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Sep 25th, 2017
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text 7.78 KB | None | 0 0
  2. dialog pmad* {
  3. title "PM Accept/Deny"
  4. size -1 -1 160 97
  5. option dbu
  6. box "PM Message", 1, 14 11 125 56
  7. button "Accept", 2, 14 69 37 12
  8. button "Deny", 3, 58 69 37 12
  9. button "Cancel", 4, 58 83 37 12, cancel
  10. button "More...", 5, 102 69 37 12
  11. text "", 6, 5 3 66 8
  12. text "", 7, 16 18 121 47
  13. }
  14. on *:OPEN:?:{
  15. set %pm.n $nick
  16. set %pm.m $strip($1-,burcm)
  17. inc %pm.c
  18. msg $nick Hello $nick, I currently have $query(0) $iif($query(0) == 1,query,queries) open and my idle time is $duration($idle) $+ .
  19. dialog -m pmad $+ $nick pmad $+ $nick
  20. }
  21. on *:dialog:pmad*:init:*: {
  22. did -ra pmad $+ %pm.n 6 %pm.n
  23. did -ra pmad $+ %pm.n 7 %pm.m
  24. }
  25. on *:dialog:pmad*:sclick:*: {
  26. if ($did == 2) {
  27. msg $did(6) Your Query has been $chr(2) $+ ACCEPTED $+ $chr(2) $+ !
  28. dialog -x pmad $+ $did(6) pmad $+ $did(6)
  29. }
  30. if ($did == 3) {
  31. msg $did(5) Your Query has been $chr(2) $+ DENIED $+ $chr(2) $+ !
  32. close -m $did(6)
  33. dialog -x pmad $+ $did(6) pmad $+ $did(6)
  34. }
  35. if ($did == 5) {
  36. set $did(6)
  37. set $did(7)
  38. dialog -m pmc pmc
  39. dialog -x pmad $+ $did(6) pmad $+ $did(6)
  40. }
  41. }
  42. dialog pmc {
  43. title "Anthony's Script Query MSG"
  44. size -1 -1 275 250
  45. option dbu
  46. tab "PM Message", 1, 1 1 273 247
  47. text "", 4, 58 16 78 8, tab 1
  48. box "PM Message", 5, 70 29 141 57, tab 1
  49. text "", 6, 72 35 137 36, tab 1
  50. button "Accept", 7, 79 87 37 12, tab 1
  51. button "Deny", 8, 122 87 37 12, tab 1
  52. button "Ignore", 9, 165 87 37 12, tab 1
  53. button "Cancel", 10, 122 106 37 12, tab 1 cancel
  54. text "Nick:", 28, 199 129 13 8, tab 1
  55. edit "", 31, 213 127 50 11, tab 1
  56. button "Whois", 32, 220 143 37 12, tab 1
  57. button "Ignore List", 33, 220 155 37 12, tab 1
  58. button "Ping", 34, 220 175 37 12, tab 1
  59. button "Time", 35, 220 187 37 12, tab 1
  60. button "Version", 36, 220 199 37 12, tab 1
  61. button "DCC Send", 37, 220 219 37 12, tab 1
  62. button "DCC Chat", 38, 220 231 37 12, tab 1
  63. text "", 39, 47 118 43 8, tab 1
  64. edit "", 40, 25 130 172 113, tab 1 read multi autovs vsbar
  65. text "", 22, 72 71 137 13, tab 1
  66. tab "Channel Control", 2
  67. list 11, 211 67 62 176, tab 2 size vsbar
  68. list 12, 211 24 62 42, tab 2 size vsbar
  69. text "Common Channels:", 13, 214 16 53 8, tab 2
  70. box "", 14, 3 34 206 212, tab 2
  71. edit "", 15, 5 51 202 171, tab 2 read multi autovs vsbar
  72. edit "", 16, 154 18 50 9, tab 2
  73. text "Nick:", 17, 141 18 12 8, tab 2
  74. button "Check", 18, 164 28 28 8, tab 2
  75. edit "", 19, 4 230 175 12, tab 2 read return autohs
  76. text "Message Here:", 20, 5 222 37 8, tab 2
  77. text "", 3, 7 42 198 8, tab 2
  78. button "Send", 21, 180 230 27 12, tab 2
  79. }
  80. on *:dialog:pmc:init:*: {
  81. did -ra pmc 4 Last PM Nick:
  82. did -ra pmc 31
  83. did -ra pmc 16
  84. did -ra pmc 6
  85. var %x 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($did(pmc,16),0)) {
  86. did -a pmc 12 $comchan($did(pmc,16),%x)
  87. inc %x
  88. }
  89. }
  90. on *:TEXT:*:*:{
  91. if ($dialog(pmc)) {
  92. if ($chan == $did(pmc,14)) {
  93. did -a pmc 15 $timestamp < $+ $nick($did(pmc,14),$nick).pnick $+ > $1- $crlf
  94. }
  95. }
  96. }
  97. on *:INPUT:*:{
  98. if ($dialog(pmc)) {
  99. if ($chan == $did(pmc,14)) {
  100. did -a pmc 15 $timestamp < $+ $nick($did(pmc,14),$me).pnick $+ > $1- $crlf
  101. }
  102. }
  103. }
  104. on *:CTCPREPLY:PING*:{
  105. if ($dialog(pmc)) {
  106. did -a pmc 40 From $me to $did(pmc,31) $crlf
  107. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  108. did -a pmc 40 $me $+ : $crlf
  109. did -a pmc 40 $did(pmc,31) $+ : $remove($2,$chr(1)) $crlf
  110. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  111. did -a pmc 40 $calc($remove($2,$chr(1)) - seconds $crlf
  112. unset
  113. }
  114. }
  115. on *:CTCPREPLY:TIME*:{
  116. if ($dialog(pmc)) {
  117. did -a pmc 40 The Time is: $crlf
  118. did -a pmc 40 $2- $crlf
  119. }
  120. }
  121. on *:CTCPREPLY:VERSION*:{
  122. if ($dialog(pmc)) {
  123. did -a pmc 40 User $did(pmc,31) is using: $crlf
  124. did -a pmc 40 $2- $crlf
  125. }
  126. }
  127. on *:dialog:pmc:sclick:*: {
  128. if ($did == 12) {
  129. if ($did(12).seltext) {
  130. if ($did(14) != $did(12).seltext) {
  131. did -r pmc 15
  132. did -n pmc 19
  133. }
  134. did -ra pmc 14 $did(12).seltext
  135. did -r pmc 11
  136. var %x 1 | while (%x <= $nick($did(12).seltext,0)) {
  137. did -a pmc 11 $nick($did(12).seltext,%x).pnick
  138. inc %x
  139. }
  140. }
  141. }
  142. elseif ($did == 7) {
  143. if ($query($gettok($did(pmc,4),4,32)) == $null) {
  144. did -ra pmc 22 Accept Deny and Ignore Commands will not work because this query does not exist! | .timer 1 3 did -r pmc 22
  145. }
  146. else {
  147. msg $gettok($did(4),4,32) Your Query has been $chr(2) $+ ACCEPTED $+ $chr(2) $+ !
