
Shen - The Choice

Feb 6th, 2014
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  1. [05:05] <~Deedles> Blossom stopped walking as they got outside, turning towards him as she parted her lips to speak, but didn't, unsure of what to say now when she had an opportunity to.
  2. [05:15] <Shen> Shen came to a stop as she did, the soft treading of her feet sending a clear message as he stood before her. "Are you alright?" he asked her, sensing something was the matter.
  3. [05:18] <~Deedles> She nodded even though he couldn't see it "Yeah, I'm okay, I just..." she raised a hand to her face as she trailed off.
  4. [05:24] <Shen> "C'mon." he encouraged her as he stepped up beside her. "Lets walk some more." he spoke quietly.
  5. [05:25] <~Deedles> She peered at his chi for a moment before she slowly took his hand "Sure." she smiled faintly
  6. [05:30] <Shen> Shen was silent as they walked, he too obviously had something on his mind that he was still pondering. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone the other day." he said finally after his silence.
  7. [05:34] <~Deedles> Blossom had kept her face angled towards the ground as they walked, but raised it as he spoke. She uttered a noise, like she was about to speak, but paused before she finally did "I know you had your reasons, Shen. I may not know them, but..." she smiled, it was a mixed look of happy and sad. "I'm sorry if I was pushy." she apologized.
  8. [05:39] <Shen> Shen shook his head faintly. "No, you weren't, only honest." he corrected her as he let out a sigh, running his hand over the stubble on his jaw. "And I should of been honest too, but I ran like a coward. For the first time in my life." he chuckled sardonically at himself.
  9. [05:42] <~Deedles> She was silent for a moment as her hold his hand became firmer, more assured. "If... If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave?" she wondered, before she went to explain "I could make some guesses on my own, knowing you I assumed that you felt it wasn't your place, that you're my guardian and that's it, but I... would like to know."
  10. [05:54] <Shen> He angled his head slightly to her voice as she finished, silent only for a moment. "I'm a tactician." he said strangely, almost out of place. "I think steps ahead before properly looking at the present, while good in combat, not so much in life." he admitted with a soft, ironic laugh.
  11. [05:54] <Shen> "I thought it would be unfair on you, in the end. That one day I would need to step aside for another more worthy and watch while I protected you and your family." he spoke sadly, but honestly.
  12. [05:56] <~Deedles> Blossom came to a hault, even though her hand remained steadily in his "But...." she said before her voice died down to a murmur "... I don't want someone else." she objected, biting her lower lip as she cast her gaze towards the ground.
  13. [06:18] <Shen> Shen continued a pace or so, smiling faintly at that, her words warmed him but he continued. "I spoke to my sister and my father. I realised that I know so little of this world and have so many mistakes to make. I realised that some are unavoidable, while others I can learn from others. I realised, that I always have a choice, unlike some." he fell silent as he pulled her hand slowly towards him.
  14. [06:18] <Shen> "I realised that no matter what I tell myself, I will always choose you."
  15. [06:22] <~Deedles> She stepped forward as he guided her hand, her grip of his tightening faintly as she moved closer to him. She lifted her face, her faded eyes, glistening from tears she'd held back, staring up at his face. Her lips moved, but no words came, until finally she managed to utter a single, breathless, whisper "...Truly?"
  16. [06:30] <Shen> "To you, always." he whispered quietly as he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her without fear and without doubt.
  17. [06:34] <~Deedles> She felt her breath catch in her throat at the sudden sensation of his lips against hers, but the pause was brief. Her eyes slowly closed as she relaxed, leaning her cheek against his palm as she returned his gesture sweetly, completely unaware of how red her own cheeks had gone.
  18. [06:39] <Shen> Shen placed his other arm under hers and around her back as he held the soft kiss, then slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against hers as he breathed quietly. "Does that answer the question, your highness?" he spoke quietly, a subtle jesting tone in his voice.
  19. [06:51] <~Deedles> Blossom emitted a soft pant as the kiss ended, a content smile on her lips as she laughed faintly "Yes..." she replied in a tone just as quiet as his "And I liked the answer. Tasted of jasmine tea." she added as her free hand came to gently rest on his chest.
