
Moonlight Picnic

Oct 18th, 2013
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  1. >"Anooon, wake up!"
  2. >"Mmmph" you groan, not quite concious yet,
  3. >"Come on anon! It's time for our picnic!" you hear the faint voice giggle,
  4. >"Mmmh" you moan again, rolling over under the soft duvet,
  5. >You can feel the warmth of the bed sucking what little conciousness you have at present, pulling you back into the embrace of sleep,
  6. >But on the verge of slumber, you feel the sheets thrown off you, and a blast of cold air, followed by a prod to your stomach,
  7. >"Anon, you agreed to change your sleep schedule to stay awake at night, are you going to get up?" Luna says slightly louder this time, in the hope of bringing you to the land of the living,
  8. >"I'm awake, I'm awake" you grumble, rubbing your eyes,
  9. >Ensuring that your eyes are still in their sockets, and that they can open correctly, you turn to the alicorn who woke you,
  10. >Luckily you sleep in boxers, so the situation wasn't embarrassing, but you notice her staring at your stomach, head cocked to one side,
  12. >"Humans are very odd, I wonder why you don't have fur." she says puzzled,
  13. >"The same goes for why you don't have fingers" you shrug, smiling sleepily,
  14. >"You have a bit of fur here though" she tickles the hair on your stomach, causing you to flinch at the touch,
  15. >"Your shoes are freezing!"
  16. >"Oh, my apologies" the alicorn laughs,
  17. >"Anyway! We agreed to have a picnic tonight! Luna trots to the window and throws the curtains back,
  18. >"A beautiful night it is too! If I do say so myself" she giggles,
  19. >"It always is Luna" you slide off the bed, making your way to the bathroom,
  20. >"I have made arrangements with the palace kitchen, and they have provided a most agreeable meal for our picnic." she heads towards the door,
  21. >"But I will let you have some privacy whilst you wash, meet me in the dining room after"
  22. >She smiles to you before closing the door, you can hear her horseshoes clink against the tiled floor as she trots off,
  23. >"Never had a picnic at night" you mutter to yourself, before climbing into the shower,
  25. >Finishing getting washed and dressed you stroll down the corridor, on your way to the dining room, nodding in greeting at the occasional night guard on the way down,
  26. >You stop at one of the rather large windows that line the various corridors around the palace,
  27. >Gazing out, you take time to admire Luna's creation,
  28. >It really was a beautiful night, the moon was full, and blazing in the sky,
  29. >The stars seemed to twinkle more than usual, and not a cloud was seen in the sky,
  30. >You wonder if Luna had made the night more beautiful than it usually is, in preparation for your picnic,
  31. >"It's going to be bloody cold out there" you think, continuing your journey to meet Luna,
  32. >Entering the dining room you spot Luna sitting at the table, sipping a mug of coffee and eating a croissant,
  33. >"Coffee? Croissant? Don't eat too much, we have lots for the picnic!" you smiles at you, waving a hoof in the direction of a pot of coffee, and a plate with pastries,
  34. >"You're very bossy this mor-night Luna" you say, grabbing a croissant and pouring yourself coffee,
  35. >"You would be lost without me anon" she winks at you,
  37. >"I'm not a baby!" you pout,
  38. >"You are compared to me anon" she smiles, her eyes glittering,
  39. >You sigh in defeat, shaking your head with a smirk,
  40. >"Are you ready?" Luna says excitedly, noticing you have finished your 'breakfast',
  41. >"Mhm" you say through the last piece of croissant,
  42. >"How are we getting there, the forest is quite a distance from here. Chariot? Teleport?"
  43. >"Hmmm, neither" Luna purrs, a fiendish smirk across her face,
  44. >You have learnt to fear that smirk, since it is usually a precursor, or a result, of one of the alicorn's pranks,
  45. >"Do you trust me anon?" she asks softly,
  46. >You don't need to think about the answer, you have been friends with Princess Luna for nearly a month now, and have grown very close,
  47. >"Of course I do"
  48. >"I trust you too" she beams,
  49. >"That is why, we will be flying to the forest!"
  50. >You snort,
  51. >"I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I don't have wings"
  52. >"I am not a fool anon, I know. That is why I will be doing the flying"
  53. >Arching an eyebrow, you wonder what she means,
  54. >"On my back anon" she rolls her eyes,
  56. >Your eyes widen in surprise,
  57. >You have never ridden on a horse before, let alone an alicorn,
  58. >You are flattered that she trusts you enough, but terrified at the speed you have seen her fly at,
  59. >"Really?"
  60. >"Really anon. Come!" she gets off the chair, opening one of the giant glass doors that lead to the balcony with her magic, trotting out,
  61. >You follow her with apprehension, coming out onto the balcony you make the mistake of looking down,
  62. >The city of Canterlot lies before you, most of the residents have gone to bed, thus it was dark,
  63. >But there were still taverns and nightclubs emitting light,
  64. >They looked tiny from up here, you gulp, suddenly very nervous, feeling your knees shake slightly,
  65. >"It'll be fine anon, I won't let you fall" she wraps a wing around your shoulders, pulling you close to her,
  66. >"I promise" she smiles at you,
  67. >The combination of her mystical eyes, dark pools, that seemed to reflect the very stars themselves, and the warm smile abated your nerves slightly,
  68. >Taking a deep breath you nod,
  69. >"I'm ready"
  71. >"Then you have permission to come aboard" she laughs,
  72. >You cautiously step closer to her, reaching out a hand, not quite sure how to lift yourself onto the alicorn's back without it being awkward,
  73. >"Not there" Luna frowns at you as your hand nears her wing,
  74. >"Sorry" you mutter, placing a hand upon her back,
  75. >Her coat is silky smooth and warm, causing your heart to beat slightly faster,
  76. >"I...err" you stammer, unsure how to go about this,
  77. >"Oh for crying out loud" the dark princess sighs, before grabbing you in her magic,
  78. >It feels very odd, very cold, yet slightly warm,
  79. >But you do not have much time to ponder as you float up and are placed upon her back,
  80. >You try to wriggle around to get comfortable, but to your shock your bottom and legs refuse to move,
  81. >"I did promise you that you wouldn't fall off" she turns her head round to wink at you,
  82. >"I have placed a spell upon you, so you are hmmm, attached to me now" she giggles,
  83. >"Not permanently I hope" you raise an eyebrow at the giggling alicorn"
  85. >"No no, although that would be amusing"
  86. >"As much as I love how warm my bum is right now, I don't think it would be very practical" you snort,
  87. >"Why anon. Is that all I am to you? A warmer for your backside?" Luna says pouting,
  88. >"One of your many talents, my princess" you bow mockingly to her, causing another giggle,
  89. >"Oh I almost forgot! You should wear these."
