Guest User


a guest
Dec 17th, 2016
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  1. # ************************************************************
  2. # * ___ ___ _ _ ______ *
  3. # * | \/ | | | | | | ___ \ *
  4. # * | . . | _ _ | |_ | |__ | |_/ / __ _ _ __ ___ *
  5. # * | |\/| || | | || __|| '_ \ | ___ \ / _` || '_ \ / __| *
  6. # * | | | || |_| || |_ | | | | | |_/ /| (_| || | | |\__ \ *
  7. # * \_| |_/ \__, | \__||_| |_| \____/ \__,_||_| |_||___/ *
  8. # * __/ | *
  9. # * |___/ *
  10. # ************************************************************
  11. # Written By MythTheWolf
  12. #
  13. # This is your configuration file!
  14. # If you have any questions, visit the github page.
  15. #
  16. #
  17. # *********SQL INFO*********
  18. #The Hostname/Server IP For your mySQL Database
  19. SQL-HOST: 'localhost'
  20. #The port number that the server runs on, default MySQL port is 3306
  21. SQL-PORT: '3306'
  22. #The name of the database to use, note that this Database must ALREADY be created.
  23. SQL-DATABASE: 'myDatabase'
  24. #Username to use to connect to the database
  25. SQL-USER: 'root'
  26. #Password for that user
  27. SQL-PASSWORD: ''
  28. # *********System config*********
  29. #How often (in server ticks) should the plugin read and execute CronJobs from the Web UI?
  30. CRON-UPDATE-TIME: '40'
  31. #xenAPI Domain Endpoint To use for xenForo E.G
  32. API-STARTPOINT: 'localhost/API.php'
  33. #xenAPI Secret key to use
  34. API-KEY: 'somesecretcode'
  35. #Should the console spit out a lot of information?
  36. DEBUG-MODE: false
  37. # **********Messages Config********
  38. #Permission user must have in order to see In-Game messages
  39. BANMESSAGE-PERMISSION: 'mythbans.viewmessages'
  40. #Message to display on the user's screen when banned/tempbanned
  41. #You can use {staffMember},{culprit},{reason},{expire}, as keywords.
  42. #Refer to the GitHub Wiki if you are still confused
  43. USER-BAN-FORMAT: 'You have been banned for {reason} by {staffMember}'
  44. USER-TEMPBAN-FORMAT: 'You have been banned until {expire} by {staffMember} for {reason}'
  45. USER-KICK-FORMAT: 'You have been kicked by {staffMember} for {reason}'
  46. USER-MUTE-FORMAT: '{staffMember} has muted you for {reason}'
  47. SERVER-KICK-FORMAT: '{staffMember} kicked {culprit} for {reason}'
  48. SERVER-BAN-FORMAT: '{staffMember} banned {culprit} for {reason}'
  49. SERVER-TEMPBAN-FORMAT: '{staffMember} banned {culprit} until {expire} for {reason}'
  50. SERVER-MUTE-FORMAT: '{staffMember} muted {culprit} for {reason}'
  51. DEFAULT-BAN-REASON: 'The ban hammer has spoken!'
  52. CONSOLE-UUID: '291b13ae-f276-4bec-a3f0-03cceea206cf'
  53. #Chat Prefix to use for In game messages
  54. #You can leave it to it's default if you want to support me :-)
  55. PREFIX: '&8[&aMythBans&8]&6'
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