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- import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
- type Point = [number, number]
- function parse(input: string): Point[] {
- const lines = input.trim().split('\n')
- const points: Point[] = []
- for (let y = 0; y < lines.length; y++) {
- for (let x = 0; x < lines[0].length; x++) {
- if (lines[y][x] === '#') points.push([x, y])
- }
- }
- return points
- }
- function expand(points: Point[], factor: number): Point[] {
- const nonemptyYs = new Set<number>()
- const nonemptyXs = new Set<number>()
- let maxY = 0
- let maxX = 0
- for (const [x, y] of points) {
- nonemptyXs.add(x)
- nonemptyYs.add(y)
- maxY = Math.max(maxY, y)
- maxX = Math.max(maxX, x)
- }
- const prefixSumXs: number[] = new Array(maxX + 1).fill(0)
- const prefixSumYs: number[] = new Array(maxY + 1).fill(0)
- for (let x = 0; x <= maxX; x++) {
- prefixSumXs[x] =
- (prefixSumXs[x - 1] || 0) + (!nonemptyXs.has(x) ? 1 : 0)
- }
- for (let y = 0; y <= maxY; y++) {
- prefixSumYs[y] =
- (prefixSumYs[y - 1] || 0) + (!nonemptyYs.has(y) ? 1 : 0)
- }
- return[px, py]) => {
- return [
- px + prefixSumXs[px] * (factor - 1),
- py + prefixSumYs[py] * (factor - 1),
- ]
- })
- }
- function manhattanDistance([ax, ay]: Point, [bx, by]: Point): number {
- return Math.abs(ax - bx) + Math.abs(ay - by)
- }
- function sumPairDistances(points: Point[]): number {
- const considered = new Set<string>()
- let sum = 0
- for (const a of points) {
- for (const b of points) {
- if (a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]) continue
- // Sort points to ensure [a, b] and [b, a] are treated the same
- const [sortedA, sortedB] = [a, b].sort((p1, p2) => {
- if (p1[0] === p2[0]) return p1[1] - p2[1]
- return p1[0] - p2[0]
- })
- const key = `${sortedA[0]}-${sortedA[1]}:${sortedB[0]}-${sortedB[1]}`
- if (considered.has(key)) continue
- sum += manhattanDistance(a, b)
- considered.add(key)
- }
- }
- return sum
- }
- const input = `
- ...#......
- .......#..
- #.........
- ..........
- ......#...
- .#........
- .........#
- ..........
- .......#..
- #...#.....`
- // const input = readFileSync('day11.txt', { encoding: 'utf8' })
- console.log('part 1:', sumPairDistances(expand(parse(input), 2)))
- console.log('part 2:', sumPairDistances(expand(parse(input), 1_000_000)))
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