  90. >A pair of brass goggles appear in front of your face,
  91. >"I'm going to look like a prat wearing these" you mutter, putting them on,
  92. >"No more than you usually do anon" she says with a mischievous smirk,
  93. >"Besides, nobody will see you at the speed we will be going"
  94. >You gulp, your mouth suddenly very dry, imagining the speed that Luna flies at,
  95. >"Ready? Let's go!" she shouts before launching herself off the balcony,
  96. >The force hits you in the chest like a fist, nearly knocking all the air out of your lungs,
  97. >You scrabble looking for something to hold onto, grabbing her mane,
  99. >Suddenly you come to a halt, hovering over the city of Canterlot, Luna's massive wings flapping steadily,
  100. >"Anon" she warns,
  101. >"Can you let go of my mane"
  102. >"S-sorry" you stammer, trying avoid looking down,
  103. >You release her shimmering mane from your nervous, sweaty grip,
  104. >Not quite sure where to hold on to now, for fear of falling, you start to panic,
  105. >"Put your arms around my neck, if you must, but you will not fall" she turns head around to face you, offering a comforting smile,
  106. >You place your arms around her neck, putting you in a somewhat intimate position,
  107. >Blood rises to your cheeks, and your heart hammers away, though you are not sure it is from the fear of falling, or being so close to the alicorn,
  108. >"Not too tight anon, I am not fond of being strangled" she chuckles softly, causing you to relax your grip slightly,
  109. >"Now let us continue, try not to panic, you are safe with me"
  110. >With a strong flap of her wings you are off again with a burst of speed,
  111. >It doesn't seem so scary this time,
  113. >A smile tugs at your mouth as you see the city of Canterlot fly underneath you at speed,
  114. >Lights from the various buildings streaming past your eyes,
  115. >The terror of being this high, travelling at this speed, is slowly replaced by exhilaration,
  116. >Your smile grows wider and wider, until it is a grin,
  117. >You start to gain a bit of confidence as you fly past the boundaries of Canterlot, and loosen your grip on Luna incrementally,
  118. >Suddenly the city drops away beneath you, replaced with a valley incredibly far below,
  119. >You should be terrified, but instead the excitement grows, and you let out a cheer,
  120. >Luna laughs mirthfully along with your exultation,
  121. >"Not so scary any more is it?" you hear her say,
  122. >Wondering how you can hear her over the roaring wind, you notice that her horn is glowing with magic,
  123. >"You can let go anon, you will not fall" Luna says comfortingly, noticing that you are still wrapped around her neck,
  124. >"I'm okay. It's comfy like this" you raise your voice slightly, hoping her magic works for you as well,
  125. >She doesn't respond, but you can her see a smile on her face,
  127. >Looking out over the countryside surrounding Canterlot, you spot the forest in the distance,
  128. >Luna suggested the place for a picnic, saying it was one of her favourite areas to relax, and that she hadn't visited it since her return from the moon,
  129. >Normally you would be a bit wary of walking through the woods at night, but with Luna, you feel safe,
  130. >You feel your stomach lurch slightly, as the dark alicorn begins her descent,
  131. >Trees and fields whiz past beneath you,
  132. >You spot a few dark farmhouses, It's owners fast asleep,
  133. >You feel at peace, in the calm embrace of the night, which is strange considering you are hurtling along at a ridiculous speed, at a great height,
  134. >The warmth from Luna's body soothes your muscles and nerves, her shimmering mane caresses the side of your face,
  135. >You wonder if she emits some magic aura, that calms beings near her, or whether just being close to your best friend is what makes this situation so comforting,
  137. >Your moment of tranquillity stops after a few minutes however, as Luna starts to pick up speed,
  138. >Her wings beating faster and faster, you can't even make out the fields and surrounding countryside any more as it all becomes a blur,
  139. >"Luna what are you doing?" you ask, your grip tightening on her,
  140. >She just laughs in response, continuing to speed up and descend,
  141. >The dark forest head of you is getting closer and closer at blinding speed,
  142. >You can feel your face being pushed back by the force of the wind, and duck your head down,
  143. >The sound of the wind is incredible, It's as if a herd of angry dragons were roaring in both your ears,
  144. >The forest gets ever closer, and you are sure that you will crash if the alicorn carries on her manic dive,
  145. >"LUNA" SLOW DOWN!" you shout, but get no reply,
  146. >The ground rushes up to meet you, the sound of the wind gets so loud it hurts your ears,
  147. >You close your eyes, prepared for the worst,
  148. >*BANG*
  150. >Silence,
  151. >Darkness,
  152. >No not silence, you can hear a bird chirping,
  153. >Also you have your eyes shut,
  154. >You slowly open your eyes, and see the grinning face of Luna looking back at you,
  155. >You look around to get your bearings, and notice you are at the forest, your destination,
  156. >"What the hell happened?" you ask in confusion,
  157. >"Oh, I just teleported right before we hit the ground!" Luna laughs,
  158. >"You really thought we were going to crash?"
  159. >"Mhm" your hands are shaking from all the adrenaline,
  160. >"Aw, I'm sorry that I scared you anon. But you did say you trusted me" the alicorn winks at you and giggles, her horn flashes, causing the goggles to disappear,
  161. >"You can get off now, I hope you enjoyed the ride"
  162. >You your tongue out at her in response, and try to climb off her back, which wasn't an easy task with your shaking knees,
  163. >"I think we should go for a stroll through the forest first! I am eager to see how it has changed in the past millennia"
  164. >You grumble something back, slightly annoyed at Luna's prank,
  166. >You walk up to Luna's side, following her as she trots into the forest,
  167. >"It's a bit creepy" you mutter, casting glances at the huge trees around you,
  168. >"I can assure you it is nothing like the Everfree. The wildlife here has not been tainted, and it is quite safe"
  169. >"Plus you have me here" she smiles at you,
  170. >"Because nothing makes you feel safer, than plummeting into the ground at speed" you quip, rolling your eyes,
  171. >Luna just giggles, and continues walking through the dark forest, glancing around at the trees,
  172. >"Well the trees have definitely grown, but other than, it is very much the same" the princess remarks,
  173. >"If my memory serves me right, there should be a lovely little glade ahead, we can have our picnic there!"
  174. >The moon blotted out by the canopy of the woodland, causes the journey to be very dark, with only Luna's glittering mane casting any light,
  176. >With the alicorn's mane as a guide, you continue to follow Luna through the woods for a while,
  177. >Both of you enjoying the sights and smells of nature, and being outdoors,
  178. >"Anon" the princess says hesitantly,
  179. >"Yes Luna?"
  180. >"You said the forest seemed creepy"
  181. >"It is a little bit" you reply, wondering where she is going with this,
  182. >"Is it because" you can't quite make it out, but it looks like her shoulders drop slightly,
  183. >"Because it is night?"
  184. >You don't immediately reply, considering the question,
  185. >"Does the night cause ponies to be scared, of things they wouldn't normally be during the day?"
  187. >You continue walking along in silence, knowing that the question is a problem for Luna, and you don't want to hurt her feelings,
  188. >"I think" you stop walking, the alicorn following suit, turning to face you, a glow emitting from her horn, providing pale blue light,
  189. >"I think people, ponies even. Fear what is in the night, rather than night itself"
  190. >Luna stays silent, letting you continue,
  191. >"Since sight is probably the most important sense for most ponies, they rely on it."
  192. >The princess nods,
  193. >"Night deprives them to a degree, of that sense. Without being able to clearly see their surroundings, they can get anxious. Their brains conjuring up strange things that can be lurking within the shadows."
  194. >"They don't fear the night, they fear what they can't see." you say smiling, attempting to comfort Luna,
  195. >She ponders this for a couple of minutes, looking into the darkened depths of the forest,
  196. >She turns back to you, smiling slightly, her her eyes twinkling in the mage-light,
  198. >"That is...reassuring. Thank you anon." she turns around and continues her walk,
  199. >You follow her, hoping that you chose the right words, and alleviated some her concerns,
  200. >"I must say it is not an easy task being the Princess of the night."
  201. >"The majority of ponies never seem to show much appreciation for it. Unlike my sister, whom everyone adores, and love the daytime."
  202. >She sighs,
  203. >"I am sorry anon for bringing this up, I hope this hasn't ruined the picnic thus far."
