
The First Hunt

Jan 10th, 2021
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  1. [10:55] Peppy says, "Hey you."
  2. [10:55] Hunter asks, "Huh?"
  3. [10:55] Zeno Laskaris says, "Hello there."
  4. [10:56] Hunter says, "Heya"
  5. [10:58] Peppy grabs Hunters arm to look at his veins.
  6. (Peppy)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [10:59] Lets out a long drawn out yawn. Taking his hands from his pockets and stretching. His mismatched hues surveying the landscape. As if he were looking for something; Or perhaps just taking it all in. Before his eyes met the kids form once more. Chuckling at Peppy's immediate reaction to this scene.
  11. "Strange place to be sitting out along... --But... Peppy you find something you like?"
  13. He hummed passively from the backlines.
  14. (Zeno Laskaris)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [11:05] Just what she wanted...fresh... meat. She removed her gloves exposing her sharp rat claws licking her lips. Her red beady eyes looked cold, and if he stared long enough he might even have felt his own soul getting tainted. The small rat dug her nails into his arm pulling him closer to her face.
  19. "Can I have your blood pretty please." she grinned widely her nails digging further into his skin, a slight trickle on now running down her hand. She noticed a new kid just watching from the side as well. Her eyes darted to him.
  21. "You can join too. I would like some of yours too." she glared.
  22. (Peppy)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [11:08] Taking one of his usual night time strolls had suddenly taken a turn for the worse or so it would seem. The young teenager, taking his time to enjoy the nighttime breeze would suddenly be interrupted by what seemed like two visitors.
  27. After a brief exchange of words his arm would suddenly be grabbed by Peppy. Being grabbed by a girl near his age was somewhat of a rush for Hunter as it wasn't a common experience for him.
  29. But this wasn't the time to be concerned about that. It looked like he wasn't going to be let go without some form of confrontation.
  31. He'd tug his arm back lightly, feeling discomfort with the situation but he wasn't going to make a great effort to escape. Soon enough he'd feel sharp claws digging into his flesh.
  33. Looking into Peppy's eyes he'd feel a sense of dread loom over him. "S-Sure, just don't kill me." He didn't feel like he was in a position to resist.
  34. (Hunter)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [11:15] Red had just hit a break through in his advancement of being an artificer and finally got up to tier 4 proud with his hard work he would leave his quiet spot and make his way to the center of the city where he would usually set up to sell his goods.
  39. On his way there he would notice a very familiar face in the distance along with two other people. Slowly walking up he would see Hunter and a strange looking girl with bright red eyes holding onto the arm of the boy. The look on his face and the glare which he received said it all.
  41. "Uhhhhhh I don't think I'd like that very much but if you were interested in buying some armor, amulet or staff I just made I'd be more than willing."
  43. He would make sure to keep a reasonable distance.
  45. (Red Dot)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [11:20] Yoshi Winters says, "There's a big creature down below..."
  49. [11:21] Peppy says, "Thank you."
  50. [11:27] The kid watched at the original kid started to cower. Sighing at his lack of aggressions/self-defense. He must really know his place in this matter. One he didn't care to ultimately stress... --His gaze shifted over to the blonde one. Shaking his head. With a fain grin forming upon his lips. Giving off a unsetting and sinister aura.
  52. Metallic snakes started to slither down his legs and into the dirt. Digging deep and the ground shifting, as if nothing ever entered it in the first place. A faint hum seeped from his lips as he walked up to hunter first staring at his hues. Longingly, analyzing it. A leather-bound hand reached up to caress his cheek. Pulling down on the skin below his eye lid, before shifting away. After getting a good look into it.
  54. His person adjusted to see the other kids. Leaning in and getting rather close to his face. Doing a similar procedure. Examining his eyes for the pigment. Seeing if he would be interested in what he wanted.
  56. "Hmmm... Armor... no I doubt you could supply me with that. But there was one thing you could help me with...."
  58. The tone escaping his lips were disturbing at best. As he just stared with a blank gaze into Red's eyes. --Before shifting to look at Yoshi. His serpentine gaze sharpening.
  60. "Why does that matter right now? --Unless you mean a monster of the Mire, it matters not. Most creatures are rather useless around here."
