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a guest
Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. YouLostCoins: &7You died and lost
  2. KilledYou: &f%attacker% &7killed you. You lost
  3. YouKilled: &fYou killed &6%victim% &fand won
  4. # This messages will be continued by the value you set for ^DeathPenalty^ / ^KillReward^ and the value for ^Coins^. For example: You died and lost 5 coins.
  5. # %attacker% will be replaced automaticaly by the player who killed another player, and %victim% will be replaced by the player who died. NOTE THE "%"'s
  6. DeathPrefix: &c&lDEATH &7»
  7. BandagePrefix: &c&lBANDAGE &7»
  8. DamagePrefix: &c&lDAMAGE&7»
  9. Suicide: %victim% had commited suicide! Life was too cruel for him.
  10. DeathByFall: %victim% broke their head while trying to fly.
  11. Drown: %victim% drowned.
  12. Burned: %victim% burned.
  13. Roll: You rolled and avoided %{_dmgAvoided}% of the damage.
  14. # IMPORTANT: %{_dmgAvoided}% is the amount of damage the player avoided. Please note the two "%" , the brackets and the underscore ("_")
  15. NoNeedOfBandage: &7You don't need a bandage.
  16. BandageUsed: &eYou used a bandage!
  17. BackstabGiven: You backstabbed %victim%
  18. BackstabTaken: %attacker% backstabbed you.
  19. GraplingCooldown: &cYou need to wait 10 seconds before using the grapling hook again!
  20. DropConfirm: &7Are you sure you want to drop this item? If you don't want, just change the tool in your hand with the mouse wheel. If you want to drop this item, click Q one more time.
  22. LootName: &fGold Ingot
  23. Coins: coins
  24. KnifesName: &7» &6Knifes
  25. ChestLootTitle: &6Treasure
  26. NoLoot: &4Nothing here.
  27. BandageItemName: &6&lBandage
  29. # ###|--[ VALUES ]--|###
  30. DeathPenalty: 5
  31. SuicidePenalty: 10
  32. KillReward: 10
  33. InfoCommand: Info
  34. # Put the command WITHOUT the slash, and with first letter capitalized if you want. ^^
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