
Peppy's Death

Jan 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. [17:59] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Peppy}: Hey Peppy,
  3. Hows everything been? It sounds like quite a mess has come up for you. I guess you never managed to fake your death. If you want we can talk about it or the future of things over all at my place. Its just above yours. Knock when your here. I'll await your arrival.
  4. [18:11] {LONG DISTANCE FROM: Meia}: Meia's Letter To Zeno Laskaris, 1823, Zeno
  6. I have proof that you killed Miyuki. I also have proof that you have associated with Nethradin for nefarious purposes. These action won't go unpunished. I know you are in hiding, so I propose a duel.
  8. To the the death.
  11. Meia
  12. [18:14] The young boy walked over and opened the door allowing Peppy inside the home. With a warm and inviting gesture. A faint smile rested upon his lips as she entered in. A calm yet unsettling aura emitted from him. Not all that different from the night of his first Real murder.
  14. "Make yourself at home."
  16. He said before following behind her, and taking a seat. Leather-bound fingers interlace and he leaned in after settling comfortably on the stool. A soft sigh escaped his lips.
  18. "So whats been going on my lovely mouse? --Hows life been... I can only assume not well."
  20. Zeno said in a curious tone. Interested in what may the Razuka say to him.
  21. (Zeno Laskaris)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [18:21] Peppy seemed to be nervous wreck her hair was a mess, and quite frankly she didn't smell at all nice. The sewers don't have showers … or running clean water. She would walk in quickly before she is spotted , after all she was kicked out of achyon.
  26. "Gladly."
  28. As eerie his aura was, hers was quite lack luster. Almost if she lacked the will to live at this point. She sat on the stool, looking malnourished.
  30. "I am rat not mouse.... and quite shit." she looked around the room, this felt familiar. Though she wondered if this is how miyuki felt.
  31. (Peppy)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [18:28] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Meia}: Meia,
  36. I'll apologize ahead of time for your igorance. As you are just like the other Fenrir's. Claiming I've done something that I never did, with no actual proof. --Nothing you can show will be true because it didn't happen. As for the latter, I'm never been hiding. Its just you aren't wise enough to find me. And a duel to the death? You must assume I'm like the rest of you.
  38. I decline such meaningless requests from children. Please have a nice day.
  40. Zeno.
  41. [18:29] He hummed pleasantly, as he heard her brief explanation for how things have been. As just off that, he was clearly correct in assuming. --His eyes looked over her body. Noticing how poorly she had been treating her body, or the lack of resources to maintain herself properly. Nevertheless, he letting out a soft groan as he moved around to stand next to her. A hand pressed upon her shoulder as he looked down upon her.
  43. "Well mouse is much cuter."
  45. After all a mouse is just a helpless prey against a snake. Such is the magick he used. It was ironic really. --He leaned in to softly usher into her ear.
  47. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"
  49. The kid suggested for her. It was up to her to take him up on the offer. Yet he felt in his bones that she wouldn't do that. Yet one had to at least grant a modicum of hospitality.
  50. (Zeno Laskaris)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [18:37] Peppy knew this was out of character for Zeno, treating her like one of his victims. Though she felt his shoulder and didn't even flinch, she simply creaked her head upward to him her two glowing beady eyes scanning his figure. She simply knew that if she were to fun she wouldn't make it to the door.
  55. Not like she cared.
  57. "Ha.... ha..." her ears tilted downward, she started smiling softly. Was it genuine... nobody would ever know. However, her love for her life has diminished her only joy was when Dominik came to visit her. Even then... his eyes showed pain when he had seen the state she gotten in.
  59. Guilt? Perhaps.
  61. "Got tea?" she looked back down at the table. Her eyes dull lifeless.
  62. (Peppy)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [18:37] {LONG DISTANCE FROM: Meia}: Meia's Letter To Zeno Laskaris, 1823, Zeno,
  67. I've seen the letters between you and Peppy. This is your last chance. Accept the duel or you will never see the light of day due to the bounty put on your head.
  70. Meia
  71. [18:49] His hand softly applies pressure into her shoulder. Softly feeling like a snake biting into her flesh. Yet it was actually nothing. --He pat her and moved off to grab stuff for her.
  73. "I do indeed have a few things to make tea. Nothing all to special however."
  75. He said taking a few moments in the backroom where he eventually came out with a small set for her. Settling it right in front of her. As a snake crawled down his arm, and grasped onto the container and poured her some.
  77. Zeno rested right next to her tucking his hands behind his back and the snake crawled off the table and coiled up the kids leg. His smile ever present. The hum only getting louder with time. More chipper as well.
  79. "Hopefully that will suit your needs."
  81. He said before moving to take a seat next to her. Adjusting the seat to be closer to her. His elbow pressing into the table as he moved to write another letter. Sending it off via bird. Sighing with more distain this time.
  83. "So Peppy... given the letters I've been receiving, what messages does Meia have involving us. I was sure I burnt all the ones I've never sent you. She must be lying out of her ass like the others are. You wouldn't have slipped up on behalf of us both... Have you~?"
  85. The tone that he took on was less pleasant. His hues darkened with a lick of hatred... if she were to say another other than what he wants.
  86. (Zeno Laskaris)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [18:56] Peppy would watch his figure leave and return with the tea she requested. She would take a sip, her face unmoving from the snakes coiling up her leg. "I kept the letters in a chest at home, unfortunately I was kicked out of achyon." she took another sip of her tea setting it down onto the table.
