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- @Echo off
- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
- mode con cols=20 lines=1
- :: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ::
- :: * Add to Self Radio * ::
- :: * 1.8.1 BETA * ::
- :: * By * ::
- :: * RainBawZ / kukpappa * ::
- :: * aka. Tam * ::
- :: * * ::
- :: * DISCORD: * ::
- :: * @Inwayn#1590 * ::
- :: * * ::
- :: * SocialClub: * ::
- :: * kukpappa * ::
- :: * * ::
- :: * Steam: * ::
- :: * /id/kukpappa * ::
- :: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ::
- :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ::
- :: 0 = DISABLED ::
- :: 1 = ENABLED ::
- :: ::
- :: ::
- :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ::
- set version=1.8.2
- set subver=%~z0
- set numset=1234567890
- set sID=!random!!random!
- set debug=0
- set UIinit=0
- color F0
- title Add To Self Radio v!version! BETA !subver!
- REM -----> Get current code page
- for /f "tokens=4" %%A in ('chcp') do (
- set forcedCodePage=%%A
- )
- REM -----> Determine which code page to use
- if "%~1"=="_LAUNCHPARAMETER" (
- if /i not "%~2"=="DEBUG" (
- set preferredCodePage=%~2
- chcp %~2 > nul
- shift /1
- shift /1
- ) else (
- @Echo on
- prompt A2SR_DEBUG$G$G$S
- set debug=1
- mode con cols=120 lines=33
- shift /1
- shift /1
- )
- ) else (
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "CodePage" 2^>nul') do (
- if not !errorlevel!==1 (
- if not "!preferredCodePage!"=="" (
- set preferredCodePage=%%B
- chcp %%B > nul
- ) else (
- set preferredCodePage=!forcedCodePage!
- )
- ) else (
- if "!preferredCodePage!"=="" (
- set preferredCodePage=!forcedCodePage!
- )
- )
- )
- )
- REM -----> Prepare required paths
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal" 2^>nul') do (
- set userDir=%%B
- )
- set musicDir=Rockstar Games\GTA V\User Music
- REM -----> Check if the usermusic directory is correct
- if not exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Unable to find the music directory." ^& vbcrlf ^& "Assumed path: !userDir!\!musicDir!" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- cd /d "%~dp0"
- for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%A in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%B in (1) do rem"') do (
- set "DEL=%%A"
- )
- reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" >nul 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==0 (
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v "Version" 2^>nul') do (
- for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=." %%C in ("%%B") do (
- for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=." %%G in ("!version!.%~z0") do (
- if %%C LSS %%G (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Detected an older version."^& vbcrlf ^&"Please uninstall it before installing this one.",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- if %%D LSS %%H (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Detected an older version."^& vbcrlf ^&"Please uninstall it before installing this one.",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- if %%E LSS %%I (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Detected an older version."^& vbcrlf ^&"Please uninstall it before installing this one.",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- )
- )
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Version" /d "!version!.%~z0" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- )
- REM -----> Query the registry for the default .mp3 player
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query HKCR\.mp3 /ve 2^>nul') do (
- set val=%%A
- REM -----> Check if Add to Self Radio is already installed
- reg query "HKCR\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /ve > nul 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- set action=_
- if !debug!==0 cls
- Echo.
- Echo NOTE: If you've previously used an older version of
- Echo this software, you should run the uninstaller
- Echo from that version before continuing.
- Echo.
- Echo Would you like to add a shortcut to the Context Menu?
- Echo.
- set /p action="Y/N >> "
- if !action!==_ (
- goto :end
- )
- if /i !action!==y (
- REM chcp !forcedCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check for older versions
- reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" > nul 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==0 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Detected an older version."^& vbcrlf ^&"Please uninstall it before installing this one.",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Add registry keys
- reg add "HKCR\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /ve /d "\"%~f0\" \"%%1\"" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCR\AppXqj98qxeaynz6dv4459ayz6bnqxbyaqcs\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /ve /d "\"%~f0\" \"%%1\"" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Playlists" /d "Default" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "ActivePlaylist" /d "Default" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- call :setup.defaultPlaylist
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "CodePage" /d "!preferredCodePage!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Version" /d "!version!.%~z0" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "1Timenotif" /d "0" >> "%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\Restore" /f >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- set ret=1
- REM -----> Create uninstallation script
- call :writeUninstall
- (
- Echo.
- Echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
- Echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio]
- Echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppXqj98qxeaynz6dv4459ayz6bnqxbyaqcs\shell\Add to Self Radio]
- Echo [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio]
- )>>Uninstall.bat
- RUNDLL32.exe USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters ,1 ,True
- echo x=msgbox^("Added registry entry"^& vbcrlf ^&"You can now right click on any .mp3 file and choose"^& vbcrlf ^&"Add to Self Radio"^&vbcrlf^&vbcrlf^&"Please run the program to complete setup." ,64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- goto :end
- ) else (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Keys not added. Choose 'Y'." ,48, "Warning"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- goto :end
- )
- )
- REM -----> Set default code page (CURRENTLY DISABLED. REMOVE 'REM ----->' TO ENABLE)
- REM -----> chcp !forcedCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Read the data in the Add to Self Radio command key
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%B in ('reg query "HKCR\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /ve 2^>nul') do (
- if not "%~1"=="" (
- goto :cnt
- )
- set regPath=%%~B
- REM -----> Check if the path is unchanged
- if not "!regPath!"=="%~f0" (
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- set action=_
- if !debug!==0 cls
- Echo.
- Echo Detected changes in program path.
- Echo.
- Echo NOTE: If you've previously used an older version of
- Echo this software, you should close this program
- Echo and run the uninstaller from that version
- Echo before continuing.
- Echo.
- Echo Refresh registry entry?
- set /p action=" Y/N >> "
- if !action!==_ (
- goto :end
- )
- if /i !action!==y (
- REM -----> Renew the registry entry
- reg add "HKCR\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /f /ve /d "\"%~f0\" \"%%1\"" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- reg add "HKCR\AppXqj98qxeaynz6dv4459ayz6bnqxbyaqcs\shell\Add to Self Radio\command" /ve /d "\"%~f0\" \"%%1\"" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "CodePage" /d "!preferredCodePage!"
- reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v "Playlists" > nul
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- REM -----> Create new uninstallation script
- call :writeUninstall
- (
- Echo.
- Echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
- Echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\!val!\shell\Add to Self Radio]
- Echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppXqj98qxeaynz6dv4459ayz6bnqxbyaqcs\shell\Add to Self Radio]
- Echo [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio]
- )>>Uninstall.bat
- RUNDLL32.exe USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters ,1 ,True
- echo x=msgbox^("Updated registry entry" ,64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 0
- )
- ) else (
- goto :end
- )
- ) else (
- call :expUpdate
- )
- )
- REM -----> Look for MODE value
- reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Mode" >nul 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- if !debug!==0 cls
- Echo.
- Echo NOTE: If you've previously used an older version of
- Echo this software, you should close the program
- Echo and run the uninstaller from the older version
- Echo.
- Echo.
- Echo No mode is specified. Add mode now?
- Echo.
- set add=0
- set /p add=" Y/N>> "
- if /i !add!==N (
- goto end
- )
- if /i !add!==Y (
- goto menu
- ) else (
- goto end
- )
- goto end
- )
- )
- REM -----> Go to menu if no file to process is specified
- :cnt
- if "%~1"=="" (
- goto menu
- )
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Mode" 2^>nul') do (
- if "%%A"=="SHORTCUT" (
- goto :shortcut
- )
- if "%%A"=="COPY" (
- goto :copy
- )
- if "%%A"=="MOVE" (
- goto :move
- )
- Echo x=msgbox^("The registry query for MODE returned an invalid value."^& vbcrlf ^&"Please launch the program and change the Mode setting."^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"VALUEDATA:%%A" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD-SUBROUTINES
- :copy
- chcp !preferredCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check if the file is an mp3 file
- if /i not "%~x1"==".mp3" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Couldn't add %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"The file has an incorrect extension (%~x1)" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- title Add to Self Radio v!version! BETA !subver! - Adding %~nx1...
