

Jun 24th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. command /perks [<text>]:
  2. permission: Staff
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 1 isn't set:
  5. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lPERKS" to player
  6. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/3)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "&6• &d&lPR&f: &e%{puntosr::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Rasgo)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Rasgos «"
  7. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  8. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  10. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7Perk - &8(Vacio)" with lore "" and "&aDisponible"
  11. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7Perk - &8(Vacio)" with lore "" and "&cBloqueado"
  12. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7Perk - &8(Vacio)" with lore "" and "&cBloqueado"
  13. if arg 1 is "Pasiva":
  14. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lPERKS PASIVAS &7(1/3)" to player
  15. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to skull of {_p} named "&d» &f%{_nombre}% &d« &8(2/3)" with lore "" and "&6• &9Nivel: &a%{nivel::%player%}%&7 / &c100" and "&6• &5XP: &a%{xp::%player%}% &7/&c %{xpnext::%player%}%" and "&6• &2Multiplicador: %{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" and "" and "&6• &6Ataque: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.atkpor::%player%}%%% &6餝" and "&6• &cConcentracion: &f- %{con::%player%}%s &b餭" and "&6• &9Ninjutsu: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.ninpor::%player%}%%% &c餞" and "&6• &eProb Crit: &f+ %{ProbCrit::%player%}%%% &6館" and "&6• &eProb Esquivar: &f+ %{Dex::%player%}%%% &d🏹" and "&6• &4Daño Crit: &f+ %{dañocrit::%player%}%%% &4館" and "&6• &3Defensa: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.defpor::%player%}%%% &a餟" and "&6• &dVelocidad: &f+ %{ESTADISTICAS.velpor::%player%}%%% &f餪" and "&6• &aVida: &f%{vidabase::%player%}% &c❤" and "&6• &9Chakra: &f%{_x2}% &b⭐" and "" and "&6• &bElemento: &r%{_j}%" and "&6• &3Afinidad: &r%{_e}%" and "" and "&6• &5&lPM&f: &e%{puntosm::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Mejora)" and "&6• &lPA&f: &f%{puntosa::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Ascenso)" and "&6• &9&lPH&f: &e%{puntosh::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Habilidad)" and "&6• &d&lPR&f: &e%{puntosr::%player%}% &d⏏ &8&o(Puntos de Rasgo)" and "" and "&2» Click para ver tus Rasgos «"
  16. set slot 1,10,19,28 of player's current inventory to gray stained glass pane named "&6"
  17. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&c« Regresar" with lore "" and "&6• &fRegresa al Menu Anterior!"
  19. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&dJugador Compulsivo" #Cada 1 hora da 20xp de nivel y 10xp de forja
  20. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&2Caida con Estilo" #Dañó por caida reducido
  21. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&bGloton" #Cuando comes obtienes un par de corazones amarillos
  22. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&7Sigiloso" #Caminas mas rapido cuando shifteas
  23. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&9Reservas Plus" #Consumir chakra
  24. if arg 1 is "Activa":
  25. open chest with 4 rows named "&6&lPERKS ACTIVAS &7(1/3)" to player
  26. on store:
  27. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lPERKS" or "&6&lPERKS PASIVAS &7(1/3)" or "&2&lTIPO DE PERK":
  28. cancel event
  29. on inventory click:
  30. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lPERKS":
  31. cancel event
  32. if event-slot is 27:
  33. make player execute command "/pj"
  34. if event-slot is 12:
  35. perksel(player, 1)
  36. if name of event-inventory is "&6&lPERKS PASIVAS &7(1/3)":
  37. cancel event
  38. if event-slot is 27:
  39. make player execute command "/pj perks"
  40. if event-slot is 12:
  41. set {Perk%{P_State::%player%}%::%player%} to "Compulsivo"
  42. send "&6[*]&f Tu Perk &a%{P_State::%player%}%&f ahora es &dJugador Compulsivo"
  43. if event-slot is 13:
  44. set {Perk%{P_State::%player%}%::%player%} to "Caida"
  45. send "&6[*]&f Tu Perk &a%{P_State::%player%}%&f ahora es &dCaida con Estilo"
  46. if event-slot is 14:
  47. set {Perk%{P_State::%player%}%::%player%} to "Gloton"
  48. send "&6[*]&f Tu Perk &a%{P_State::%player%}%&f ahora es &dGloton"
  49. if event-slot is 15:
  50. set {Perk%{P_State::%player%}%::%player%} to "Sigiloso"
  51. send "&6[*]&f Tu Perk &a%{P_State::%player%}%&f ahora es &dSigiloso"
  52. if event-slot is 16:
  53. set {Perk%{P_State::%player%}%::%player%} to "ChakraPlus"
  54. send "&6[*]&f Tu Perk &a%{P_State::%player%}%&f ahora es &dReservas Plus"
  56. on join:
  57. if {timerhacha.%player%} is set:
  58. if {timerhacha.%player%} is greater than 0:
  59. delete {timerhacha.%player%}
  60. on right click:
  61. if name of player's tool is "&b&lHACHA DE THOR":
  62. if {nivel::%player%} is greater than 59:
  63. if {timerhacha.%player%} is greater than 1:
  64. send "&c¡En enfriamiento! &7&o(%{timerhacha.%player%}%)"
  65. else:
  66. set {timerhacha.%player%} to 70
  67. make player run command "/smite" as op
  68. wait 5 ticks
  69. make player run command "/smite" as op
  70. wait 5 ticks
  71. make player run command "/smite" as op
  72. wait 5 ticks
  73. make player run command "/smite" as op
  74. wait 5 ticks
  75. make player run command "/smite" as op
  76. wait 5 ticks
  77. make player run command "/smite" as op
  78. wait 5 ticks
  79. make player run command "/smite" as op
  80. wait 5 ticks
  81. make player run command "/smite" as op
  82. while {timerhacha.%player%} is greater than 1:
  83. wait 1 second
  84. subtract 1 from {timerhacha.%player%}
  85. else:
  86. send "&c¡Necesitas nivel 60 para usar esto!"