  204. >"Not at all Luna" you reach out a hand, and place it on her withers as a comforting gesture,
  205. >"You obviously needed to get it off your chest, and if talking about it helps, then I'm here to talk." you smile into the darkness,
  206. >"I want you to be happy Luna"
  207. >"She turns to you, her eyes looking slightly shinier, as if they were wet,
  208. >She unfurls a wing, and wraps it softly around your back, drawing you closer,
  209. >"Thank you" she replies softly,
  211. >Luna takes a wiggly path through the forest, you occasionally trip on the odd root, or stone, but the alicorn's wing has not left your back, and prevents you falling over,
  212. >You both walk in silence, silence which wasn't uncomfortable, merely two close friends enjoying each other's company, and the outdoors,
  213. >"Aha!" Luna exclaims, as the trees start to part away, revealing a small grassy clearing, a small pond to the side,
  214. >"You have a good memory then" you remark, looking around, taking in the beauty of the glade,
  215. >It's like you stepped into another world, there is a certain tranquillity here, that you have never felt anywhere else
  216. >The only sound is the wind flowing through the leaves of the surrounding trees, and a trickle of water into the pond, from a small brook,
  217. >The moon is visible here, and seems to light the whole clearing perfectly,
  218. >You turn to Luna and notice she is staring at you, with a slight smile,
  219. >"It is beautiful is it not?
  221. >"It is" you sigh in content, casting your gaze around the clearing,
  222. >"Does it have a name?" you ask quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful air with your voice,
  223. >"It doesn't. It has never required one, since nobody knows about it, not even Celestia."
  224. >She trots into the middle of the clearing,
  225. >She seems to absorb the moonlight into her body, giving her an ethereal quality,
  226. >Turning back to you, she gives a small smile,
  227. >"You are the first person I have ever brought here"
  229. >You give the princess a smile, your heart warmed by Luna's trust in you, this place obviously means a lot to her,
  230. >With a loud pop, a black rug appears, hovering before the alicorn,
  231. >Embroidered with stars and crescent moons, that shimmered under the pale moonlight,
  232. >"Hmm, where to sit" Luna looks around the clearing, walking near to the pond, she nods to herself, and places the rug down,
  233. >"This should be a nice spot. It will give us a good view of the moon-fish"
  234. >"Moon fish?" you ask, bemused,
  235. >"Indeed, come" she beckons you over,
  236. >You make your way to the edge of the pond and gaze into it,
  237. >It's very dark, and seems to be very deep, but you notice glowing white lights, moving around in the depths,
  238. >"Watch"
  239. >Soon after the princess spoke, a glowing white fish made It's way up to the surface,
  240. >Poking It's head out of the water, the strange fish stopped moving, It's head pointed towards the sky,
  241. >You turn to see the source of gaze, and notice it is directly looking into the moon,
  242. >Luna nudges your side, for you to turn around, looking back at the fish,
  243. >"They feed off the moon's light" she explained as the moon-fish started glowing brighter, before plunging back into the depths,
  245. >"How odd" you scratch your chin at the strange creatures, more of them surfacing to 'feed' on the moonlight, before disappearing into the deep,
  246. >"It is an....odd place" Luna chuckled softly,
  247. >You turn to her, raising an eyebrow,
  248. >Walking over to the rug and sitting down, you join her on the soft rug,
  249. >"Thousands of years ago, a meteorite threatened to impact near Canterlot"
  250. >"Being the Princess of the Night, it was my duty to see that it would not cause any death or destruction."
  251. >You nod silently, reminded of the power Luna holds, and her duties,
  252. >Sometimes It's easy to forget that she is a demigod, and the co-ruler of this land,
  253. >Maybe that is why you became such good friends with her, you never treated her like a demigod, you just respected her like any other human or pony,
  254. >"The asteroid was very large." she sighed,
  255. >"I was a bit stubborn, I told my sister to keep out of it, thinking that I did not need her help."
  256. >"My stubbornness nearly caused Canterlot, and a large portion of the surrounding areas to be wiped out by that meteorite."
  258. >"I attempted slowing the asteroid down as it blazed down to Equestria, a blazing beacon of light, promising chaos"
  259. >She snorted,
  260. >"Chaos, yes. Maybe it was Discord's doing"
  261. >"Regardless, I couldn't slow it down enough. The majority of it burnt away in the atmosphere, but I could tell that a chunk of it would still impact close to Canterlot."
  262. >You say nothing, enthralled by the tale,
  263. >"My sister kept offering to help. Our combined strength would have easily destroyed the remnants of it."
  264. >Her lip curled in irritation,
  265. >"But I was a fool. I still wouldn't let Celestia help. Saying it was my responsibility, and if I could not handle it, I was not fit to be the ruler of night."
  266. >A cry from an owl is heard in the distance, maybe responding to the irritation in Luna's voice,
  268. >"The fiery rock came ever closer. Yet I still dismissed my sister's offers of assistance."
  269. >"Out of desperation, I thought that instead of destroying the rock, I could deflect it."
  270. >She gazed up to the stars, deep in thought,
  271. >"I managed to erect a barrier that altered the course of the meteorite. Now it wouldn't impact with Canterlot."
  272. >"I followed it down at blinding speed, I have never flown so hard in my life."
  273. >"I realised it was heading towards this very forest."
  274. >She turns to you, her starry mane billowing in a non-existent breeze,
  275. >"It pained me to see that it would crash into the beautiful forest, destroying all in It's wake."
  276. >"So I put all my power into surrounding the blazing rock in a dampening field, hoping to contain the destruction."
  278. >"It struck the earth, in this very spot."
  279. >You raise your eyebrows, turning your head around the glade, wondering how life flourished here after such an event,
  280. >"The gaping hole it left in the ground was hideous, many animals gave their lives here, not to mention the ancient trees that were destroyed."
  281. >"Canterlot was safe, and no ponies were killed. Yet I was saddened by what my negligence and pathetic stubbornness caused."
  282. >You place a hand upon her hoof, console the princess,
  283. >She smiles at you before continuing her tale,
  284. >"I took it upon myself to restore this place to It's former glory, nay, better than it was before. As a testament and reminder, to the animals and plants that were sacrificed here, and to remind me of my past mistakes."
  285. >"Celestia knew nothing of it, I made sure of that. I cast a spell on the area, hiding it from her sight. Telling her that I had merely managed to deflect the meteor and destroy it away from Canterlot."
  287. >"Why didn't you tell her?" you ask softly,
  288. >"Shame, regret, and fear I guess" she pauses,
  289. >"I did not want my sister to see me as weak, and unable to do my duty. Which was pathetic, she would never think that."
  290. >You nod in agreement,
  291. >"Anyway, I flew off every night, after the event, to this place."
  292. >"I worked under the cloak of darkness, to amend what my foolishness had caused."
  293. >"I used the moons power, to fill the hole with moon-soil. I cast various spells so plants would thrive here."
  294. >"I brought some fish from the Canterlot palace gardens, and placed them into a pond which I created."
  295. >"The moon-fish?" you ask, receiving a nod from Luna,
  296. >"They were carp originally, but over time they absorbed the magical energy from this place, resulting in them becoming luminescent, and feeding of moonlight."
  298. >"After a long time of gardening, and looking after the spot, the glade grew."
  299. >She smiled sadly,
  300. >"It is a beautiful place, a peaceful place. But I shall never forget why it exists."
  301. >Luna turns her head up, to gaze into the moon,
  302. >You try to think of some words of reassurance, but can't seem to find any,
  303. >Seeing Luna sad, makes you sad in turn, and you want to help her,
  304. >Suddenly, you are hit with an idea,
  305. >"Erm, Luna?"
  306. >"Yes anon?"
  307. >"I..need to go to the toilet." you state smiling,
  308. >"Oh!" the princess raises her eyebrows, obviously forgetting the requirements of non-alicorns,
  309. >"I can teleport you back to the palace if you wish, or cast a spell."
