

Nov 11th, 2013
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  1. 18:54 <Koakuma> It took some doing. She hummed gently as she worked, chalk-stick scraping gently against the wall and establishing a calming rhythm. It seemed that she kept this section of the wall intentionally bare for such a purpose, judging from the light traces of red dust all around it. She took a moment to reference a tome hanging on a nearby hook, before finally adding the finishing touches.
  2. 18:55 <Koakuma> And one last tap, directly in the center. The pentagram rumbled and fizzed to life, creating a wavy, hazy circle of scarlet that almost looked like shimmering glass. Completely unfazed, she floated through, head-first, and...
  3. 18:57 <Koakuma> A sudden shift, the smell of earth and plums. While she had entered the portal sideways from her room, she was now rising from the ground, the impressive manor walls rising before the two of them underneath that comforting cavern ceiling. "Home sweet home, cutie."
  4. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 19:03:02 2013
  5. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 19:08:16 2013
  6. 19:08 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koishi just mumbled something about vanilla and buried her face further into Koakuma's collarbone. She was quitecontent there in the demon's arms.
  7. 19:10 <Koakuma> Koakuma reached up and picked a plum out of the tree, careful not to spill too much of its juice on herself, and made her way up to the doors of Chireiden. She felt like she'd forgotten to do something... but her first priority was Koishi right now. She lifted the elegant knocker and gave a few sharp, loud raps on the door.
  8. 19:12 <Koishi_Komeiji> (what did she forget)
  9. 19:12 <Koakuma> (to change bodies)
  10. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 19:18:02 2013
  11. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 19:18:13 2013
  12. 19:18 <Koishi_Komeiji> The garden around them lit as Koakuma moved through it. It was even more magnificent than she remembered, the strange russian-themed structure stained with years of smoke and steam watching her silent approach.
  13. 19:20 <Koakuma> (continue)
  14. 19:24 <Koishi_Komeiji> (im simultaniously looking for my dawn of war game disks)
  15. 19:24 <Koakuma> (and forgetting how to spell simultaneously)
  16. 19:26 <Koishi_Komeiji> It was at least fortunate that Koakuma's plum had not been divine else it would have burned her. She could sense the tree a short distance away from the equally divine fish pond. It seemed the fish were a bit bigger. The doors were looming in front of Koakuma now, several of Satori's pets poking their noses and heads out of hiding, curious despite her sudden
  17. 19:26 <Koishi_Komeiji> appearance in the garden.
  18. 19:27 <Koakuma> (i did say she went up and knocked...)
  19. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 19:33:02 2013
  20. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 19:33:38 2013
  21. 19:33 <Koishi_Komeiji> (i kno i'm formulating my thoughts. give me amoment
  22. 19:36 <Koishi_Komeiji> It was several moments... And Koakuma could hear someone coming. Every other step was very loud and her mind was rather simple. Emotionally anyway. She opened the door a moment later. She was tall with a pair of large black and feathery wings. She blinked at the demon. "Hello."
  23. 19:38 <Koakuma> Koakuma put on her best and brightest smile, pressing a finger to her lips. "Ssshhh." She hefted Koishi gently. "This little cutie has had a long day, and she's all tuckered out... I thought it'd be best to bring her home now."
  24. 19:40 <Koishi_Komeiji> The bird blinked again, looking down... She stared for several moments... "Oh... Oh Koishi!" She hesitated, looking back up to Koakuma's face. "I don't see her..."
  25. 19:41 <Koakuma> "Ah... well... she's all asleep and very blank-minded... if I wasn't holding her close, I would lose her in a heartbeat. It's probably best we leave her with her sister, then."
  26. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 19:47:02 2013
  27. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 19:47:26 2013
  28. 19:47 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Uhh... I'm supposed to let Kosihi in but I'm not supposed to let strangers in..." The hell raven seemed at a loss.
  29. 19:49 <Koakuma> "Ehhh? I'm not a stranger. I've been here before..." She petted and stroked Koishi softly on the head. She didn't want to get locked in a silly discussion with the bird-brained girl... "...Look... just go get Satori-san. That way I don't have to come in, and she can figure out what she wants to do."
  30. 19:51 <Koishi_Komeiji> "She doesn't like being bugged when she's busy... And I dont want to get in trouble." The girl was restlessly adjusting a large rod encasing one of her arms.