  62. Zeno's tone shifted and his whole demeanor. Rolling his head around.
  63. (Zeno Laskaris)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [11:30] Waves his hands. It had to be a monster from the mire. It was too big and he hadn't seen anything like it before.
  68. "It wasn't a fairy, an ogre or a headless thing. It was HUGE!!! And it's very close too."
  69. (Yoshi Winters)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [11:31] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Was it tree like?"
  73. [11:31] Yoshi Winters says, "No."
  74. [11:31] Zeno Laskaris says, "Then its one of the Nethadins."
  75. [11:31] Peppy says, "We will avoid it at all costs be careful."
  76. [11:31] Yoshi Winters says, "Yeah but I think it was talking to a student or something."
  77. [11:32] Zeno Laskaris says, "They are like devils."
  78. [11:32] Red Dot says, "Uhhh..."
  79. [11:32] Zeno Laskaris says, "They strike deals"
  80. [11:32] Yoshi Winters says, "Didn't want to stick around."
  81. [11:32] Zeno Laskaris says, "Understandably so."
  82. [11:32] Yoshi Winters asks, "What do you mean they strike deals?"
  83. [11:33] Peppy says, "Souls for power"
  84. [11:33] Zeno Laskaris says, "I've seen them try and make deals with fellow students... pacts for power or some shit. I got attacked because of it."
  85. [11:33] Zeno Laskaris says, "They wanted my blood."
  86. [11:33] Zeno Laskaris says, "They didn't get it."
  87. [11:33] Peppy asks, "Does that intrest you Yoshi?"
  88. [11:33] Red Dot says, "Seems like the Achedmey had alot more to it that I intitially heard of."
  89. [11:34] Blinks as he looks at Peppy. Of course he wanted to get stronger. He kept losing fights but he wasn't so sure about this soul deal thing. His mother.. hopefully alive, which he doubts, wouldn't like it at all let alone his father.
  91. "I...I don't know.."
  93. Was very tempting.
  94. (Yoshi Winters)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [11:35] Peppy kept clenching her hand looking toward this new fellow, "I wasn't asking. Look Zeno one for you and one for me....Or both for me if you are feeling so picky~" she chuckled in a manner to make someone's skin crawl.
  99. Cold. Lifeless. Rat.
  101. Her nai1s would go further into the kids skin, she started wiggling her nails deeper inside his arm. She glared over to the same face again. God would she ever be left alone. She had some homework to do.
  103. She grimaced putting down the kids arm. She leaned to she could he in view of the student.
  107. (Peppy)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [11:36] Peppy asks, "Dont know? Would you ever try?"
  111. [11:40] The nails digging into his skin would become more and more unbearable. Not wanting to scream in pain for fear it would make his situation worse, Hunter made pained gasps for air.
  113. It was a poor attempt at managing the pain on his part. However he did not want to retaliate. He was outnumbered and these people looked like they knew each other at least.
  115. While he did not recognize the uniforms they wore as belonging to the Starfall Academy on account of his own ignorance, he knew that they looked official so this must have been some coordinated group.
  117. Closing his eyes, Hunter would continue to bear with the situation until it changed.
  118. (Hunter)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [11:43] Glances over to the kid. What the hell was she doing to him? Was it really any of his concern?
  123. "I really don't know if I would or wouldn't."
  125. Maybe Yoshi was too much of a goody two shoes but right now his mind wasn't in the right place. Anger and sadness were clouding his mind at the moment.
  127. "What.. are you doing to that kid anyways?"
  128. (Yoshi Winters)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [11:46] All of a sudden another person showed up. It seemed that things would be getting crowed rather quickly. All the boy wanted was money so he could build a house and work but somehow he got entangled in this whole mess.
  133. A girl with rat like features and glowing red eyes, a guy with metal snakes with some sort of eye fetish and now this extra from the academy having talks about soul contracts for power. It was all to much for Red, all he knew was a simple life. Fish, mine, farm,cook and smith that's all.
  135. It would seem like this situation was about to progress into something that could change his life forever.
  137. "So why are you guys here anyways?"
  139. It was his home town never had he seen these people around. Could the world be getting ready for another shift or just some shady group? Whatever it was he was soon to find out.
  142. (Red Dot)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [11:54] His fingers tap his chin, as the stare beams upon Yoshi. Giving him his full attention. A few steps were given his way but stopped at quite a distance even still. Sliding his left hand in his pocket and resting it here.
