
Forward Motion Changes

Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. (changes with a * mean it fixes a game-breaking bug or it is a change that allows the compiler to run)
  3. fm_map1
  5. - Fixed texture clipping error in one room
  6. * Fixed fence door not being able to swing open (changed into a func_door_rotating)
  7. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  8. - Locked one door that isn't supposed to be entered
  9. - Changed floor-collapse event to be unavoidable
  10. - Added stunstick to hallway before citizen murder scene
  11. - Fixed citizen being able to survive the murder scene
  12. - Fixed being able to see the zombies spawn in the murder hallway
  13. - Metropolice murderer now blocks the path until he is killed
  14. - Added an autosave
  15. - Added playerclip to some areas to prevent going out of bounds, skipping areas and/or getting permanently stuck
  16. - Fixed one explosive blowing up randomly before getting anywhere near it
  17. - Recompiled with HDR
  19. fm_map2
  21. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  22. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  23. * Slightly changed one turn in the pipes to be compiler-friendly
  24. - Fixed one fence being clipped away due to a skybox wall
  25. - Added playerclip to one area to prevent seeing nodraw faces
  26. - Fixed one metropolice being stuck in the ground
  27. - Added an autosave
  28. - Recompiled with HDR
  30. fm_map3
  32. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  33. - Added playerclip to one area to prevent going behind a trigger_changelevel
  34. - Replaced some nodraw textures with concrete textures
  35. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  36. * Changed some terrain to be compiler-friendly (this also prevents the map from crashing upon loading)
  37. - Added autosaves
  38. - Added an areaportal for optimization
  39. - Re-enabled switching between this level and fm_map2 (only if loading into this map from fm_map2)
  40. - If map is loaded via "map fm_map3", a playerclip & nodraw is enabled to prevent going backwards into fm_map2
  41. - Recompiled with HDR
  43. fm_map4
  45. * Fixed airboat (along w/ player if the airboat was being ridden) being deleted if it is carried over from fm_map3 if it was loaded via the command "map fm_map3"
  46. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  47. - Added autosaves
  48. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  49. - Added starting room from next level to end of this level (not accessible; only added so that if the player backtracks while leaving the door open, the doorway won't reveal a blank wall when loading into the previous level [this one])
  50. - Re-enabled switching between this level and fm_map3 (only if loading into this map from fm_map3)
  51. - If map is loaded via "map fm_map4", a playerclip & nodraw is enabled to prevent going backwards into fm_map3
  52. - Recompiled with HDR
  54. fm_map5
  56. - Added ladder room from last level to the beginning of this level (not accessible; only added so that if the ladder room's door is still open while transitioning to the next level, the doorway won't reveal a blank wall)
  57. - Added autosave to beginning
  58. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  59. - Music plays via a trigger_once now rather than immediately when the map loads
  60. - Music now replays if reloading the map in the gunship area
  61. - Fixed APC sometimes not moving out
  62. - All combine in the building right after defeating the gunship are now part of a single squad
  63. - Changed event that prevents you from running backwards away from the strider surprise to be more realistic (instead of a massive block falling down in front of the door, the ceiling caves in)
  64. - Strider surprise event is now caused by a logic_relay which itself is still triggered by a trigger_once, but now can also be triggered if the strider is attacked before touching the trigger_once
  65. * Fixed strider becoming frozen if the player runs to a certain trigger faster than the strider's surprise animation
  66. - Added playerclip to one area to prevent skipping the strider surprise
  67. * Added playerclip to one area to prevent getting permanently stuck in one part of the level
  68. - If map is loaded via "map fm_map5", a door has been locked and a trigger_changelevel has been disabled to prevent going backwards into fm_map4
  69. - Recompiled with HDR
  71. fm_map6
  73. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  74. - Added autosaves
  75. - Combine now relay information to each other
  76. - Fixed breach event in one hallway
  77. - Rooftop doors no longer automatically close
  78. - Tau Cannon added to one room, MMOD ONLY (via mapadd, so if you prefer this isn't added to the map, then delete the mapadd folder. The Tau Cannon will instead be an AR2)
  79. - Fixed being able to skip one trigger
  80. - APC on building now shoots ground-breaking missile upon driving into view
  81. - After all gunships and the strider are killed, the player will teleport to the roof no matter where they are
  82. - Fixed player sometimes getting stuck outside of the triggers necessary to progress to the next level when teleporting after the final battle
  83. - Moved one missile crate to be in a more practical/defendable position
  84. - Fixed one missile not hurting/barely hurting the combine it lands on
  85. - Attempted to make it so crash targets aren't used twice or more (I'm pretty sure the way I tried doing it won't work all the time and it doesn't work at all on Easy)
  86. - Changed gunship deaths so that they can play out before their count is added to the math_counter that triggers the level change
