. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (2, 234, N'Yodoo', CAST(N'2017-01-19' AS Date), N'leverage next-generation methodologies')
  2494. GO
  2495. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (3, 29, N'Snaptags', CAST(N'2016-07-06' AS Date), N'streamline cutting-edge supply-chains')
  2496. GO
  2497. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (4, 243, N'Feedmix', CAST(N'2016-09-27' AS Date), N'synthesize web-enabled infomediaries')
  2498. GO
  2499. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (5, 112, N'Realblab', CAST(N'2016-06-14' AS Date), N'deliver robust platforms')
  2500. GO
  2501. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (6, 248, N'Lazzy', CAST(N'2016-09-17' AS Date), N'seize transparent vortals')
  2502. GO
  2503. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (7, 28, N'Dabfeed', CAST(N'2017-01-12' AS Date), N'deploy user-centric models')
  2504. GO
  2505. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (8, 114, N'Aibox', CAST(N'2016-10-03' AS Date), N'disintermediate user-centric technologies')
  2506. GO
  2507. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (9, 192, N'Innotype', CAST(N'2016-08-28' AS Date), N'empower collaborative e-business')
  2508. GO
  2509. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (10, 123, N'Twitterbridge', CAST(N'2016-12-31' AS Date), N'brand clicks-and-mortar e-commerce')
  2510. GO
  2511. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (11, 37, N'Twitterworks', CAST(N'2017-03-18' AS Date), N'monetize robust networks')
  2512. GO
  2513. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (12, 166, N'Pixonyx', CAST(N'2016-06-08' AS Date), N'exploit turn-key e-business')
  2514. GO
  2515. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (13, 226, N'Fivespan', CAST(N'2016-10-29' AS Date), N'brand extensible channels')
  2516. GO
  2517. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (14, 185, N'Skalith', CAST(N'2017-01-04' AS Date), N'harness e-business ROI')
  2518. GO
  2519. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (15, 88, N'Babbleopia', CAST(N'2017-02-24' AS Date), N'empower B2C bandwidth')
  2520. GO
  2521. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (16, 76, N'Katz', CAST(N'2016-05-02' AS Date), N'orchestrate extensible systems')
  2522. GO
  2523. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (17, 173, N'Yotz', CAST(N'2017-02-26' AS Date), N'implement visionary mindshare')
  2524. GO
  2525. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (18, 206, N'Jaloo', CAST(N'2017-02-03' AS Date), N'redefine value-added synergies')
  2526. GO
  2527. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (19, 51, N'Trudeo', CAST(N'2016-04-14' AS Date), N'implement next-generation vortals')
  2528. GO
  2529. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (20, 154, N'Brainlounge', CAST(N'2016-12-25' AS Date), N'mesh plug-and-play technologies')
  2530. GO
  2531. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (21, 180, N'Vitz', CAST(N'2016-10-30' AS Date), N'iterate cutting-edge infrastructures')
  2532. GO
  2533. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (22, 147, N'Twinder', CAST(N'2017-01-18' AS Date), N'facilitate world-class networks')
  2534. GO
  2535. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (23, 218, N'Abata', CAST(N'2017-01-16' AS Date), N'redefine frictionless users')
  2536. GO
  2537. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (24, 177, N'Shuffletag', CAST(N'2016-07-24' AS Date), N'disintermediate 24/365 applications')
  2538. GO
  2539. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (25, 240, N'Rhynyx', CAST(N'2017-02-02' AS Date), N'architect out-of-the-box networks')
  2540. GO
  2541. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (26, 214, N'DabZ', CAST(N'2016-08-06' AS Date), N'engineer B2C applications')
  2542. GO
  2543. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (27, 238, N'Eazzy', CAST(N'2017-03-01' AS Date), N'disintermediate integrated functionalities')
  2544. GO
  2545. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (28, 22, N'Topiclounge', CAST(N'2016-04-22' AS Date), N'grow innovative platforms')
  2546. GO
  2547. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (29, 116, N'Wikido', CAST(N'2016-08-21' AS Date), N'synthesize scalable vortals')
  2548. GO
  2549. INSERT [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID], [UserID], [Title], [Date], [Text]) VALUES (30, 215, N'Mynte', CAST(N'2017-02-05' AS Date), N'integrate rich infrastructures')
  2550. GO
  2551. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Topic] OFF
  2552. GO
  2553. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (1, N'Nighttime Cold and Flu', N'S1e3j4 ')
  2554. GO
  2555. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (2, N'SHISEIDO SUN PROTECTION FOUNDATION', N'Uz8QLLSyci1U ')
  2556. GO
  2557. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (3, N'PREP (AND) PRIME CC COLOR CORRECT SPF30 BROAD SPECTRUM', N'FPRBbGGCIa ')
  2558. GO
  2559. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (4, N'Air, Compressed', N'NOdurDgOezR ')
  2560. GO
  2561. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (5, N'Indomethacin', N'TMD18pm ')
  2562. GO
  2563. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (6, N'No7 Lifting and Firming Foundation Sunscreen SPF 15 Vanilla', N'GF6ZE8mrzL ')
  2564. GO
  2565. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (7, N'REFRESH LACRI-LUBE', N'b4bEdijYxsVR ')
  2566. GO
  2567. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (8, N'PM Acetaminophen', N'tnrLMQ6 ')
  2568. GO
  2569. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (9, N'Metoprolol Succinate', N'7jX4HRuNp ')
  2570. GO
  2571. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (10, N'Citalopram', N'WSKyld ')
  2572. GO
  2573. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (11, N'Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium', N'klHSW3JP2 ')
  2574. GO
  2575. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (12, N'Keflex', N'VVPpO2GeM ')
  2576. GO
  2577. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (13, N'INON', N'7U6aGUaOW ')
  2578. GO
  2579. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (14, N'Triple Complex NicoTonic', N'N03R1ZSfgsiF ')
  2580. GO
  2581. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (15, N'M-CLEAR', N'136u5D ')
  2582. GO
  2583. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (16, N'Pepto-Bismol', N'VYSLq05Tp ')
  2584. GO
  2585. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (17, N'Power Relief', N'D3dqyT7Cvh ')
  2586. GO
  2587. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (18, N'Scarguard MD', N'68DGzT ')
  2588. GO
  2589. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (19, N'Phentermine hydrochloride', N'bcET3Iv ')
  2590. GO
  2591. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (20, N'Coastal Sage', N'V68Nz6b ')
  2592. GO
  2593. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (21, N'Carvedilol', N'F3Onrh ')
  2594. GO
  2595. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (22, N'Promethazine Hydrochloride', N'aOspsEyP ')
  2596. GO
  2597. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (23, N'SIMVASTATIN', N'i54mnJlfZ ')
  2598. GO
  2599. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (24, N'Anticavity Fluoride Rinse', N'Irb9Tr5Bow ')
  2600. GO
  2601. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (25, N'Aquafresh', N'8q8o4RXsH8Lz ')
  2602. GO
  2603. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (26, N'Felodipine', N'JC1rCu ')
  2604. GO
  2605. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (27, N'GMC Medical', N'XRCvsACYt ')
  2606. GO
  2607. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (28, N'English Walnut', N'rTKf8iRU ')
  2608. GO
  2609. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (29, N'IBUPROFEN COLD AND SINUS', N'09TvAs ')
  2610. GO
  2611. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (30, N'Hydralazine Hydrochloride', N'0M198EZPn ')
  2612. GO
  2613. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (31, N'Cranberry', N'G0ljmDdjh ')
  2614. GO
  2615. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (32, N'Titralac Plus', N'y0nYFqNC0uw ')
  2616. GO
  2617. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (33, N'Jafra', N'sFpnTM3F ')
  2618. GO
  2619. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (34, N'Mentholatum Ironman', N'm9QqHs6JEYP ')
  2620. GO
  2621. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (35, N'Levofloxacin', N'QFyOavw ')
  2622. GO
  2623. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (36, N'Donepezil Hydrochloride', N'6adWaf96Y ')
  2624. GO
  2625. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (37, N'LOSARTAN POTASSIUM AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE', N'WQR6QrTa5p ')
  2626. GO
  2627. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (38, N'Hydrochlorothiazide', N'l5xEsMxQypA ')
  2628. GO
  2629. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (39, N'HEALTHCARE Instant Hand Sanitizer Strawberry Scent', N'WS2tTrz7JJTu ')
  2630. GO
  2631. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (40, N'Metoprolol Tartrate', N'pz4pAV3TGuuu ')
  2632. GO
  2633. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (41, N'Gabapentin', N'toSObw8 ')
  2634. GO
  2635. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (42, N'Penicillin V Potassium', N'5KKr4DFg4W ')
  2636. GO
  2637. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (43, N'AAPE Hair Ampoule', N'ryQar7MS ')
  2638. GO
  2639. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (44, N'Caduet', N'lD4cKWP60Uo ')
  2640. GO
  2641. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (45, N'Rimmel London', N'Wey2dUBmL ')
  2642. GO
  2643. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (46, N'carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone', N'J27IJDA ')
  2644. GO
  2645. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (47, N'Purminerals 4 in 1 Makeup SPF 15 Tan', N'NW24tMOD6VD ')
  2646. GO
  2647. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (48, N'Swollen Glands Relief', N'JeqalWmq ')
  2648. GO
  2649. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (49, N'UNNAPLAST', N'A97GHrvX ')
  2650. GO
  2651. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (50, N'Select Brand Tab Tussin', N'PQcuYx3K ')
  2652. GO
  2653. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (51, N'CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE FOUNDATION L', N'0JkL4HadV3E ')
  2654. GO
  2655. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (52, N'Capture Totale Radiance Restoring Serum Foundation SPF 15 023', N'Pv9qA7Hp1 ')
  2656. GO
  2657. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (53, N'CONCEALER PENCIL AND BRUSH', N'qmp7Hc42lA ')
  2658. GO
  2659. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (54, N'Clear Eyes Complete 7 Sympton Relief', N'68l3FqyYpu89 ')
  2660. GO
  2661. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (55, N'Save Face AM Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 35', N'C5ihdcYt ')
  2662. GO
  2663. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (56, N'Multi-Vitamin', N'Rk6HpBOjEcF ')
  2664. GO
  2665. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (57, N'BZK Alcohol', N'tclVpgijMAb ')
  2666. GO
  2667. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (58, N'Sore Throat', N'IHAOlHjasp ')
  2668. GO
  2669. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (59, N'Western Water Hemp', N'yKAQ7j8Ijv ')
  2670. GO
  2671. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (60, N'allergy and congestion relief', N'bMt0KV3q7RD ')
  2672. GO
  2673. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (61, N'Conjunct-a-Clear', N'9sNOn796KbnP ')
  2674. GO
  2675. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (62, N'Mefenamic Acid', N'Zy5H9C1MLU ')
  2676. GO
  2677. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (63, N'mercaptopurine', N'o2B4rZHoTft5 ')
  2678. GO
  2679. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (64, N'Alprazolam', N'GNFgXYNQH ')
  2680. GO
  2681. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (65, N'Spiny Pigweed', N'rA67mzcHmm4 ')
  2682. GO
  2683. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (66, N'Histenol Forte II', N'QKmJgjCyi ')
  2684. GO
  2685. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (67, N'Western Waterhemp Pollen', N'htG9OJY2p ')
  2686. GO
  2687. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (68, N'Stavudine', N'rzJWrKl0KQ6 ')
  2688. GO
  2689. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (69, N'Pain Relief BalmPreferred Plus Ph', N'yHj3IBYrm ')
  2690. GO
  2691. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (70, N'SHISEIDO SUN PROTECTION FOUNDATION', N'9RL0dMZra ')
  2692. GO
  2693. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (71, N'Iodine Tincture Mild', N'B3wkcI ')
  2694. GO
  2695. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (72, N'Lyrica', N'JobQTgfqDy7 ')
  2696. GO
  2697. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (73, N'Fluoxetine', N'N9vKUXU6GYOX ')
  2698. GO
  2699. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (74, N'Run Kang Alcohol Pads - MEDIUM', N'4vY83lz48 ')
  2700. GO
  2701. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (75, N'Topiramate', N'EGlHUM ')
  2702. GO
  2703. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (76, N'Nitrostat', N'3AHUvQubW ')
  2704. GO