  20. [07:01] <Shen> Shen laughed softly at that as he ran his hand down to her shoulder, his expression falling to a smile in silence until he finally spoke again. "I'm going further into the mountain soon, to train. I can't stay as I am, not now. I will be gone for a little while but I will return. Will you wait for me?" he asked her, he felt guilty for saying this now, but it must be done.
  21. [07:04] <~Deedles> Blossom was silent. Her hand moved up his chest, her fingertips trailing across his neck with a feather-light touch, before sliding over his cheek and into his hair as she tip-toed so she could press her lips tenderly against his.
  22. [07:08] <Shen> He returned the gesture without question, kissing her as he gently pressed her shoulder and lower back.
  23. [07:19] <~Deedles> She held this kiss a bit longer than the first one, her other hand coming up to caress his cheek before she parted their lips, inhaling softly. "I will wait, Shen...For as long as I have to." she replied, her voice soft as a breeze. "This is the one choice I can make for myself, and my decision has been made. I want no one but you, so I will wait, because no matter how long you need to be gone for you'll always be with me."
  24. [07:19] <~Deedles> she reached for his hand on her shoulder, gently shifting it so it rested over her heart, her hand resting on his. "Right here... You told me so yourself, remember?" she smiled warmly at him as a couple of tears crept down her cheeks.
  25. [07:26] <Shen> Shen smiled at her affectionately and kissed her once, softly, on her forehead. "A heart never forgets." he nodded as he imitated her with her hand on his heart, wiping a tear from her cheek with his other hand. "And you with me."
  26. [07:31] <~Deedles> "Always..." Blossom said softly in reply, her eyes closing instinctively as his fingers slid over her cheek. She shifted closer so she could rest gently against him, a loving smile decorating her face as she burried it slightly in his shoulder. When she spoke her voice was quiet, and a bit muffled, but clear enough for him to hear. "I won't lie, I will miss you, but I'm fine with missing you as long as you promise that you'll always come back..."
  27. [07:31] <~Deedles> come back..."
  28. [07:37] <Shen> "No force in existence could ever stop me from coming home to you, I will always return with the wind at my back." he promised her with a tender embrace. "Just look to the mists and you will know." he said, laying a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
  29. [07:41] <~Deedles> She uttered a content sound as her arms wrapped around him, hugging him close and warm. "Then I can ask for no more. This is all I want, all I can ask for." she replied, exhaling calmly.
  30. [08:17] <Shen> "Then this is what you shall have." he spoke, resting his against the top of her head. "Training can wait for today." he told her, breathing into her soft, sweet-smelling hair. "For now, lets spend the time we have together." as he said that he wrapped an arm around her and began to slowly move to walk. "We have all the time in the world like this."
  31. [08:24] <~Deedles> "I like the sound of that..." Blossom said as she walked along side him, her eyes slowly opening so she could look up at his face. When she studied his chi, real close, she thought she could see the contours of his facial features. She raised a hand to gently trail it over his cheeks, lips and nose as she spoke again. "Want to go swim?" she asked him with a sweet smile.
  32. [08:36] <Shen> "Thats-..." he choked on his words slightly at the sudden thought, unsure if it was a good idea, or if it was too soon for such a stunt... but he closed his eyes at her soft touch feeling at peace. "I suppose Ziulong will make me try to at some point anyway." he exhaled calmly. "And I much prefer your voice to his."
  33. [08:40] <~Deedles> Blossom leaned up to nuzzle his cheek affectionately "I want to help you through it, Shen." she cooed sincerely, her hand gently gripping the front of his tunic as they walked.
  34. [20:46] <Shen> "I know you do." he chuckles quietly. "I need all the help I can get anyway, so I can't refuse, I'm just still getting used to swallowing my pride I guess." he sighed, but it was a happy one.
  35. [20:50] <~Deedles> She smiled gently "That takes a lot of strength, you know? A lot of people wouldn't be able to get past their pride and ask for help, but I'm... truly happy that you have." She uttered a quiet laugh "Even though I wouldn't of stopped asking and offering even if you'd said 'no'."
  36. [20:56] <Shen> "No kidding." he scoffed, a muted grin forming from his mouth. "You're almost as stubborn as my brother and thats saying something." he squeezed her gently as they walked. "If I can't get past my pride then I can't move forward. I can't fight alongside my brothers. I couldn't protect you or the world around us.
