
Tia (Trump Intelligence Allegations) loves Trump

Jan 11th, 2017
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  1. Now, @realDonaldTrump ? All our base are belong to them. I've read the #trumpleaks and Holy shit.
  3. Just holy fucking shit guys, this is some serious stuff. Remember a while back when I just raged and raged and raged about a whole bunch of seemingly unconnected stuff? Well, everything seems to be coming true. like the magic ticket from 'Last Action Hero'?
  4. Remember that one? Where Arnold was at his best, and the movies seemed like magic windows into a world of snarky one liners, constantly exploding pintos, and hot chicks who were bad asses in their own right?
  6. Well, that magic ticket is my mind, and all that bullshit in one form or another is rightly coming true. In the aptly named "Trump Intelligence Allegations", written by a trusted member of the intelligence community in order to get a bunch of dirt on Trump, and... Dear god, there is so much... just so fucking much of it. I plan on continuing to make videos reading the file tonight, there's just too god damned much of it... Too much.
  8. I ended up reading for a solid hour on stream, trying to make it entertaining. But to me? Donald?
  9. During that whole time, I couldn't fathom the mess you brought into our world.
  10. I couldn't really think of it as potentially comedic material, and that's pretty much my job. The fact that the Kremlin swiped right on your Tinder profile, and you had one hell of a flirting chat which involved real estate deals, information flows, and just the weirdest sex ever fueled by fear, hatred, paranoia, and a mutual grudge against America?
  11. Dear god, just... what the fuck did you put in your profile?
  12. More importantly, what the fuck was your profile picture!?
  13. Was it a mocking of Dylan Storm Roofs picture? Instead of racist shit, it was of you, slightly nude, on a chair covered in bear skin rugs, in each hand a hammer and sickle?
  15. I mean, this thing reads like a treatment to the scariest soap opera of all time, and the chick was right, the election was just the show trailer, only showing us the more horrifying parts of the hottest plot arc.
  16. But, it wasn't anything Hollywood could come up with. No... It was a foreign show made by Russia, with a cast that would give most horror villains a run for their money.
  18. I mean, Peskov TOTALLY seems like the perfect character to base a snarky ex girlfriend off of.
  19. Cohen and Comey? The scheming evil twins with a dark secret that they might have murdered their step fathers step father to hide from their step grandfathers step father.
  20. Just... What was going through your head?
  21. I'm guessing Putins dick.
  22. Or the Golden Showers.
  23. For the most part, I'm not sure I should be throwing around insults like I usually do.
  25. You really are the Manchurian Candidate, just reprogrammed by the Kremlin, actually, seduced by them. or drugged, had dirty things done without your consent, and thrown into an oncoming highway pylon at fifty miles an hour...
  26. Just the most horrifying things are coming to light, and while there are still days from you inauguration, I have to ask you the question, and this is me being serious.
  27. More serious than I usually am.
  29. Just, why couldn't you run by yourself, honestly?
  30. Why couldn't you run for president honestly? Was there something in your mind that just went, "I should just cheat at this. I should just ruin the party for everyone and cheat at this."?
  31. Because, if your house of cards falls, you'll be tried and executed for treasonous acts against the United States of America.
  32. Think about it, I'm no longer in the random insults stage of this, yes, it would be much funnier, and the right thing to do, given how you've been acting, but we've now reached critical mass.
  34. With you trying to kill Obamacare, with you talking of stocking up on the nukes, with getting friendlier with Russia, with you talking Natzi levels of segregating the Muslim population and becoming more and more the Nightmare King we never needed, or even knew existed in the first place?
  35. It's no longer a point about making jabbing noises.
  36. It's more of pointing out what a ridiculous Reality this now is.
  37. You speak of taking away the freedom of the press, of smacking down those that would speak against you, of claiming the Trump Intelligence Allegations are just a witch hunt, of calling CNN fake news?
  39. Are you seriously trying to turn America into Amerussia? Where, yeah, freedom, liberty, and expression, but without the ability to speak out against a person that not only our own political parties think is an absolute joke, but the Kremlin openly thinks is not suited for higher office. Your wife knew what she was doing, not wanting to move into the White House, she knew that this wass going to blow up in your face, and with the release of, what I'm now naming "Tia" because it's god damned cute, and I need to insert a cutesy joke in here somewhere, with the release of Tia, who, I'm sure, will wreck yet another marriage for you because of your horrendous acts both at home and abroad?
  41. Are you sure you don't want to back out now before it's too late? The Cathor, (Congress And The House Of Representatives) can vote to impeach you, they've already got a VP lined up, they don't want you anymore. I give them six months to a year to put the appropriate actions in motion to make this thing go away. By thing, I mean a Trumpresidency.
  43. I'm no longer angry.
  44. I'm no longer raging.
  45. I'm laser focused, and while the anger never dies, the energy behind it will indeed be put into another emotion, just as powerful:
  46. Hope for a change of President.
  47. Anyone's better than you Donald James Trump.
  48. Anyone.
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