- REM -----> Check if the file already exists
- if exist "!userDir!\!musicDIR!\%~nx1" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("A file called %~nx1 already exists." ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Copy the file
- xcopy "%~1" "!userDir!\!musicDir!" > nul
- REM -----> Check if the file was copied
- if not exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!\%~nx1" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Failed to add %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"If this issue persists, you can post this information at the mod page:"^& vbcrlf ^&"FILE:%~1\\PATH:!userDir!\!musicDir!" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Display success message
- echo x=msgbox^("%~1 has been added." ,64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- goto :end
- :shortcut
- chcp !preferredCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check if the file is an mp3 file
- if /i not "%~x1"==".mp3" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Couldn't add %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"The file has an incorrect extension (%~x1)" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- title Add to Self Radio v!version! BETA !subver! - Adding %~nx1...
- REM -----> Check if the link already exists
- if exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!\%~n1.lnk" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("A shortcut called %~n1.lnk already exists." ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Create VBSscript file for shortcut creation.
- set SCRIPT="%TEMP%\SelfRadioShortcut.vbs"
- (
- echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject^("WScript.Shell"^)
- echo sLinkFile = "!userDir!\!musicDir!\%~n1.lnk"
- echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut^(sLinkFile^)
- echo oLink.TargetPath = "%~f1"
- echo oLink.Save
- )>!SCRIPT!
- REM -----> Run the script file
- cscript /nologo !SCRIPT!
- del /q !SCRIPT! > nul
- if not exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!\%~n1.lnk" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Failed to add a shortcut for %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"If this issue persists, you can post this information at the mod page:"^& vbcrlf ^&"FILE:%~f1\\PATH:!userDir!\!musicDir!" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Display success message
- echo x=msgbox^("A shortcut to %~nx1 has been added." ,64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- goto :end
- :move
- chcp !preferredCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check if the file is an mp3 file
- if /i not "%~x1"==".mp3" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Couldn't add %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"The file has an incorrect extension (%~x1)" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- title Add to Self Radio v!version! BETA !subver! - Adding %~nx1...
- REM -----> Check if the file already exists
- if exist "!userDir!\!musicDIR!\%~nx1" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("A file called %~nx1 already exists." ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Move the file
- move "%~1" "!userDir!\!musicDir!" > nul
- REM -----> Check if the file was Moved
- if not exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!\%~nx1" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Failed to add %~nx1"^& vbcrlf ^&"If this issue persists, you can post this information at the mod page:"^& vbcrlf ^&"FILE:%~1\\PATH:!userDir!\!musicDir!" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- REM -----> Display success message
- set "regFilename=%~n1"
- set regFilename=!regFilename: =_!
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\restore" /v "!regFilename!" /d "\"%~f1\"" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- echo x=msgbox^("%~1 has been added." ,64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- call :onetimenotif
- goto :end
- :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UI INITALIZATION SUBROUTINES
- :UI_getBufferSize
- if !debug!==0 cls
- call :colortext CF " Initializing UI... " n
- for /f "skip=4 tokens=2 delims=:" %%A in ('mode con') do (
- set horizontalBufferSize=%%A
- set horizontalBufferSize=!horizontalBufferSize: =!
- for /l %%B in (1,1,%%A) do (
- set /a DEBUG_UIbufferCount+=1
- set "UI_clearline= !UI_clearline!"
- set UI_dashline=-!UI_dashline!
- set UI_usline=_!UI_usline!
- )
- goto :eof
- )
- :UI_initialize
- if !debug!==1 goto :eof
- <nul > X set /p ".=."