  2705. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (77, N'ENALAPRIL MALEATE', N'6msbLxy7Tj ')
  2706. GO
  2707. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (78, N'TYLENOL Extra Strength', N'dp0yqziigXe ')
  2708. GO
  2709. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (79, N'Echinacea Quartz Gum Support', N'J1OxA9P0t ')
  2710. GO
  2711. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (80, N'AMOXAPINE', N'qtz1A0L7TtDx ')
  2712. GO
  2713. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (81, N'pain relief', N'9oHEm44Vpq ')
  2714. GO
  2715. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (82, N'Diaper Rash', N'Tv3LGUH01g ')
  2716. GO
  2717. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (83, N'Homeopathic Gas Relief Formula', N'FJzDuy0d9 ')
  2718. GO
  2719. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (84, N'Whole Care', N'bxre8wv ')
  2720. GO
  2721. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (85, N'Eszopiclone', N'79VfKVh0A ')
  2722. GO
  2723. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (86, N'FLAWLESS SKIN MAKEUP BROAD SPECTRUM SPF 15', N'MOa4r6VgI ')
  2724. GO
  2725. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (87, N'Interferon', N'Js2iWk ')
  2726. GO
  2727. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (88, N'No7 Soft and Sheer Tinted Moisturiser Dark', N'fHXvebVyjih ')
  2728. GO
  2729. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (89, N'Paclitaxel', N'l9n4qtAE ')
  2730. GO
  2731. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (90, N'Carvedilol', N'vJIEHPMmr8 ')
  2732. GO
  2733. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (91, N'Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride', N'Id2NOdW ')
  2734. GO
  2735. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (92, N'Iodent Fluoride Toothpaste', N'ADZfjTXXAX ')
  2736. GO
  2737. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (93, N'paroxetine', N'lwQyZ7xWyGQ ')
  2738. GO
  2739. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (94, N'Ergoloid Mesylates', N'8hJfGfXZB ')
  2740. GO
  2741. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (95, N'Rare Gold', N'iU69s7oTD ')
  2742. GO
  2743. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (96, N'Mineral Oil', N'tjAuf2osv ')
  2744. GO
  2745. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (97, N'Leader Aspirin', N'ri02tH ')
  2746. GO
  2747. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (98, N'Nafcillin Sodium', N'Xbqhut7Ir ')
  2748. GO
  2749. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (99, N'Atenolol', N'qu5h5fbuK ')
  2750. GO
  2751. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (100, N'Tramadol Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen', N'bcXNeXRsOmSy ')
  2752. GO
  2753. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (101, N'ESIKA', N'XG1xIvZ5H ')
  2754. GO
  2755. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (102, N'MOISTURE SURGE', N'gtAMa91 ')
  2756. GO
  2757. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (103, N'GlipizideER', N'NmfL79X ')
  2758. GO
  2759. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (104, N'SHISEIDO ADVANCED HYDRO-LIQUID COMPACT (REFILL)', N'PDpMlzBzl ')
  2760. GO
  2761. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (105, N'Naturasil', N'tY9qNrF2 ')
  2762. GO
  2763. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (106, N'Naproxen', N'tGvxh1Wibr ')
  2764. GO
  2765. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (107, N'Lamotrigine', N'Zeo4gfCILbXV ')
  2766. GO
  2767. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (108, N'TachoSil', N'QtR5mYi ')
  2768. GO
  2769. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (109, N'Asthma HP', N'0HKIFn0G61X ')
  2770. GO
  2771. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (110, N'Oxygen', N'Ps8WMheRIH ')
  2772. GO
  2773. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (111, N'Pain and Fever', N'kekGuJq ')
  2774. GO
  2775. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (112, N'Healing Support', N'P9rcI9L ')
  2776. GO
  2777. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (113, N'Dexamethasone', N'kiX5nhqTlwL ')
  2778. GO
  2779. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (114, N'Cetirizine Hydrochloride and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride', N'F1tZPkAqjo ')
  2780. GO
  2781. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (115, N'Grama Grass', N'fAkQqD ')
  2782. GO
  2783. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (116, N'FENTANYL', N'XIh9p2a2U ')
  2784. GO
  2785. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (117, N'Acetylcysteine', N'ub9x8wDJXd ')
  2786. GO
  2787. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (118, N'Lymphomyosot', N'6Oewsdj08g ')
  2788. GO
  2789. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (119, N'Temozolomide', N'DoZdNIRE ')
  2790. GO
  2791. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (120, N'Phentermine Hydrochloride', N'yHoQw8Zay6Kd ')
  2792. GO
  2793. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (121, N'Parlodel', N'ZLckHpb ')
  2794. GO
  2795. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (122, N'Maracuja Miracle Foundation 12-Hour Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 15 Sunscreen', N'IjTzpMEg6bD ')
  2796. GO
  2797. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (123, N'AdreView', N'cGBf2F5p ')
  2798. GO
  2799. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (124, N'SUDAFED', N'XfrFcdJ ')
  2800. GO
  2801. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (125, N'Citalopram Hydrobromide', N'8fAgTLJxAP8 ')
  2802. GO
  2803. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (126, N'Soft wipes', N's89BsN ')
  2804. GO
  2805. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (127, N'Stila Hydrating Primer Oil-Free SPF 30', N'RI6uSWDvPxv ')
  2806. GO
  2807. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (128, N'Iodine Bush', N'r8kQSK ')
  2808. GO
  2809. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (129, N'Simvastatin', N'k4IgKh ')
  2810. GO
  2811. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (130, N'telmisartan and hydrochlorthiazide', N'k2s1lKTIYS ')
  2812. GO
  2813. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (131, N'Cefoxitin', N'Cn8h023k0 ')
  2814. GO
  2815. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (132, N'PENTOXIFYLLINE', N'nwMJyAwh ')
  2816. GO
  2817. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (133, N'Salonpas pain relieving GEL-PATCH HOT', N'PgcMyuR ')
  2818. GO
  2819. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (134, N'Citalopram', N'3Borp4dPT ')
  2820. GO
  2821. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (135, N'Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Sheer Tint SPF 15 Plum', N'VfPXXPMYN ')
  2822. GO
  2823. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (136, N'VESIcare', N'd7AdfExNDP ')
  2824. GO
  2825. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (137, N'Lamivudine and Zidovudine', N'wIBSLK0 ')
  2826. GO
  2827. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (138, N'NERVE TONIC STRESS RELIEF', N'xhwLyh4de ')
  2828. GO
  2829. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (139, N'Trazodone Hydrochloride', N'JZ752Lt ')
  2830. GO
  2831. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (140, N'Unithroid', N'McQTMHKSnREN ')
  2832. GO
  2833. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (141, N'RYANODEX', N'fseBWim8 ')
  2834. GO
  2835. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (142, N'Famciclovir', N'NDyi6iyURhw ')
  2836. GO
  2837. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (143, N'Caladryl', N'G6bQAKHKG ')
  2838. GO
  2839. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (144, N'Flucelvax', N'mxsMYR ')
  2840. GO
  2841. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (145, N'Maalox Advanced Maximum Strength', N'VTLv6SDiqq1D ')
  2842. GO
  2843. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (146, N'Fremont Cottonwood', N'yE6iB90Eg ')
  2844. GO
  2845. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (147, N'Paroxetine', N'UGBrfg ')
  2846. GO
  2847. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (148, N'Natria', N'qbPvl05kz ')
  2848. GO
  2849. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (149, N'Female', N'IA0xKOyEqbH ')
  2850. GO
  2851. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (150, N'QuickFlex', N'GTGaJyQF ')
  2852. GO
  2853. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (151, N'Levothyroxine Sodium', N'hgmqhL14PXaA ')
  2854. GO
  2855. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (152, N'Flecainide Acetate', N'INFDy5Q ')
  2856. GO
  2857. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (153, N'Venlafaxine Hydrochloride', N'lo5paPFOPn ')
  2858. GO
  2859. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (154, N'TOPCARE', N'r86S20qfK7 ')
  2860. GO
  2861. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (155, N'ADVIL ALLERGY SINUS', N'5uki8aE ')
  2862. GO
  2863. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (156, N'Levonorgestrel', N'ugNJPqf ')
  2864. GO
  2865. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (157, N'Tretin-X', N'L7zN1N7yq0xX ')
  2866. GO
  2867. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (158, N'Alphanate', N'LFfFQq ')
  2868. GO
  2869. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (159, N'Cytra-K Cystrals', N'EYvWrAUTN ')
  2870. GO
  2871. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (160, N'ZHONG HUA JIU PATCH', N'HfYRHM ')
  2872. GO
  2873. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (161, N'Radiation Plus', N'GnmGUWXFThp ')
  2874. GO
  2875. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (162, N'Saline Laxative', N'XFUP3Qaj ')
  2876. GO
  2877. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (163, N'Lisinopril and Hydrochlorthiazide', N'0RhBsro0XaVe ')
  2878. GO
  2879. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (164, N'Celexa', N'jC27Dl ')
  2880. GO
  2881. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (165, N'PANCRELIPASE', N'MJOXZy4xsx ')
  2882. GO
  2883. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (166, N'Carisoprodol', N'8zELQO ')
  2884. GO
  2885. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (167, N'Spiced Cider Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash', N'KW9TYm4E ')
  2886. GO
  2887. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (168, N'CELEBREX', N'ZgYYZNjm ')
  2888. GO
  2889. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (169, N'Carbamazepine', N'yW97eJ ')
  2890. GO
  2891. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (170, N'Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen', N'YirbiQer ')
  2892. GO
  2893. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (171, N'PreferaOB', N'RWQPLXFLKwg ')
  2894. GO
  2895. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (172, N'L-Methylfolate Calcium', N'OWJn0tfqd ')
  2896. GO
  2897. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (173, N'Gelusil Liquid Maximum Strength', N'JA7g5om0Tytt ')
  2898. GO
  2899. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (174, N'Triamcinolone Acetonide', N'BPURdrwv70K ')
  2900. GO
  2901. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (175, N'Idarubicin Hydrochloride', N'dPJ30xb ')
  2902. GO
  2903. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (176, N'OXY Purifying Face Scrub', N'BlWvEQNdTT ')
  2904. GO
  2905. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (177, N'Naturals by Safety 1st', N'YBUscnxQK ')
  2906. GO
  2907. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (178, N'SODIUM CHLORIDE', N'kIQWuKrke5lT ')
  2908. GO
  2909. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (179, N'Morphine Sulfate', N'auGnzTu ')
  2910. GO
  2911. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (180, N'Acyclovir', N'Kk4fkGR ')
  2912. GO
  2913. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (181, N'Fluconazole', N'Txwzdh8aM ')
  2914. GO
  2915. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (182, N'Megestrol Acetate', N'Se8RIC ')
  2916. GO
  2917. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (183, N'Bacitracin Zinc', N'FWkuV2Oje ')
  2918. GO
  2919. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (184, N'ENPRESSE', N'nGGlZo ')
  2920. GO
  2921. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (185, N'Olive-Viate', N'NqdVUtzy ')
  2922. GO
  2923. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (186, N'Pain and Fever', N'KWbPWr0rMX ')
  2924. GO
  2925. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (187, N'diltiazem hydrochloride', N'2fBZpYIc ')
  2926. GO
  2927. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (188, N'Health Smart Medicated Body', N'XxrWXl ')
  2928. GO
  2929. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (189, N'smart sense nighttime', N'XDLUvWP8nB ')
  2930. GO
  2931. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (190, N'Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer', N'aLufqGnW ')
  2932. GO
  2933. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (191, N'Molds, Rusts and Smuts, Stemphylium botryosum', N'7s7O6r ')
  2934. GO
  2935. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (192, N'Major Camphor and Phenol', N'68RM0r ')
  2936. GO
  2937. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (193, N'Amitiza', N'9Kpf1Ny ')
  2938. GO
  2939. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (194, N'Silver Maple Pollen', N'xAPGHx7w1 ')
  2940. GO
