
Tiny Trance rp

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. :20 Ryan_Stone second richest in the world was being flown to the Transcendence headquarters, apperenty new meat joined the team "Yon Sun Ji? What kind of name is that?"
  2. 18:23 Ryan_Stone His plane landed near the main gates of the headquarters. "God damn snow, why the hell do we need to be in the middle of nowhere?"
  3. 18:33 Begrado the gates automatically open right as soon as Ryan opened his mouth. A figure emerged. Very paranoid looking. Bags under his eyes. But looking over that, He's generally decent looking. Designer's choice Jacket, nice shirt and jeans, his face was just a bit off-putting. "Get in." He droned.
  4. 18:37 Ryan_Stone "Lovely to see you too." He follows
  5. 18:38 YonSunJi already was inside as the two of them entered, the North Korean woman standing with arms crossed, dressed in head to toe in the decorated military commander attire, noticeably of higher rank than when she had last been seen.
  6. 18:39 Ryan_Stone "So wheres the new girl? Son Yun Je or something?"
  7. 18:44 Begrado "This is Yon Sun Ji." He directed Ryan's attention to the woman standing in uniform. But before Ryan confronted her. He whispered. "Stalin has high hopes for her as an ally, and in essence, a commodity to Transcendence. Remove your attitude when speaking to her, Stalin wants to keep this a fair trade." He stepped out of the way, allowing Ryan to talk to her.
  8. 18:46 YonSunJi raised an eyebrow to Ryan, not seeming to have much awe in the presence of the rich man. Her eyes remained cold as ever.
  9. 18:51 Ryan_Stone "Riight right, attiude. Ryan Stone. You're, Sin Yun Jo right?"
  10. 18:52 YonSunJi "I'm going to give you a third chance to try that. Don't fuck that up."
  11. 18:53 Begrado cleared his throat and was visibly shaking. Stalin isn't going to like this.
  12. 18:56 Ryan_Stone "hahaha, Shes the one with Attiude. Yon Sun Ji"
  13. 18:56 YonSunJi "Acceptable"
  14. 18:58 Begrado "Might I ask, what actually brought you here, Ryan?"
  15. 19:05 Ryan_Stone "What the hell do you think?"
  16. 19:05 Ryan_Stone "I spend thousands of dollars changing my island, getting a bunch of Metas no one cares about to follow me on a boat"
  17. 19:07 Ryan_Stone "Get the DNA you so desperately wanted. God that tournament felt like it went on for months, hours for one punch."
  18. 19:09 Ryan_Stone "So in short. I want to see The Red Menace, I help make the damn thing I should be able to see it"
  19. 19:11 Begrado grunted. "Again with the attitude, Ryan. I don't think you realize that respect is to be earned here. You'll see it, soon enough. In the mean time..." Begrado made his way to another corridor. "Have fun discussing your stories and ideals with Madam Sun Ji." And in saying so, he vanished from view.
  20. 19:11 *** Begrado quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  21. 19:12 Ryan_Stone "Respect, I fund half this damn place, why should I care about what they think"
  22. 19:16 Ryan_Stone "so YSJ, you want to see the perfection they are growing here?"
  23. 19:18 YonSunJi "I have yet to see it in person. I know that it is costing quite a lot and seems to be the capstone to the planned attack. It had simply be worth this effort."
  24. 19:18 YonSunJi "Should one of them in Neon kill it, you put in time and money into nothing"
  25. 19:21 Ryan_Stone "I know someone, impressive regeneration. We get his DNA and fix it, old Red will be nigh unstoppable"
  26. 19:24 YonSunJi "But will he be worth it, if he is the centerpiece of this plan. A single soldier can be strong, a meta stronger, few enough to face a city of them."
  27. 19:30 Ryan_Stone "He better be. If he isn't. I may just bomb this place." He does his camera smile to YSJ and begins to walk towards th science center
  28. 19:35 Ryan_Stone "So what can you do YonSunJi, why would Trance want you so much"
  29. 19:36 YonSunJi "...We will see about that. I have my own things to gain." The woman started walking along. As she did her arms pulled away from each other and Ryan could see that her right hand seemed to be ceramic
  30. 19:36 YonSunJi Not just ceramic, not like any design he had seen before.
  31. 19:37 YonSunJi "My abilities and connections give me a certain advantage over others. As well as the hold I have in my homeland and neighboring countries."
  32. 19:38 YonSunJi "It would be better for all involved if it is left at that, Mr. Stone"
  33. 19:43 Ryan_Stone "I see, kinda.V
  34. 19:44 Ryan_Stone "I see, kinda. I do see why old heady likes you"
  35. 19:55 YonSunJi "I took a lot after him. He pioneered political subterfuge in a modern revolutionary state in a way that would make fat feudal lords jealous. That said he has his issues, something to be learned from."
  36. 19:55 YonSunJi "Make no mistake, this alliance is not just for your benefit."
  37. 20:04 Ryan_Stone "So you think, actually so far its costing me quiet a lot. As I said half of this place wouldn't be here. Literally the Ala had a nightmare and destroyed most of this place''
  38. 20:10 YonSunJi "...What is your interest, anyway?"
  39. 20:16 Ryan_Stone "You don't make big in this world by teaming up with those who want peace. They're making a new world, I want to be apart of it. Maybe run some of it. And well..."
  40. 20:19 Ryan_Stone "This might not sound good to you. But Metas, making easy in this world. Call me old fashion, but I say work for what you want. Least until your second riches man in the world"
  41. 20:22 YonSunJi "An idealist then. Of some strange variety. I suppose there would be little other reason for funding this project outside of the socialist world"
  42. 20:35 Ryan_Stone "And that world will begine with this" They made it to the door, Ryan places his hand on the scanner [cause everyplace has those] adn opens the door, inside in a large container filled with a pinkish liquid, slept The Red Menace in all his glory
  43. 20:40 YonSunJi "...Do you think it can survive the bomb?"
  44. 20:41 Ryan_Stone "oh trust me, it can survive anything...why a bomb specifically?
  45. 20:41 Ryan_Stone "
  46. 20:43 YonSunJi "Let us say the Americans want to put an end to it, it is on the loose and they know... I already know a few metahuman last resort procedures. If it can survive even their Bomb, it may be of some use after all"
  47. 20:45 Ryan_Stone "...Remind me to get the regeneration DNA, just in case"
  48. 20:50 *** Dragomir joined #covenger_rp
  49. 20:50 YonSunJi "That is up to you."
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