
The Fluffy Factory: Obsolescence

May 24th, 2012
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  1. >Sunflower has only been pregnant one time since she gave birth to the white foals.
  2. >She fought you when you took those new babies away.
  3. >When that failed, she tried to kill her litter again.
  4. >Since resets aren't working, Sarah has taken her out of the birth cycle for now.
  5. >Sunflower's new job is to keep her monotone white pegasus daughter, Tundra, company.
  6. >They are very good friends, but neither remembers that they're related.
  7. >Tundra has been put in the sex pit once already with her white-fluffed, pale blue-maned earth fluffy brother Ice, but they wouldn't copulate.
  8. >They were kind of small, so it was probably too soon.
  9. >Now, after eight weeks, they're almost fully grown.
  10. >Sarah has asked that you try again.
  11. >For whatever reason, Tiffany isn't allowed anywhere near the white siblings.
  12. >Their procreation is entirely in your hands.
  13. >Ice forgot about being Tundra's brother long ago, but still knows something is off.
  14. >He sniffs at her a lot while he's in the sex pit with her.
  15. >You surmise that she must smell almost exactly like he does, which confuses him.
  16. >You've been told to avoid the pheromone spray if at all possible, so you just have to wait them out.
  17. >A sex pit has been set aside solely for their use, so you've decided to leave them in there all day.
  18. “Come on Ice, get to work.”
  19. >”Pwetty fwiend smeww wike Ice! No suwe if wan' make huggies wif pwetty fwiend...”
  20. >”Tundah smeww wike Ice too!”
  21. >Sunflower watches this spectacle with some disdain.
  22. >”Mista, no wet Ice huwt Tundah fwiend!” she asks.
  23. >Ice nuzzles his sister's fluff. She whinnies nervously.
  24. >”Tundah no wike dis, wan' pway somefin ewse...”
  25. “I'll give you a cookie if you give her special hugs, Ice.”
  26. >”Wan' cookie!” he nods furiously, but when he looks back at Tundra, he makes an uncomfortable face. “Ice no am suwe, pwetty fwiend smeww funny.”
  27. >Sunflower knows something isn't right about this, but she can't remember exactly what.
  28. >”Pwease no huwt Tundah fwiend, Ice!”
  29. >He nods rapidly at her, but doesn't know why. He never listens to other mares. “No am, be nice to pwetty fwiend!”
  30. >Hours pass with no luck. You're out of options.
  31. >You grab the spray and give Tundra's shaved hindquarters a slight misting.
  32. >It's like flipping a switch. Ice, his hips already thrusting, mounts Tundra.
  33. >”Eenf! Eenf! Why Ice weggies do dis, no am suwe eenf! If eenf! If wan'! Eenf!”
  34. >Tundra yells for help and buzzes her wings frantically, causing Sunflower to slam her head on her cage door.
  35. >”NO HUWT TUNDAH FWIEND, GIF BIG OWWIES!” she shrieks.
  36. >After two minutes, Ice finishes, panting as he rolls off Tundra's back.
  37. >”Ice scawed, why weggies no wissen?” he sniffles.
  38. >You return them to their respective cages and the waiting game begins anew.
  39. >Three days later, you arrive for work in the basement.
  40. >You check Tundra first, as usual. She looks confused about something.
  41. >”Mista, Tundah feew funny in tummy pwace!”
  42. >Success. You head back up to tell Sarah.
  43. >Tiffany had been handling all the dam work every other day, but Sarah orders you to see Tundra's pregnancy through yourself.
  44. >If white genes are recessive, she might be a literal gold mine of foals.
  45. >Sarah wants nothing left to chance, and she trusts you the most of all the basement staff.
  46. >Tundra is moved to basement two immediately, much to Sunflower's chagrin.
  47. >Like the fluffies above, the dams are extremely well-behaved in the presence of Tiffany, making your job easier.
  48. >As the gestation period continues, Tundra swells to an enormous size.
  49. >”Mista, hewp! Why Tundah am so big? Tundah weggies no wowk!”
  50. “Babies are coming, Tundra, relax.”
  51. >She is mesmerized by the concept of babies.
  52. >Most of her babbling becomes singing to them.
  53. >”Tundah haf babehs, Tundah wuv babehs, babehs wuv Tundah, Tundah wuv babehs...”
  54. >Hopefully, she won't follow in her mother's hoofsteps when it comes to maternal instinct.
  55. >Physically, everything is going well.
  56. >In fact, the Tundra and the other dams are proving less an issue than your blonde co-worker.
  57. >Steve notices her irritability as well, but neither of you ask her about it.
  58. >You don't want to get stabbed to death.
  59. >Tundra reaches full swell after fifteen days of pregnancy.
  60. >Almost all your time at work is spent with the dams at this point, to make sure someone is there if Tundra enters labor.
  61. >Tiffany becomes increasingly annoyed with this arrangement, but fuck her. She can take it up with the boss.
  62. >At noon of the sixteenth day, the fun begins.
  63. >”Mista! Mista! Hewp! Biggest poopies! Tundah no can weach witta bocks!”
  64. >Damn it, you were just about to take lunch.
  65. >Oh well. You send Tiffany to find Sarah.
  66. >You've gotten Tundra to the table and started the massaging process as she arrives.
  67. >”What is Tiffany's problem lately?”