  2941. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (195, N'PRAVACHOL', N'qijuzELrJ8 ')
  2942. GO
  2943. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (196, N'Sleep Aid', N'2yZCgJ ')
  2944. GO
  2945. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (197, N'HYDRA LIFE PRO-YOUTH SKIN TINT 3', N'QcysgZH ')
  2946. GO
  2947. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (198, N'Clear', N'Wlf5jP ')
  2948. GO
  2949. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (199, N'Surgery/Trauma', N'qwkr99Vg ')
  2950. GO
  2951. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (200, N'Bupropion Hydrochloride', N'3eUXUKxwIcR ')
  2952. GO
  2953. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (201, N'Fluconazole', N'e9LimSmDoo ')
  2954. GO
  2955. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (202, N'Topex', N'FBuX4Fld8b ')
  2956. GO
  2957. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (203, N'Isagel', N'N8YAWVTKl ')
  2958. GO
  2959. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (204, N'Topcare Ibuprofen', N'SJiJqarpKS ')
  2960. GO
  2961. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (205, N'Cetirizine Hydrochloride', N'pbLojv ')
  2962. GO
  2963. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (206, N'Nu Skin', N'7zbDigdWcjs2 ')
  2964. GO
  2965. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (207, N'Sertraline Hydrochloride', N'18qHxniQxq ')
  2966. GO
  2967. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (208, N'Lamotrigine', N'Ai2huE ')
  2968. GO
  2969. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (209, N'ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Bright Fit', N'zAVSWOzFwCP ')
  2970. GO
  2971. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (210, N'metolazone', N'jhsVAUX ')
  2972. GO
  2973. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (211, N'ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATE', N'kvn7PW2 ')
  2974. GO
  2975. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (212, N'Siltussin DM', N'ZedC6xKk ')
  2976. GO
  2977. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (213, N'Divalproex Sodium Extended Release', N'kuZalJjreV ')
  2978. GO
  2979. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (214, N'Hydralazine Hydrochloride', N'paiJPk ')
  2980. GO
  2981. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (215, N'Lucky', N'Pc5fDA ')
  2982. GO
  2983. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (216, N'AMICAR', N'kndWJgw ')
  2984. GO
  2985. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (217, N'Clarithromycin', N'bdlq2ccMrx ')
  2986. GO
  2987. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (218, N'Medroxyprogesterone Acetate', N'dQAF1GG ')
  2988. GO
  2989. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (219, N'LBEL', N'EdcJ8vlgJ ')
  2990. GO
  2991. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (220, N'equaline flu and severe cold and cough', N'sLfYjTzv7h ')
  2992. GO
  2993. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (221, N'Trimethobenzamide Hydrochloride', N'KNRVFT ')
  2994. GO
  2995. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (222, N'Famciclovir', N'f6X5JltsGf6R ')
  2996. GO
  2997. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (223, N'Aunt Bees SPF 35', N'hxpg81oPTbed ')
  2998. GO
  2999. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (224, N'Valsartan', N'xlpxHlNWQ ')
  3000. GO
  3001. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (225, N'Slim 2', N'029mlCUctaY ')
  3002. GO
  3003. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (226, N'CVS day time cough and severe cold', N'ze1o3FMiD1wA ')
  3004. GO
  3005. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (227, N'IMDUR', N'KmsoK6Av ')
  3006. GO
  3007. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (228, N'AVINZA', N'GdpxCk ')
  3008. GO
  3009. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (229, N'BOBBI BROWN SKIN FOUNDATION', N'5AmBTz24 ')
  3010. GO
  3011. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (230, N'Instant Hand Sanitizer - Original', N'eXVt0LHO3NAS ')
  3012. GO
  3013. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (231, N'Zolmitriptan', N'2dtzlzy5rf ')
  3014. GO
  3015. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (232, N'Soleo Organics Sunscreen', N'1ugPV47z ')
  3016. GO
  3017. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (233, N'HYDROXYZINE HYDROCHLORIDE', N'Ki2Ia2fvVM ')
  3018. GO
  3019. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (234, N'La Vaquita New Regular', N'1eSjBkbb4 ')
  3020. GO
  3021. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (235, N'Fentanyl Citrate', N'3vqtPr3pLk ')
  3022. GO
  3023. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (236, N'Verapamil Hydrochloride', N'WcJ2WmhGOptK ')
  3024. GO
  3025. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (237, N'Polyethylene Glycol 3350', N'Q6Uupk4ZaWkk ')
  3026. GO
  3027. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (238, N'Etodolac', N'f99lsl ')
  3028. GO
  3029. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (239, N'Torsemide', N'DRjsv7m ')
  3030. GO
  3031. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (240, N'Topiramate', N'iXBWzGbcIOE ')
  3032. GO
  3033. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (241, N'Pacific Garden Foam Hand Sanitizer, Fragrance Free, Dye Free', N'BYtZfMvX ')
  3034. GO
  3035. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (242, N'Lysol', N'iKze0ZmCz ')
  3036. GO
  3037. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (243, N'LAMISIL AT', N'3l0CQA ')
  3038. GO
  3039. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (244, N'Pravastatin Sodium', N'JQIQBI6IxJy ')
  3040. GO
  3041. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (245, N'Acyclovir', N'mgeRcB ')
  3042. GO
  3043. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (246, N'Erythromycin', N'flYrCt1FfMw ')
  3044. GO
  3045. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (247, N'Quetiapine fumarate', N'Qygo9I1 ')
  3046. GO
  3047. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (248, N'Nicotine polacrilex', N'hmyjnB36nlYT ')
  3048. GO
  3049. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (249, N'Ibuprofen', N'C55WsFik ')
  3050. GO
  3051. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (250, N'Lamotrigine', N'pgQlCR0HiWih ')
  3052. GO
  3053. INSERT [dbo].[Users] ([UserID], [Username], [Password]) VALUES (501, N'clf', N'123 ')
  3054. GO
  3055. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (1, 222)
  3056. GO
  3057. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (2, 30)
  3058. GO
  3059. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (3, 149)
  3060. GO
  3061. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (3, 163)
  3062. GO
  3063. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (3, 173)
  3064. GO
  3065. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (4, 134)
  3066. GO
  3067. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (5, 12)
  3068. GO
  3069. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (5, 16)
  3070. GO
  3071. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (5, 38)
  3072. GO
  3073. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (6, 119)
  3074. GO
  3075. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (7, 137)
  3076. GO
  3077. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (8, 17)
  3078. GO
  3079. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (9, 147)
  3080. GO
  3081. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (10, 49)
  3082. GO
  3083. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (10, 80)
  3084. GO
  3085. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (10, 169)
  3086. GO
  3087. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (11, 90)
  3088. GO
  3089. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (12, 117)
  3090. GO
  3091. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (12, 187)
  3092. GO
  3093. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (12, 200)
  3094. GO
  3095. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (13, 178)
  3096. GO
  3097. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (13, 203)
  3098. GO
  3099. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (13, 228)
  3100. GO
  3101. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (13, 234)
  3102. GO
  3103. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 26)
  3104. GO
  3105. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 27)
  3106. GO
  3107. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 29)
  3108. GO
  3109. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 151)
  3110. GO
  3111. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 168)
  3112. GO
  3113. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (14, 249)
  3114. GO
  3115. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (15, 5)
  3116. GO
  3117. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (15, 141)
  3118. GO
  3119. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (16, 39)
  3120. GO
  3121. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (16, 157)
  3122. GO
  3123. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (17, 48)
  3124. GO
  3125. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (17, 156)
  3126. GO
  3127. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (19, 48)
  3128. GO
  3129. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (19, 70)
  3130. GO
  3131. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (19, 74)
  3132. GO
  3133. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (20, 131)
  3134. GO
  3135. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (21, 183)
  3136. GO
  3137. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (21, 217)
  3138. GO
  3139. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 44)
  3140. GO
  3141. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 45)
  3142. GO
  3143. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 161)
  3144. GO
  3145. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 215)
  3146. GO
  3147. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 235)
  3148. GO
  3149. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (22, 239)
  3150. GO
  3151. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (23, 4)
  3152. GO
  3153. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (23, 121)
  3154. GO
  3155. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (23, 156)
  3156. GO
  3157. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (25, 198)
  3158. GO
  3159. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (26, 169)
  3160. GO
  3161. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (26, 205)
  3162. GO
  3163. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (28, 70)
  3164. GO
  3165. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (28, 203)
  3166. GO
  3167. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (29, 127)
  3168. GO
  3169. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (29, 213)
  3170. GO
  3171. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (30, 166)
  3172. GO
  3173. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (30, 168)
  3174. GO
  3175. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (31, 108)
  3176. GO
  3177. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (32, 65)
  3178. GO
  3179. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (32, 161)
  3180. GO
  3181. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (33, 235)
  3182. GO
  3183. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (34, 14)
  3184. GO
  3185. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (35, 45)
  3186. GO
  3187. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (35, 154)
  3188. GO
  3189. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (35, 204)
  3190. GO
  3191. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (36, 149)
  3192. GO
  3193. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 23)
  3194. GO
  3195. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 25)
  3196. GO
  3197. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 81)
  3198. GO
  3199. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 112)
  3200. GO
  3201. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 242)
  3202. GO
  3203. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (37, 250)
  3204. GO
  3205. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (38, 124)
  3206. GO
  3207. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (38, 135)
  3208. GO
  3209. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (38, 222)
  3210. GO
  3211. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (39, 154)
  3212. GO
  3213. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (40, 33)
  3214. GO
  3215. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (41, 91)
  3216. GO
  3217. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (41, 232)
  3218. GO
  3219. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (41, 247)
  3220. GO
  3221. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (42, 2)
  3222. GO
  3223. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (42, 10)
  3224. GO
  3225. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (42, 51)
  3226. GO
  3227. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (43, 71)
  3228. GO
  3229. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (43, 224)
  3230. GO
  3231. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 1)
  3232. GO
  3233. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 30)
