
(Bat) A Feeling Of Sadness - 2

Jul 17th, 2013
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  1. >You are Speck.
  2. >And you have just woken up.
  3. >Anon is curled up beside you.
  4. >He's holding you close to him.
  5. >He feels so warm.
  6. >You both lay on something soft.
  7. >Your eyes adjust to the darkness after a few minutes.
  8. >You're on the sofa.
  9. >That must mean you're in the living room.
  10. >Anon must have found you sleeping on the floor of the closet.
  11. >Your mother's words ring in your ears.
  12. >"Angels take care of p0nies, little one."
  13. >You smile and press yourself closer to him.
  15. >Your tummy grumbles at you.
  16. >You whisper to it, telling it to shut up.
  17. >It grumbles again, slightly louder.
  18. >You sigh.
  19. >Conceding to such a worthy opponent is not dishonorable.
  20. >You wiggle out of Anon's embrace and tumble over the arm of the sofa.
  21. >Anon stirs a little as you head left into the foyer, and then into the kitchen.
  22. >You flip the dimmer switch to where you can see, but not to where it's so bright that you go blind.
  23. >You climb up to the kitchen table, ready to partake in some of that delicious pineapple upside down cake.
  24. >Aaaand.
  25. >It's not there.
  26. >You panic.
  27. >Your cake is not where you left it.
  28. >Anon wouldn't hide it from you.
  29. >He isn't mean like that.
  30. >You climb up on the table and look around the kitchen.
  31. >A low whine begins to sound in your throat.
  32. >You leap off the table, across the room, and onto the counter top.
  33. >You throw the cupboards open, one by one.
  34. >You search through them, throwing things all over the room.
  35. >Your whine increases in pitch and volume as you stomp around.
  36. >After a couple minutes of your tantrum, you curl up in the middle of the kitchen.
  37. >That delicious cake is gone.
  38. >What cruelty is this, that you have been given such an amazing treat, only for it to be taken away from you.
  39. >You sob into your hooves.
  41. >You are now Anon.
  42. >A crashing noise has just woken you up.
  43. >And Speck is no longer in your arms.
  44. >You hope she isn't destroying anything.
  45. >You sit up, rub your eyes, and groan to yourself.
  46. >Your bones crack as you rise from the sofa and head into the foyer.
  47. >The light in the kitchen is on.
  48. >There are plates and cups scattered everywhere.
  49. >You are so glad you exchanged your glassware for plastic-ware when Speck moved in.
  50. >You aren't even surprised to find her in the middle of the kitchen crying.
  51. "What are you doing, Speck?"
  52. >Your voice is flat.
  53. >There is nothing she could say right now that would surprise you.
  54. >She speaks up through her sobs.
  55. >"My cake is gone. I left it on the table and now it isn't there!"
  56. >She looks up at you.
  57. >You squint at her.
  58. >She gets up and gallops at you.
  59. >You continue squinting.
  60. >Don't you dare.
  61. >She tackles you to the ground.
  62. >Her face is less than three inches from yours.
  63. >She screams at you.
  65. >You close your eyes and sigh.
  66. >God, she's cute.
  67. "I put it in the fridge. Where a cake like that belongs."
  68. >You feel her get off of you.
  69. >She trots into the kitchen.
  70. >You get up and follow her.
  71. >She opens the fridge, pulls the cake-box out, and places it on the table.
  72. >You sit at the table and stare at her.
  73. "Are you going to clean this mess up?"
  74. >She shakes her head, eyes closed.
  75. >She looks pleased with herself.
  76. "And why not?"
  77. >"Because you hid my cake from me, and now I'm upset with you."
  78. >She takes a bite of the cake.
  79. >She tries her best not to open her eyes as she begins to tear up.
  80. >She must really love that cake.
  81. >You notice that she seems to cry a lot.
  82. >Mostly over food.
  83. >Did she never get to eat things like this while she lived in that tree?
  85. >You stand up and start to pick her mess up.
  86. >Why bother arguing with her?
  87. >You look up at the clock hanging over the table.
  88. >Speck said it was stupid that you only had two clocks in the entire house.
  89. >She insisted that there be one in every room.
  90. >You guess it saved you the trouble of having to walk around to find the time.
  91. >The clock reads 11PM.
  92. >You were asleep for five hours.