  147. "Hmmm... it doesn't matter really... --And why we were here was like ever other person. Just we happened to stop to interact with you both. Tis all."
  149. Zeno said with a shrug, looking back to the boy.
  150. (Zeno Laskaris)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [11:55] Peppy glared at Yoshi, why did he also have to be nosy. "I am doing my medic homework duh." she tapped her foot impatiently. This little prude as bitch really interrupting her flow of work. Her rat tail swung around wrapping itself around hunters arm stopping the flow of blood.
  155. "Anything else you might need dear." she smiled widely. A fake smile but one couldn't be too sure.
  156. (Peppy)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [12:00] Clutching his injured arm, Hunter backed away slightly. He wasn't fully intent on trying to make an escape. Not wanting to rile the group up, the teenager would try to think of the best possible combination of words to not get him killed.
  161. These people didn't look like they could be reasoned with at all and Hunter wasn't trying to lose any more of his blood for the night.
  163. "I-Is that all?" He would say still holding on to his injured arm, keeping pressure near the puncture holes caused by Peppy's sharp claws.
  164. (Hunter)
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [12:04] Peppy kept him there with her tail, "What is your name?" she asks tugging a bit with her tail.
  168. (Peppy)
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. [12:04] Hunter says, "M-My name is Hunter."
  172. [12:05] Just stares at Peppy and the kid who just mentioned his name.
  174. "Did.. Hunter volunteer to be your test subject or did you bully him into doing it?"
  176. This didn't seem right for some sort of medical homework.
  177. (Yoshi Winters)
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. [12:07] Peppy asks, "Does it matter?"
  181. [12:08] Yoshi Winters says, "Does to me."
  182. [12:08] Peppy asks, "why?"
  183. [12:09] Yoshi Winters says, "It just does. Medics are supposed to HELP people not forcing them into pain. If he volunteered it be a different story."
  184. [12:10] Peppy gave a LOOK to hunter.
  185. (Peppy)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [12:10] "You call that doing homework?!"
  190. Shocked that the Academy would even condone such behaviour. It seemed there really was a lot more going on in the Academy which wasn't mentioned to him on his visit. In it all there was somewhat of a balance in how people interacted with each other however, he feared if it wasn't for the arrival of Yoshi things might have gone much different and traumatic. He would notice Hunter's arm and the blood streaming down dripping onto the ground. The injury didn't seem so bad but even from his distance he could tell how uncomfortable he felt.
  192. Red would then shift attention to Zeno he still seemed to be rather close to the boy and that made him uncomfortable.
  194. ~"What if he decides to go for my eyes again? How would I see my craft?!"~
  196. Their answer didn't seem to make him feel any better either. The same reason everyone comes around but Peppy here talking about homework. Things really didn't seem to add up for the boy.
  198. "You guys sure you don't wana buy an amulet."
  200. He really needed the money and even in the worst of situations he was trying to secure a sale at least so he could eat for the night.
  201. (Red Dot)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [12:13] Hunter would seemingly freeze once looked at by Peppy. Not wanting to make things any worse on his side, the teenager would quickly look away.
  206. He surely wasn't putting on a brave display, but bravery wouldn't be able to heal any wounds he might sustain.
  207. (Hunter)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [12:13] Peppy says, "He offered"
  211. [12:13] Ace Nil exclaims, "Oh hey!"
  212. [12:13] Yoshi Winters says, "I seriously doubt that. He looks scared to me."
  213. [12:13] Ace Nil exclaims, "You're the one guy who threatened me, right?!"
  214. [12:13] Ace Nil exclaims, "Nice to meet you! Again!"
  215. [12:13] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  216. [12:13] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Who?"
  217. [12:13] Ace points to the white haired girl in the black robe
  218. (Ace Nil)
  219. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [12:14] Zeno Laskaris says, "Ah"
  222. [12:14] Ace Nil exclaims, "the albino girl!"
  223. [12:14] Peppy exclaims, "Guy?!"
  224. [12:14] Ace Nil exclaims, "Guy is a neutral term, ya know!"
  225. [12:14] Ace Nil says, "At least in my personal dictionary."
  226. [12:14] Peppy groaned loudly.
  227. (Peppy)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. [12:15] Yoshi Winters says, "Zeno.. you better not touch that kid. Only if he accepts."