  310. >"Nah, It's okay, I'll just go in the woods."
  311. >"Okay" the alicorn looks puzzled,
  312. >"I can easily cast a spell to alleviate your discomfort, but if you want to go in the forest, then very well!"
  313. >She turns slightly, her back to the forest,
  314. >"Don't worry, I won't look!" she smirks,
  315. >You get up, and wander off into the dark woods, a grin on your face,
  317. >You walk through the woods, stepping over the roots and stones and pushing back ferns and other plants that get in your way,
  318. >You want to go far enough into the forest, to make it seem like you have gone to find privacy, but you don't want to get lost,
  319. >You stop at one of the random trees and turn around, spotting the moonlit glade in the distance,
  320. >You chuckle softly to yourself, and wait for a minute or two,
  321. >This is your chance to get Luna back, for her flying prank,
  322. >After what seems like a minute or two, you start to slowly walk back towards the glade,
  323. >Making sure you are quiet as possible, you tread lightly, you don't want Luna to realise you are there,
  324. >You painstakingly creep closer and closer to the glade, coming to a distance where you can see within,
  325. >To your surprise, Luna isn't there, the rug is empty, and looking around the clearing, you fail to spot the dark alicorn,
  326. >"Where could she have go-ARGH!"
  327. >Your internal dialogue is cut short, as you feel a prod in your back, causing you cry out in shock,
  329. >You instinctively whip your body around, ready to face the cause of the poke in your back,
  330. >Your mouth opens wide in horror, as a large pair of glowing white eyes stares back at you,
  331. >Sharp fangs, glistening under the moon's light, open wide,
  332. >"BOO" shouts the creature, causing you to jump out of your skin and fall backwards,
  333. >You stare up at the canopy of the dark forest, heart threatening to beat its way out of your chest,
  334. >You are paralysed with fear and shock, and can merely stare as the glowing eyes and fans inch closer and closer towards you,
  335. >You try to call out for help, wondering if the beast had gotten to Luna, hence her disappearance,
  336. >Surely not. Luna is one of the most powerful beings in Equestria, then again...
  337. >Your mouth opens, but no words come out, too afraid to even make a sound,
  338. >"" you plead within your mind, hoping she can hear your thoughts somehow,
  339. >The eyes are getting closer, the creature's fanged mouth opens wide,
  340. >"This is it" you think, scrunching your eyes shut, bracing yourself to meet your fate,
  342. >"Hello anon. Did I scare you?"
  343. >"L-Luna?" you ask, slowly opening your eyes,
  344. >Luna's head was hovering over you, with a grin,
  345. >No glowing eyes, or fangs were to be seen,
  346. >"That was you!" your eyes widen in realisation,
  347. >The dark alicorn bursts out laughing,
  348. >"Haha it was indeed."
  349. >"That scared the shit out of me" you mutter irritably,
  350. >"My apologies" she giggles,
  351. >"But you were going to play a prank of your own on me, were you not?" Luna grabs you in her magic and helps you up,
  352. >"How did you know?" you ask puzzled, brushing dirt off your clothes,
  353. >"You really thought sneaking up on me in the dark was going to catch me unawares?"
  354. >"Maybe" you grin, the fear ebbing out of your body, replaced with relief,
  355. >"You cannot hide in the night anon, I am the night." she winks at you before giggling again,
  356. >"Come, you must be hungry. Let us go have our picnic!" she trots off in the direction of the glade,
  357. >You follow going through the event in your head,
  358. >"Maybe It's just as well I didn't go to the toilet in the woods. She would have seen everything." you shake your head with a smirk,
  360. >Reaching the glade you both take a seat on the soft rug,
  361. >With a pop, various bowls, plates, glasses and other paraphernalia appear before you,
  362. >"Now lets see." Luna takes the lids off the bowls and containers with her magic,
  363. >"We've got some freshly baked sun-dried tomato bread" bringing a loaf of bread out of a container,
  364. >She opens bowl,
  365. >"A mixed salad, with vinaigrette"
  366. >"I-"
  367. >She waves a hoof, cutting off what you were about to say,
  368. >"Don't worry" she chuckles,
  369. >"I made sure the chefs wouldn't include dandelions, daises and the like, as I know you have problems digesting them."
  370. >You sigh in relief, remembering the first time you had a salad in Equestria, the stomach ache was rather unpleasant,
  371. >"A various selection of cheeses here" she opens another container, and grabs a bottle and glasses with her magic,
  372. >"Would you like some wine?"
  373. >"Yes please" you say, already dishing out the food in front of you, you are starving,
  374. >Waiting until Luna has filled her plate with food, (you've noticed alicorns eat a lot more than regular ponies), you raise your wineglass in a toast,
  376. >>14084139
  377. >"To the moon, the night, and their keeper" you say, giving Luna a smile,
  378. >Luna raises her glass in return, horn glowing,
  379. >"To good friends" she smiles warmly, her glittering eyes tighten in happiness,
  380. >You both take a sip of wine before beginning your meal,
  381. >You eat in pleasant silence, enjoying the serenity of the glade,
  382. >The only noise was the occasional soft splash of water, as another moon-fish raised it's head up to the surface to feed,
  383. >Finishing your meal you sigh in content, looking over to see Luna finished too,
  384. >"That was lovely, thank you Luna" you say stretching your legs, getting comfortable,
  385. >"You are welcome" the alicorn smiles before the plates and cutlery disappear with a flash,
  386. >You sit there with Luna for some time, staring up into space, admiring the cosmic beauty,
  387. >"I love the night" you mutter, smiling up as you spot a shooting star flash past,
  388. >"Why thank you anon" the princess giggles,
  389. >"I-I didn't mean..well I-"
  390. >"I know what you meant anon" Luna cuts you off, chuckling,
  391. >You sit in silence for a bit longer, your cheeks slightly red at your blunder,
  392. >"Hmmm, I think some music would be appropriate tonight" the dark alicorn says, standing up,
  394. >"Music?" you ask, not sure where the music will come from,
  395. >Then remembering Luna's teleporting ability, she will probably bring a gramophone over,
  396. >"Indeed"
  397. >With a pop and a flash of light, a sleek violin appears hovering before the princess,
  398. >At first, you think that the ornate, sleek instrument is just painted black,
  399. >But to your surprise, it seems to be a mirror, reflecting the stars above, shimmering clearly in the body of the violin
  400. >"It doesn't reflect the stars as such" Luna says, seeming to hear your thoughts,
  401. >"More like, hmmm, a window into space? You can see the stars in it, even if it is day."
  402. >"Wow" you mutter, that explains the clarity of the stars and nebulae within,
  403. >"I will warn you, I may be a bit rusty." she giggles,
  404. >"I haven't played it, since before my...banishment" Luna grimaced,
  405. >"I'm sure you'll be fine" you reassure, but brace yourself slightly,
  406. >"Very well" Luna smirks, before drawing out a note,
  408. >The single note hits you like a brick wall,
  409. >The sound seems to come from every direction, all around you, even from within your head,
  410. >The purity of the tone takes your breath away, and you sit, eyes transfixed upon Luna, waiting to hear her performance,
  411. >She begins with a slow and calming melody, joyful, playful,
  412. >You've never experienced such clear emotion from any music before, but you easily hear and feel the exact emotions she is conveying through music here,
  413. >The cheerful melody carries on, carefree and comforting,
  414. >But a slight undertone enters, you can't quite make out what it is, but it felt very much like the beginnings of jealously and anger,
  415. >The undertone slowly increases, meanwhile Luna continues her joyful part,
  416. >The undertone is becoming clearer and clearer now, threatening to overwhelm the joy,
  417. >A brief, but fierce battle erupts, one between anger and jealousy, happiness and calm,
  418. >The alicorn's magical glow, gripping the ornate violin, swirls around the instrument in time to the music, producing a dark blue light within the glade,
  420. >The battle ends, anger and jealousy the victor,
  421. >Previously you were at peace, when the music was calm and cheeful, cracking a smile at the odd trill of joy,
  422. >But now, you can feel the hatred pouring out of the notes, slowly building up,
  423. >You feel your gorge rise, and your heart hammer in It's chest,
  424. >Dark emotions continue to build in strength, it feels like something is within your head, and trying to break free, hammering upon the walls of your skull, in time to the music,
  425. >The malevolent melody suddenly ceases, at the point where it was becoming unbearable, painful even,
  426. >Replaced by a still dark, but confident melody, a warning of things to come,
  427. >The music gets louder and louder, you can feel the emotions getting closer to you,
  428. >You are fearful of their return, palms sweaty, heart still beating hard out of fear,
  429. >A confrontation happens, the previous calm tones make It's way back into the piece,
  430. >Both light and dark emotions converse, the light trying to reason with the dark, but the latter refuses to give in.