  3234. GO
  3235. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 35)
  3236. GO
  3237. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 37)
  3238. GO
  3239. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 155)
  3240. GO
  3241. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (44, 194)
  3242. GO
  3243. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (45, 8)
  3244. GO
  3245. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (45, 51)
  3246. GO
  3247. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (46, 62)
  3248. GO
  3249. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (47, 78)
  3250. GO
  3251. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (47, 141)
  3252. GO
  3253. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (47, 195)
  3254. GO
  3255. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (48, 27)
  3256. GO
  3257. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (49, 114)
  3258. GO
  3259. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (49, 231)
  3260. GO
  3261. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (49, 238)
  3262. GO
  3263. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (50, 127)
  3264. GO
  3265. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (51, 236)
  3266. GO
  3267. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (52, 200)
  3268. GO
  3269. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (52, 225)
  3270. GO
  3271. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (52, 250)
  3272. GO
  3273. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (53, 51)
  3274. GO
  3275. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (53, 164)
  3276. GO
  3277. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (53, 219)
  3278. GO
  3279. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (54, 99)
  3280. GO
  3281. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (54, 118)
  3282. GO
  3283. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (55, 167)
  3284. GO
  3285. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (55, 191)
  3286. GO
  3287. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (56, 34)
  3288. GO
  3289. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (56, 134)
  3290. GO
  3291. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (56, 201)
  3292. GO
  3293. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (58, 89)
  3294. GO
  3295. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (58, 113)
  3296. GO
  3297. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (58, 232)
  3298. GO
  3299. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (58, 246)
  3300. GO
  3301. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (59, 81)
  3302. GO
  3303. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (59, 166)
  3304. GO
  3305. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (60, 156)
  3306. GO
  3307. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (61, 67)
  3308. GO
  3309. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (61, 129)
  3310. GO
  3311. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (62, 183)
  3312. GO
  3313. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (63, 4)
  3314. GO
  3315. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (63, 197)
  3316. GO
  3317. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (63, 237)
  3318. GO
  3319. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (64, 137)
  3320. GO
  3321. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (64, 219)
  3322. GO
  3323. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (65, 116)
  3324. GO
  3325. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 15)
  3326. GO
  3327. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 23)
  3328. GO
  3329. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 88)
  3330. GO
  3331. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 94)
  3332. GO
  3333. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 118)
  3334. GO
  3335. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 168)
  3336. GO
  3337. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 188)
  3338. GO
  3339. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (66, 221)
  3340. GO
  3341. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (67, 9)
  3342. GO
  3343. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (67, 240)
  3344. GO
  3345. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (68, 46)
  3346. GO
  3347. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (68, 64)
  3348. GO
  3349. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (69, 37)
  3350. GO
  3351. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (70, 58)
  3352. GO
  3353. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (70, 85)
  3354. GO
  3355. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (70, 187)
  3356. GO
  3357. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (70, 239)
  3358. GO
  3359. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (71, 96)
  3360. GO
  3361. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (72, 164)
  3362. GO
  3363. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (72, 229)
  3364. GO
  3365. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (73, 58)
  3366. GO
  3367. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (73, 59)
  3368. GO
  3369. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (73, 84)
  3370. GO
  3371. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (73, 147)
  3372. GO
  3373. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (73, 244)
  3374. GO
  3375. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (74, 114)
  3376. GO
  3377. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (75, 41)
  3378. GO
  3379. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (75, 218)
  3380. GO
  3381. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (77, 44)
  3382. GO
  3383. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (78, 2)
  3384. GO
  3385. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (78, 79)
  3386. GO
  3387. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (79, 94)
  3388. GO
  3389. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (79, 200)
  3390. GO
  3391. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (80, 48)
  3392. GO
  3393. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (80, 109)
  3394. GO
  3395. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (80, 205)
  3396. GO
  3397. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (81, 116)
  3398. GO
  3399. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (81, 213)
  3400. GO
  3401. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (82, 139)
  3402. GO
  3403. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (82, 146)
  3404. GO
  3405. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (83, 131)
  3406. GO
  3407. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (83, 170)
  3408. GO
  3409. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (83, 206)
  3410. GO
  3411. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (84, 92)
  3412. GO
  3413. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (84, 114)
  3414. GO
  3415. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (84, 210)
  3416. GO
  3417. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (84, 242)
  3418. GO
  3419. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (86, 189)
  3420. GO
  3421. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (87, 43)
  3422. GO
  3423. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (87, 74)
  3424. GO
  3425. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (87, 93)
  3426. GO
  3427. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (88, 16)
  3428. GO
  3429. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (88, 36)
  3430. GO
  3431. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (88, 165)
  3432. GO
  3433. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (89, 157)
  3434. GO
  3435. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (90, 233)
  3436. GO
  3437. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (90, 241)
  3438. GO
  3439. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (91, 2)
  3440. GO
  3441. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (91, 41)
  3442. GO
  3443. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (92, 38)
  3444. GO
  3445. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (92, 70)
  3446. GO
  3447. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (92, 77)
  3448. GO
  3449. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (92, 139)
  3450. GO
  3451. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (93, 67)
  3452. GO
  3453. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (93, 78)
  3454. GO
  3455. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (94, 88)
  3456. GO
  3457. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (95, 150)
  3458. GO
  3459. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (95, 160)
  3460. GO
  3461. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (96, 191)
  3462. GO
  3463. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (97, 178)
  3464. GO
  3465. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (98, 95)
  3466. GO
  3467. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (98, 221)
  3468. GO
  3469. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (99, 121)
  3470. GO
  3471. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (99, 129)
  3472. GO
  3473. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (100, 163)
  3474. GO
  3475. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (101, 108)
  3476. GO
  3477. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (101, 238)
  3478. GO
  3479. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (102, 75)
  3480. GO
  3481. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (102, 136)
  3482. GO
  3483. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (103, 23)
  3484. GO
  3485. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (103, 109)
  3486. GO
  3487. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (103, 250)
  3488. GO
  3489. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (104, 198)
  3490. GO
  3491. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (105, 166)
  3492. GO
  3493. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (105, 190)
  3494. GO
  3495. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (105, 217)
  3496. GO
  3497. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (105, 229)
  3498. GO
  3499. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (106, 128)
  3500. GO
  3501. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (106, 137)
  3502. GO
  3503. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (108, 17)
  3504. GO
  3505. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (109, 156)
  3506. GO
  3507. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (109, 171)
  3508. GO
  3509. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (109, 198)
  3510. GO
  3511. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (109, 230)
  3512. GO
  3513. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (109, 242)
  3514. GO
  3515. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (110, 2)
  3516. GO
  3517. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (110, 13)
  3518. GO
  3519. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (110, 165)
  3520. GO
  3521. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (111, 212)
  3522. GO
  3523. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (111, 229)
  3524. GO
  3525. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (112, 12)
  3526. GO
  3527. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (112, 36)
  3528. GO
  3529. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (112, 111)
  3530. GO
  3531. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (112, 113)
  3532. GO
  3533. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (113, 58)
  3534. GO
  3535. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (113, 89)
  3536. GO
  3537. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (114, 63)
  3538. GO
  3539. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (114, 227)
  3540. GO
  3541. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (115, 119)
  3542. GO
  3543. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (115, 185)
  3544. GO
  3545. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (116, 247)
  3546. GO
  3547. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (117, 158)
  3548. GO
  3549. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (118, 24)
  3550. GO
  3551. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (118, 157)
  3552. GO
  3553. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (118, 188)
  3554. GO
  3555. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (119, 206)
  3556. GO
  3557. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (120, 90)
  3558. GO
  3559. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (120, 118)
  3560. GO
  3561. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (121, 59)
  3562. GO
  3563. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (121, 116)
  3564. GO
  3565. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (123, 59)
  3566. GO
  3567. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (123, 68)
  3568. GO
  3569. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (123, 80)
  3570. GO
  3571. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (123, 164)
  3572. GO