- mode con cols=%~1 lines=%~2
- call :UI_getBufferSize
- powershell -command "&{$H=get-host;$W=$H.ui.rawui;$B=$W.buffersize;$B.width=%~3;$B.height=%~4;$W.buffersize=$B;}"
- set UIinit=1
- goto :eof
- :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU
- :menu
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- REM -----> Read settings from registry
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Mode" 2^>nul') do (
- set currMode=%%A
- )
- if "!currMode!"=="" (
- set currMode=UNDEFINED
- )
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Ignore" 2^>nul') do (
- set currIgnore=%%A
- )
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "CodePage" 2^>nul') do (
- set preferredCodePage=%%A
- )
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "ActivePlaylist" 2^>nul') do (
- set activePlaylist=%%~B
- )
- set expUd=^(EXP. UPDATES ENABLED^)
- ) else (
- set expUd=
- )
- if "!currIgnore!"=="" (
- set currIgnore=UNDEFINED
- )
- if !currIgnore!==0 (
- set currIgnore=FALSE
- )
- if !currIgnore!==1 (
- set currIgnore=TRUE
- )
- if !debug!==0 cls
- color 70
- Echo Settings can be changed at any time by running the program.
- call :colortext 72 "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 27 " Current mode: !currMode! " n
- call :colortext 27 " Ignore updates?: !currIgnore! " n
- call :colortext 27 " Preferred code page: !preferredCodePage! " n
- call :colortext 27 " Active playlist: !activePlaylist! " n
- call :colortext 27 "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 8F " Mode settings " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 1F " 1 --> Change mode " n
- call :colortext 80 "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 8F " Update settings !expUd! " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 1F " 2 --> Change update settings " n
- if not defined ret (
- call :colortext 80 "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 8F " Code page settings " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 1F " 3 --> Change preferred code page " n
- call :colortext 80 "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 8F " Playlist settings " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 1F " 4 --> Enter the playlist menu " n
- call :colortext 80 "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 8F " File restoration " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- call :colortext 1F " 5 --> Restore moved songs " n
- call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- rem call :colortext 8F "!UI_clearline!" n
- )
- choice /c 123450 /n > nul 2>&1
- if %errorlevel%==1 (
- goto :menu.toggleModes
- )
- if %errorlevel%==2 (
- goto :menu.updates
- )
- if %errorlevel%==3 (
- goto :menu.codepage
- )
- if %errorlevel%==4 (
- call :playlist
- goto :menu
- )
- if %errorlevel%==5 (
- goto menu.restore
- )
- goto :menu
- :menu.toggleModes
- if !currMode!==UNDEFINED (
- set mode=COPY
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Mode" /d "!mode!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- if !currMode!==COPY (
- set mode=SHORTCUT
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Mode" /d "!mode!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- if !currMode!==SHORTCUT (
- set mode=MOVE
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Mode" /d "!mode!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- if !currMode!==MOVE (
- set mode=COPY
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Mode" /d "!mode!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- goto :menu
- :menu.updates
- if !currIgnore!==UNDEFINED (
- set ignore=0
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Ignore" /d "!ignore!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- if !currIgnore!==FALSE (
- set ignore=1
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Ignore" /d "!ignore!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- if !currIgnore!==TRUE (
- set ignore=0
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Ignore" /d "!ignore!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- )
- goto :menu
- :menu.codepage
- set /p newCodePage="New code page: "
- set preferredCodePage=!newCodePage!
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "CodePage" /d "!newCodePage!" >>"%temp%\stderr.txt" 2>&1
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- Echo x=msgbox^("An error occurred. Try running as administrator."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Information:"^& vbcrlf ^&"Access denied" ,48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- endlocal
- exit /b 1
- )
- goto :menu
- :playlist
- set playlist_cho=_
- if !debug!==0 cls
- ::call :colortext 33 "!UI_clearline!" & echo.
- ::call :colortext 3F "Playlist settings!UI_text_playlistSettings_suffix!" & echo.
- call :colortext 3F " Playlist settings " n
- call :colortext FC "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" n
- Echo.
- Echo Active playlist: !activePlaylist!
- Echo.
- Echo Available playlists:
- Echo.
- set _itemIndex=5
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v Playlists 2^>nul') do (
- for %%C in (%%B) do (
- if "%%~C"=="!activePlaylist!" (
- call :colortext F2 " !_itemIndex! --> %%~C (ACTIVE)" n
- ) else (
- call :colortext F8 " !_itemIndex! --> %%~C" n
- )
- set /a _itemIndex+=1
- )
- )
- Echo.