  432. >The light melody fades away, and is replaced by sorrowful determination,
  433. >The piece explodes into combat, light and dark fighting a mighty battle,
  434. >You flinch at the screeches of pain, and cower from the roars of anger,
  435. >The battle increases in ferocity and volume,
  436. >You feel shaken to the very core, terrified by what is happening,
  437. >Suddenly the air around you is pierced by a wail of despair from the force of light, and the music erupts, into an explosion of confusion,
  438. >Only to be replaced by silence,
  439. >Then a long, drawn out, mournful cry,
  440. >You notice tears are streaming down Luna's face, and realise you are crying too,
  442. >The music erupts suddenly, catching you off guard,
  443. >You flinch back as a wall of more hatred, jealousy, and a new emotion, frustration, hit you,
  444. >The dark melody continues It's maddened frenzy,
  445. >Lashing out at nothing, screaming in rage,
  446. >But slowly, ever so slowly, it dies down,
  447. >It starts to soften, the rage dissipating,
  448. >Until all that is left is depression, frustration and irritation,
  449. >This continues on for an unbearably long time,
  450. >You feel you may go insane yourself if this part of the piece continues,
  451. >You put your hands to your ears, to try and block out the music,
  452. >But you can still hear it within your mind,
  454. >Suddenly, there a trill of hope, a way out of the madness,
  455. >A trill of exclamation points to an exit from the insanity,
  456. >The previous anger and hatred slowly build up again,
  457. >This time there is an arrogant confidence, a promise of revenge,
  458. >The volume gets louder and louder, closing in to the time of the exit,
  459. >Finally the exit is found, and the music guides through it, in chaotic ecstasy,
  460. >You find yourself laughing and crying at the same time, terrified, yet relieved,
  461. >The new, stronger emotions make swift work of the previous adversary of light, preventing them from interfering,
  462. >The anger and jealously are overwhelmed by a tide of feelings,
  463. >Feelings of victory,
  464. >A vile cackle, that makes you feel sick, yet for some reason you laugh along is unleashed,
  465. >A disgusting laugh of darkness,
  467. >But what's this?
  468. >You thought you heard something,
  469. >Something that was joyful and soft,
  470. >Something of light, and very powerful,
  471. >The anger returns, along with frustration,
  472. >This force of good must be stopped, the melody snarls, trailing off, in search of this new threat,
  473. >It turns out there are multiple beacons of happiness, six trills of joy, each one threatening the dark,
  474. >The music turns desperate, you find a snarl on your face and feel angry,
  475. >There is fear in the melody too, fear of returning to the madness of before,
  476. >Five confrontations occur,
  477. >Each one consisting of the dark, trying to sway the light from it's goal,
  478. >Each one, resulting in the light becoming stronger, the joyousness of the melody becoming stronger and more resolute,
  480. >The final confrontation occurs,
  481. >The sixth force of light,
  482. >A battle occurs, the dark is winning,
  483. >The vile cackle comes back,
  484. >Suddenly, the air around you erupts in a cacophony of sound,
  485. >Six deafening melodies erupt, each one clashing with the other, yet harmonising at the same time,
  486. >A spectrum of every emotion of good attacks the dark with overwhelming force,
  487. >A piercing cry of rage and pain hits you, causing you to grab your head and scream along with it,
  488. >Then, silence,
  490. >The silence is broken by a serene flourish of happiness and love, but with a tinge of shame and regret,
  491. >The melody continues with it's joyful saunter, but the sadness is still there,
  492. >A new emotion is also introduced, awkwardness,
  493. >The rhythm of the piece gets jumbled, it doesn't seem to fit,
  494. >The sadness builds up because of this, leaving you feeling melancholy,
  495. >The sad feelings take over, the happiness gone,
  496. >A depressing melody develops, you can feel tears forming in your eyes,
  497. >The awkward rhythm is still there, seemingly unable to rectify itself,
  498. >The sadness lingers for quite a while, a tear rolls down your cheek, wondering if the music will ever become joyful again,
  499. >Suddenly, a new, alien sound pierces the air,
  501. >Inquisitive, the sad melody, approaches the strange new sound,
  502. >The newcomer is very odd,
  503. >The miserable tune converses with the alien one,
  504. >The two are very different, yet strangely similar,
  505. >Slowly, the sadness recedes, and is replaced by friendship,
  506. >The friendship builds up, bringing a swathe of new happy emotions with it,
  507. >Respect, care, companionship, and was
  508. >Playful trills scatter the piece, each one similar to a giggle or a laugh,
  509. >The piece ends with calming, warm notes,
  510. >They seem to fit perfectly with the glade you are currently in,
  511. >You find yourself grinning, happy tears in your eyes, as the princess draws out the final note of her spectacular piece,
  512. >The beautiful tone slowly fading away,
  514. >Luna smiles at you, tears in her eyes,
  515. >You are unable to think, let alone speak, after the experience of musical and emotional perfection,
  516. >The violin disappears with a pop, and Luna takes a seat, still looking at you in silence,
  517. >"That" you manage to form words,
  518. >"That was incredible"
  519. >"Thank you anon" the princess says softly,
  520. >"The last part is a recent addition" she sighs in content,
  521. >You yawn, hit by a wave of physical and emotional exhaustion,
  522. >"I've never known music to be that tiring,"
  523. >"In a good way" you reassure the alicorn after seeing a smirk and a slight raise of her eyebrow,
  524. >"Feel free to have a nap anon" she moves closer to you, unfurling a wing and wrapping it around you,
  525. >You try to mumble your thanks, but the battle with your eyelids prevents you,
  526. >You drift off into a deep sleep, under the softness of Luna's wing.
  528. >Maybe it was from the emotional exhaustion,
  529. >Or maybe, it was just a random occurrence,
  530. >A random occurrence where the tiny nagging feelings of doubt, and fear, that are constantly present, but never manage to surface,
  531. >But surface one did,
  532. >Surfacing as a dream,
  533. >Your peaceful slumber in the comforting depths of unconsciousness, is about to be disturbed,
  534. >The tiny nagging feeling dominating, ready to take control of your mind in your weakened emotional state,
  536. >You are in a large room, looking around you notice you are in the Canterlot Palace,
  537. >Guards line the walls either side of you with stern faces,
  538. >There are two guards near you, one either side of you, gazing straight ahead,
  539. >You try to move your hands, but looking down, you notice they are in shackles,
  540. >You look up in confusion, and see at the end of the room a large mirror,
  541. >Celestia is to one side of the mirror, her usual smile gone, instead she was frowning, eyes burning with hate,
  542. >Luna was to the other side, her lip curled up in disgust, her beautiful eyes cold,
  543. >They are both looking directly at you,
  544. >You gulp, unsure of what is happening,
  546. >"Bring him forward" Celestia growls to the guards either side of you,
  547. >The guards being unicorns, use their magic, prodding you in the back, forcing you to march forwards,
  548. >You get closer to the mirror and the princesses,
  549. >Looking between both of them in fear, why are they angry?