  3573. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (124, 117)
  3574. GO
  3575. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (124, 206)
  3576. GO
  3577. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (124, 223)
  3578. GO
  3579. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (124, 227)
  3580. GO
  3581. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (124, 245)
  3582. GO
  3583. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (125, 28)
  3584. GO
  3585. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (125, 151)
  3586. GO
  3587. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (126, 84)
  3588. GO
  3589. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (126, 94)
  3590. GO
  3591. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (127, 214)
  3592. GO
  3593. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (127, 232)
  3594. GO
  3595. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (128, 197)
  3596. GO
  3597. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (129, 22)
  3598. GO
  3599. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (129, 190)
  3600. GO
  3601. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (129, 234)
  3602. GO
  3603. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (130, 91)
  3604. GO
  3605. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (131, 9)
  3606. GO
  3607. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (131, 119)
  3608. GO
  3609. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (131, 152)
  3610. GO
  3611. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (131, 154)
  3612. GO
  3613. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (131, 161)
  3614. GO
  3615. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (132, 142)
  3616. GO
  3617. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (132, 232)
  3618. GO
  3619. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (132, 234)
  3620. GO
  3621. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (132, 239)
  3622. GO
  3623. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (133, 110)
  3624. GO
  3625. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (133, 181)
  3626. GO
  3627. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (133, 217)
  3628. GO
  3629. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (134, 81)
  3630. GO
  3631. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (135, 249)
  3632. GO
  3633. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (136, 41)
  3634. GO
  3635. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (136, 201)
  3636. GO
  3637. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (137, 59)
  3638. GO
  3639. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (137, 90)
  3640. GO
  3641. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (138, 1)
  3642. GO
  3643. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (139, 134)
  3644. GO
  3645. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (139, 149)
  3646. GO
  3647. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (139, 244)
  3648. GO
  3649. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (140, 149)
  3650. GO
  3651. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (141, 7)
  3652. GO
  3653. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (141, 155)
  3654. GO
  3655. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (141, 237)
  3656. GO
  3657. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (142, 87)
  3658. GO
  3659. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (142, 222)
  3660. GO
  3661. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (143, 4)
  3662. GO
  3663. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (144, 8)
  3664. GO
  3665. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (144, 233)
  3666. GO
  3667. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (145, 52)
  3668. GO
  3669. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (145, 236)
  3670. GO
  3671. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (146, 57)
  3672. GO
  3673. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (147, 243)
  3674. GO
  3675. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (148, 16)
  3676. GO
  3677. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (149, 146)
  3678. GO
  3679. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (150, 98)
  3680. GO
  3681. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (150, 148)
  3682. GO
  3683. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (150, 171)
  3684. GO
  3685. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (151, 127)
  3686. GO
  3687. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (151, 158)
  3688. GO
  3689. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (152, 93)
  3690. GO
  3691. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (152, 99)
  3692. GO
  3693. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (152, 211)
  3694. GO
  3695. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (153, 41)
  3696. GO
  3697. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (154, 181)
  3698. GO
  3699. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (155, 119)
  3700. GO
  3701. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (156, 79)
  3702. GO
  3703. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (156, 157)
  3704. GO
  3705. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (158, 12)
  3706. GO
  3707. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (158, 249)
  3708. GO
  3709. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (159, 162)
  3710. GO
  3711. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (160, 137)
  3712. GO
  3713. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (161, 20)
  3714. GO
  3715. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (161, 140)
  3716. GO
  3717. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (161, 222)
  3718. GO
  3719. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (163, 16)
  3720. GO
  3721. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (163, 48)
  3722. GO
  3723. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (163, 123)
  3724. GO
  3725. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (165, 39)
  3726. GO
  3727. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (165, 158)
  3728. GO
  3729. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (165, 232)
  3730. GO
  3731. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (167, 205)
  3732. GO
  3733. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (168, 94)
  3734. GO
  3735. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (169, 7)
  3736. GO
  3737. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (169, 95)
  3738. GO
  3739. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (171, 3)
  3740. GO
  3741. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (171, 123)
  3742. GO
  3743. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (171, 236)
  3744. GO
  3745. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (172, 94)
  3746. GO
  3747. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (172, 153)
  3748. GO
  3749. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (173, 129)
  3750. GO
  3751. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (175, 16)
  3752. GO
  3753. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (175, 42)
  3754. GO
  3755. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (175, 79)
  3756. GO
  3757. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (175, 176)
  3758. GO
  3759. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (175, 238)
  3760. GO
  3761. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (176, 45)
  3762. GO
  3763. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (176, 147)
  3764. GO
  3765. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (176, 250)
  3766. GO
  3767. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (177, 28)
  3768. GO
  3769. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (177, 105)
  3770. GO
  3771. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (178, 52)
  3772. GO
  3773. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (178, 70)
  3774. GO
  3775. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (179, 116)
  3776. GO
  3777. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (179, 154)
  3778. GO
  3779. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (179, 195)
  3780. GO
  3781. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (180, 81)
  3782. GO
  3783. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (180, 127)
  3784. GO
  3785. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (180, 130)
  3786. GO
  3787. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (180, 187)
  3788. GO
  3789. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (180, 246)
  3790. GO
  3791. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (181, 64)
  3792. GO
  3793. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (181, 113)
  3794. GO
  3795. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (181, 193)
  3796. GO
  3797. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (181, 220)
  3798. GO
  3799. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (182, 43)
  3800. GO
  3801. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (182, 160)
  3802. GO
  3803. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (183, 98)
  3804. GO
  3805. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (184, 113)
  3806. GO
  3807. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (184, 150)
  3808. GO
  3809. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (185, 141)
  3810. GO
  3811. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (185, 189)
  3812. GO
  3813. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (186, 31)
  3814. GO
  3815. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (187, 31)
  3816. GO
  3817. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (187, 63)
  3818. GO
  3819. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (187, 82)
  3820. GO
  3821. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (188, 129)
  3822. GO
  3823. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (189, 74)
  3824. GO
  3825. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (189, 156)
  3826. GO
  3827. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (190, 6)
  3828. GO
  3829. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (190, 160)
  3830. GO
  3831. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (192, 216)
  3832. GO
  3833. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (192, 217)
  3834. GO
  3835. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (193, 143)
  3836. GO
  3837. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (193, 179)
  3838. GO
  3839. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (193, 181)
  3840. GO
  3841. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (193, 194)
  3842. GO
  3843. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (194, 115)
  3844. GO
  3845. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (194, 165)
  3846. GO
  3847. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (195, 12)
  3848. GO
  3849. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (195, 246)
  3850. GO
  3851. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (196, 80)
  3852. GO
  3853. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (196, 213)
  3854. GO
  3855. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (197, 195)
  3856. GO
  3857. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (198, 153)
  3858. GO
  3859. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (198, 170)
  3860. GO
  3861. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (198, 196)
  3862. GO
  3863. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (200, 57)
  3864. GO
  3865. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (200, 92)
  3866. GO
  3867. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (200, 248)
  3868. GO
  3869. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (201, 87)
  3870. GO
  3871. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (202, 78)
  3872. GO
  3873. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (202, 137)
  3874. GO
  3875. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (202, 150)
  3876. GO
  3877. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (202, 206)
  3878. GO
  3879. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (203, 213)
  3880. GO
  3881. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (205, 20)
  3882. GO
  3883. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (205, 42)
  3884. GO
  3885. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (205, 153)
  3886. GO
  3887. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (205, 211)
  3888. GO
  3889. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (205, 243)
  3890. GO
  3891. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (206, 44)
  3892. GO
  3893. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (207, 66)
  3894. GO
  3895. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (207, 93)
  3896. GO
  3897. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (207, 156)
  3898. GO
  3899. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (207, 241)
  3900. GO
  3901. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (208, 49)
  3902. GO
  3903. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (208, 157)
  3904. GO
  3905. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (208, 204)
  3906. GO
  3907. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (209, 83)
  3908. GO