  31. 19:55 <Koakuma> No good. She'd have to use her talents a little more, it seemed... her eyes brightened slightly for a split second. "...Reiuji-san... I didn't want to have to tell you this. But it seems you've left me no choice." Her tongue flashed subtly silver as she spoke, and she adopted a serious expression.
  32. 19:56 <Koishi_Komeiji> The raven tensed, her eyes going wide. "A-Ah? You know my name. How do you know my name?"
  33. 19:58 <Koakuma> "That information is classified." She tapped the side of her nose before continuing. "I can't tell you any details... but let's just say that the liturgy of expansionism in the Overworld has finally reached critical inertia. At this juncture, only an aqueous delectation of the Prime Sesquicentenial Oculus can put the brakes on it. And if I don't deliver Koishi-san to Satori-san right now... well... the entire Underworld could be in danger."
  34. 19:58 <Koakuma> *sesquicentennial
  35. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 20:04:03 2013
  36. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 20:17:26 2013
  37. 20:17 <Koishi_Komeiji> (sorry mom was bugging)
  38. 20:17 <Koakuma> (bzz bzz)
  39. 20:17 <Koishi_Komeiji> (cutoff now... well... the enti)
  40. 20:18 <Koakuma> entire Underworld could be in danger.
  41. 20:18 <Koakuma> "
  42. 20:20 <Koishi_Komeiji> It seemed quite a bit of it went over her head, tilting her head to the side. "... What...?" Apparently too slow for that tactic to work. Koakuma felt a hand on her shoulder, the little satori becoming more visible, yawning before settling back down. "Koishi!"
  43. 20:23 <Koakuma> Koakuma became visibly annoyed at the girl's thickness, clicking her tongue testily. "Why don't you just take her, then? Since I'm not allowed inside, she can be your responsibility. How about that? Hope you don't lose her, chirpy."
  44. 20:23 <Koakuma> She offered Koishi to Okuu obligingly, raising her eyebrows and mocking with her expression.
  45. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 20:29:03 2013
  46. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 20:32:48 2013
  47. 20:32 <Koishi_Komeiji> "No no. I'm not good at carrying people. Come on. You must be Koishi's friend!" She clunked inside. "I'm making food. Do you want some eggs? I'm good at making them! I'm very good!"
  48. 20:34 <Koakuma> Koakuma followed, carrying Koishi delicately, casting her gaze around the interior. "Do I even want to know where these eggs come from...?"
  49. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 20:40:03 2013
  50. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 20:44:16 2013
  51. 20:44 <Koishi_Komeiji> "They're chicken eggs. Lady Satori has a bunch of chickens! They're so fun! I like collecting the eggs and feeding them."
  52. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 20:50:03 2013
  53. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 20:51:47 2013
  54. 20:51 <Koakuma> "Don't you think we should focus on getting Koishi-chan to Satori-san...? Or at least to her room, into bed. She's such a sleepy little thing."
  55. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 20:57:03 2013
  56. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 21:14:34 2013
  57. 21:14 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Wha...? No she's home. She'll be okay. Lady Satori doesn't like being disturbed." She continued clunking along, bumping into the corners of things... The cement shoe was making it very hard for her to navigate.
  58. 21:16 <Koakuma> "Well at least tell me where to put her down! My arms are getting tired..." She complained gently as she followed Okuu through the halls, starting to feel a strong urge to go home and indulge in vice.
  59. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 21:22:03 2013
  60. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 21:23:43 2013
  61. 21:23 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Oh!" The bird deviated into a nearby room, pointing to the couch. "You can put her there. Or you can take her to her room. Do you know where her room is?"
  62. 21:24 <Koakuma> "Mmmm... I think I did at some point, but I've pretty much forgotten... just tell me how to get there."
  63. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 21:30:03 2013
  64. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 21:33:10 2013
  65. 21:33 <Koishi_Komeiji> The bird paused, staring off into space. "uhhh.... It's... Ummm.... It's over there. A ways." She pointed. "And the door has a little rose painted on it."
  66. 21:35 <Koakuma> "Good girl." Not wanting to be beholden to the inhumanly dangerous and inhumanly incompetent hellraven any longer, she drifted off down the corridor in the direction indicated, looking for the door with the rose. Her thoughts were basically dominated with the thought of a good strong vodka at this point.
  67. 21:40 <Koishi_Komeiji> It was difficult to find the little satori's room. The palace had multiple floors and Koakuma would finally find it on the far end of the second. Her window was stained glass and was faced toward the ancient city. Much of the room, however, was how Koakuma remembered it. Slightly plain and decorated with small oddities.