  550. >You are moved close to the mirror, standing before it,
  551. >Looking into the mirror, nothing seems unusual about it,
  552. >But then you realise, you have no reflection,
  553. >"Anon" Celestia barks, causing your head to whip around in shock, you have never heard the normally calm alicorn like this,
  554. >"You do not belong here. Why did you come?" her voice smouldering with anger,
  555. >She begins to pace around you, glaring at you, as if you were her prey,
  556. >"Did you really think you could be our friends?"
  557. >"B-but you are m-"
  558. >"NO!" the white alicorn shouts,
  559. >"You are not our friends. You never have been, and never will be."
  560. >Tears form in your eyes and blur your vision, you turn to Luna, seeking help,
  561. >"You disgust me, you are not my friend" she spat,
  562. >Your heart feels like it has broken in two, and you begin sobbing,
  564. >"You will leave this world anon, and Equestria will be better for it" Celestia has stopped prowling around you, and resumes her place to the side of the mirror,
  565. >"No, please" you sob, your chest heaving,
  566. >"You should be thankful we are not executing you."
  567. >"Though he deserves it" Luna adds glaring at you,
  568. >"Guards! Proceed!" the princess of day shouts, causing the guards to resume their prodding,
  569. >You reach the mirror, gazing into the blank space where your reflection should have been, you can see the furious, hate-filled faces of the alicorns behind you,
  570. >You turn your head to look back at Luna, tears flowing,
  571. >"Luna..."
  572. >"I hate you anon. My life is better without you"
  573. >You try to croak out something in response, but can only sob harder,
  574. >Celestia nods to the unicorns at your side, grimacing in anger,
  575. >The guards behind you give a final push of their magic, and you fall into the mirror,
  576. >Met with darkness and agony,
  578. >"Shhh anon, it's okay, you're safe"
  579. >You awake to a blurry world,
  580. >Something warm and soft is wrapped around your waist,
  581. >You sniff, and move a hand to wipe away tears,
  582. >The grogginess of sleep fades away, allowing you to think clearly,
  583. >Your vision clears, confirming that you are back within the moonlit glade,
  584. >Luna is holding you close, chin rested upon your head, her soft breathing ruffling your hair,
  585. >Offering soothing "shh" noises, and steadily rocking to calm you down, you feel comforted somewhat after the terrifying nightmare,
  586. >"I-I"
  587. >"Shhh, I know anon, I saw." she says softly,
  588. >"It was just a dream, I would never wish for you to leave"
  589. >She sounds like she is crying, tears are still rolling down your cheeks, and keep trying to wipe them away,
  590. >"You will always be my best friend anon, and I will never leave you."
  591. >She pulls her head away, and you turn to face her,
  592. >She's smiling, glistening tears in her eyes,
  593. >"Thank you Luna" you say, before hugging her, burying your head in her mane,
  594. >"You have made my life worth living" she whispers into your ear, returning the hug,
  596. >You both sit in silence for a while, enjoying the closeness and warmth of the embrace,
  597. >Your heartbeat slows to a normal rate, and you feel less shaken now,
  598. >Strangely, your body and mind feel refreshed, you wonder if Luna's sonata has caused that, or whether the slender alicorn's embrace has a magical quality to it,
  599. >Slowly pulling away from Luna, you face her with a slightly puzzled expression,
  600. >"Luna"
  601. >"Yes anon?"
  602. >"You can see into dreams, and, manipulate them."
  603. >"and you are wondering why I did not prevent your nightmare?"
  604. >You nod, causing the princess to sigh,
  605. >"I could have easily stopped your nightmare but..."
  606. >She frowns, searching for the right words,
  607. >"Our dreams and nightmares can tell us a lot about ourselves. Our fears, desires, or merely just fantasy. In your case, it was a fear that had been with you for a while."
  608. >She places a hoof on your shoulder in reassurance,
  609. >"We need to let those fears, that are buried in the back of our minds, yet always there, surface, for us to consider."
  611. >"If we keep those fears buried, then they can gnaw away at us, and do terrible things. Such is the case with my-"
  612. >Luna grimaces,
  613. >"My transformation into the nightmare."
  614. >You stay silent, knowing it is a difficult topic for the princess of the night,
  615. >"Now, I can assure you, with all my heart, that your fear of me abandoning you will never happen."
  616. >She smiles, a caring smile, one that warms your heart,
  617. >"If that nightmare hadn't occurred, or I prevented it, without seeing what your fear was. Then there would be no way for me to comfort you, and assure you that it will never happen."
  618. >"Sometimes anon, we need to let our emotions out, no matter how much it pains us."
  619. >"I hope I have helped you with doing that, as you have helped me in turn."
  620. >"Thank you Luna" you say, giving the alicorn another hug, tears form in your eyes,
  621. >Tears not from sadness, but from happiness, from Luna showing how much she cares for you,
  622. >"How long was I asleep?" you ask after leaving the soft embrace of the alicorn, worried that you have wasted time, time that could be better spent with Luna, your best friend.
  624. >"Oh about an hour, don't worry, we have plenty of time left." she smiles,
  625. >"I do love this place." you gaze around the glade, admiring the serene beauty of it,
  626. >You are reminded of its unnatural origin, and the magical energies here,
  627. >But the fact Luna created all of this only provides comfort and peace,
  628. >"Though it wouldn't be as enjoyable alone" you look to Luna,
  629. >"Hmm, I agree. We should make this a regular venture perhaps?" she beams at you,
  630. >"That would be lovely" you rise from the rug, stretching your back and neck, causing a few pops and clicks,
  631. >"Can we bring a pillow next time though?"
  632. >"Of course!" the alicorn giggles,
  634. >Taking a few steps to stretch your legs, you continue to survey the clearing,
  635. >Your eyes lock on something, just outside of the glade, within the forest,
  636. >Was that a pony?
  637. >You approach the thing in question, stepping out of the moonlit area, into the forest,
  638. >It looks like a silhouette of a small pony of a distance, who would be here this time of night?
  639. >You reach the source of your curiosity, looking puzzled,
  640. >"Luna, what's this?" you call back,
  642. >Luna trots over to your side as you examine the object in question,
  643. >It appears to be a statue, if you could call it that,
  644. >Made from various twigs, branches, leaves and moss, it's slightly larger than a filly, and depicts a pony,
  645. >A piece of bark is seated at the bottom, with illegible scratches and bite marks on,
  646. >Various ferns sprouting from the withers either side indicate it is of a pegasus, but you notice that intricately wound twigs are sprouting from the top of the statue's head, forming a horn,
  647. >"An alicorn" you mutter, turning to the princess, to see if she knows what the statue is, or why it is here,
  648. >Luna has tears in her eyes, and sniffs,
  649. >"Are you okay?" you ask concernedly,
  650. >She nods, wiping away a tear with her magic,
  651. >"This is a monument. It wasn't here before, I have never seen it."
  652. >"It is by the woodland creatures" she says, staring at the bark plaque at the foot of the monument,
  653. >You raise an eyebrow, once again reminded that the creatures in Equestria have a sentience much greater than on Earth,
  655. >"The plaque reads"
  656. >"In memorial to the animals, plants and trees that lost their lives here, when the sky-rock fell."
