
Updated Dayel

Jan 12th, 2015
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  1. Lord Dayel poured himself a wine “I couldn’t help him you know, he seemed pretty struck by the King’s words.” he took a mouthful and returned to his Desk.
  2. He sat and took a smaller mouthful “The King is more of a fool than the Fool. Burning the Woods, demanding his best guard leave.”.
  3. Lord Arran moved in his seat as his armour moved. “The King is a fool, everyone see’s that. but i cannot see what you can do to even change the King’s mind. i have to speak my mind. but the City is going to be sieged in the end.”.
  4. Dayel nodded, he had suddenly lost his taste for wine. he looked at his hand, still scarred from long ago. “that is the only answer to the King’s actions. he is terrified.” he said. They both nodded in agreement when Arran started “Finally I am in mutual respect with a Shireling. You lot must be scrapping the barrel.”.
  5. “A common insult Lord Arran, i wouldn’t think you of all people would drop to Commonly used things. i am shocked.” sassed the Lord.
  6. “i shall forget that i heard that. in other news, my ears heard earlier that Lady Sallie has left the Capital.” Lord Arran began.
  7. Dayel swirled his wine “Yes, she has gone to see her Family in The Arc. should be back in a few months.” Arran leant forward “Family you say? and what Family does she have that do not already hate her more than the Islanders may i ask.”.
  8. Dayel sighed “May i ask why your ears are so well at hearing people’s secrets??” he smirked and drank more wine.
  9. “Ah! it is a secret she left? this is interesting.” Lord Arran clapped his hands together and leant forward in interest.
  10. The Lord went to drink his wine but paused when he heard what Arran had said “Every Lord has secrets, just some are meant to be kept secret.” he took a sip of wine “I hear you have been going out of the City regularly, so is that a secret to be kept a secret?” Lord Arran’s lip tightened but he loosened it “I have to make regular negotiation attempts with the Wolves as you can see” he pulled his sleeve and revealed a fresh scar running the length of his arm “Wolves do not fully understand the concept. Now the Dwarves are with them, my job should be easier. Dwarves can be somewhat less prone to violence.” He pulled his sleeve down and rested in his seat.
  11. Dayel leant forward and rested his arms of the Desk “We both share battle scars. mine show my skill in battle where as yours show how terrible you are at Diplomacy.” he gave a smile that he was enjoying insulting the Lord.
  12. “Another thing i shall let pass. anyways, I cannot stay here passing insults all sunlight. I have secrets to hear.” he passed a serious look and stood up “I will give you some advice. Everyone in the City is doomed to die when the Dwarves invade. do yourself some good and leave for the Arc. i’m leaving tomorrow sundown. if you care to join me and Lady Killer i would be most happy.” and he left.
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