  68. 21:41 <Koakuma> She was feeling somewhat fed up with the whole situation, but her expression softened when she looked down at Koishi. Gently, carefully, she laid the girl down atop her bed.
  69. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 21:47:04 2013
  70. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 21:48:59 2013
  71. 21:48 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koishi inhaled a bit, her eyelids fluttering as she became more solid for a moment, looking up at Koakuma and then looking around. She didn't speak but she looked a bit surprised, her green eyes wide...
  72. 21:49 <Koakuma> "Hmmm...?" Koakuma blinked a bit. She'd been just about to split the scene, but... "...Koishi-chan? Doing okay?"
  73. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 21:55:04 2013
  74. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 22:06:14 2013
  75. 22:06 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koishi blinked and the tentacle around Koakuma's waist tightened, pulling the demon into the bed with her. She pressed her face into her collarbone, mumbling nonsense...
  76. 22:08 <Koakuma> "Hhh-h-he-hey!" Koakuma's eyebrows raised in surprise as her voluptuous warm body and ample chest were yanked onto the bed. "Koishiiiii... you still want cuddles that bad...?"
  77. 22:11 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Vanilla and cinnamon..." She pressed her face into Koakuma's chest, several more tendrils sliding out and latching onto the demon's body.
  78. 22:13 <Koakuma> "G-geez... there you go with the vanilla again..." Quickly becoming restrained and with few other options, she surrendered and gently cradled Koishi into her soft warmth. "...If you want me that bad, I guess I can't refuse a cute face like yours."
  79. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 22:19:04 2013
  80. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 22:24:11 2013
  81. 22:24 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koishi relaxed once more, closing her eyes. "warm..." It was surprisingly chilly in Koishi's room. Especially since neither one was under the covers. They were so heavy that the poor succubus would likely roast alive under them.
  82. 22:26 <Koakuma> Koakuma served as the living heater, keeping Koishi warm with her skin. She wondered just how long she'd be trapped under the cuddly Koiball... well, she might as well just drift off to sleep...
  83. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 22:32:04 2013
  84. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 22:35:30 2013
  85. 22:35 <Koakuma> (shower)
  86. 22:38 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koakuma wasn't sure how long she was asleep, but when she woke up, Koishi was nowhere to be found. Instead, Koakuma was hugging a very beat up teddy bear with a missing button eye.
  87. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 22:43:04 2013
  88. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 23:02:32 2013
  89. 23:02 <Koakuma> (back)
  90. 23:07 <Koakuma> She came to slowly, raising her eyes at the teddy bear before groggily squeezing it. "...You too, huh?"
  91. 23:08 <Koishi_Komeiji> The bear was very soft. It didn't say anything.
  92. 23:10 <Koakuma> She rolled over and blearily got to her feet, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand and yawning, venturing out to find the nearest cup of coffee. She was still clutching the teddy bear to her chest without thinking about it much.
  93. 23:13 <Koishi_Komeiji> She'd wander the mansion without much direction until she came out into a study without much thought, coming face to face with three burning purple eyes. It was satori. She had her hands folded on the desk in front of her...
  94. 23:16 <Koakuma> "Mmmmm...? Oh, hey, Satori-chan... what's up... got any... stuff..." She wasn't really a morning person, apparently, until she'd had a taste of coffee.
  95. 23:18 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Koakuma..." Her voice was like ice. A presence forced its way into the demon's head, dragging her roughly into the waking world. "I would like to speak with you regarding my sister."
  96. 23:20 <Koakuma> "MmmmmmmmnnnwwwWAHH!" She suddenly flinched, spine arching, tail going rod-straight. "G-G-Geez...! You could've just asked...!"
  97. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 23:26:04 2013
  98. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 23:45:23 2013
  99. 23:45 <Koakuma> (Koishi_Komeiji)
  100. --- Log closed Sun Nov 10 23:51:04 2013
  101. --- Log opened Sun Nov 10 23:56:06 2013
  102. 23:56 <Koakuma> (poooooooke)
  103. 23:56 <Koishi_Komeiji> (im here)
  104. 23:56 <Koakuma> (;w;)
  105. 23:56 <Koishi_Komeiji> (sorry)
  106. 23:56 <Koakuma> (doushiteee)
  107. 23:57 <Koishi_Komeiji> "I have found several memories you were toying with to be rather disturbing... Do you know why that is? Koakuma?"
