Guest User


a guest
Nov 20th, 2017
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text 1.91 KB | None | 0 0
  1. // Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
  2. {
  3. // "editor.tabSize": 2,
  4. "workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai",
  5. "editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'",
  6. "window.zoomLevel": 0,
  7. // File types to exclude from side bar
  8. "files.exclude": {
  9. "**/.git": true,
  10. "**/.svn": true,
  11. "**/.hg": true,
  12. "**/CVS": true,
  13. "**/.DS_Store": true,
  14. "**/*.pyc": true
  15. },
  16. "window.menuBarVisibility": "default",
  17. "workbench.activityBar.visible": false,
  18. "workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-great-icons",
  19. // Controls if quick suggestions should show up while typing
  20. "editor.quickSuggestions": {
  21. "other": true,
  22. "comments": false,
  23. "strings": true
  24. },
  25. // Controls if suggestions should be accepted on 'Enter' - in addition to 'Tab'. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions. The value 'smart' means only accept a suggestion with Enter when it makes a textual change
  26. "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "on",
  27. // Controls the delay in ms after which quick suggestions will show up.
  28. "editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 10,
  29. // Enable word based suggestions
  30. "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": true,
  31. // Enable parameter hints
  32. "editor.parameterHints": true,
  33. "extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true,
  34. "workbench.panel.location": "right",
  35. "files.autoSave": "off",
  36. "editor.renderWhitespace": "none",
  37. "editor.rulers": [
  38. 80
  39. ],
  40. "editor.smoothScrolling": true,
  41. "search.exclude": {
  42. "**/node_modules": true,
  43. "**/bower_components": true,
  44. "**/.pyc": true
  45. },
  46. "terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": true,
  47. "terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "line",
  48. "terminal.integrated.scrollback": 5000,
  49. "terminal.integrated.cwd": "/home/aayush/Desktop/github",
  50. "editor.formatOnSave": true
  51. }
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