

May 8th, 2016
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  1. I'm Nabalazs. Feel free to call me Nab or Naba. I am a feral western dragon. I hatched in Hungary, Europe. Having hatched as a wild animal, I was a dragon like any other. Terrorising small villages, kidnapping pretty girls, and hoarding gold. But that was so long ago. Since then, I started to apprechiate some homan, and most furry creatures. In the past hundread years, I started maturing. I became interested in forming piece with anyone kind. And so, here I am today. An overgrown lethal reptile, who actually just seeks to be loved and have friends. I'm quite childish, curious, and silly, due to the lack of interactions in my life. You will notice it inmedieatly when you talk to me. Please dont be weirded out if I put my snoot awkwardly close to you, or stare at you extensively. I'm not -necesseraly- affected to you, or wanna eat you. I'm just examining shamelessly.
  3. My likes: I'm very affectionate. In or outside of roleplay, I love snuggling up to people. And hugging! And licking... I dont have lips, so I cant kiss, bu the closest I can do is licking you. I love seeing people being weirded out by the sudden lick. And if you deserve it, it may be extra drenchy >:3
  4. As of everyday activities: I'm extremely lazy. I could spend weeks just sleeping in the sun, basking. If it wasnt for hunger. Because oh boy, do I like eating. A hyper body needs a lot of fuel. So when I'm not sleeping, I'm busy destroying an other lake's natural habitat. Because I love fish. Give me one and I'll like you instantly. I may turn animalistic if you refuse to give it to me. So watch out! Furthermore, in recent times I started liking coffee. More specifically, eating coffee machines. Why? Because a good teeth exercise with metal never hurts, and coffee makes me energysed, able to be awake for over a week.
  6. On the topic of eating, I eat anything. My stomach will make use of every avalible energy source. So if no proper food is nearby, you could see me eating concrete or threes. I have very sharp, white teeth, along with an extremely strong jaw. My teeth are surprisingly small, compared to most other dragons. But they are dense and sharp, made for biting and ripping, rather than munching. My tongue is like any other dragon's. Long, thick, and very flexible. But for some reason, most likely a birth defect, the tip of it splits in two. It is quite useful actually in certain situations. An other thing I use for hunting is my claws. They as sharp as any dragon's, and stronger than diamond.
  10. The most appearant sing of my hyper body, is my saliva. It's somewhat thicker than a regular dragon's, and it is being produced at a much faster rate. This, paired with those razor teeth, my smile is rather unpleasant, if you value your life.
  12. My next hyper feature is my fire. The gases that make it up are also produced in high quantaties. When I'm idling, it is unnoticable, because I can supress it. But my mouth will constantly smell like the combination of fish and sulfur.
  13. But when I'm not idling, I must be very careful. Shouting, roaring, or just sneezing make me breathe fire, regardless if I intended to or not. And when I experience happiness, my nostrils start smoking. So its a very good sigh of my liking towards you. On the upside though, I can breathe out multiple thousand degrees fire almost infinetaly. I dont have much use of this, other than show off, and making a meal to my mammal friends quickly, but if you upset me, you better get a fireproof spot.
  15. And my third hyper attribute, is my sexual equipment. More specifically my balls. They are contained within me, just behind my slit. When I'm pent up even just a little, they start growing, and show as two lumps on my underside. If I dont empty them for a long time, they could possibly grow so big, they hang and swing. When aroused, my dick wont harden by itself. Its my specie's special trait. My slit needs to be rubbed and stimulaten, in order to get me hardening. As this happens, along with my penis my balls will start swelling too. They become a little more sensitive as they increase in size, so any touch on them is heavens to me. When I'm pounding -something- and they are slapping against it, it gives me the best sensation. So the longer we have been going at it, the rougher and more animalistic I'll get as the sensation overwhelms me. My balls usually swell till they touch the ground when I'm standing. But they could be bigger, possibly, if my cumming is held back in some way. When they reach a certain size, they start making noises, like churning, or audibly pulsating. When they are so big, they also become extremely heavy from all the compressed cum. Also the bigger my balls are, the faster it produces pre, so if you wanna make me edge, count on the fact that pre is gonna be flowing out of me at the rate of a garden hose, denching you completely and possibly start pooling on the ground.
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