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a guest
Sep 19th, 2024
354 days
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  1. Rendering of D:/Exported.mp4 crashed
  3. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  4. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bc080] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  5. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  6. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bce40] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  7. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  8. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3be700] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  9. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  10. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bd100] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  11. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  12. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bec80] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  13. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  14. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bd940] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  15. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  16. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3bce40] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  17. Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TIT2, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TPE1, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TALB, skipped Cannot read BOM value, input too short Error reading frame TYER, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading comment frame, skipped Incorrect BOM value Error reading frame TCON, skipped
  18. [mp3 @ 000001d35d3be700] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  19. : 1
  20. 2
  21. 749, percentage: 2
  22. ercentage: 2
  23. 833, percentage: 2
  24. , percentage: 2
  25. 0, percentage: 2
  26. 1012, percentage: 3
  27. [swscaler @ 000001d369054080] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  28. 3
  29. ge: 4
  30. ntage: 7
  31. , percentage: 7
  33. 3174, percentage: 9
  34. 10
  35. [swscaler @ 000001d321c08940] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  36. 7, percentage: 13
  37. 14
  38. 14
  39. rcentage: 14
  40. 15
  41. age: 16
  42. : 16
  43. percentage: 16
  44. 17
  45. 26, percentage: 18
  46. 18
  47. ercentage: 18
  48. 024, percentage: 18
  49. 19
  51. 21
  52. : 21
  53. [swscaler @ 000001d343360a80] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  54. Current Fram
  55. e: 7048, percentage: 21
  56. 49, percentage: 22
  57. 7275, percentage: 22
  58. 22
  59. percentage: 23
  60. 682, percentage: 23
  61. Current Fr
  62. ame: 7976, percentage: 24
  63. ntage: 24
  64. ge: 25
  65. : 25
  66. 26
  67. 28
  68. 61, percentage: 28
  69. 9362, percentage: 28
  70. 29
  71. 0, percentage: 29
  72. , percentage: 29
  73. 31
  74. e: 31
  75. 31
  76. 31
  77. Curren
  78. t Frame: 10555, percentage: 32
  79. centage: 33
  81. 5, percentage: 33
  82. 1, percentage: 33
  83. 33
  84. [swscaler @ 000001d343b0b880] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  85. 34
  86. 237, percentage: 34
  87. 35
  88. 36
  89. 8, percentage: 38
  90. 12549, percentage: 38
  91. 74, percentage: 40
  92. ge: 41
  93. 13315, percentage: 41
  94. age: 41
  95. percentage: 42
  96. 21, percentage: 42
  97. Current Fram
  98. e: 13736, percentage: 42
  99. 4314, percentage: 44
  100. 14751, percentage: 45
  101. 46
  102. 05, percentage: 47
  104. 8
  105. 5832, percentage: 48
  106. 49
  107. 6160, percentage: 49
  108. 6165, percentage: 49
  109. [swscaler @ 000001d385291bc0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  110. perc
  111. entage: 50
  112. 16479, percentage: 50
  113. 16498, percentage:
  114. 50
  115. 51
  118. 17005, pe
  119. rc
  120. entage:
  121. 52
  122. 7090, percentage: 52
  123. 4, percentage: 52
  124. , percentage: 55
  125. 18186, percentage: 56
  126. 39, percentage: 58
  127. percentage: 58
  128. 2, percentage: 59
  129. Cur
  130. rent Frame: 19744, percentage: 60
  131. percentage: 61
  132. 099, percentage: 62
  133. entage: 62
  134. 62
  135. 38, percentage: 62
  136. [swscaler @ 000001d385659400] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  137. 63
  138. 65
  139. 21343, percentage: 65
  140. 65
  141. 21577, percentage: 66
  142. tage: 66
  143. 21826, percentage: 67
  144. Current Fr
  145. ame: 22074, percentage: 68
  146. 68
  147. 69
  148. entage: 70
  149. 70
  150. entage: 71
  151. 23, percentage:
  152. 71
  153. 292, percentage: 71
  154. Current
  155. Frame: 23399, percentage: 72
  156. 72
  157. entage: 73
  158. 23916, percentage: 73
  159. [swscaler @ 000001d3a878d1c0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  160. 76
  161. 24884, percentage: 76
  162. 24905, percentage: 76
  163. 155, percentage: 77
  164. percentage: 78
  165. percentage: 79
  166. 4, percentage: 80
  167. tage: 80
  168. percentage: 80
  169. 6283, percentage: 81
  170. 81
  171. Cu
  172. rrent Frame: 26771, percentage: 82
  173. ercentage: 84
  174. 40, percentage: 84
  175. : 86
  176. [swscaler @ 000001d3c400dc40] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  177. 89, percentage: 86
  178. 8151, percentage: 86
  179. tage: 87
  180. Cur
  181. rent Frame: 28274, percentage: 87
  182. 8459, percentage: 87
  184. ercentage: 88
  185. e
  186. rcentage: 88
  187. 8
  188. 090, percentage: 89
  189. , percentage: 90
  190. 29560, percentage: 91
  191. 2
  192. , percentage: 92
  193. 0099, percentage: 92
  194. entage: 93
  195. 503, percentage: 94
  196. 94
  197. age: 94
  198. 182, percentage:
  199. 96
  200. 31372, percentage: 96
  201. tage: 96
  202. percentage: 97
  203. 98
  204. [mp3float @ 000001d385703040] Could not update timestamps for discarded samples.
  205. , percentage: 99
  206. [mp4 @ 000001d35d3be180] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 1. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly [mp4 @ 000001d35d3be180] Encoder did not produce proper pts, making some up.
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