
Guy Shonin Quest Part 1

Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. The mission you had just come back from was enough to make you gag. So many ghouls, a fleshly hallway, and a giant brain. It reminded you of some B-rated horror film. It doesn’t also help that every eyeball meant you felt phantom pain from underneath your eyepatch.
  3. Luckily, you had managed to snag something from the Dark world. A metallic skull backpack with some sort of claws attached. It was piece of technology you have never seen before. You had pulled it off one of the walls and managed to sneak it back into your own world.
  5. Your name is Guy Shonin, and you are a goddamn mad scientist.
  7. After sneaking out of your classroom, you had slipped into one of the unused sheds that you had turned into your laboratory. A 6+ foot tall black man managed to sneak out SoMeHoW, but you weren’t complaining.
  9. You popped open the front plate with a flat head screwdriver and what you saw was made you draw back. A lump of flesh, parts blackened with wires plugged all into it. Not only that, there was all sorts of mechanical bits and bots that you weren’t sure would be able to figure out. But you sure as hell were going to try.
  11. Pulling out your arm terminal or, COMP, as you like to call it since you made the thing, you pulled up the scanning feature and found that some it’s features were actually similar to a phone or computer. There was a CPU, a power source, hell, you think you could even add a usb port in there and run Doom of it. The difference is, the power source seems to run off magic. Not only that, there’s some sort of cable that connects to the flesh lump and exits out the back. Seems like it might connect to the user.
  12. Regardless, grabbing your tools and prepping some magic, it’s time to do some magitech fixing.
  14. >ROLL Bo3
  16. >93
  18. Using a screwdriver, you pulled off some old pieces, with some pliers, some of the frayed wires. You had set the parts aside and started to work on the flesh bit.
  20. Using healing magic, you tried to heal off the most of the damages, but some parts were just not salvageable. It was easy to cut those off with a thousand degree knife. As you did, black blood oozed out of the wounds. You cauterized them and started to hook up the new parts.
  22. It took a few hours, but you were able to repair and heal it. The only thing left was to give it some juice. Making a gesture, you summoned forth a bolt of lightning from your fingertip and into the magical battery. Filling it up to the top, you then decided to add wireless connection from this thing into your COMP. That way it would be easy to pull up the battery on the fly. Totally not so you could run Doom off of it. NOPE.
  24. After some more time, you finally got it all completed. It was primed and ready to be used. Pulling open the code, you had found out that it was able to summon swords out of magic that explode when thrown or could be wielded. Including that, you found there was some extra space. Looks like you could be able add a new weapon type with similar properties. Not only that, there was also a space that says, “MOVEMENT: OFFLINE”. Seems like it also had some movement options. Looking at the clock, you notice you only have enough time to do one before curfew.
  26. Choose from either list
  27. >>Weapon types
  28. >Axe (Slashing)
  29. >Hammer (Blunt)
  30. >Chain (Binding)
  31. >Shield (Defense)
  32. >Other
  34. >>Movement Options
  35. >Short Teleport
  36. >Limited Boosters
  39. >Chains
  41. Pulling up the code, you start to type it out, making measurements and figuring out how to add to the system. It takes a while, but you managed to put it in, granted, with some pain staking error messages. Seriously, who the fuck designed this shit, its complete ass.
  43. >Your Weapon now has a new weapon type!
  44. >Chains can be used to bind enemies up and secure them to the ground or to each other.
  45. >In addition, you can use them to move around the field faster by shooting out and reeling towards them.
  46. >And yes, they do explode.
  48. Tired from your work, you close up your shed, locking it up. Cracking your neck, you look up at the night sky, observing the stars. You start to walk towards the dorms before you hear someone else’s footsteps.
  50. Looking around, you see that it’s Chihiro, walking around with Sayeka. It seems they haven’t seen you yet. It seems they are talking about something. What will you do?
  52. >Walk away
  53. >Eavesdrop
  54. >Talk
  55. >Seduce
  57. >Eavesdrop: 97
  59. You’re a bit curious tonight after your rebuilding, so you decide to listen in. It’s not creepy, you swear.
  61. Sneaking forward, you hide behind a bench, peaking over, before moving to a nearby trashcan. Finally, you make it to a pillar that’s some ways from them. Straining your ears you listen into their conversation.