  91. "Domi lived there with me." she commented in the most calm manner, monotone at best. "Unless they made some fake ones." she commented again.
  93. "So I am not sure." she would admit, her bloody eyes unmoving from his mismatched ones.
  95. Unbothered.
  96. (Peppy)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [19:03] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Meia}: Meia,
  101. You really are childish. Again nothing you have incriminates me. Your just basing your calls on assumptions. --As you know, and I assuredly know. Whatever you publically release for a bounty on my head. Would change nothing. So please, waste your time and effort. --I only hope one day you grow out of your ignorance.
  103. Zeno.
  104. [19:04] "None of the letters you should have would do anything. As most of them were just lets meet up letters. So..."
  106. He lets out a large drawn out sigh. It really annoyed him how everything he had done up to this point was nearly flawless. Yet it all crawls back to him, with no reason. It was frustrating on so many levels. Something he was forced to live with.
  108. "Nevermind that for now. As I'll just have to deal with it. --It seems like I'll have a bounty on my head soon too. But it won't matter to me. Nothing changes at all."
  110. Zeno groaned out, letting his eyes close for a moment. Resting as the stress build up within him. A constant thing to deal with. Once he gathered himself the kid looked to Peppy with his mismatched hues.
  112. "Whats your plan? It seems like you've given up on living. I hope that's not the case. --It'd be a shame if it were."
  114. His tone was like he was insinuating something, yet never fully let on. For now.
  115. (Zeno Laskaris)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [19:12] Peppy just stared at him unblinking, soulless creature. She gave distressed sigh as if she didn't want to hear what he had to say. She didn't want to live anymore, anyone could see that. It wasn't for anything other than she kept causing stress to Dominik. He didn't deserve that in her eyes.
  120. "I will be honest with you." she smiled widely, inhuman almost. "I was going to commit suicide last night. Had the gun to my mouth and all. But I always considered you as some sort of a friend. I know you would like my eyes." she says almost calmer than when she first walked in.
  122. It was pre-planned.
  124. "Ah but all comes to an end, some sooner than others. I will admit This battle isn't for me. I prefer to be taken out."
  125. (Peppy)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [19:23] He looked back with a cold neutral expression. His humming continued under a hushed breath. Yet still forging a odd aura from it. A hand rose up and grasped onto her chin. Pressing his thumb softly against her lower lip. As he stared into her eyes. The gleaming red hues he quite enjoyed the look of.
  130. "Suicide is never fun... but even still it would've made things a bit interesting for me. As I would've played with that. Well that is if Dominik didn't try and stop me from it. However..."
  132. The hold he had on her rolled down her neck and his hand adjusted her to shoulder. A sinister grin crossed his lips as her skin softly felt as if it were on fire. A crawling flame that eased out just enough to make her feel continually uncomfortable.
  134. "I can provide an outlet for you... if that's what you want~"
  136. A jovial tone creeped out from his lips. Snakes slithered across his forearm and made way onto her body. Wrapping around her head and lingering next to either side of her head. Resting there ready for Zeno to command them to do something. Anything at all.
  138. "Is there a way you wish to die then? A preferred way... Or is it up to me, as it's always been?"
  140. Zeno asked clearly not caring at all. His morals lacking... as they tend to often. A light chuckle escaped his lips, at the mere suggestion.
  141. (Zeno Laskaris)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [19:31] Peppy smiled as he grabbed a hold of her, he never seemed to judge her. Strange pair they were. The small albino rat leaned into Zeno interested now in what he had to say. Her eyes remained glowing, they were enticing.
  146. "I prefer any way you think of over letting any of those smelly students off me." she would admit. The uncomfortable heat she felt wouldn't make her even move, no matter what he did she was already dead on the inside.
  148. "Kill me my dear friend." Her hand reached upward to caress his cheek. The only victim to not cry, though peppy didn't consider herself a victim. She felt as if she was more of an offering to something greater, to not be a waste.
  149. (Peppy)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [19:48] As her hand met his cheek, his smile softened. Not due to remorse, or regret of what he is planning to do. Just the fact that she will soon be killed off by him. No fight, no detest, no pleading for her life. The one thing he greatly enjoyed in his little game. Just he'd need to still do this kill. To appease his game, and to add to his collection. Another young 'Fenrir' Girl to get murdered by Zeno. Surely not clearing his name. If it did then it would be a wonder. Nothing will clear his name, so at this point he might as well continue, regardless.
  154. The snakes that were next to her head wrapped around and deformed. Sliding around her eye lids and pulling her eyes out of its sockets. The metal meeting around the end of the veins severing the both. The metallic bodies of the snakes lead around to Zeno's hands. Where he examined them closely. Awing at them both, before he placed the two into a container to preserve them like the rest. Another addition to his collection.
  156. "Hmm... Make sure to get Hel nice and comfy for me. For when I arrive."
  158. Once those words leave his lips her boiling blood started to creep higher. Her body's muscles and circuits for mana started to constrict itself. She could feel her heart beat faster. Like it was beating from her chest, as the girl would start to feel her body giving out. Everything she could continue fading as Zeno took over her body, until she passes out due to a heart attack... Going into a state of shock. Where a snake formed from within her body. Crushing her neck like Miyuki.
  160. After he'd rub his hands with her on the floor, where her body continued to contort and snap her bones. Causing minor cracks everywhere within her body.
  162. Yet another left was taken.
  164. "Time to get to work."
  165. (Zeno Laskaris)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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