  88. on Citizen right click:
  89. if Citizen is named is "&5Anomalia": #Entrar en el chat
  90. make console execute command "/warp Mhistoria %player%"
  91. send "&6[*] &fEntrando en la &5Anomalia"
  92. if Citizen is named is "&6Anomalia": #Entrar en el chat
  93. make console execute command "/Spawn %player%"
  94. send "&6[*] &fSaliendo de la &5Anomalia"
  95. if Citizen is named is "&6Ed":
  96. send "&6Ed&f: Bienvenido al Casino"
  97. on join:
  98. delete {B1.%player%} and {B2.%player%} and {B3.%player%}
  99. command /lista Combos:
  100. trigger:
  101. send "&6&lLISTA DE COMBOS"
  102. send ""
  103. send "&b&lPATADA"
  104. send ""
  105. send "&6• &aActivacion&f: Click Derecho | &aClick Derecho | Click Izquierdo%nl%&6• &cDaño&f: 5 &4❤%nl%&6• &bEnfriamiento&f: 6s"
  106. send ""
  107. send "&b&lMULTIPLES GOLPES"
  108. send ""
  109. send "&6• &aActivacion&f: &aClick Izquierdo | Click Izquierdo | Click Izquierdo%nl%&6• &cDaño&f: 6 &4❤%nl%&6• &bEnfriamiento&f: 5s"
  110. send ""
  111. send "&b&lGUARDIA"
  112. send ""
  113. send "&6• &aActivacion&f:&a Click Izquierdo | Click Derecho | Click Derecho%nl%&6• &eDuración&f: 4s%nl%&6• &2Resistencia&f: 32%%%nl%&6• &bEnfriamiento&f: 10s"
  114. send ""
  115. send "&b&lCONTRA ATAQUE"
  116. send ""
  117. send "&6• &aActivacion&f: &aClick Derecho | Click Izquierdo | Click Derecho%nl%&6• &eDuración&f: 2.5s%nl%&6• &2Resistencia&f: 22%%%nl%&6• &cDaño&f: 5 &4❤%nl%&6• &bEnfriamiento&f: 14s%nl%&6• &dRango&f: 5 Bloques"
  118. on damage:
  119. if distance between attacker and victim is smaller than 4:
  120. if attacker's tool is air:
  121. if {B1.%attacker%} isn't set:
  122. set {B1.%attacker%} to "I"
  123. wait 1.7 seconds
  124. delete {B1.%attacker%}
  125. else:
  126. if {B2.%attacker%} isn't set:
  127. set {B2.%attacker%} to "I"
  128. send action bar "&5&l• &a%{B1.%attacker%}% &5&l• &a%{B2.%attacker%}% &5&l• &c??? &5&l•" to attacker
  129. wait 1.7 seconds
  130. delete {B2.%attacker%}
  131. else:
  132. if {B3.%attacker%} isn't set:
  133. set {B3.%attacker%} to "I"
  134. send action bar "&5&l• &a%{B2.%attacker%}% &5&l• &a%{B2.%attacker%}% &5&l• &a%{B3.%attacker%}% &5&l•" to attacker
  135. comboF(attacker, "I", "I", "I", "MultiplesGolpes", "Multiples Golpes") #Combo Final IZQ 1
  136. comboF(attacker, "D", "D", "I", "Patada", "Patada") #Combo Final IZQ 2
  137. wait 0.5 seconds
  138. delete {B3.%attacker%}
  139. function comboF(p: player, C1: text, C2: text, C3: text, Cast: text, H: text):
  140. if {B1.%{_p}%} is equal to {_C1}:
  141. if {B2.%{_p}%} is equal to {_C2}:
  142. {B3.%{_p}%} is equal to {_C3}:
  143. make {_p} run command "/%{_cast}%" as op
  144. delete {B1.%{_p}%}
  145. delete {B2.%{_p}%}
  146. delete {B3.%{_p}%}
  147. command /MultiplesGolpes:
  148. permission: Golpes
  149. cooldown: 5 seconds
  150. cooldown message: &fEstas un poco cansado para hacer esto!
