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a guest
May 21st, 2014
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  1. You walk in to the restaurant. You've never really tried the whole dating thing before but it could be good. He asked you out yesterday, its was kinda weird considering you never met him before but griffons are kinda known for being forward. You decided to wear a nice jacket as this was one of the higher end places. But you didn't think it would annoy the hell out of your wings as much as it did. You told the doorman that you knew someone inside, and he let you pass. You walk around looking before you see him, the larger gryphon sat alone, patiently waiting. He was so cute. You walk over and sit down in the other side of the booth.
  2. "Hey anon!"
  3. He says, excitedly.
  4. "Hey, uhm, gustave was it?"
  5. "Yup."
  6. The waitress comes around and gives the two of you menus one for the food and another for the wine.
  7. "Do you like white or red?"
  8. "Its up too you"
  9. He says, probably not the best with wines. Or any of this crap really. His account said he was an entrepreneur. You had heard of him from when his like 3rd or 4th company got bought by Google. He was wealthy but with the mentality of a student. He was a year younger than you and was in college for some computer programming stuff. Too be fair you just got out of college with a degree in culinary arts. You work as a chef at the royal canterlot hotel. Paid great and you got too do what you love. The waitress comes back and asks for your order.
  11. He watched you carefully as you searched the menu. Looking away every time you looked up, he was awfully nervous for someone as weathly as him. He could literally just buy a pony. Like literally. He was that rich. Your just some guy who cooks tiny pieces of food for old people. He was on the cutting edge and you don't even look at wine made after 1960. He was bigger than you but not bad as far as griffons go. Some of those guys can be fucking enormous. Anyways, he seemed to actually like you, which feels a lot different than just getting picked up for a one night stand at a bar like usual. Its nice. The waitress comes and you order a 1954 red wine, its been awhile since you've had wine. You also order a cheese soup. He panics when the waitress asks him what he would like and says the same as you. You smile and the two of you hand back the menus.
  12. "So your that guy who made that website, right?"
  13. "Yeah, its was pretty easy. Basic python scripting and some cloud infrastructure"
  14. "Oh, so you work with all that computer stuff right?"
  15. "Yeah, that's kinda my thing. And what do you do?"
  16. "I'm a chef. I work at the royal canterlot hotel. "
  17. "Awesome, do you wear those tall hat things? "
  18. You die a little inside every time someone asks you that
  19. "No. Nobody has worn those in a serious context since the 60's"
  20. "Aww.. But you'd look so adorable in one"
  21. He smiles, the bit of you that died when he asked that just came back too life. You smile, and look into his deep green eyes as he stares back into yours. You could stay like that for hours, your really starting to fall for this guy. The waitress comes back with your wine and pours you each a glass before leaving again.
  23. The two of you sip at your wine before starting to talk again
  24. (Since this is gonna have a lot of talking in gonna greentext things said by anon and / for Gustave. Not the Gustave from the show, the one I made up for this story that I could see may be confusing,)
  25. >so what's the tech industry like?
  26. /Not bad. Very fast pace, exciting. I love it.
  27. >awesome. So what do you think of the wine?
  28. /Its very.. Wine esque.. I have no idea. I have drank nothing but red bull and vodka for the past 6 months getting ready to sell that company.
  29. >haha, its been so long since I've had anything but wine and water.
  30. /Well how about after this, we can have some at my place. I haven't had company in awhile, so it may be a bit messy.
  31. >that would be great.
  32. The waitress comes back with yours and Gustave's food. Gustave. Such an odd name. you knew two griffons that had it. The waitress leaves and she sways her hips intentionally. Probably thinking the two of you were in a business meeting of sorts, and wants a good tip. She goes behind the door but you keep staring.
  33. /anon? You alright?
  34. >huh? Oh yeah. Sorry. I'm just kinda out of it today. So hows your soup?
  35. /its good, I like it. What's in this anyways?
  36. >its basically cream, cheese, onions and some spices. Very simple stuff, but its by far one ofmy favorite's
  37. /so what made you join the cooking business.
  38. >well, I just always loved cooking. It was like, I just started cooking one day and I couldn't get enough, its a passion.
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