
First kiss Dash (Shoo Shoo NRDT, this is my fetish now)

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. >"Come on you slowpoke, the show is starting soon!"
  2. "Hey, Im going as fast as I can."
  3. >You feel the hoof wrapped around your arm pull a bit harder.
  4. >Your pace speeds up to match hers.
  5. >You and Dash had been best friends for a while, but this was only your fifth "official" date.
  6. >You managed to get your hands on a pair of tickets to the sold out Wonderbolts show.
  7. >The look on her face was priceless to say the least when you asked her to go to the show with you.
  8. >You were going to meet her at the stadium, but she flew out to meet you halfway, because "You were taking FOREVER."
  9. >You made your way into the arena, quickly spotting your seats.
  10. >The show was starting soon, and you and Dash were hurried to you spots.
  11. >She was the first to take hers, as you had to navigate through the small aisles designed for a pony.
  12. >As you take your seat, the overhead lights dim.
  13. >The spotlight points to the sky as the three man Wonderbolts team makes its entrance.
  14. >They land on the stage with a huge thud, earning a few "ooohs" and "aahhhs" from the audience.
  15. >Out of all those in attendance, none were more impressed then Rainbow Dash.
  16. >She had that starry-eyed look, in full shock and awe.
  17. >As the show progressed, the tricks got more and more daring, and Dash's reactions got more and more adorable.
  18. >During a particularly death-defying stunt, she gripped around your arm hard while staring worriedly at the stage.
  19. >When they completed the stunt, she shot out of her chair into the air, yelling and applauding.
  20. >After a while, they had a quick rest break to get ready for the second portion of the show.
  21. >Right on cue, you hear a faint rumble from next to you.
  22. >Glancing over to your side, Dash has the puppy dog look on, while rubbing her stomach.
  23. >You let out a chuckle.
  24. "You wanna get some grub Dash....?"
  25. >By the time you finish this sentence, shes already out of her seat and down the aisle.
  26. >"Come on Anon, lets go! We dont wanna be late!"
  27. >You navigate through some angry looking ponies for the second time, before making your way to the consession stands.
  28. >Dash orders a full hayburger and fries, you just settle on a bag of peanuts.
  29. >The two of you make your way back to your seats, and start eating before the show starts up again.
  30. >She immedetly digs into her food in the direct way youve come to love.
  31. >Seeing as it is a date, you try to start up a conversation.
  32. "So Dash, you ever had a date take you to one of these before?"
  33. >You pop another peanut and give her a grin.
  34. >She freezes for a moment, then swallows her food.
  35. >Shit.
  36. >"Nah, this is a first for me. Its pretty awesome though, we should do it more often."
  37. "Well, I dont think my wallet could handle that."
  38. >She give you a smirk and elbows your shoulder.
  39. >The two of you sit for a while before you decide to step it up a bit.
  40. >This is a date after all.
  41. "Hey Dash, Do you mind if I ask you a question? It might be kinda personal."
  42. >She swallows another mouthful of burger.
  43. >"Sure, whats up?"
  44. "Have you ever been on a date before me? Ive never heard you mention any one else, and weve been freinds for a while."
  45. >She freezes again, and a slight blush makes its way onto her face.
  46. >"N-no, I guess I never have."
  47. >She quickly regains her confidance, and gives you a nonchelant shrug.
  48. >"I guess im just too awesomely amazing for most stallions. Makes them feel bad or something."
  49. >You flash her a reasuring smile.
  50. "Well, you are pretty amazing."
  51. >The blush makes another apperence.
  52. >"Heh, thanks. I am arnt I?"
  53. >Before you could answer, the show starts back up again.
  54. >Through out the show, Dash nudges nearer and nearer to you, trying not to be notised.
  55. >The show goes on late into the night, ending with a light show.
  56. >As the show ends, the stadium empties out, with you and Dash at the front of the crowd.
  57. >Just before you begin to say your goodbyes, Dash intterupts you.
  58. >"Hey Anon, I was wondering..., seeing as it is a date and all,.."
  59. >Her sentence trails off.
  60. "Whats up Dash?"
  61. >"You wanna walk me home? Its only a few minutes away."
  62. >She motions in the direction of her home.
  63. "Sure Dash, Id love to."
  64. >She smiles at you, then floats up into the air.
  65. >The two of you start down the road, talking about the show.
  66. >After a few minutes of walking, you finally arive at her home.
  67. >She hovers lower, just at face level to you.
  68. >"Well, here we are. Thanks for taking me Anon, I had a really awesome time."
  69. >Shes staring unusually intensely at you.
  70. "Yea Dash, its always fun hanging out with you."
  71. >She stares in your eyes for a few moments longer.
  72. >Shit, am I supposed to say something?
  73. "Soo, I guess I-"
  74. >Out of no where, she lurches forword towards you.
  75. >Her lips contact with yours, awkwardly finding its place.
  76. >You take a moment to comprehend the situation, then you return the kiss.
  77. >Her inexperenced motions are awkward at first, but she quickly gets the hang of it.
  78. >You wrap your hands around her head, holding her in place.
  79. >She peels her lips from yours, and stares into your eyes with that same fiery look and cocky smirk.
  80. >"Huh, so thats what thats like."
  81. >She intiates another kiss, much deeper this time.
  82. >You hold it for a while, enjoying the feeling.
  83. >She wraps her hooves around you this time, holding you close to her.
  84. >She breaks it apart again, madly blushing.
  85. >"That was awesome!"
  86. "Yea, yes you are."
  87. >She releases your head, and gives you a hug.
  88. >She gives you one final peck on the lips before saying goodnight and flying up to her house.
  89. > You stand there for a moment, completely in awe.
  90. >You collect yourself and turn down the path, towards your own home.
  91. >You chuckle to quietly to yourself.
  92. "That mare, always full of surprises."
  94. FIN
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