  63. “Sayeka, I say you need to get a date. You can’t just hole yourself up like this,” Chihiro says.
  65. “Yes, but with who? It seems that all the boys in our class are with someone.”
  67. “Well, you could try with another class. How about that Taiyo boy? He seems nice. Not to mention very handsome.”
  69. “I’m not sure, Chihiro. I don’t think I’m ready-“
  71. “Or how about that dark-skinned boy, Guy Shonin was it? He seems like he could use someone to break open his shell, the tsundere.”
  72. Your remaining eye twitched. You’re not a damn tsundere! It took every fiber of your being to not scream that out.
  74. “…They both seem nice boys, but I’m worried about their futures. You know the visions I see, Chihiro.”
  76. “Yes, yes, dear. But you need to go out and not spend time in that room all day. How about this, I’ll go and ask them in your place if they would like to.”
  78. It seems the talk is starting to fade out, and the night is getting darker.
  80. >Head to your dorm
  81. >Get a late night snack
  82. >See how PJ is doing in jail
  85. >Visit PJ in Jail
  87. You decide to go visit your tiny friend, PJ. Midget was caught masturbating in the hall and gave Yamano a facial, the crazy Scot. Doesn’t help you can barely understand him as well. You’d think he’s speaking in another language. Your COMP thankfully translates it for you, so you’re able to converse with him like an actual human being.
  89. Walking your way towards the jail, you come across Agent Blue on guard duty. “Here to see our trouble maker, Shonin? Isn’t it nearing curfew?”
  91. Shrugging, you give him a smirk. “Gotta see how my roommate is doing. Hopefully he’s not jacking it in there like usual.”
  92. Nodding, he lets you in. You walk into the room, gazing on the concrete walls and the metal bars before looking at the inside of the cell. Thankfully, he’s not jacking it, seems like you came right after a good ol’ tug session and managed to at least have his underwear on.
  94. “Oi, Shonin, what are you doing here, you daft cunt?” Looking at your COMP, you managed to get the gist of his words.
  96. “Just came to see you didn’t shit yourself, midget or jack yourself into a coma.”
  98. “Aww, mate, you really do care. Come here so I can smack you one on the face.”
  100. “No thanks, I’d rather not. How’s life in the slammer?”
  102. “It’s horrible. Not enough Ket nor enough time for Sesh. Dazzhite came by though.”
  104. “Did he say your dad sells Avon?”
  108. Foaming at the mouth, Peter grabs the bars, trying to grasp at you. Leaning back, you decide now is a time to leave.
  110. “I’ll make sure your jizz covered sheets are left alone. Also, how does Dazzhite put it, ‘Your mom punts council’?”
  111. A bellow of rage comes from PJ as you make your exit. Now what?
  113. >Dorm
  114. >Late night snack
  115. >???
  118. >???
  120. As you make your way out of the school, you feel something looking at you from behind. Turning around, you don’t see anything. Shaking your head, you continue to walk. Then again, you get that feeling. Looking again, and you don’t see anything. You turn a full 360 as you lack binocular vision to see in front of you, but you still can’t tell what’s looking at you.
  122. Taking a few more steps, you hear footsteps. Angry, you turn around, just in time for tit flesh to fly right into your face.
  124. “Mppphhh!” is all you can say as the orbs smash right into your mouth, covering it.
  126. “Hey Cuz, I saw you got something, what is it, what is it, what is it?!” the bubbly girl says.
  128. “G-get off of me, Gal!” You try to push her off, but her grip with her hands and legs is enough to crush steel. You know this as you’ve seen her make a dent in Saki’s shield in a test match.
  130. “Not until you tell me what you got!”
  132. “Fuck off!” Is what you say before you jab her right in the ribs, causing her jump off you in pain.
  134. “Owwww, how could you hurt your big sister like that?” She says as she pouts, rubbing her side.
  136. “First off, you’re barely a week older than me. Second, you’re my cousin, never have I called you big sis, and third, STOP TRYING TO JUMP MY BONES.”
  138. “Aww, but where’s the fun in that?” Sticking her tongue out. Shaking your head, you walk to your dorm, screaming with your cousin until you get there, shutting the door.
  140. “GET OUTTA MY ROOM!” You scream, throwing her out.
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