- Echo 0 --^> Return
- Echo 1 --^> Create playlist
- Echo 2 --^> Edit playlist
- Echo 3 --^> Delete playlist
- Echo.
- set /p playlist_cho=" >> "
- if !playlist_cho!==0 (
- goto :eof
- )
- if !playlist_cho!==1 (
- goto playlist.create
- )
- if !playlist_cho!==2 (
- goto playlist.edit
- )
- if !playlist_cho!==3 (
- goto playlist.delete
- ) else (
- goto playlist.change
- )
- goto playlist
- :playlist.change
- Echo.
- set enablePlaylist=!playlist_cho!
- set _itemIndexCounter=5
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v Playlists 2^>nul') do (
- for %%C in (%%B) do (
- if !_itemIndexCounter!==!enablePlaylist! (
- set activePlaylist=%%~C
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /f /v "ActivePlaylist" /d "\"!activePlaylist!\"" > nul
- goto playlist.change.break
- ) else (
- set /a _itemIndexCounter+=1
- )
- )
- )
- :playlist.change.break
- goto playlist
- :playlist.create
- set /p playlist_newPlaylist=" New playlist: "
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v Playlists 2^>nul') do (
- set playlist_allPlaylists=\"!playList_newPlayList!\",%%B
- )
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /f /v "Playlists" /d "!playList_allPlaylists!"
- set playList_allPlaylists=
- goto playlist
- :playlist.edit
- Echo.
- Echo Enter song name:
- set /p playlist.edit_songName=">> "
- goto playlist
- :playlist.delete
- goto playlist
- :playlist.change.break
- goto playlist
- :setup.defaultPlaylist
- for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /B /S /A:-D "!userDir!\!musicDir!\*.mp3"') do (
- set setup.defaultPlaylist_songPath=%%A
- set setup.defaultPlaylist_song=!setup.defaultPlaylist_songPath:%userDir%\%musicDir%\=!
- set setup.defaultPlaylist=\"!setup.defaultPlaylist_song!\",!setup.defaultPlaylist!
- )
- reg add "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\Playlists" /f /v "Default" /d "!setup.defaultPlaylist!" > nul
- goto :eof
- :menu.restore
- cls
- set index=1
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2,*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\Restore"') do (
- if not "%%~nxC"=="" (
- Echo !index! --^> %%~nxC
- set "regindex!index!=%%A"
- set "restoreIndex!index!=%%~C"
- set /a index+=1
- )
- )
- set /p select="Song number [0 to return]: "
- if "!select!"=="0" (
- goto :menu
- )
- if "!restoreIndex%select%!"=="" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("No file to restore was specified.",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- ) else (
- call :menu.restore1 "!restoreIndex%select%!"
- )
- goto :menu.restore
- :menu.restore1
- set restorefile=%~nx1
- set restorepath=%~dp1
- if not exist "!userDir!\!musicDir!\!restorefile!" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Couldn't find file '!restorefile!'",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- ) else (
- move "!userDir!\!musicDir!\!restorefile!" "!restorepath!"
- if not exist "!restorepath!\!restorefile!" (
- Echo x=msgbox^("Failed to restore file '!restorefile!'",48, "Error"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- ) else (
- Echo x=msgbox^("File '!restorefile!' has been restored to its original location." ^& vbcrlf ^& "^(!restorepath!^)",64, "Success"^)>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- reg delete "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\Restore" /f /v "!regindex%select%!" > nul 2>&1
- )
- )
- goto :eof
- :expUpdate
- chcp !forcedCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check if updates should be ignored or not
- if not !ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_UPDATES!==1 goto :checkUpdate
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Ignore" 2^>nul') do (
- set ignoreUpdates=%%A
- )
- if !ignoreUpdates!==0 (
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- cls
- Echo.
- Echo Looking for updates...