  148. dialog -x pmc pmc
  149. }
  150. }
  151. elseif ($did == 8) {
  152. if ($query($gettok($did(pmc,4),4,32)) == $null) {
  153. did -ra pmc 22 Accept Deny and Ignore Commands will not work because this query does not exist! | .timer 1 3 did -r pmc 22
  154. }
  155. else {
  156. msg $gettok($did(4),4,32) Your Query has been $chr(2) $+ DENIED $+ $chr(2) $+ !
  157. close -m $gettok($did(4),4,32)
  158. dialog -x pmc pmc
  159. }
  160. }
  161. elseif ($did == 9) {
  162. if ($query($gettok($did(pmc,4),4,32)) == $null) {
  163. did -ra pmc 22 Accept Deny and Ignore Commands will not work because this query does not exist! | .timer 1 3 did -r pmc 22
  164. }
  165. else {
  166. msg $gettok($did(4),4,32) Your Query has been [^B]IGNORED[^B] and all further messages will be ignored for the next 15 minutes!
  167. ignore on
  168. ignore -pu900 $address($gettok($did(4),4,32),2)
  169. close -m $gettok($did(4),4,32)
  170. dialog -x pmc pmc
  171. }
  172. }
  173. elseif ($did == 33) {
  174. did -r pmc 40
  175. did -a pmc 40 Ignore List: $crlf
  176. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  177. did -a pmc 40 Ignored Users: $crlf $crlf
  178. if ($ignore(0)) {
  179. var %x 1
  180. while (%x <= $ignore(0)) {
  181. did -a pmc 40 $ord(%x) Ignored User: $crlf
  182. did -a pmc 40 Nick/Address: $ignore(%x) $crlf
  183. did -a pmc 40 Type: $ignore(%x).type $crlf
  184. did -a pmc 40 Network: $ignore(%x).network $crlf
  185. did -a pmc 40 Time Left: $duration($ignore(%x).secs) $crlf $crlf
  186. inc %x
  187. }
  188. }
  189. else {
  190. did -a pmc 40 No Ignored Users!
  191. }
  192. }
  193. elseif ($did == 18) {
  194. did -r pmc 12
  195. var %x 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($did(16),0)) {
  196. did -a pmc 12 $comchan($did(16),%x)
  197. inc %x
  198. }
  199. }
  200. elseif ($did == 21) {
  201. if ($did(19)) {
  202. msg $did(14) $did(19)
  203. did -a pmc 15 $timestamp < $+ $nick($did(pmc,14),$me).pnick $+ > $did(19) $crlf
  204. did -r pmc 19
  205. }
  206. }
  207. elseif ($did == 34) {
  208. .msg $did(31) $chr(1) $+ PING $ctime $+
  209. set $ctime
  210. did -r pmc 40
  211. did -a pmc 40 Ping Results: $crlf
  212. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  213. }
  214. elseif ($did == 35) {
  215. .msg $did(31) $chr(1) $+ TIME
  216. did -r pmc 40
  217. did -a pmc 40 Time Results: $crlf
  218. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  219. }
  220. elseif ($did == 36) {
  221. .msg $did(31) $chr(1) $+ VERSION
  222. did -r pmc 40
  223. did -a pmc 40 Version Results: $crlf
  224. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  225. }
  226. elseif ($did == 32) {
  227. whois $did(31)
  228. did -r pmc 40
  229. did -a pmc 40 Whois Results: $crlf
  230. did -a pmc 40 -------------------- $crlf
  231. }
  232. }
  233. raw 311:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 Whois: From $1 to $2 $crlf } }
  234. raw 319:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 Channels: $3- $crlf | var %pm.wcomc | var %x 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($did(pmc,31),0)) { set %pm.wcomc %pm.wcomc $comchan($did(pmc,31),%x) | inc %x } | did -a pmc 40 Common Channels: %pm.wcomc $crlf } }
  235. raw 312:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 Network: $4- $crlf } }
  236. raw 330:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 AuthServ Account: $3 $crlf } }
  237. raw 338:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 $1- $crlf } }
  238. raw 317:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 $1- $crlf } }
  239. raw 318:*:{ if ($dialog(pmc)) { did -a pmc 40 $2- $crlf } }
  240. alias pmc {
  241. dialog -m pmc pmc
  242. }
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