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a guest
Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. on right click on stone button:
  2. block behind is sponge:
  3. if {zabtp.%player%} is true:
  4. stop
  5. else:
  6. set {zabtp.%player%} to true
  7. wait 1 tick
  8. send "&b» &fZostaniesz przeteleportowany za &c3 sekundy"
  9. wait 3 seconds
  10. set {_loc::old} to player's location
  11. while player's location is {_loc::old}:
  12. set {_loc::new} to location at random number between 896 and 971, 0, random number between -238 and -313
  13. loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
  14. if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
  15. if block under loop-block is not air or water block or lava block:
  16. set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
  17. teleport the player to {_loc::new}
  18. set {zabtp.%player%} to false
  21. #AntyLog created by Homu [czas: 5m] (można usunąć!) NIETESTOWANE
  23. on damage of player:
  24. set {_walka} to yaml value "walka" from "zmienne/%uuid of victim%.yml"
  25. set {_nazwa} to yaml value "nazwa" from "zmienne/%uuid of victim.yml"
  26. set {_walka} to yaml value "walka" from "zmienne/%uuid of attacker%.yml"
  27. set {_nazwa} to yaml value "nazwa" from "zmienne/%uuid of attacker.yml"
  28. if {_walka} is not set:
  29. set yaml value "walka" from frile "zmienne/%uuid of victim%.yml" to "yes"
  30. set yaml value "walka" from frile "zmienne/%uuid of attacker%.yml" to "yes"
  31. if {_nazwa} is not set:
  32. set yaml value "nazwa" from file "zmienne/%uuid of victim%.yml" to "%victim%"
  33. set yaml value "nazwa" from file "zmienne/%uuid of attacker%.yml" to "%attacker%"
  34. set level of player to 15
  35. loop 15 times:
  36. set {_x} to level of player-15
  37. set level of player to {_x}
  38. wait 1 second
  39. if {_x} is 0:
  40. set {_walka} to yaml value "walka" from "zmienne/%uuid of victim%.yml" to "no"
  41. set {_walka} to yaml value "walka" from "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to "no"
  42. send "mozna sie wyologowac" to victim
  43. send "mozna sie wyologowac" to attacker
  45. on quit:
  46. if {_walka} is "yes":
  47. kill player
  48. set {_walka} to yaml value "walka" from "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to "no"
  49. send "cos tam zginales" to player
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