- REM -----> Check internet connection
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- goto end0
- )
- REM -----> Download version info
- powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "%temp%\a2srEVersion.txt";}">nul
- for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%A in (%temp%\a2srEVersion.txt) do (
- set newVersion=%%A.%%B.%%C
- set newSubver=%%D
- REM -----> Match downloaded version info with local version info
- for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=." %%E in ("!version!") do (
- if %%A GTR %%E (
- goto expUpdate1
- ) else (
- if %%B GTR %%F (
- goto expUpdate1
- ) else (
- if %%C GTR %%G (
- goto expUpdate1
- ) else (
- if %%D GTR !subver! (
- goto :expUpdate1
- )
- )
- )
- )
- goto :checkUpdate
- )
- )
- )
- goto :eof
- :expUpdate1
- REM -----> Download patch notes and parse into a VBScript message
- powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "%temp%\a2srENotes.txt";}">nul
- set vbMessage=x=msgbox^("An experimental update is available."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Your version: v!version!, BETA !subver!"^& vbcrlf ^&"New version: v!newVersion!, BETA !newSubver!"^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Key features:"
- for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%temp%\a2srENotes.txt) do (
- set input=%%A
- set input=!input:"='!
- set vbMessage=!vbMessage!^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"%%A"
- )
- set vbMessage=!vbMessage!^& vbcrlf ^& vbcrlf ^&"Click 'Yes' to start the download",vbYesNo + vbInformation,"Add to Self Radio"^)
- REM -----> Create VBScript notification
- (
- echo Set objShell = CreateObject^("Wscript.Shell"^)
- echo !vbMessage!
- echo If x = vbYes Then
- echo objShell.Run^(""^)
- echo Else
- echo Wscript.Quit
- echo End If
- )>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- goto :checkUpdate
- :end
- goto expUpdate
- :checkUpdate
- chcp !forcedCodePage! > nul
- REM -----> Check if updates should be ignored or not
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=3*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add To Self Radio" /v "Ignore" 2^>nul') do (
- set ignoreUpdates=%%A
- )
- if not "!ignoreUpdates!"=="1" (
- if !UIinit!==0 call :UI_initialize 120 34 150 34
- cls
- Echo.
- Echo Looking for updates...
- )
- REM -----> Check internet connection
- ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
- if !errorlevel!==1 (
- goto end0
- )
- REM -----> Download version info
- powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "%temp%\a2srVersion.txt";}">nul
- for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=." %%A in (%temp%\a2srVersion.txt) do (
- set newVersion=%%A.%%B.%%C
- REM -----> Match downloaded version info with local version info
- for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=." %%D in ("!version!") do (
- if %%A GTR %%D (
- goto :checkUpdate1
- ) else (
- if %%B GTR %%E (
- goto :checkUpdate1
- ) else (
- if %%C GTR %%E (
- goto checkUpdate1
- )
- )
- )
- goto :eof
- )
- )
- )
- goto :eof
- :checkUpdate1
- REM -----> Download patch notes and parse into a VBScript message
- powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "%temp%\a2srNotes.txt";}">nul
- set vbMessage=x=msgbox^("An update is available."^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Your version: v!version!"^& vbcrlf ^&"New version: v!newVersion!"^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Key features:" ^& vbcrlf
- for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%temp%\a2srNotes.txt) do (
- set input=%%A
- set input=!input:"='!
- set vbMessage=!vbMessage!^& vbcrlf ^& vbcrlf ^&"!input!"
- )
- set vbMessage=!vbMessage!^& vbcrlf ^&" "^& vbcrlf ^&"Click 'Yes' to go to the download page",vbYesNo + vbInformation,"Add to Self Radio"^)
- REM -----> Create VBScript notification
- (
- echo Set objShell = CreateObject^("Wscript.Shell"^)
- echo !vbMessage!
- echo If x = vbYes Then
- echo objShell.Run^(""^)
- echo Else
- echo Wscript.Quit
- echo End If
- )>"%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs"
- goto :eof
- :end0
- REM -----> Delete temporary files generated by the program
- del /q "%temp%\a2srNotes.txt" 2> nul
- del /q "%temp%\a2srVersion.txt" 2> nul
- del /q "%temp%\a2sr_!sID!msg.vbs" 2> nul
- del /q X 2> nul
- REM -----> Line below commented out for debugging purposes. Remove "::" to enable deletion of error log (Will add an option in the settings in a future update)
- REM -----> del /q "%temp%\stderr.txt" > nul
- REM -----> Exit
- endlocal
- exit
- :writeUninstall
- (
- echo @Echo off
- echo cd /d "%%~dp0"
- echo title
- echo color F0
- echo :main
- echo Echo This will uninstall the selected components of Add to Self Radio.