  657. >The princess sniffs again before continuing, tears still in her eyes,
  658. >"and thank you Princess Luna, for doing what you could to save the forest, our home."
  659. >You feel your chest tighten at these words, and move to wrap an arm over Luna,
  660. >Sobbing quietly, she returns you affection by placing a wing around you, ,
  661. >You don't say anything, now it was your turn to comfort her, as she dealt with pent-up emotions, just as she had done for you earlier,
  662. >You wonder how much suffering the ancient alicorn has kept bottled up within,
  663. >One thing you do know however, is that you will always be there for her, when she needs a shoulder to cry on,
  665. >You lead Luna back to the glade, her tears subsiding,
  666. >"Thank you anon" she gives you a smile as she wipes away the last of her tears,
  667. >"You have nothing to thank me for Luna" you smile back, removing your arm from her withers,
  668. >"No, I do anon."
  669. >She sighs,
  670. >"Apart from Tia, you are the only person I truly feel comfortable sharing my feelings with."
  671. >"I think you Luna, are the only person I am comfortable sharing my feelings with too, so it's a mutual thing." you give her a wink,
  672. >She smiles at you, and raises her hoof to your cheek, an affectionate gesture,
  673. >"Would you like to go for a walk through the woods again? she asks,
  674. >"That sounds good" you nod in agreement,
  675. >With a flash of light, the rug disappears and Luna starts to walk out of the glade,
  676. >Taking one last look at the beautiful spot you smile before following the alicorn,
  677. >"It won't go anywhere anon" Luna giggles,
  678. >"We can visit whenever you want!"
  679. >You grin back at her, walking into the depths of the forest,
  681. >You both journey into the forest for a while, appreciating the beauty of the outdoors, the sights and smells of nature,
  682. >Walking at Luna's side, past the ancient trees, you feel at peace,
  683. >You've been friends with the princess for a while, but you feel tonight your bond has strengthened,
  684. >You turn to the alicorn, her horn emitting a soft glow lighting the way, and smile at her,
  685. >She smiles back, warming your heart,
  686. >"Luna, I-"
  687. >You are interuppted as she holds a hoof up, indicating for you to be quiet,
  688. >She pauses, listening to something,
  689. >"Did you hear that?" she asks softly with concern,
  690. >"No" you reply, at the same volume looking puzzled,
  691. >You both stand in silence, straining your ears,
  692. >Hearing nothing but the wind rustling the leaves, and the occasional nocturnal animal in the undergrowth,
  693. >"Heeeeelp" you hear a soft cry in the distance,
  694. >"I head that" you say in alarm, looking to the alicorn,
  695. >Without a word, Luna grabs you in her magic and deposits you onto her back, before galloping off to seek the source of the cry,
  697. >The speed was phenomenal, the trees flying past you, the rushing wind in your ears,
  698. >In many ways, it felt like you were flying,
  699. >Luna was focused straight ahead, intent on finding out where the cry came from,
  700. >Her magic grabbed you and pulled you down on the odd occasion where a branch would have hit you, but she was silent,
  701. >You can hear the cries for help over the rushing wind now, you must be close,
  702. >Suddenly, you burst out of the woods and into a clearing, Luna skidding to a halt, causing furrows in the ground,
  703. >Ahead of you is a small cottage, lights are on inside, and pouring out of the open front door,
  704. >To the left of the cottage entrance is a body, alive or dead, you cannot make it out, but it appears to be a stallion,
  705. >To the right you spot the source of the cries, a mare is lying on her back sobbing and shouting,
  706. >A dark stallion looms over her, a knife in his teeth, a hungry look in his eyes, nearing the destruct mare,
  707. >Luna silently engulfs you in magic, and places you on the ground rather hard,
  708. >Then all hell broke loose,
  710. >The very air around you seemed to become heavy, and all sound was muted,
  711. >You find it hard to breathe as a great pressure is exerted on you,
  712. >A blinding ray of light blasts down from the sky, directly upon the armed stallion,
  713. >He looks up, dropping his knife in shock, eyes wide he notices the foreboding figure of Princess Luna,
  714. >You turn to look at the alicorn, recoiling at the sight,
  715. >Her eyes were blazing white orbs, causing your eyes to hurt and water,
  716. >"P-princess Luna" the sobbing mare stuttered, as she dragged herself away from her tormentor,
  717. >The stallion, who's coat was a dark grey, seemed to go completely white with fear,
  718. >A blast of black magical energy shot out, engulfing him and lifting him from the ground,
  719. >He appeared to have wet himself, leaving a puddle behind as he was lifted up,
  720. >"YOU DISGUSTING, DESPICABLE PIECE OF MANURE" Luna boomed, this wasn't the Royal Canterlot voice, it was worse, a voice of pure anger, causing you to cover your ears,
  722. >The stallion started writhing around, clutching his throat,
  723. >His eyes were incredibly wide, and looked as if they would pop out any second,
  725. >The stallion was rising further into the air, dark magical energy swirling around him,
  726. >There was an unnatural gale blowing, stinging your eyes,
  727. >Seeing the stallions face go a shade of crimson, veins bulging out of his head, you realise you have to do something,
  728. >This isn't the Luna you know and love, this is something else,
  729. >"LUNA, STOP" you shout out, either she didn't hear you, or chose to ignore you, as she continued glaring at the stallion, magic flowing from her horn,
  730. >"LUNA" you bellow, but she still doesn't listen,
  731. >The stallion's head is starting to go purple, his head swollen, dark magic lapping at his skin,
  732. >You have to do something, you have to stop this,
  733. >You get up from the ground, wind buffeting you, threatening to knock you off your feet,
  735. >Shielding your eyes, you stumble over to Luna,
  736. >Stepping directly in front of her you stare into those painfully bright eyes,
  737. >"LUNA, ENOUGH" you roar, voice getting hoarse,
  738. >Her eyes quickly flick to you, but then switch back to the tortured stallion,
  739. >It's not working, Luna is going to murder someone, and she will regret it,
  740. >Or worse, this is a transformation back into Nightmare Moon,
  741. >Your eyes widen in shock at the last thought, you have to do something,
  742. >Your mind races, trying to think of ways to stop this,
  743. >But not having magic leaves you at a serious disadvantage,
  744. >Although, doesn't Celestia and her student babble on about 'friendship being magic'?
  745. >You would laugh at the ridiculousness of it, but you haven't got the time,
  746. >You have to try something,
  747. >Taking a deep breath you stumble into the magical gale, heading for Luna,
  748. >She fails to notice you as you progress closer, and closer to the dark alicorn,
  749. >Standing right in front of Luna, you yell for the last time, but get nothing,
  750. >Decision made, you step ever closer,
  751. >"This better work" you mutter to yourself, before embracing the alicorn in a tight hug,
  753. >"That's enough Luna" you say into her ear, embracing her regardless of the magical energy blasting out of her horn,
  754. >Suddenly, it all stops,
  755. >The magical gale ceases, and reduces to the natural breeze,
  756. >The beam of light from the sky winks out, leaving the cottage the only light source,
  757. >Looking over your shoulder, you see the stallions face return to a pale white, rather than purple colour, and he is carefully deposited upon the ground,
  758. >"What have I done" Luna mutters as you pull away from the hug, gazing into her now normal eyes,
  759. >You say nothing, letting the alicorn come to her senses,
  760. >She shakes her head, looking confused,
  761. >Looking around she notices the body of the stallion, the frightened mare who appears to have passed out, and a retching stallion gasping for air, the one who nearly lost his life,
  762. >The princess closes her eyes briefly, her horn glowing,
  763. >With three successive pops and flashes of light the three ponies disappear,
  764. >"I teleported the injured to the hospital, the other one to the dungeon" Luna mutters, shoulders slumped,
  766. >"I'll teleport you back to the palace anon" she sighs, slumping down, sitting on the ground,
  767. >"Why?" you ask, sitting down with her, an arm around her withers,
  768. >"Why?" she repeats in disbelief, looking at you with raised eyebrows,
  769. >"I nearly killed someone because I lost my temper. I've ruined our night," a tear rolls down her dark cheek,
  770. >You sit in silence for a couple of minutes, before asking,
  771. >"It wasn't the nightm-"
  772. >"No!" Luna interrupts,
  773. >"I just..lost my temper. That's what makes it worse." she says before breaking down into sobs,
  774. >You wrap your arms around her neck and sit with her for a while, before her tears subside,
  775. >"I'll teleport you back now, I don't trust myself to give you a ride back." she mutters,
  776. >"Luna look at me" you say sternly,
  777. >The alicorn looks up into your eyes, you can easily see her pain,
  778. >"I will always trust you Luna. We will fly home."