  68. “Hell if I know. She's not taking it out on the fluffies, so I could care less.”
  69. >A foal emerges from Tundra's shaved rear and begins squeaking immediately.
  70. >”Babeh!”
  71. “Easy, you can see them when I'm done.”
  72. >”Wan' babeh, pwease wet haf babeh!”
  73. >Two minutes later, a pair of squeaking foals slide out.
  74. >”Babehs! Mo' babehs! Tundah haf wossa babehs!”
  75. >There's no afterbirth, so you keep going.
  76. >Sarah stands beside you, trying to figure out what color the bloody foals are.
  77. >Two more foals plop out, along with a placenta. You cut the cords and help Tundra turn around to check them.
  78. >”Babehs! Mumma hewe, gif huggies and wuv to babehs!”
  79. >She cleans every one of them, cooing happily.
  80. >They are all at least partially white.
  81. >You type and sex them.
  82. >There are two monotone white pegasus, both female.
  83. >A male earth fluffy has white fluff and a very pale yellow mane and tail.
  84. >The litter is rounded out by two female earth fluffies, one monotone white, the other white with a powdery grey mane and tail.
  85. >Sarah looks down at the litter and folds her arms. A smile spreads slowly across her face.
  86. >”Jackpot.”
  87. >The real test comes now, however. You begin removing the foals to put them in their respective pens.
  88. >”Why take babehs? Mista! No huwt babehs, wuv babehs!”
  89. “I won't hurt them, Tundra.”
  90. >She watches you set the pegasus twins in the pen, right beside an oddly nervous Cherry.
  91. >”Babehs go in babeh pwace? Babehs no huwt?”
  92. >The look on Tundra's face is hard to describe. It's a happy, worried, sad sort of exhaustion.
  93. >”Pwease gif babehs, Tundah no wike dis...”
  94. >She makes no attempt to hurt her other foals, but whinnies unhappily when you remove the ones she's hugging.
  95. >Mission accomplished. Sarah looks extremely pleased.
  96. >Tundra is unsettled as you set her back in her cage, but her expression of that feeling is limited to low, worried chattering and anxious stares.
  97. >Sarah heads upstairs. You follow after cleaning up and ensuring the new foals get their milk.
  98. >When you get up there, Sarah is crouched in front of Sunflower's cage.
  99. >”Sunfwowa miss Tundah, whewe fwiend Tundah?” she asks.
  100. >”She just had her babies. Lots of healthy, happy babies.”
  101. >”Mista take babehs fwom fwiend?”
  102. >”He sure did. And you know what? Tundra was a good fluffy. She didn't bite him, or her babies...unlike you.”
  103. >She opens the cage and takes Sunflower out, holding her by the scruff.
  104. >She whines anxiously, her legs wiggling.
  105. >”Tundra gave me a whole litter of white foals. I'm afraid you and your attitude are no longer necessary.”
  106. >Sunflower struggles with the big words, but the tone is unmistakable.
  107. >“Nissawessy? Wha dat? Wha mean? Mean, mean bad? Sunfwowa sowwy! Sunfwowa good fwuffy, no mean be bad!”
  108. >Sarah just smiles again, carrying her across the room while she babbles her pleas.
  109. >She holds Sunflower over the empty trash can by the stallion cages.
  110. >”Do you know what this is?”
  111. >The uneasy fluffy looks down. “ no smeww pwetty pwace?”
  112. >”That's right. Do you know what goes in it?”
  113. >Sunflower blinks a few times, racking her brain. “...bad poopies?”
  114. >Sarah nods. “What else?”
  115. >”Yikky nummies? Bad poopies...bad poopies?” she repeats, already out of ideas.
  116. >”There's something else that goes in here.”
  117. >“Wha--”
  118. >Sunflower can't even get the word out before Sarah throws her down into the can, rattling it fiercely.
  119. >”WHY HUWT SUNFWOWA?!” she yelps.
  120. >You can smell the shit already as you walk over and look down into the can.
  121. >Her muzzle drips blood, and her forelegs are bent at grotesque angles.
  122. >She tries to raise up on the side of the can, but slides down, wailing in pain, whenever she applies pressure to her ruined front legs.
  123. >”Hewp Sunfwowa! Weggies haf big huwties, Sunfwowa need huggies! Pwease hewp!”
  124. >Sarah lifts her up by the scruff. Liquefied feces drips from her unshaven hindquarters, clinging to formerly yellow fluff.
  125. >”Fank you, Sunfwowa haf big huwties, huggies make betta! Pwease g--”
  126. >She is hurled down again, this time face first.
  127. >The only noise she can manage now is a series of pained, wet gurgles. Her snout has been completely obliterated.
  128. >She rolls around frantically, pawing at her smashed face and struggling for air.
  129. >Sarah dusts off her hands, reaching down beside the can and grabbing the lid.
  130. >After she puts the lid on, she looks over at the whimpering stallions.
  131. >A lot of them have shit themselves in fear.
  132. >”Sorry about that.”
  133. “It's fine, Steve and I were going to clean the cages after lunch anyway.”
  134. >Sarah nods idly, looking down at the can.
  135. >It wobbles slightly. You can barely make out Sunflower's agonized murmurs.
  136. >”Well, before you start on the cages, take out the trash.”
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