  37. [20:56] <Shen> Pride is worth so little in comparison." he nodded as the grin faded to a smile. "I'm not sure if strength really comes into it." he admitted.
  38. [20:58] <~Deedles> "There are different types of strength, and it's not like your pride is gone." She released her hold of his tunic as she raised her hand to his cheek instead. "I think you wanting to help everyone as much as you do, and your determination to always improve yourself, is something to be proud of, I know I am."
  39. [21:08] <Shen> He fell silent at that for a few moments. "Thank you, Blossom." he looked before them as he smiled. "I'm beginning to find that my pride is no longer just myown, but in the people around me, the people I care about and love. It is my duty... No, my own will, to get stronger and protect them. To be there when they need me. I am proud of all of them, especially you." he returned, turning his face to her.
  40. [21:15] <~Deedles> Blossom's cheeks flushed, her eyes peering up at the spot where she knew his would be, before her chi gaze shifted to the side. "But I haven't done anything yet." she said quietly, her hands entwining slightly in front of her as she fiddled with them. "And yet..." she trailed off as she couldn't help but smile "Yet I feel like Ican do anything when I have you at my side..." her hands seized her fidgeting as she laid one over her chest.
  41. [21:15] <~Deedles> "And in my heart." she paused as she looked up at him again "Is that me being too dependent?" she asked him softly and sincerely.
  42. [21:28] <Shen> "You've done more than you know." Shen said quietly. "For me, Taishin, Jian, Yoshi, this village, everyone you have met so far... You might not see it yet, but Iyou will in time." he shook his head lightly in amusement as he finished. "Your empathy is what makes you the Blossom that I love. Ever since the tea house, I saw that for yousuch empathy was limitless.
  43. [21:28] <Shen> They way you held yourself, showed concern, even your kung fu. It isn't strange, or dependent, to draw power from another as much as it is to find strength in wanting to protect another."
  44. [21:39] <~Deedles> She was silent as he spoke, her smile slowly growing as her blush deepened. "I love you too, Shen." she said as she snuggled up against him, slowing their walk a bit. "Even though I can't understand what I've done, I'll believe in you who believes in me." she said before she slowly raised her head "This place... It's the lake from the other day, isn't it?" she asked him as she recognised the feeling in the air,
  45. [21:39] <~Deedles> though, this time it felt different somehow. Calmer. Happier.
  46. [21:46] <Shen> Shen's smile grew slightly as he nodded. "It is" he confirmed, inhaling deeply as he smelt the mix of the cool misted air fused with the watery scent of the lake. "If there's one place for me to do this, its here, where it started. With you, who made it possible."
  47. [21:58] <~Deedles> Blossom moved around so she could grip his hands, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly "How did I make it possible?" she asked softly as she stood in front of him, taking slow steps backwards towards the lake, stopping once they stood on its shore.
  48. [22:18] <Shen> "You found the other half of my being, by becoming the other half of my heart." he said quietly, shaking his head in astonishment. "Everything that I am now and will become, is because of you." he kissed her once, softly, on her lips as he entwined his fingers with hers. "I don't need my eyes to see that I owe you my future."
  49. [23:03] <~Deedles> She returned the kiss tenderly, and once it ended she was left speechless for a moment, taking his words very seriously. She gave his hands a squeeze as she smiled, happily "I can say the same. Everything that lies ahead of me is so daunting. Leaving Yumu I was scared for the future... Afraid that I wouldn't be enough." she moved in to rest her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.
  50. [23:03] <~Deedles> "But the more time I spent around you, and saw how hard you always worked and how much you tried. To protect everyone, to get used to losing your sight, everything... It seeped into my heart and I found myself truly inspired. I'm no longer afraid, and I owe that to you."
  51. [23:31] <Shen> His heart beat strongly and peacefully, its pace rising as she spoke. "You were already more than enough..." he said almost immediately, his voice full of certainty. "But I'm glad that I could help calm your heart as you did for me." he finished as he began to remove his belt an tunic. "I haven't swam in a very long time." he admitted, though he held no fear in his voice, only determination.