  779. >She gazes at you for a while, seeming to consider your words, before sighing and nodding,
  780. >She looks up at the sky,
  781. >"First I will have to lower the night"
  783. >Luna rose up from the ground and trotted over to the centre of the clearing,
  784. >Taking a look around, presumably to check there were not distractions, or objects that could hinder her spell, she nodded to herself,
  785. >Closing her eyes and standing up straighter, she aimed her horn at the sparkling night sky,
  786. >A dark beam shot out into the abyss, the princess kept her eyes closed as she channelled ancient magic into her task,
  787. >The energy flowing from her horn started to reverse it's course after a few minutes of intense concentration by the alicorn,
  788. >Instead of travelling into the sky, it had started travelling back into the princess,
  789. >Black streams started to swirl around Luna, starting from the ground, and moving their way up until she was completely engulfed in a miniature hurricane of black magic,
  790. >You suddenly realise that it wasn't magic, it was the night,
  791. >The darkness flowing around Luna had sparkling stars, nebulae and other features of the cosmos within,
  793. >Slowly but surely, the night overhead seemed to rotate, as if a giant had grasped the earth in his hand, and was turning it,
  794. >As the sky was 'rotated' a bleed of faint light grew on the distance,
  795. >The sisters must be working together for this, you ponder, amazed at the spectacle before you,
  796. >Of course, you have known since you arrived in Equestria, that the two alicorn rulers control the day and night, but this is the first time you have witnessed the act,
  797. >The peal of light on the horizon grew in intensity, the moon started to fade in it's luminosity, the stars winking out, as the sun overwhelmed them,
  798. >The magic of the night surrounding Luna ceased it's rotation, and seemed to be absorbed into the Luna, causing her to sigh and open her eyes,
  799. >"It is done" she muttered morosely,
  800. >"Let us be off then, if you still wish to fly"
  801. >Taking your gaze off the sky, you look at the princess and nod, stepping towards her,
  802. >Placing one hand on her withers as leverage, you jump up, swinging your leg over,
  803. >It didn't seem as difficult as back at Canterlot, probably because you are not scared of flight as you were previously,
  805. >Glancing back to confirm that you are seated, Luna's horn glows, casting the spell that keeps you tethered to her, and placing the flight-goggles on you,
  806. >With a leap and a flap of wings, you are airborne,
  807. >Passing over the forest you fail to spot the glade, maybe it is only visible at night?
  808. >The alicorn starts to pick up speed, obviously keen on getting back to the palace,
  809. >"Luna, take it easy, there is no rush."
  810. >She grunts in response, but obeys, and slows down to a leisurely pace,
  811. >You fly in silence a bit, debating in your mind, how to go about discussing what happened at the cottage,
  812. >"I know you want to talk about what happened, but I would rather not" she says softly, apparently hearing your thoughts,
  813. >"I-I am ashamed of what I did. I lost control of my emotions, and somepony nearly died because of it." she continues, apparently she did want to talk about it, you sit in silence, wishing her to continue,
  814. >She stops suddenly, hovering in the air, dark wings flapping slowly, and turns her head to face you,
  816. >"I fear might get hurt, if I lose my temper again. I would never be able to forgive myself if that happened."
  817. >"Luna, everyone loses their temper occasionally." so stroke her mane to console her,
  818. >"Yes but not everyone is an alicorn anon. With the power I have, becoming angry is dangerous." she sighed,
  819. >"That is how the nightmare took control of me. I could not handle my anger and jealousy."
  820. >"I do not want that to happen again" she frowned,
  821. >"What exactly, triggered the anger?" you ask softly,
  822. >"He was going to rape her" Luna's lip turned up in disgust,
  823. >"I could see it in his eyes. As soon I realised what he was about to do...well, it was hazy after that."
  824. >"You brought me back to my senses with the hug anon, it was a brave, but foolish move." she scowled slightly,
  825. >"However, thank you, I would have severely regretted what could have happened"
  826. >"You're my best friend" you say shrugging, a caring smile on your face, as if that explained everything,
  827. >Luna smiled back, obviously it was enough for her,
  829. >Luna resumes her flight, and you sit in silent thought,
  830. >"Luna, I want to be there for you. Even when you lose your temper"
  831. >"It is dangerous anon, dangerous"
  832. >"No you are not Luna, and I don't care, I want to be there for you." you wrap your arms around her neck, enjoying the closeness,
  833. >She doesn't reply to you, but you see a smile upon her face,
  834. >Observing the countryside around you in the daylight, you conclude that you prefer the night,
  835. >Though the sun's rays are warm, and you can see for miles in the day, the night always feels more comfortable to you,
  836. >Maybe it is the connection it shares with the princess? Maybe the night reminds you of her, or makes you feel like you are with her, even when physically, you are not,
  837. >You spot small specks, which you presume are ponies, near the various farmhouses and taverns dotted around the land,
  838. >Waking up to start their hard day of work, you wonder if they also prefer the night, as for them, it is a time for rest and relaxation,
  839. >"Celestia's day is alright" you say gazing across the fields,
  840. >"But I definitely prefer your night"
  841. >"Poetry now anon?" Luna says,
  842. >"You are sure to win over many mare's hearts with such beautiful verse" the alicorn giggles, causing you to laugh along,
  843. >There's only one mare's heart you want to win over, you think to yourself,
  845. >You can see the spires of Canterlot Palace getting closer, and you pass over the city borders,
  846. >The sprawling city is starting to wake up, with ponies setting up stalls in the markets, taverns open up for breakfast, or very early drinkers, and the various other ponies heading off to work,
  847. >The princess banks, pointed in the direction of one of the palace balconies,
  848. >The cling slightly tighter to Luna's neck as you near the landing area, but you fears are soon quashed as she lands perfectly upon the stone balcony,
  849. >"Anon, I had a great night." she smiles after you hop down,
  850. >"Apart from the..incident. I hope that did not ruin our outing for you." she says glumly,
  851. >"Not at all Luna." you grin,
  852. >"I hope we can visit the glade again, I had a fantastic night."
  853. >"Of course" she beams back, you have never seen her this happy before,
  854. >You step closer to her, bend over, and kiss her on the cheek,
  855. >"Thank you Luna" you say as she blushes and smiles shyly,
  856. >"Yes...well, let us have dinner" the alicorn says, flustered somewhat, before trotting off into the palace, a slight spring in her step,
  857. >You smile, stepping through the door into the palace, noticing a yawning Celestia approach with a mug of coffee floating near,
  858. >"Good morning anon, did you have a good night?" she asks, smiling,
  859. >"I did." you say smiling back,
  860. >"It was a lovely moonlight picnic."
  862. FIN
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