  231. [12:15] Ace Nil exclaims, "See you then, albino hair! Enjoy messing around with your friends...Or...Whoever these lot are!"
  232. [12:16] Peppy seems clearly irritated at ace.
  233. (Peppy)
  234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. [12:16] Red Dot says, "Seems like you do this very often rat girl."
  237. [12:16] Ace waves as his shape slowly becomes swallowed by shadow, his details thinning more and more until...he's gone!
  238. (Ace Nil)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [12:17] Peppy says, "I do nothing."
  242. [12:18] The scene here was growing exceedingly tiresome. He huffed out a lot of air. Shaking his head at the kid before him.
  244. "I'm fine the amulet I have is much more costly than you can make; Or rather I assume. --Now I'm going to continue on my wait, to Chugg---..."
  246. He turns and glares harshly at Yoshi. A deathly stare, like he triggered something within the teen. --His fingers wiggling within the confines of his glove.
  248. "I've done nothing yet, you dare make a demand of me? --Either fuck off, or do something rather then just bitch. Those are your two choices... Make it quick..."
  250. Zeno paused walking up to Yoshi.
  252. "You have five seconds."
  254. An ultimatum...
  255. (Zeno Laskaris)
  256. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. [12:19] Peppy grinned at this, she liked the situation.
  259. (Peppy)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [12:20] Hunter stayed silent watching as the two teenagers seemingly bickered amongst themselves.
  263. (Hunter)
  264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. [12:23] Glares straight back at him. Yoshi wasn't the one who would land the first hit but he will defend himself if he had to.
  268. "Or what? You're going to assault a teammate who is from the same house as you? I find this very fishy. I don't think you're doing it for homework. I think you're just sick kids who gets off by hurting others. I don't like bullies too much."
  270. Perhaps he should report this incident to the teachers or the headmaster himself.
  272. "I don't know what's wrong with you two but I don't like it."
  273. (Yoshi Winters)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [12:25] Peppy laughed, "You know whats worse than a bully... someone that just watches."
  277. (Peppy)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [12:25] Just when he thought things were getting better it seemed like it took a turn for the worst the initially calm Zeno seemed to have become really frustrated and burst out on Yoshi a serious fight seemed to be drawing near.
  282. (Red Dot)
  283. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. [12:25] Yoshi Winters says, "Oh really? I'm not just watching sweetie. I'm speaking my mind. That is not just watching."
  286. [12:30] The man pulled his hands up and cracked his knuckles as the time allotted ran out. The kid remaining expressing a needless remark. Only to cause him to chuckle like a mad man. --An aura started to amass around his form. That of raw energy. As the metallic snakes from earlier started to crawl up Yoshi's leg. Constricting around both legs in fact. Partially binding him to the ground.
  288. "I've done nothing to this kid. Putting words in my mouth let along lying about my actions does nothing but prod me. The only person who had said anything about homework was the girl. Now you, just PISSED me off."
  290. He said as an amount of metal ran down his forearm, and formed a staff at his hand. Which was just in time for him to move up and strike at the kid. Bashing his staff into his face and initializing combat.
  291. (Zeno Laskaris)
  292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. [12:32] Peppy says, "Stay here im not done with you two."
  295. [12:33] Hunter says, "A-Alright."
  296. [12:33] Red Dot says, "....."
  297. [12:38] Putting words in his mouth? How was he even doing that? Yoshi shook his head as this reminded him of the last bully who tried to turn things around on him. Zeno seemed the same. Why did he keep running into such people? Did he attract them that much or was he just cursed?
  299. The air around him grew cold, freezing around the metal snakes.
  301. "You really are something aren't you? You sure you want to do this? You know you seem like that troublesome fellow who kept trying to get me into trouble. Well two in fact."
  303. He was talking about Krom and Etzli but they didn't need to know that.
  305. "Attacking your fellow teammate. Some pack member you are but have it your way."
  306. (Yoshi Winters)
  307. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. [12:42] {Won Aggressive RPB against Yoshi Winters}
  310. [12:46] Peppy says, "This might take long.... I want your blood now."
  311. [12:47] Red Dot asks, "Uhhhh why take long though?"
  312. [12:48] Peppy says, "Come."
  313. [12:49] Red Dot says, "...."