  52. [23:37] <~Deedles> Blossom took a step back as she undid the buttons holding her dress together so she get it off "I was afraid of water when I was a child." she confessed "Along with being blind it was scary to lose the solid ground beneath my feet, that guides me, but... My father, before he passed away, told me not to think of water as something deep and scary, but imagine that I'm floating among the clouds."
  53. [23:37] <~Deedles> she blushed faintly as she dropped her dress beside Shen's tunic, laughing quietly "It probably sounds silly, but it calmed me."
  54. [23:44] <Shen> "I don't believe there is much difference between Heaven and Ocean in the end, only how we see them." he smiled as he took her hand and began to step towards the water. "Your father must of been a smart man."
  55. [23:48] <~Deedles> She smiled sweetly as she followed him, holding his hand gently. "He was... He was also stern and not one to talk much, but he was the one who set me on the path to become a Doctor, by teaching me medicine."
  56. [23:57] <Shen> Shen laughed faintly as he listened to her, "That reminds me of someone I know." he admitted with a troublesome sigh. He inhaled sharply as he stepped into the water, closing his eyes as he found his calm in Blossoms touch. He was almost overwhelmed by the sudden sensation of connection with the lake, like he could feel every movement, every ripple across it.
  57. [23:57] <Shen> He let out a long, growl of an exhale as the warm mist streamed from his mouth.
  58. [00:06] <~Deedles> Blossom sucked in some air between her teeth as she entered the cool water, sending a chill up her legs and body, but she didn't stop walking, steadily following him further out. Her eyelids closed half-way as she focused on the sensation of chi gently flowing around her, rising further up her legs as they kept moving. "How are you feeling?" she asked him softly, her hold of his hand tightening slightly.
  59. [00:13] <Shen> He didn't quite hear her at first, lost in the feeling of his reach spreading out across the lake in an instant, but her voice pulled him back to reality as he opened his eyes with a faint bewildered smile. "Calm, but its strange." he spoke as he pulled Blossom further in.
  60. [00:13] <Shen> "It feels like the lake is a part of me, I feel everything... Everything except fear. No, that's not right, there is fear... but I understand it now."
  61. [00:17] <~Deedles> She inhaled slowly, before breathing out calmly. "Oh? What do you understand about it?" She continued to ask as she moved closer to him and felt the contrast of the cold water and Shen's warm presence, her body shivering faintly.
  62. [00:27] <Shen> Shen slowly pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her. He could not feel the cold or fear, but he knew they were still there. He didn't know how to explain it. "Look for yourself." he whispered to her as he rested his forehead against hers and exhaled again, his breath the very mist that covered the mountain.
  63. [00:32] <~Deedles> Blossom's eyes closed as she felt his forehead press against hers, lifting her arms to slide them around him, holding herself to him. She almost felt like she was falling as she focused on him, uttering a quiet sound once she connected her senses to his.
  64. [00:46] <Shen> Shen could feel her, her body and mind in the lake to the point where he could almost see her face. His eyes watered and ran, though he did not cry. He showed her the lake as if they were one, the fish that swam about their business further into the lake. The branches from trees that dangled and broke the mirrored surface.
  65. [00:46] <Shen> The fear that swam with them, protecting them but not threatening them. The lake was alive, holding them.
  66. [00:53] <~Deedles> Her breathing stopped briefly as it caught in her throat upon feeling the powerful sensation spread through her entire body, feeling connected to the large pool of water, and to the young man in front of her. Her expression was serene, her lips quirking into a tender smile as she felt like their energies were connecting while they remained like this, in the lake. "Shen... it's beautiful..."
  67. [00:53] <~Deedles> she whispered, her voice breathless as she tried not to be overwhelmed by it all, pressing herself closer to him.
  68. [00:59] <Shen> "Almost as much as you." he returned in a whisper, her chi the closest it had ever been before, he felt it, studied it to the point where it burned into his mind, its calmness intoxicating alongside the feeling of the lake. "I really am home." he whispered again.
  69. [01:06] <~Deedles> She laid her head to rest against his shoulder, feeling his strong chi surrounding her, bringing her an unrivaled feeling of security."Home..." She murmured, almost sounding drowsy as her mind fell further and further into sensing his chi. Her smile widened faintly. "Yes, this is home." she agreed, her voice remaining quiet while her words held certainty.
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