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- #include <iostream>
- #include "BigInt.hpp" // download from:
- #include <chrono>
- using namespace std;
- typedef BigInt bint;
- class timer{
- std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> a,b;
- public:
- void start(){a = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();}
- void stop() {b = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();}
- double value()
- {
- std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = b-a;
- return elapsed_seconds.count();
- }
- };
- bint fib (uint64_t n){
- if (n==0) return 0;
- int shift =0;
- uint64_t nn=n;
- while (nn>1){
- shift++;
- nn/=2;
- }
- bint fk=1, fkp1=1; //F(k) and F(k+1) where k = n>>shift
- bint f2kp1, f2k;
- for (;shift>0; shift--){
- f2kp1 = fkp1*fkp1+fk*fk;
- f2k = 2*fkp1*fk-fk*fk;
- if ((n>>(shift-1))%2==0 ){
- fk = f2k;
- fkp1 = f2kp1;
- }else{
- fk = f2kp1;
- fkp1 = f2kp1+f2k;
- }
- }
- return fk;
- }
- void test (uint64_t j){
- timer t,t2;
- t.start();
- auto f = fib(j);
- t.stop();t2.start();
- string s = f.to_string();
- t2.stop();
- cout<<"fib("<< j<< ") " << s <<" number of digits: " <<s.length()<<endl;
- cout <<"calcualted in "<< t.value() <<" s + string created in "<<t2.value() << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test(10000);
- test(33300);
- return 0;
- }
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