  108. 23:59 <Koakuma> "Uhhh... which ones? I've got a lot of memories people would find disturbing. I've gotten into a lot of things... mmmmmm... yeah, like Naer... pretty good..." Her mind was already wandering despite the terrifying presence before her.
  109. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 00:00:04 2013
  110. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 00:05:04 2013
  111. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 00:07:30 2013
  112. 00:07 <Koishi_Komeiji> The mental force hit Koakuma again. Hard. "I think you know the memories I'm referring to. I'm very concerned."
  113. 00:08 <Koakuma> "Aaghghgkghghkk...!" Her knees shook and she shuddered terribly. "O-Okay, okay! Be more specific! Why are you concerned? I aim to please, you know. I'm all about pleasure."
  114. 00:13 <Koishi_Komeiji> "And that's why I'm concerned... Did it even occur to you that you may be dangerous for Koishi? She reads you and acts accordingly..."
  115. 00:15 <Koakuma> "...Aaaaahhhh, -that's- what you mean." Her mind immediately threw up any number of images, of sounds and smells and sensations, all in glorious high definition. Koishi's moans, the feeling of her tentacles, the sensation of her petite, tight body around Koakuma's throbbing hot cock... her tattoo sizzled lightly, and she suppressed it with a touch.
  116. 00:16 <Koakuma> "...Why would it be dangerous? We've only done it, what? Two, maybe three times? She doesn't seem to be any worse off for it... she seems to like it a lot. And she had no objections when lucid, either."
  117. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 00:21:04 2013
  118. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 00:29:49 2013
  119. 00:29 <Koishi_Komeiji> (one sec)
  120. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 00:35:05 2013
  121. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 00:52:11 2013
  122. 00:52 <Koakuma> (long sec)
  123. 00:57 <Koishi_Komeiji> "It's not about if she objects or not. Did you even think about what kind of creature she is and how this might affect her? Mentally? She draws from your emotional state. Any sort of intimacy is extremely stressful for any sort of mental reader."
  124. 00:58 <Koakuma> "I was gentle. I didn't sense any stress from her actions or words, even when lucid. Good gosh, your sister is one of the most intimate people I know. And I'm a succubus!"
  125. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 01:04:05 2013
  126. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 01:06:07 2013
  127. 01:06 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Koishi wouldn't share herself with you if she didn't trust you completely then she wouldn't... but simply the act, simply feeling her own emotions and yours is a strain. She is a void, true, and is therefore capable of enduring more emotional strain than any normal satori. No, I cannot bar you from my sister's affections..."
  128. 01:07 <Koishi_Komeiji> Satori sighed, rubbing a temple. "But... I want you to understand how to care for her so you do not hurt her. She is not a human."
  129. 01:09 <Koakuma> Vodka. Sex. Whiskey. Sex. Rum. Sex. Cocktails. Cocks. Tails. Sex. Rum. Recipes. Sex. Books. Library. Patchouli... ...
  130. 01:10 <Koakuma> "...Alright. Yeah. Even I want to know that. I want to treat her as well as I can. Lords know she's done the same for me, right?"
  131. 01:14 <Koishi_Komeiji> Koakuma felt her mind grabbed, for lack of a better term, Satori's icy gaze boring into the demon's. She was forcing Koakuma to focus. "You've not hurt her thus far, but with your mentality the way it is its only a matter of time... Please realize I'm speaking what I know of our species and not Koishi specifically."
  132. 01:16 <Koakuma> She let out an inhuman little whimper, slowly falling to her knees, kneeling rather submissively and looking wide-eyed up at Satori. "...S-Sorry... I'm listening..." Still clutching that teddy bear, too. Even squeezing it slightly for comfort.
  133. 01:20 <Koishi_Komeiji> "The damage to her third eye has changed her limits and strengths in many areas. You must be cautious." A long breath... The elder sister was clearly not that comfortable with the topic. "Satori youkai can be easily overwhelmed by their partner's mind and emotions. As such once will generally be the limit on any given night."
  134. 01:24 <Koakuma> "O-o-once per night... okay... I understand..." She was much quieter, now, and lacking the confidence she had held only moments prior. A whirlwind of deeply-ingrained memories, impulses, instincts. Visions of red-skinned daemons in suits with large wings and tall horns and menacing red glares. Obey. Submit. Lowly. Filth.
  135. 01:24 <Koakuma> But all of this was merely background noise. In the forefront, she was absolutely locked onto Satori, drinking in every last word.