  87. - Fixed one skybox building model error
  88. - Once one gunship remains, the last gunship will destroy the ammo crate that sits where the changelevel occurs (only if the player is near it)
  89. - Recompiled with HDR
  91. fm_map7
  93. - Fixed being able to land on the rooftop of the intro building
  94. * Fixed the GDM's (ghost/demon/monster) physics (would fly all over the place and get stuck in walls in newer versions of HL2)
  95. - Door in steam room locks upon first entering it and unlocks after event is over
  96. - Added static to the TV when the GDM appears
  97. - Added gunfire light to the combine in the tunnel
  98. - Added more autosaves
  99. - Recompiled with HDR
  101. fm_map8
  103. - Removed a pistol floating in the void
  104. - Made all music louder
  105. - Added stunstick next to a combine dead body
  106. - Slightly readjusted one dead combine soldier to be less unnaturally bent around
  107. - Fixed some dead combine appearing in T-Poses
  108. - Slightly readjusted one areaportal
  109. - Added playerclip to two areas to prevent ignoring two GDM scenes
  110. - Fixed one scare's light staying on after it's over
  111. - Slightly extended physical length of one trigger in order to prevent accidentally passing it
  112. - Changed one combine death to utilize npc_combine_s rather than a prop_ragdoll
  113. - Fixed one dead combine soldier not sitting in the bench they spawn on
  114. - Fixed a fire particle clipping through a wall
  115. * Fixed a fatal crash in the APC/GDM fight (an unavoidable crash if playing on newer versions of HL2)
  116. - Antlion Guard must be confronted now
  117. - Added a nodraw brush to prevent zombies from crowding in front of a window you are supposed to be thrown out through (the brush is killed after the window breaks)
  118. - Fixed a fence having a delayed break when getting hit by a missile
  119. - Fixed flashback cop being killable by the player
  120. * Fixed the GDM's physics in flashback scene
  121. - Fixed flashback cop leaving a shadow after dying
  122. - Recompiled with HDR
  124. fm_map9
  126. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  127. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  128. - Added more autosaves
  129. - Converted crystals in other world into func_details
  130. - Fixed some fence props blocking light
  131. - Added areaportals to the elevator
  132. - Fixed elevator lighting & shadows
  133. - Added lights outside the elevator exit
  134. - Added hints in the sky and some corners
  135. - Removed three broken overlays
  136. - Converted some architecture into func_details
  137. - Fixed the combine knocking over their turrets
  138. - Fixed some areaportal errors
  139. - Fixed some doors clipping through props
  140. - Added slight buildup to the final GDM event
  141. - Fixed some fences blocking bullets
  142. - Reduced amount of combine soldiers near the bridge
  143. - Fixed being able to skip the GDM trigger
  144. - Made the GDM more noticeable
  145. * Fixed the GDM sometimes getting stuck on props
  146. - Made the GDM's music louder
  147. - Combine now ignore the player and focus on the GDM when it appears
  148. - Added a locked door to the balcony of a house
  149. - Added playerclip in the river
  150. - Recompiled with HDR
  152. fm_map10
  154. * Split map into two levels (fm_map10a & fm_map10b) to avoid the "ED_Alloc: no free edicts" crash
  155. - Removed tie between the props floating in the water and point_template entity & deleted point_template
  156. - Grouped sections of the map closer together in the void
  157. - Fixed water errors in spawn room
  158. - Added nodraw to unseen areas
  159. - Added stunstick to startup loadout
  160. - Fixed startup loadout's crowbar appearing in mid-air if transitioning into the level
  161. - Added more autosaves
  162. - Fixed combine being able to walk on water
  163. - Added playerclip on some hills in the other world
  164. - After the other world monsters appear, fighting can be heard throughout the area (ambience)
  165. * Fixed stone steps getting stuck on props when lowering into the ground
  166. - Added some areaportals in the corridors
  167. - Combine in the corriders are no longer immediately active upon loading the map
  168. - Changed a nodraw solid into a playerclip solid
  169. - Changed some architecture into func_details
  170. - Added playerclip to the elevator shaft
  171. - Added an occluder behind one portal
  172. - Made the GDM's music louder
  173. - The GDM's music loops until it is defeated
  174. - Fixed the GDM's body sometimes dissolving without it actually dying (both in the corridors and in the boss room)
  175. - Combine now recognize the GDM as a threat (will still prioritize you if you are closer)
  176. - You now spawn with some health and armor when teleporting into the boss room (if you aren't full on both)
  177. - Added a logic_auto which plays the GDM music if loading into the fight via a save
  178. - Fixed the GDM's boss fight difficulty
  179. - Added some extra noises to the GDM fight
  180. - Added AR2 alt-fire ammo crates to the GDM boss room
  181. - Added a "stinger-like/hit" song that plays once the GDM is defeated
  182. - Added some destruction and dead bodies scattered around the teleporter hub after defeating the GDM
  183. - Fixed cube being off to the side when placing it into it's holder
  184. - Changed credits to appear sooner after teleporting
  185. - Added me in credit text
  186. - After credits are done, map transitions to a special background map
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