  3909. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (210, 60)
  3910. GO
  3911. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (210, 228)
  3912. GO
  3913. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (211, 121)
  3914. GO
  3915. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (212, 35)
  3916. GO
  3917. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (213, 52)
  3918. GO
  3919. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (213, 78)
  3920. GO
  3921. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (213, 234)
  3922. GO
  3923. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (214, 123)
  3924. GO
  3925. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (214, 199)
  3926. GO
  3927. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (214, 225)
  3928. GO
  3929. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (214, 249)
  3930. GO
  3931. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (215, 82)
  3932. GO
  3933. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (218, 13)
  3934. GO
  3935. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (218, 211)
  3936. GO
  3937. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (218, 249)
  3938. GO
  3939. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (219, 66)
  3940. GO
  3941. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (219, 115)
  3942. GO
  3943. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (219, 136)
  3944. GO
  3945. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (220, 34)
  3946. GO
  3947. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (220, 92)
  3948. GO
  3949. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (221, 207)
  3950. GO
  3951. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (222, 94)
  3952. GO
  3953. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (222, 234)
  3954. GO
  3955. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (224, 199)
  3956. GO
  3957. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (224, 203)
  3958. GO
  3959. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 20)
  3960. GO
  3961. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 27)
  3962. GO
  3963. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 114)
  3964. GO
  3965. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 149)
  3966. GO
  3967. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 220)
  3968. GO
  3969. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (226, 234)
  3970. GO
  3971. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (227, 43)
  3972. GO
  3973. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 10)
  3974. GO
  3975. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 84)
  3976. GO
  3977. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 166)
  3978. GO
  3979. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 169)
  3980. GO
  3981. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 183)
  3982. GO
  3983. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (229, 204)
  3984. GO
  3985. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (230, 27)
  3986. GO
  3987. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (231, 75)
  3988. GO
  3989. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (231, 95)
  3990. GO
  3991. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (232, 217)
  3992. GO
  3993. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (232, 241)
  3994. GO
  3995. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (233, 91)
  3996. GO
  3997. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (233, 95)
  3998. GO
  3999. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (234, 119)
  4000. GO
  4001. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (235, 23)
  4002. GO
  4003. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (236, 199)
  4004. GO
  4005. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (237, 128)
  4006. GO
  4007. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (238, 60)
  4008. GO
  4009. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (238, 166)
  4010. GO
  4011. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (238, 174)
  4012. GO
  4013. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (239, 91)
  4014. GO
  4015. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (239, 100)
  4016. GO
  4017. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (240, 61)
  4018. GO
  4019. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (240, 237)
  4020. GO
  4021. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (240, 249)
  4022. GO
  4023. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (241, 128)
  4024. GO
  4025. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (242, 96)
  4026. GO
  4027. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (243, 189)
  4028. GO
  4029. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (244, 235)
  4030. GO
  4031. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (246, 100)
  4032. GO
  4033. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (246, 193)
  4034. GO
  4035. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (246, 241)
  4036. GO
  4037. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (247, 2)
  4038. GO
  4039. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (248, 116)
  4040. GO
  4041. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (249, 141)
  4042. GO
  4043. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (249, 189)
  4044. GO
  4045. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (250, 5)
  4046. GO
  4047. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (501, 1)
  4048. GO
  4049. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (501, 5)
  4050. GO
  4051. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (501, 61)
  4052. GO
  4053. INSERT [dbo].[UsersFriends] ([UserID], [UserFriendID]) VALUES (501, 189)
  4054. GO
  4055. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ON
  4057. GO
  4058. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (1, 160, N'forecast')
  4059. GO
  4060. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (2, 191, N'motivating')
  4061. GO
  4062. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (3, 21, N'paradigm')
  4063. GO
  4064. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (4, 210, N'secondary')
  4065. GO
  4066. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (5, 169, N'demand-driven')
  4067. GO
  4068. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (6, 187, N'open system')
  4069. GO
  4070. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (7, 124, N'logistical')
  4071. GO
  4072. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (8, 189, N'Quality-focused')
  4073. GO
  4074. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (9, 111, N'Grass-roots')
  4075. GO
  4076. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (10, 76, N'regional')
  4077. GO
  4078. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (11, 48, N'Stand-alone')
  4079. GO
  4080. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (12, 62, N'Devolved')
  4081. GO
  4082. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (13, 165, N'5th generation')
  4083. GO
  4084. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (14, 70, N'contextually-based')
  4085. GO
  4086. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (15, 223, N'model')
  4087. GO
  4088. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (16, 46, N'infrastructure')
  4089. GO
  4090. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (17, 218, N'Managed')
  4091. GO
  4092. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (18, 164, N'firmware')
  4093. GO
  4094. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (19, 165, N'Optional')
  4095. GO
  4096. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (20, 75, N'paradigm')
  4097. GO
  4098. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (21, 42, N'Sharable')
  4099. GO
  4100. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (22, 205, N'dynamic')
  4101. GO
  4102. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (23, 164, N'Sharable')
  4103. GO
  4104. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (24, 100, N'Down-sized')
  4105. GO
  4106. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (25, 130, N'installation')
  4107. GO
  4108. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (26, 63, N'systematic')
  4109. GO
  4110. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (27, 53, N'Visionary')
  4111. GO
  4112. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (28, 17, N'ability')
  4113. GO
  4114. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (29, 12, N'Graphical User Interface')
  4115. GO
  4116. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (30, 105, N'leverage')
  4117. GO
  4118. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (31, 221, N'initiative')
  4119. GO
  4120. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (32, 91, N'Persistent')
  4121. GO
  4122. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (33, 151, N'coherent')
  4123. GO
  4124. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (34, 169, N'Vision-oriented')
  4125. GO
  4126. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (35, 63, N'Inverse')
  4127. GO
  4128. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (36, 80, N'Devolved')
  4129. GO
  4130. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (37, 84, N'Programmable')
  4131. GO
  4132. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (38, 43, N'pricing structure')
  4133. GO
  4134. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (39, 151, N'optimal')
  4135. GO
  4136. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (40, 146, N'customer loyalty')
  4137. GO
  4138. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (41, 55, N'system-worthy')
  4139. GO
  4140. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (42, 61, N'Multi-channelled')
  4141. GO
  4142. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (43, 15, N'Grass-roots')
  4143. GO
  4144. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (44, 150, N'capability')
  4145. GO
  4146. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (45, 111, N'flexibility')
  4147. GO
  4148. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (46, 186, N'clear-thinking')
  4149. GO
  4150. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (47, 139, N'Multi-lateral')
  4151. GO
  4152. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (48, 6, N'Assimilated')
  4153. GO
  4154. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (49, 152, N'system engine')
  4155. GO
  4156. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (50, 11, N'leverage')
  4157. GO
  4158. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (51, 88, N'exuding')
  4159. GO
  4160. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (52, 59, N'software')
  4161. GO
  4162. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (53, 217, N'multi-tasking')
  4163. GO
  4164. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (54, 174, N'Balanced')
  4165. GO
  4166. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (55, 67, N'methodical')
  4167. GO
  4168. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (56, 171, N'system-worthy')
  4169. GO
  4170. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (57, 130, N'initiative')
  4171. GO
  4172. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (58, 63, N'Object-based')
  4173. GO
  4174. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (59, 118, N'solution-oriented')
  4175. GO
  4176. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (60, 54, N'homogeneous')
  4177. GO
  4178. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (61, 185, N'even-keeled')
  4179. GO
  4180. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (62, 121, N'ability')
  4181. GO
  4182. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (63, 17, N'Enterprise-wide')
  4183. GO
  4184. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (64, 47, N'Upgradable')
  4185. GO
  4186. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (65, 50, N'array')
  4187. GO
  4188. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (66, 216, N'explicit')
  4189. GO
  4190. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (67, 113, N'non-volatile')
  4191. GO
  4192. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (68, 215, N'Polarised')
  4193. GO
  4194. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (69, 109, N'throughput')
  4195. GO
  4196. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (70, 185, N'dedicated')
  4197. GO
  4198. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (71, 230, N'object-oriented')
  4199. GO
  4200. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (72, 68, N'impactful')
  4201. GO
  4202. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (73, 226, N'zero tolerance')
  4203. GO
  4204. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (74, 37, N'Visionary')
  4205. GO
  4206. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (75, 240, N'Configurable')
  4207. GO
  4208. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (76, 2, N'real-time')
  4209. GO
  4210. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (77, 133, N'hybrid')
  4211. GO
  4212. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (78, 246, N'Decentralized')
  4213. GO
  4214. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (79, 29, N'modular')
  4215. GO
  4216. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (80, 118, N'open architecture')
  4217. GO