- echo Echo Components may be selected after continuing.
- echo Echo.
- echo Echo Your Self Radio music will not be affected.
- echo Echo.
- echo Echo Continue? ^^^(Y/N^^^)
- echo choice /c yn /n
- echo if %%errorlevel%%==1 ^(
- echo goto :uninstall
- echo ^) else ^(
- echo goto exit
- echo ^)
- echo :uninstall
- echo echo.
- echo Echo.
- echo Echo 1 -^^^> Uninstall registry entries ^^^(For installing a new version^^^)
- echo Echo 2 -^^^> Uninstall everything ^^^(All related files + registry entries^^^)
- echo choice /c 12 /n
- echo if %%errorlevel%%==1 ^(
- echo set uninstall=0
- echo ^)
- echo if %%errorlevel%%==2 ^(
- echo set uninstall=1
- echo ^)
- echo Echo Extracting A2SR registry info...
- echo for /f "eol=; skip=58 tokens=*" %%%%A in ^(%%~f0^) do ^(
- echo Echo %%%%A^>^>a2srUninstall.reg
- echo Echo %%%%A
- echo ^)
- echo Echo.
- echo Echo Uninstalling registry entries...
- echo a2srUninstall.reg
- echo Echo Deleting files...
- echo Echo FILE: a2srUninstall.reg
- echo del /q a2srUninstall.reg
- echo if %%uninstall%%==1 ^(
- echo Echo DIR: Tools
- echo rmdir /s /q Tools
- echo Echo FILE: Readme.txt
- echo del /q Readme.txt
- echo Echo FILE: SelfRadioAdd.bat
- echo del /q SelfRadioAdd.bat
- echo if exist X ^(
- echo Echo FILE: X
- echo del /q X
- echo ^)
- echo ^)
- echo Echo Uninstallation completed.
- echo Echo Press any key to exit uninstaller...
- echo Echo ^^^(The uninstaller will delete itself upon exit^^^)
- echo pause ^> nul
- echo cmd /c "timeout /t 1 /nobreak & del /q Uninstall.bat"
- echo exit
- echo.
- )>Uninstall.bat
- goto :eof
- :onetimenotif
- for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio" /v "1Timenotif" 2^>nul') do (
- if "%%B"=="0" (
- set vbMessage="Your feedback is very valuable to the further developent" ^& vbcrlf ^& "of this program." ^& vbcrlf ^& "Would you like to leave a comment/rating on" ^& vbcrlf ^& vbcrlf ^&"(This message will only appear once)" ^& vbcrlf,vbYesNo + vbQuestion,"A2SR -- First time notification"
- (
- echo Set objShell = CreateObject^("Wscript.Shell"^)
- echo X=MsgBox^(!vbMessage!^)
- echo objShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\FoddEx\Add to Self Radio\1Timenotif", "1", "REG_SZ"
- echo If x = vbYes Then
- echo objShell.Run^(""^)
- echo Else
- echo Wscript.Quit
- echo End If
- )>"%temp%\a2sr_1timemsg.vbs"
- start "" "%temp%\a2sr_1timemsg.vbs"
- )
- )
- goto :eof
- :colortext
- set "param=^%~2" !
- set "param=!param:"=\"!"
- findstr /p /A:%1 "." "!param!\..\X" nul
- <nul set /p ".=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
- if /i "%~3"=="n" echo.
- goto :eof
- :strlen
- setlocal
- set input=%1
- set input=%input:"=%
- set "myString=%input%
- call :_strlen result myString
- set strlen_length=!result!
- goto :eof
- :_strlen
- (
- setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- set "s=!%~2!#"
- set "len=0"
- for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
- if "!s:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" (
- set /a "len+=%%P"
- set "s=!s:~%%P!"
- )
- )
- )
- (
- endlocal
- set "%~1=%len%"
- exit /b
- )
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