  314. [12:52] Watching Zeno and Yoshi go at it, Hunter was taken aback by the scene of magic and violence. Watching in awe as metallic chains and spikes of ice flashed across the field.
  316. It was the second time in recent memory that Hunter had been witness to such a bout. Deep down it had motivated him to do something about his own weakness.
  318. Of course, he wasn't going to do anything about it now with these psychotic students nearby.
  319. (Hunter)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [12:54] He didn't really care at the moment. He wanted to release his stress, and his fellow Fenrir would have to do. After the initial attack the two fully engaged in combat. Which didn't matter all that much as the snakes slithered up his leg. Concealing itself into his legs, and starting to drain the mana from his very being. Weighing down on him, slowing his moments. The mana emitting from his body slug out and slammed into his body. With ease, almost every shot landing right on the mark!
  324. The kid chuckled, with a cold gaze glossing over his hues. Shaking his head with discontent.
  326. "A pack is only as strong as its weakest link. And we keep losing members. To me that sounds like we need to shape up, however we may. I do it my way..."
  328. Zeno said with a break in his words, having more metallic snakes slide off his body and into the dirt. With some expanding out coiling around the arms of the Fenrir. Linking it with his own. Making him like a puppet to Zeno. His mana ran down the creations. Searing into his arms.
  330. "--You do it your way. Tis a shame this is how this engagement ended up. I didn't want to have to fight you, but you forced my hand."
  332. Ironically once that was said he pulled his hand back slamming his hand into his face. As the punch connected with each other. Yoshi could feel twice the pain. It was like he was hit with both punches. Which could've been the case since Zeno acted like nothing happened. Just his face was adjusted, shifted off to the left some.
  334. After a bit longer the find concluded with Zeno the victory.
  336. "Mortal of the story. Don't EVER demand shit from me again. --I did nothing wrong."
  338. He scoffed, upset that he didn't even get to injure him. As he managed to run off.
  339. (Zeno Laskaris)
  340. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. [12:57] The battle between the two was rather fast where all sorts of different magic was displayed but in the end Yoshi who was supposed to be their saviour felt flat to the strength of Zeno. It was a good idea Red didn't try to resist before but now he is in an even worse situation than before. With now no one to help or intervene Peppy would take a particular interest in the boy. Clearly she was done having her way with Hunter and wanted a new play thing.
  344. Red was no fighter nor was he some shameless person who would attempt to run and leave a friend behind. Fear caused him to be stuck in place. He could not move. Looking into Peppy's bright glowing eyes he would stay still in his spot not uttering a single word.
  345. (Red Dot)
  346. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. [13:01] Peppy says, "Alright you two lets go."
  349. [13:03] Once again the feminine boy had lost yet another fight. At least this time he didn't end up with a broken hand. He just couldn't believe that his own teammate would do such a thing. Has the world really turned out this bad. Yes Yoshi needed power but he wasn't going to harm others or sell his soul to get that power.
  351. "Don't tell me what to do either Zeno! I'm not your pet! I rather be week than a person who turns their backs on their allies. You are just like Eztli."
  353. That was all he was going to say to that. His mother did say words could be dangerous, but he couldn't see that it was more dangerous than a backstabbing ally
  355. "Tch.."
  357. He really hated chains and stuns. It looked like Yoshi was always going to get a beat down no matter how hard he tried. The kid always ended up on the worse side of things. His bruised and battered body and ego. Even if he did report them would it have done anything? It was the same as last time with Eztli back a few years ago. Two of them and only one of him. Yoshi ran off, his money pouch a lot lighter than what he had earlier.
  360. (Yoshi Winters)
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. [13:05] The musclebound warrior would be making his regular rounds about the island. The man whistling a rather easygoing tune before the sound of crackling ice and rattling chains catch his attention.
  365. He'd catch the last bit of Yoshi and Zeno's exchange. The man offering a slight grimace at the sight of his nephew was promptly punched into the ground.
  367. "Ooh... That's gotta hurt."
  369. He'd let off a slight breath. Hues tracing Yoshi as he ran off. At the very least the exchange was over however. Looks like he'd need to put Yoshi through some training later...
  372. (Caliban)
  373. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. [13:10] Peppy seemed to have changed her mind. "Actually lets do both of you at the same time I have a cute date later for the dance." she laughed. "Besides maybe it will he helpful for you two." she glanced between the two preparing herself.