  4218. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (81, 96, N'contingency')
  4219. GO
  4220. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (82, 163, N'website')
  4221. GO
  4222. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (83, 137, N'Balanced')
  4223. GO
  4224. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (84, 220, N'static')
  4225. GO
  4226. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (85, 20, N'Ergonomic')
  4227. GO
  4228. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (86, 45, N'background')
  4229. GO
  4230. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (87, 81, N'Multi-channelled')
  4231. GO
  4232. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (88, 116, N'Re-engineered')
  4233. GO
  4234. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (89, 189, N'solution')
  4235. GO
  4236. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (90, 168, N'Persistent')
  4237. GO
  4238. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (91, 91, N'Operative')
  4239. GO
  4240. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (92, 46, N'policy')
  4241. GO
  4242. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (93, 92, N'instruction set')
  4243. GO
  4244. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (94, 148, N'Operative')
  4245. GO
  4246. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (95, 4, N'Universal')
  4247. GO
  4248. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (96, 96, N'dedicated')
  4249. GO
  4250. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (97, 234, N'Exclusive')
  4251. GO
  4252. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (98, 198, N'concept')
  4253. GO
  4254. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (99, 47, N'intermediate')
  4255. GO
  4256. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (100, 114, N'hub')
  4257. GO
  4258. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (101, 19, N'Sharable')
  4259. GO
  4260. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (102, 79, N'benchmark')
  4261. GO
  4262. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (103, 176, N'workforce')
  4263. GO
  4264. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (104, 230, N'bi-directional')
  4265. GO
  4266. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (105, 156, N'mobile')
  4267. GO
  4268. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (106, 124, N'Right-sized')
  4269. GO
  4270. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (107, 198, N'solution')
  4271. GO
  4272. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (108, 210, N'Multi-layered')
  4273. GO
  4274. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (109, 90, N'info-mediaries')
  4275. GO
  4276. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (110, 91, N'Networked')
  4277. GO
  4278. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (111, 244, N'Public-key')
  4279. GO
  4280. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (112, 231, N'neutral')
  4281. GO
  4282. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (113, 48, N'functionalities')
  4283. GO
  4284. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (114, 206, N'neutral')
  4285. GO
  4286. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (115, 38, N'Persistent')
  4287. GO
  4288. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (116, 3, N'application')
  4289. GO
  4290. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (117, 127, N'budgetary management')
  4291. GO
  4292. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (118, 190, N'regional')
  4293. GO
  4294. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (119, 115, N'archive')
  4295. GO
  4296. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (120, 167, N'Managed')
  4297. GO
  4298. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (121, 2, N'Re-engineered')
  4299. GO
  4300. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (122, 225, N'Enterprise-wide')
  4301. GO
  4302. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (123, 161, N'data-warehouse')
  4303. GO
  4304. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (124, 114, N'cohesive')
  4305. GO
  4306. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (125, 213, N'protocol')
  4307. GO
  4308. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (126, 147, N'optimizing')
  4309. GO
  4310. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (127, 145, N'neutral')
  4311. GO
  4312. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (128, 149, N'fresh-thinking')
  4313. GO
  4314. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (129, 82, N'initiative')
  4315. GO
  4316. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (130, 100, N'Re-engineered')
  4317. GO
  4318. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (131, 195, N'success')
  4319. GO
  4320. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (132, 126, N'Ergonomic')
  4321. GO
  4322. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (133, 197, N'pricing structure')
  4323. GO
  4324. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (134, 155, N'contextually-based')
  4325. GO
  4326. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (135, 248, N'scalable')
  4327. GO
  4328. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (136, 210, N'data-warehouse')
  4329. GO
  4330. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (137, 222, N'definition')
  4331. GO
  4332. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (138, 238, N'high-level')
  4333. GO
  4334. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (139, 132, N'neutral')
  4335. GO
  4336. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (140, 74, N'paradigm')
  4337. GO
  4338. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (141, 128, N'instruction set')
  4339. GO
  4340. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (142, 174, N'migration')
  4341. GO
  4342. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (143, 6, N'parallelism')
  4343. GO
  4344. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (144, 118, N'empowering')
  4345. GO
  4346. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (145, 170, N'migration')
  4347. GO
  4348. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (146, 41, N'ability')
  4349. GO
  4350. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (147, 94, N'open system')
  4351. GO
  4352. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (148, 62, N'needs-based')
  4353. GO
  4354. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (149, 48, N'multi-state')
  4355. GO
  4356. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (150, 172, N'collaboration')
  4357. GO
  4358. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (151, 175, N'synergy')
  4359. GO
  4360. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (152, 109, N'4th generation')
  4361. GO
  4362. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (153, 33, N'Programmable')
  4363. GO
  4364. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (154, 206, N'structure')
  4365. GO
  4366. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (155, 100, N'Devolved')
  4367. GO
  4368. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (156, 229, N'context-sensitive')
  4369. GO
  4370. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (157, 126, N'background')
  4371. GO
  4372. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (158, 34, N'approach')
  4373. GO
  4374. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (159, 246, N'Visionary')
  4375. GO
  4376. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (160, 92, N'Total')
  4377. GO
  4378. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (161, 141, N'exuding')
  4379. GO
  4380. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (162, 116, N'instruction set')
  4381. GO
  4382. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (163, 203, N'static')
  4383. GO
  4384. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (164, 199, N'knowledge user')
  4385. GO
  4386. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (165, 40, N'approach')
  4387. GO
  4388. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (166, 121, N'Progressive')
  4389. GO
  4390. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (167, 54, N'hardware')
  4391. GO
  4392. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (168, 148, N'homogeneous')
  4393. GO
  4394. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (169, 164, N'project')
  4395. GO
  4396. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (170, 20, N'value-added')
  4397. GO
  4398. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (171, 100, N'Advanced')
  4399. GO
  4400. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (172, 129, N'Triple-buffered')
  4401. GO
  4402. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (173, 154, N'Optimized')
  4403. GO
  4404. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (174, 208, N'Balanced')
  4405. GO
  4406. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (175, 113, N'neural-net')
  4407. GO
  4408. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (176, 165, N'high-level')
  4409. GO
  4410. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (177, 112, N'policy')
  4411. GO
  4412. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (178, 107, N'Right-sized')
  4413. GO
  4414. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (179, 89, N'intranet')
  4415. GO
  4416. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (180, 82, N'workforce')
  4417. GO
  4418. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (181, 64, N'array')
  4419. GO
  4420. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (182, 131, N'forecast')
  4421. GO
  4422. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (183, 14, N'Reduced')
  4423. GO
  4424. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (184, 148, N'Enhanced')
  4425. GO
  4426. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (185, 47, N'protocol')
  4427. GO
  4428. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (186, 225, N'Seamless')
  4429. GO
  4430. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (187, 52, N'pricing structure')
  4431. GO
  4432. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (188, 175, N'optimizing')
  4433. GO
  4434. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (189, 64, N'5th generation')
  4435. GO
  4436. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (190, 212, N'5th generation')
  4437. GO
  4438. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (191, 41, N'knowledge base')
  4439. GO
  4440. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (192, 24, N'24 hour')
  4441. GO
  4442. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (193, 121, N'human-resource')
  4443. GO
  4444. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (194, 130, N'Exclusive')
  4445. GO
  4446. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (195, 11, N'coherent')
  4447. GO
  4448. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (196, 247, N'disintermediate')
  4449. GO
  4450. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (197, 168, N'radical')
  4451. GO
  4452. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (198, 220, N'clear-thinking')
  4453. GO
  4454. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (199, 78, N'responsive')
  4455. GO
  4456. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (200, 158, N'web-enabled')
  4457. GO
  4458. INSERT [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID], [UserID], [Name]) VALUES (201, 501, NULL)
  4459. GO
  4460. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[WishList] OFF
  4461. GO
  4462. INSERT [dbo].[WishlistBooks] ([WishlistID], [BookID]) VALUES (201, 1002)
  4463. GO
  4464. INSERT [dbo].[WishlistBooks] ([WishlistID], [BookID]) VALUES (201, 1003)
  4465. GO
  4466. INSERT [dbo].[WishlistBooks] ([WishlistID], [BookID]) VALUES (201, 1004)
  4467. GO
  4470. GO
  4471. /****** Object: Index [IX_Email_Unique] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4473. (
  4474. [Email] ASC
  4476. GO
  4477. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Comment] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Comment_Date] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [Date]
  4478. GO
  4479. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Orders] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Orders_Date] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [Date]
  4480. GO
  4481. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Topic] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Topic_Date] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [Date]
  4482. GO
  4484. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4485. GO
  4486. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Bleep] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Post_User]
  4487. GO
  4488. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Comment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Comment_Topic] FOREIGN KEY([TopicID])
  4489. REFERENCES [dbo].[Topic] ([TopicID])
  4490. GO
  4491. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Comment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Comment_Topic]
  4492. GO
  4493. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Comment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Comment_User] FOREIGN KEY([UserID])
  4494. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4495. GO
  4496. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Comment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Comment_User]