  136. 01:25 <Koishi_Komeiji> "I suggest adhering to this regardless. Sex is as much mental as physical and my sister's mental strength and manipulation abilities are like nothing I've ever seen. Mental injury happens when balance is lost and one partner's mind buckles under the force of the other. I doubt this will be an issue. Your mind is strong. But do not tempt fate."
  137. 01:30 <Koishi_Komeiji> There was a long pause, Satori gently massaging the bridge of her nose. "Likewise, unnecessary contact with the third eye can overstimulate. Avoid touching it. Likewise avoid the scar on her head. As you might have guessed we have a hole in our skull there and all of Koishi's nerves there are frayed. Irritating that point causes her moods to swing some."
  138. 01:31 <Koakuma> "Yes, m... alright." Being used as a footrest. Licking boots. Having her mind seized and controlled with nothing but voice and charisma. Luxirel. Superbius. She shook her head lightly, and refocused. "...I'll be careful. To be honest, I wouldn't have done it again, but she was begging for it... ah, really? Don't touch the third eye? She really likes that, though..."
  139. 01:34 <Koishi_Komeiji> "The third eye is a delicate organ. It grows tired with use and contact is very relaxing. However that s not its purpose during such an act. You are not a satori youkai. You cannot respond to her."
  140. 01:36 <Koakuma> "Oh, you mean don't mess with it during sex? That's easy enough..." The involuntary response had passed, leaving her slightly shaken, but generally alright.
  141. 01:40 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Do you have any questions?" Satori would know, of course, but she waited for Koakuma to ask all the same.
  142. 01:41 <Koakuma> Tentacles? Tentacles? Tentacles? Tentacles? Tentacles? "Is there anything special I should know about the, uh... tendril... things?"
  143. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 01:47:05 2013
  144. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 01:54:26 2013
  145. 01:54 <Koishi_Komeiji> "... Nothing that common sense wouldn't dictate. It's just the third eye, though the tentacles supporting it should probably be avoided too." Satori sat back in her chair, placing a hand on her own third eye. "Koakuma... One final thought. Have you even considered what my sister thinks of you? "
  146. 01:58 <Koakuma> "Uhm... it's... really hard to tell." She deflated slightly. She really had no idea. What with Sakuya and Patchouli and others, it was hard to believe that anyone would actually love someone or something like her. "...Your sister's pretty hard to read, so... I guess I hadn't given it much thought." She had.
  147. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 02:03:05 2013
  148. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 02:08:59 2013
  149. 02:08 <Koishi_Komeiji> "Then let me clarify. My sister would not give herself anyone. She is strong enough to resist your passive desires. She really likes you, Koakuma. I hesitate to say love as it is a human emotion but something akin. Koishi is fond of everyone she meets and she likes some more than others.She can't not.
  150. 02:10 <Koishi_Komeiji> Why she is so fond of you, though... I simply have no idea. Count yourself fortunate at least. You have a friend and companion who will think no less of you for entertaining yourself with that maid and countless others."
  151. 02:13 <Koishi_Komeiji> Satori probed Koakuma's mind once more... "Perhaps you and she are simply mentally compatible. That is what attracts us to other satori. Perhaps that is an inhibition that was lost along with her ability to read the conscious mind."
  152. 02:14 <Koakuma> Koakuma shuddered gently, her tail twisting around behind her. "I guess... as long as she still wants me... I'll still be here for her. I really like her too. Even if she's a little, well... hard to deal with..."
  153. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 02:20:05 2013
  154. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 02:24:41 2013
  155. 02:24 <Koishi_Komeiji> "My sister acts purely on impulse, but she's not without reason. When it comes to people, she is usually correct. Do you have any idea how easy you demons are to read? Trust her more. She'll respond better."
  156. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 02:30:05 2013
  157. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 02:30:17 2013
  158. 02:30 <Koakuma> "...I think she's pretty clever. She seemed pretty collected the whole time we were, you know... down there. I'm surprised you haven't commented on the whole daemonic city thing..."
  159. --- Log closed Mon Nov 11 02:36:05 2013
  160. --- Log opened Mon Nov 11 02:39:33 2013
  161. 02:39 <Koishi_Komeiji> "I don't need to. Koishi overpowered the collective minds of the council of satori. I have no worries about her abilities to defend herself against a threat. I'm more worried and confused about her overtrust in you."
  162. 02:40 <Koakuma> "I'm guessing you don't hold anywhere near the same trust, then."
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