  151. trigger:
  152. make player run command "/particle sweepAttack ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 0 0 0.15 15 normal" as op
  153. send action bar "&b&l» &fMultiple Golpes! &b&l«" to player
  154. send "%colored player's prefix% &6%{NombreRol::%player%}%&f: &dMultiple Golpes!" to all players in radius 30 of player
  155. make player damage target by 6
  156. push player upwards at speed 0.2
  157. push player (direction from player to target) at speed 0.7
  158. command /Patada:
  159. permission: Patada
  160. cooldown: 6 seconds
  161. cooldown message: &fEstas un poco cansado para hacer esto!
  162. trigger:
  163. send action bar "&b&l» &fPatada! &b&l«" to player
  164. send "%colored player's prefix% &6%{NombreRol::%player%}%&f: Patada!" to all players in radius 30 of player
  165. make player run command "/particle damageIndicator ~ ~1 ~ 1 0 1 0.1 15 normal" as op
  166. make player damage target by 5
  167. push target upwards at speed 0.3
  168. push target (direction from target to player) at speed -1.2
  169. command /Guardia:
  170. permission: Guardia
  171. cooldown: 10 seconds
  172. cooldown message: &fEstas un poco cansado para hacer esto!
  173. trigger:
  174. set {Enguardia.%player%} to true
  175. send "&6*%{NombreRol::%player%}%&f Levanto su Guardia" to all players in radius 30 of player
  176. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  177. wait 0.5 seconds
  178. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  179. wait 0.5 seconds
  180. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  181. wait 0.5 seconds
  182. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  183. wait 0.5 seconds
  184. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  185. wait 0.5 seconds
  186. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  187. wait 0.5 seconds
  188. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  189. wait 0.5 seconds
  190. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  191. wait 0.5 seconds
  192. make player run command "/particle magicCrit ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  193. if {NombreRol::%player%} is set:
  194. send "&6*%{NombreRol::%player%}%&f Bajo su Guardia" to all players in radius 30 of player
  195. else:
  196. send "&6*%player%&f Bajo su Guardia" to all players in radius 30 of player
  197. delete {Enguardia.%player%}
  199. command /ContraAtaque:
  200. permission: ContraAtaque
  201. cooldown: 14 seconds
  202. cooldown message: &fEstas un poco cansado para hacer esto!
  203. trigger:
  204. set {EnguardiB2.%player%} to true
  205. make player run command "/particle fireworksSpark ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  206. wait 0.5 seconds
  207. make player run command "/particle fireworksSpark ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  208. wait 0.5 seconds
  209. make player run command "/particle fireworksSpark ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  210. wait 0.5 seconds
  211. make player run command "/particle fireworksSpark ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  212. wait 0.5 seconds
  213. make player run command "/particle fireworksSpark ~ ~1.5 ~ 1 1 1 0.00001 30 normal" as op
  214. wait 0.5 seconds
  215. delete {EnguardiB2.%player%}
  216. on damage:
  217. if {Enguardia.%victim%} is true:
  218. set {_c} to damage * 0.32
  219. set damage to damage - {_c}
  220. if {EnguardiB2.%victim%} is true:
  221. if {EnguardiB2.%attacker%} is true:
  222. delete {EnguardiB2.%victim%} and {EnguardiB2.%attacker%}
  223. send "&cSe cancelo el contra ataque!" to attacker and victim
  224. stop
  225. if distance between attacker and victim is smaller than 6:
  226. delete {EnguardiB2.%victim%}
  227. make victim damage attacker by 5
  228. set {_c} to damage * 0.22
  229. set damage to damage - {_c}
  230. push attacker upwards at speed 0.4
  231. push attacker (direction from attacker to victim) at speed -1.5
  232. send "&6*%{NombreRol::%victim%}%&f Realizo un Contra Ataque" to all players in radius 30 of victim
  233. stop
  234. on right click on entity:
  235. if player's tool is air:
  236. if {B1.%player%} isn't set:
  237. set {B1.%player%} to "D"
  238. send action bar "&5&l• &a%{B1.%player%}% &5&l• &c??? &5&l• &c??? &5&l•" to player
  239. wait 1.7 seconds
  240. delete {B1.%player%}
  241. else:
  242. if {B2.%player%} isn't set:
  243. set {B2.%player%} to "D"
  244. send action bar "&5&l• &a%{B1.%player%}% &5&l• &a%{B2.%player%}% &5&l• &c??? &5&l•" to player
  245. wait 1.7 seconds
  246. delete {B2.%player%}
  247. else:
  248. if {B3.%player%} isn't set:
  249. set {B3.%player%} to "D"
  250. send action bar "&5&l• &a%{B1.%player%}% &5&l• &a%{B2.%player%}% &5&l• &a%{B3.%player%}% &5&l•" to player
  251. comboF(player, "I", "D", "D", "Guardia", "Guardia") #Combo Final IZQ 1
  252. comboF(player, "D", "I", "D", "ContraAtaque", "Contra Ataque") #Combo Final IZQ 1
  253. wait 0.5 seconds
  254. delete {B3.%player%}
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