  4497. GO
  4498. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Customer_Person] FOREIGN KEY([CustomerID])
  4499. REFERENCES [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID])
  4500. GO
  4501. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customer] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Customer_Person]
  4502. GO
  4504. REFERENCES [dbo].[Book] ([BookID])
  4505. GO
  4506. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[NewBook] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_NewBook_Book]
  4507. GO
  4508. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderBooks] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderBooks_NewBook] FOREIGN KEY([BookID])
  4509. REFERENCES [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID])
  4510. GO
  4511. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderBooks] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderBooks_NewBook]
  4512. GO
  4513. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderBooks] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderBooks_Orders] FOREIGN KEY([OrderID])
  4514. REFERENCES [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID])
  4515. GO
  4516. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderBooks] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderBooks_Orders]
  4517. GO
  4518. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderCoupons] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderCoupons_Coupons] FOREIGN KEY([CouponID])
  4519. REFERENCES [dbo].[Coupon] ([CouponID])
  4520. GO
  4521. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderCoupons] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderCoupons_Coupons]
  4522. GO
  4523. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderCoupons] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderCoupons_Orders] FOREIGN KEY([OrderID])
  4524. REFERENCES [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID])
  4525. GO
  4526. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderCoupons] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderCoupons_Orders]
  4527. GO
  4528. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Orders] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Orders_Person] FOREIGN KEY([PersonID])
  4529. REFERENCES [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID])
  4530. GO
  4531. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Orders] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Orders_Person]
  4532. GO
  4533. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondPost_Post2] FOREIGN KEY([BleepID])
  4534. REFERENCES [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID])
  4535. GO
  4536. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondPost_Post2]
  4537. GO
  4538. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondPost_Post3] FOREIGN KEY([RespondBleepID])
  4539. REFERENCES [dbo].[Bleep] ([BleepID])
  4540. GO
  4541. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondPost_Post3]
  4542. GO
  4543. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondComment_Comment] FOREIGN KEY([CommentID])
  4544. REFERENCES [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID])
  4545. GO
  4546. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondComment_Comment]
  4547. GO
  4548. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondComment_RespondComment] FOREIGN KEY([RespondCommentID])
  4549. REFERENCES [dbo].[Comment] ([CommentID])
  4550. GO
  4551. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_RespondComment_RespondComment]
  4552. GO
  4553. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Review] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Review_NewBook] FOREIGN KEY([BookID])
  4554. REFERENCES [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID])
  4555. GO
  4556. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Review] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Review_NewBook]
  4557. GO
  4558. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SecondhandBook] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SecondhandBook_Book] FOREIGN KEY([BookID])
  4559. REFERENCES [dbo].[Book] ([BookID])
  4560. GO
  4561. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SecondhandBook] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_SecondhandBook_Book]
  4562. GO
  4563. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SecondhandBook] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SecondhandBook_User] FOREIGN KEY([UserID])
  4564. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4565. GO
  4566. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SecondhandBook] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_SecondhandBook_User]
  4567. GO
  4569. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4570. GO
  4571. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Topic] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Topic_User]
  4572. GO
  4574. REFERENCES [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID])
  4575. GO
  4576. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_User_Person]
  4577. GO
  4578. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersFriends_Users] FOREIGN KEY([UserID])
  4579. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4580. GO
  4581. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersFriends_Users]
  4582. GO
  4583. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersFriends_Users1] FOREIGN KEY([UserFriendID])
  4584. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4585. GO
  4586. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersFriends_Users1]
  4587. GO
  4589. REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
  4590. GO
  4591. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WishList] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_WishList_User]
  4592. GO
  4593. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WishlistBooks] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_WishlistBooks_NewBook] FOREIGN KEY([BookID])
  4594. REFERENCES [dbo].[NewBook] ([BookID])
  4595. GO
  4596. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WishlistBooks] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_WishlistBooks_NewBook]
  4597. GO
  4598. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WishlistBooks] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_WishlistBooks_WishList] FOREIGN KEY([WishlistID])
  4599. REFERENCES [dbo].[WishList] ([WishListID])
  4600. GO
  4601. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WishlistBooks] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_WishlistBooks_WishList]
  4602. GO
  4603. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_RespondPost] CHECK (([BleepID]<>[RespondBleepID]))
  4604. GO
  4605. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondBleep] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_RespondPost]
  4606. GO
  4607. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_RespondComment] CHECK (([RespondCommentID]<>[CommentID]))
  4608. GO
  4609. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[RespondComment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_RespondComment]
  4610. GO
  4611. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_UsersFriends] CHECK (([UserID]<>[UserFriendID]))
  4612. GO
  4613. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersFriends] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_UsersFriends]
  4614. GO
  4615. /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[AddNewOrder] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4617. GO
  4619. GO
  4621. CREATE PROC [dbo].[AddNewOrder]
  4622. (
  4623. @Amount AS INT,
  4624. @PersonId AS INT,
  4625. @BookList AS [dbo].[Books] readonly,--this will be a datatable in c#
  4626. @Date AS DATE,
  4627. @Code AS NVARCHAR(50) = null,
  4628. @Total AS decimal
  4629. )
  4630. AS
  4631. BEGIN
  4633. INSERT INTO Orders (PersonId, [Date], [Total])
  4634. VALUES (@PersonId, @Date, @Total)
  4636. IF(@Code IS NOT NULL)
  4637. begin
  4638. INSERT INTO OrderCoupons (OrderID, CouponID) VALUES (SCOPE_IDENTITY(), (SELECT CouponID FROM Coupon WHERE Code = @Code));
  4639. --UPDATE Orders SET Total = @Total - (@Total * (100/(SELECT [Percentage] FROM Coupon WHERE Code = @Code)))
  4640. end
  4642. --INSERT INTO OrderBooks SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(), @Amount, ID FROM @BookList
  4644. select Amnt output from @BookList
  4647. OPEN cur
  4649. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
  4650. BEGIN
  4651. --INSERT INTO OrderBooks SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Orders'), @ID, Amnt FROM @BookList
  4652. INSERT INTO OrderBooks (OrderID, BookID, Amount)
  4653. VALUES (IDENT_CURRENT('Orders'), @ID, (SELECT Amnt FROM @BookList WHERE ID = @ID))
  4656. END
  4658. CLOSE cur
  4659. DEALLOCATE cur
  4662. END
  4664. GO
  4665. /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CreateNewBLeepOnListUpdate] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4667. GO
  4669. GO
  4670. -- =============================================
  4671. -- Author: Célina Ngapy
  4672. -- Create date: 10/05/2017
  4673. -- Description: This creates a new Bleep when someone updates their list or creates a new list with the link to said list
  4674. -- =============================================
  4675. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateNewBLeepOnListUpdate]
  4676. (
  4677. @ListID AS INT,
  4679. @UserID AS INT,
  4680. @Text AS NVARCHAR(140),
  4681. @BookList AS [dbo].[WishlistBookList] readonly
  4682. )
  4683. AS
  4684. BEGIN
  4686. INSERT INTO WishlistBooks SELECT @ListID, ID FROM @BookList
  4688. --DECLARE @ID INT
  4690. --OPEN cur
  4691. --FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @ID
  4692. --WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
  4693. -- BEGIN
  4695. --INSERT INTO WishlistBooks (WishlistID, BookID) VALUES (@ListID, @ID)
  4697. --FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @ID
  4699. -- END
  4701. --CLOSE cur
  4702. --DEALLOCATE cur
  4704. INSERT INTO Bleep ([DateTime], UserID, [Text]) VALUES (@Date, @UserID, @Text)
  4705. END
  4707. GO
  4708. /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[DiscountDeviantBooks] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4710. GO
  4712. GO
  4713. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DiscountDeviantBooks]
  4716. AS
  4717. BEGIN
  4720. --declaring table to hold the square difference
  4721. declare @difference as table
  4722. (
  4723. BookId int,
  4724. Amnt int
  4725. )
  4726. DECLARE @DeviantBooks as table
  4727. (
  4728. BookId int
  4729. )
  4731. INSERT INTO @difference
  4732. SELECT BookID, square(COUNT(BookID)) AS Amnt FROM OrderBooks
  4733. GROUP BY BookID
  4734. HAVING COUNT(BookID) < (SELECT COUNT(BookID) FROM OrderBooks) - (SELECT AVG(average) FROM
  4735. (SELECT count(BookID) as average FROM OrderBooks group by BookID) AS OB)
  4736. -- selecting books that fall withing standard deviation
  4737. -- first calc vriance(avg of difference) then standard dev (sqrt variance)
  4738. -- then get books whithing 3 months
  4740. INSERT INTO @DeviantBooks
  4741. SELECT distinct d.BookId FROM @difference d
  4742. inner join OrderBooks ob on ob.BookID = d.BookId
  4743. inner join Orders o on o.OrderID = ob.OrderID
  4744. WHERE Amnt > (SELECT SQRT(variance) FROM (SELECT AVG(Amnt) AS variance FROM @difference) AS VA)
  4745. AND o.Date >=DATEADD(m, -3, GETDATE())
  4750. DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT BookId FROM @DeviantBooks
  4751. OPEN cur
  4753. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
  4754. BEGIN
  4755. UPDATE Book SET Price = Price - (Price * 0.1) WHERE BookID = @ID
  4756. print @ID
  4758. END
  4759. CLOSE cur
  4760. DEALLOCATE cur
  4761. END
  4762. GO
  4763. /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[NewPerson] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4765. GO
  4767. GO
  4769. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[NewPerson]
  4770. (
  4771. @Email nvarchar(max),
  4772. @Name nvarchar(max),
  4773. @Address nvarchar(max),
  4774. @City nvarchar(max),
  4775. @BirthDate DATE,
  4776. @Gender nvarchar(max)
  4777. )
  4778. AS
  4779. BEGIN
  4781. INSERT INTO Person ([Email], [Name],[Address],[City],[BirthDate],[Gender]) OUTPUT INSERTED.PersonID INTO @PersonID(ID) VALUES (@Email, @Name, @Address, @City, @BirthDate, @Gender)
  4782. INSERT INTO Customer SELECT ID FROM @PersonID
  4783. END
  4785. GO
  4786. /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Search] Script Date: 09/06/2017 13:09:10 ******/
  4788. GO
  4790. GO
  4791. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search]
  4792. (
  4793. @txt as nvarchar(max)
  4794. )
  4796. AS
  4797. BEGIN
  4798. SELECT * FROM Book B INNER JOIN NewBook NB ON NB.BookID = B.BookID
  4799. WHERE Title LIKE '%' + @txt OR Title LIKE @txt OR Title LIKE @txt + '%' OR Title LIKE '%' +@txt + '%'
  4800. OR Genre LIKE '%' + @txt OR Genre LIKE @txt OR Genre LIKE @txt + '%' OR Genre LIKE '%' +@txt + '%'
  4801. OR Summary LIKE '%' + @txt OR Summary LIKE @txt OR Summary LIKE @txt + '%' OR Summary LIKE '%' +@txt + '%'
  4802. OR Author LIKE '%' + @txt OR Author LIKE @txt OR Author LIKE @txt + '%' OR Author LIKE '%' +@txt + '%'
  4803. END
  4805. GO
  4806. USE [master]
  4807. GO
  4809. GO
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