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a guest
Dec 2nd, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # Main configuration file
  3. #
  4. # You can find a list of available tags here:
  5. #
  7. # / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \
  9. # \ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /
  10. parties:
  11. updates:
  12. # Check for updates, recommended. Parties will check for updates when the server finish to load
  13. check: true
  14. # Send a message to admins if an update is available
  15. warn: true
  16. # Message upon login and logout of partymates
  17. join-leave-messages: false
  20. # / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \
  22. # \ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /
  23. storage:
  24. # What type of storage Parties should use?
  25. # Available types:
  26. # none = Parties data is saved into memory (A reload reset everything, disable log if used on it)
  27. # File based:
  28. # * txt = Output to file (ONLY LOG)
  29. # * yaml = Save all data into a YAML file (ONLY DATABASE)
  30. # SQL based:
  31. # * mysql = Save all data into a MySQL database
  32. # * sqlite = Save all data into a SQLite database
  33. log-storage-type: none
  34. database-storage-type: yaml
  35. log-settings:
  36. # Log format
  37. # %date% = Date as yyyy-MM-dd
  38. # %time% = Time as HH:mm:ss
  39. # %position% = Debug purpose, show caller class (USE IT TO REPORT BUGS)
  40. # %level% = Mode of the message
  41. # %message% = Message
  42. format: "%date% [%time%] (%level%) {%position%} %message%\n"
  43. # Log chat of parties
  44. chat: true
  45. # Print messages on the console
  46. print-console: true
  47. # Levels:
  48. # 1: Basic log level
  49. # 2: Log all events that interacts with the database
  50. # 3: Debug level (Log a lot of events)
  51. log-level: 1
  53. migrate-settings:
  54. # Used to initialize an unused database to make it migratable
  55. initialize-storage:
  56. yaml: false
  57. mysql: false
  58. sqlite: false
  59. # Command migrate can be used only via console
  60. migrate-only-console: true
  61. # Rename old data.yml (Empty to overwrite)
  62. migration-suffix: "_backup"
  64. storage-settings:
  65. file-based:
  66. # File based DBs: YAML
  67. txt:
  68. log-name: "log.txt"
  69. yaml:
  70. database-name: "data.yml"
  72. sql-based:
  73. # SQL based DBs: MySQL, SQLite
  74. general-settings:
  75. varchar-size: 255
  76. upgrade:
  77. save-old-table: true
  78. old-table-suffix: "_backup"
  79. tables:
  80. parties: "parties_parties"
  81. players: "parties_players"
  82. log: "parties_log"
  83. versions: "parties_versions"
  84. mysql:
  85. address: "localhost"
  86. port: "3306"
  87. database: "database"
  88. username: "username"
  89. password: "password"
  90. # Size of the connection pool
  91. pool-size: 10
  92. # Lifetime of each connection, in milliseconds (Default: 30 minutes = 1800000ms)
  93. connection-lifetime: 1800000
  94. # Property used to alert when the connection is not using a valid SSL certificate
  95. use-ssl: false
  96. # Charset used by tables
  97. charset: "utf8"
  98. sqlite:
  99. # SQLite is a SQL database that store data into a file
  100. database-name: "database.db"
  102. none:
  103. disband-on-leader-left: true
  104. # Delete empty parties after tot seconds
  105. delay-delete-party: 600
  108. # / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \
  110. # \ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /
  111. additional:
  112. auto-command:
  113. # All partymates will use the same command that the leader uses (Rank permission: party.autocommand)
  114. # You can configure the leader with rank permissions
  115. enable: false
  116. # Important: Blacklist/whitelist your commands to prevent exploits (Pay for example)
  117. # Blacklist/whitelist your commands with a "start-with" check (Block /pay to prevent commands like "/pay bla bla", "/paymember bla", "/payment")
  118. # If you whitelist a command, you will bypass it (if it is blacklisted)
  119. # You can insert '*' for all commands
  120. blacklist:
  121. - "/pay"
  122. - "/money"
  123. whitelist: []
  125. censor-system:
  126. # This censor system is used when a player create a party or set description/motd/etc..
  127. enable: false
  128. case-sensitive: false
  129. contains: []
  130. starts-with: []
  131. ends-with: []
  132. regexes: []
  134. follow-party:
  135. # When a player join a server, the entire party will follow him
  136. enable: true
  137. perform-commands:
  138. enable: true
  139. delay: 2000
  140. commands: []
  141. # List of servers allowed to join into (Regexes allowed)
  142. blocked-servers:
  144. mute:
  145. # Enable mute command
  146. # If an user use mute command, it will stop to receive every notification
  147. enable: false
  148. block:
  149. invite: true
  151. placeholders:
  152. # This options are used to customize Parties placeholders
  153. # You can customize every external placeholder
  154. # Use classic placeholders inside the option!
  155. color-name: "%color_name%"
  156. color-code: "%color_code%"
  157. color-command: "%color_command%"
  158. desc: "%desc%"
  159. kills: "%kills%"
  160. motd: "%motd%"
  161. party: "%party%"
  162. rank-name: "%rank_name%"
  163. rank-chat: "%rank_chat%"
  164. customs:
  165. example1: "[%color_code%%party%] "
  166. example2: "[%rank_chat% %party%] "
  169. # / = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \
  171. # \ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /
  172. commands:
  173. help-pages:
  174. commands-per-page: 9
  175. main-commands:
  176. help: "help"
  177. party: "party"
  178. p: "p"
  179. accept: "accept"
  180. chat: "chat"
  181. color: "color"
  182. create: "create"
  183. delete: "delete"
  184. deny: "deny"
  185. desc: "desc"
  186. ignore: "ignore"
  187. info: "info"
  188. invite: "invite"
  189. join: "join"
  190. kick: "kick"
  191. leave: "leave"
  192. list: "list"
  193. migrate: "migrate"
  194. motd: "motd"
  195. mute: "mute"
  196. password: "password"
  197. rank: "rank"
  198. reload: "reload"
  199. rename: "rename"
  200. spy: "spy"
  201. teleport: "teleport"
  202. sub-commands:
  203. on: "on"
  204. off: "off"
  205. silent: "silent"
  206. # Sub-command of "/party create <partyname> fixed" (if enabled)
  207. fixed: "fixed"
  208. # Sub-command used to remove something (desc, motd, etc..)
  209. remove: "remove"
  210. order:
  211. - help
  212. - create
  213. - accept
  214. - deny
  215. - join
  216. - ignore
  217. - mute
  218. - p
  219. - leave
  220. - invite
  221. - info
  222. - list
  223. - chat
  224. - desc
  225. - motd
  226. - color
  227. - teleport
  228. - password
  229. - rank
  230. - rename
  231. - kick
  232. - spy
  233. - delete
  234. - reload
  235. - migrate
  237. # End of configuration file
  238. dont-edit-this:
  239. version: 3
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