
notes on Fausto's eagle SCP

Aug 4th, 2013
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  1. Item #: SCP-XXXX {salvagebar's notes inside these brackets}
  3. Object Class: Euclid
  5. Special Containment Procedures: Actualmente existen cuarenta y cinco (45) ejemplares de SCP-XXXX en posesión de la Fundación. SCP-XXXX son actualmente contenidas {SCP-XXXX used in singular} en una zona aviar libre en el sitio-45. Diariamente se deben introducir Veinticinco (25) Kilogramos {kilograms are not capitalized, last I checked} de pescado fresco y agua cuando sea requerida en el aviar. Ejemplares recien nacidos de SCP-XXXX deben ser marcados y clasificados para mantener registro.
  7. Description: SCP-XXXX is a pack {a group of eagles is an "aerie"} of forty-five {in English, there is a hyphen between the tens and ones place when you write out an integer} (45) avian entities that share similarities with bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Instances of SCP-XXXX have shown several discrepancies in both behavior and pisiology {"physiology"} from a regular bald eagle. At social level, {You can remove the opening phrase of this sentence.} SCP-XXXX is highly sociable among all the instances, forming a hierarchy where an alpha leader dominates all the others. This hierarchy chain is defined by the individual skill and capability to perform its anomalous activities. {This sentence is awkward. I think you mean, "This hierarchy is established by each individual's skill and capability to perform its anomalous activities."} At a physiological level, each instance has shown a serie {"series"} of adaptations asociated with its main behavior.
  9. - Feet show mult-jointed {"multi-jointed"} articulations, strenght {"with strength"} "enough" [going to be replaced by real measures] to bend and handle cooper, high-durability steel, fiberrglass, etc. Instances have shown no instinctive skills and they develope their skills through learning from older instances of SCP-XXXX and experience.
  11. - SCP-XXXX's beaks are made of a yet to identify organic material, capable to resist pressures over [insert measures here]. {It reads better to write: "...made of a material which has yet to be identified."}
  13. - The skin and feathers secrete a cleaning compound capable to remove any substance usually founded in internal combustion engines. {Use the preposition "of" with "capable". A thing is "capable of something" (i.e. it has that quality or feature itself), or it is "able to something" (i.e. it can perform that activity, which should probably be a verb. You have done this a few times.}
  15. - In average, {Prepositions in English are often arbitrary. I apologize for my language. It should be "On average...".} each instance is capable to individually lift 35Kg on the air (although it SCP-XXXX-29 has recorded 57Kg). {The eagle has not recorded anything! Someone else made that observation.}
  17. - They posses specialized salivary glands. These glands produce a highly complex organic substance (hereby called SCP-XXXX-B), capable to replace lub, {"Lube" is the abbreviation for "lubricant", but in a clinical or scientific report, you would use the full word.} coolant and fuel in any vehicle with internal combustion engine. A well fed instance produces in average 1.5 liters of this SCP-XXXX-B.
  19. SCP-XXXX además ha demostrado un alto grado social, con una piramide jerarquica donde el grupo es dominado por un hembra alfa. {No dijiste en el parte en Inglés que el "alfa" era una hembra.} El colectivo de SCP-XXXX tambien presenta un alto grado de inteligencia, y los miembros de mas alto rango han demostrado capacidades de entender el ingles hablado, y manejar de manera rustica el ingles escrito. Cuando a SCP-XXX {quatro "X"} se le es presentado un automovil y se les provee con una variable cantidad de pescado, estas se acercaran a analizar el carro y cualquier posible defecto. Una vez hayan terminado un diagnostico, se reuniran y comunicaran a través de sonidos variados (y hasta ahora todos los sonidos producidos por el colectivo no han demostrado patrón alguno que indique una estructura linguistica clara). Una vez concluido, el colectivo de SCP-XXXX procedera a reparar cualquier falla que presente el vehiculo a dar. Si es necesario reemplazar alguna parte, un grupo conformado por 3 o 4 ejemplares tomara la pieza arreglada, la llevaran a una locación separada, y tras un determinado tiempo regresaran con susodicha pieza aparentemente reparada y funcional. Dependiendo del tamaño de la pieza, se puede durar entre 15 minutos a 6 horas el repararlo. Cabe señalar que las piezas no se encuentran en perfectas condiciones, y siempee tendran marcas de abolladuras y rasguños consistentes con las garras de ejemplares de SCP-XXXX. Una vez que todas las piezas y fallas hayan sido exitosamente reparadas, el colectivo tomara el pescado a manera de pago y se retiraran del lugar.
  21. Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
  23. Personas que me ayudaron a cocneptualizar
  25. Echo por ser aguila
  26. Terranfirma
  27. Harland
  28. Killane el racista cuellorojo
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