  376. (Peppy)
  377. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  379. [13:10] His legs began to shake, despair was eminent
  381. "My name is Red."
  383. He would also like to ask her name. If she were to take his blood he would at least want to know who did it but he couldn't muster up the strength to even ask. He would then close his eyes as he awaited what was to happen to him.
  384. (Red Dot)
  385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. [13:12] It looked like not even cowardice would get him out of this one. Seeing as he had no choice the boy reluctantly put up his fists.
  389. Assuming the best fighting stance he could, Hunter would nervously wait for the action to break out.
  390. (Hunter)
  391. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. [13:33] Peppy manipulated the blood that surrounded her, whose blood was it. Nobody knows. The small rat seemed much more aggressive this time than her first victim, not acting to kindly toward hunter. She found the opportunity and clawed deep into his arms with her rat nails.
  395. Blood was squirting out his arm, what a masterpiece it was. Hey red eyes glowed in the darkness. Peppy reached inside her bag taking out two vials, she placed one under the squirting blood of Hunters arm. The blood messily coated the outside of the vial.
  397. "Beautiful." she started writing onto the vial.
  399. H. U. N. T. E. R.
  401. Peppy placed it inside her bag walking toward her other victim that she didn't wound as harshly. The bravest of the two. The petite girl sat on top of him her eyes still glowing bright bright red. Her tail swung around wrapping itself around Reds right arm.
  403. The arm turn purple with lack of blood, veins on display for her beady lifeless eyes to feast on. She strikes her hand all five of her nails penetrating. The blood slowly dribbled out and she caught it as it flowed in the vial. She capped it once it was full writing his name.
  405. R. E. D.
  407. "Wonderful!" she licked her lips stowing it way in her bag. She stood up letting go of his arm. The blood rushing back into it. "You two were amazing! Gave me such a thrill." she laughed in a distorted manner.
  408. (Peppy)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [13:39] Doing the best he could, Hunter would hardly accomplish anything in the ensuing scuffle. Trying his best to punch and kick at Peppy but to no avail.
  413. Being whipped at and cut by the blood that the Beastkin had manifested, Hunter would eventually drop his defenses. Not missing a beat, Peppy snatched his arm with her sharp claws.
  415. Blood squirted out of the teenagers arm as the sharp claws punctured further into his skin. Hunter screamed in pain before slowly inching away on his back in a desperate attempt to put some distance between him and Peppy.
  416. (Hunter)
  417. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  419. [13:42] Red fought as bravely and as hard as he could but even with help from Hunter the two were no match for Peppy. Their defeat was swift. Fortunately for Red he got off with no serious injuries and just some blood loss.
  421. His eyes slowly open as she left his side. Something unique began to happen. The earth itself seemed to be hugging the boy sipping mana and life energy back into him healing his injury. Shocked that he was still alive he would then get up slowly from the ground and notice Hunter laying on the ground with blood squirting out from his arm.
  423. Still his body was sore from the beating he would then ask-
  425. "Your names. Before you two leave I must know your names."
  427. He would attempt to take a step but his legs were too weak causing him to fall back down to his knees.
  428. (Red Dot)
  429. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  431. [13:43] After his exceedingly dull fight came to an end. He walked over to the aftermath of the other fight. It seemed she got what she wanted. While he didn't get what he wanted, his was more demanding. --He was barely bloodied from the fight. He just remained casual, and extremely bored with this outcome. Easy targets are good and all, but that was suppose to be a Fenrir. That was lame and he didn't even get to have fun with it.
  433. His blank eyes just stared at Peppy, as his metal snakes slithered up his legs coiling around and fading again.
  435. "I guess you got what you wanted. --We heading back then?"
  437. Zeno said with minor distain in his voice. Not really happy of the outcome but least they weren't empty handed.
  438. (Zeno Laskaris)
  439. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  441. [13:49] Peppy started walking away, "You two may go. Though next time might not be so nice." To be fair she was quite kind to not try anything worse. She glared back her soulless eyes looking at red. Though she did admire his confidence.
  443. "My name is none of your concern... How ever I do like you a lot. If you seek power... You may come find me again." she said following Zeno to wherever they needed to head off to. Though Red was the first person she had offer this to, she was like an army recruiter for satan.
  444. (Peppy)
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