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Jun 2nd, 2020
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  1. Great uhh first things first Chief Moore you gotta do a better job of pretending you care about this. Man. I've been watching you roll your eyes and offer half-hearted smirks acting like a teenager who's falling asleep in detention. Are you not aware of the warcrimes your department's doing or are you just that impatient to go do more of them? I see a lot of you particularly sober-off and only react when folks use profanity. If you think curse words are bad, wait until you hear about these 600+ murders your department has committed over the last 7 years. As long as Moore's out here equating peaceful protestors with cops who murder black people, you all could pretend to be as angry about murder as you are about the F-word. Now kids, I know you're all having a rough day; what with everyone here telling you you're bad at your jobs. Have you considered being good at your jobs? If not you could find good jobs in retail or restaurants. I know how desperate I know how desperate Garcetti is to get angelenos consuming again during the global pandemic. Where were curfews then, by the way? Weird. Chief Moore is morally obligated to resign. Mikey, I know you said you didnt *mean* protestors are as much to blame for George Floyd's murder as his murderers, but that's a lie. It is what you meant, and we all know it. Mikey's made it clear in his racist actions and empty platitude that he doesn't care about the wellbeing of his constituents. He LOVES to teargas them and BLIND them and force them indoors with curfews that are announced only a half-hour before they take effect and racially profile as he does so. Don't think I didn't hear about how yesterday you sent out an alert in English that curfew started at 5pm, and sent out an alert right after in Spanish saying it started at 6! What's up with that bud? All your cute Zoom background photos of the city won't trick us into thinking you care anyone but yourselves and what's in your pockets. To close with a James Cameron quote: "Cops think of all cops as less than they are, stupid, weak, and evil. They dehumanize the people they are sworn to protect, and desensitize themselves in order to do that job." That's to you pigs, with a T. Black Lives Matter, act like it! Happy Tuesday.
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