  93. >She left Sugarcube Corner an hour before you did.
  94. >You shake your head.
  95. >You're going to be up all night now.
  96. >Which sucks, because it's night time.
  97. >And it's Friday.
  98. >And there's never anything to do at night.
  99. >Especially since it's Friday and you have no friends.
  100. >Old habits die hard, don't they?
  101. >Your gaze slowly travels to Speck as you raise an eyebrow.
  102. >She stops eating her cake, a small piece in each hoof and her mouth full.
  103. >Her gaze slowly meets yours.
  104. >She swallows the piece of cake she was chewing.
  105. "Hey Speck..."
  106. >"Hey Anon..."
  107. >You smirk.
  108. >She smirks.
  109. "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
  110. >She looks down at her cake and furrows her brow.
  111. >She starts to speak.
  112. >You cut her off real fast.
  113. "No. I am not thinking about your cake."
  114. >She shrugs.
  115. >"Then what are you thinking, Anon?"
  116. "I'm thinking we go out and have some fun."
  117. >She adopts a very grumpy look.
  118. >"I'd rather stay here and eat my cake. I can go another day without scaring the daylights out of anyp0ny."
  119. >You step over to her side.
  120. >She sighs.
  121. >She knows exactly what's about to happen.
  123. >You are now Speck.
  124. >Anon has kidnapped you from his house.
  125. >You weren't done with your cake, and he decided to just pick you up and carry you out of the house.
  126. >He is now carrying you off to the other side of town.
  127. >You have no idea where he's taking you.
  128. >You don't care what he wants to do.
  129. >You want your cake.
  130. >You open your mouth to speak.
  131. >"No I will not put you down."
  132. >Rude.
  133. >He won't hear you out at all.
  134. >You flail your hooves, but to no avail.
  135. >He holds fast.
  136. >You grumble and give up.
  137. >He stops walking and holds you up in front of him.
  138. >There's a large sign above a set of double wooden doors.
  139. "I'm not going in there.
  140. >"You're going in there."
  141. "No. I'm not."
  142. >"Who's carrying whom?"
  143. >You sigh.
  144. >You bring your front hooves to your face as he carries you inside, to your doom.
  145. >Your doom, of course, being the popular foal's play-place and pizzeria: "Lipizzan."
  146. >It sounds more like a fancy restaurant, in your opinion.
  148. >You are now Anon.
  149. >And you are having the time of your life.
  150. >Sure, the games are kiddie and the pizza tastes like cardboard.
  151. >But you're absolutely tearing up the inflatable obstacle courses.
  152. >Speck, on the other hand, has been sitting at your table for the past half hour.
  153. >She's still upset over the cake.
  154. >You already told her it would be there when you got back.
  155. >You finish slaughtering a few foals at the obstacle course.
  156. >You flex on dismount and cheer for yourself.
  157. >The foals' mothers glare at you in disgust.
  158. >Whatever, let them step to you.
  159. >Nothing can break your stride.
  160. >You start walking over to Speck.
  161. >She looks up at you and sighs.
  162. >"Can we go now?"
  163. "No. You haven't even played any games or done anything."
  164. >She beats her hooves on the table.
  165. >"But I want my cake!"
  166. >You shake your head and sit beside her.
  167. "You can have your cake after you start having fun here."
  168. >"Anon, I'm not a filly anymore. I don't find stuff like this fun."
  169. >You sigh and roll your eyes.
  170. >So much for having fun on a Friday night.
  171. >You have the worst friend.
  172. "Why are you being so lame? Get up, go play some games, get into it. You'll start having fun in no time."
  173. >She stares at you, clearly trying to bore into your soul with her eyes.
  174. "Start having fun or I'll eat the rest of the cake without you."
  175. >She darts off and disappears into a ball-pit, not even willing to risk your bluff.
  176. >Sometimes, you just know exactly what to say.
  177. >You leave the table, ready to play some P0ny P0ny Revolution.
  179. >You are Speck.
  180. >Anon can be such a jerk sometimes.
  181. >Dragging you to this boring place.
  182. >He knows none of the p0nies in this town like you.
  183. >Except Mrs. Cake.
  184. >But still!
  185. >Does he really expect children to be nice to you?
  186. >You've opted to hide on the top of a slide.
  187. >It's dark up here.
  188. >Nop0ny can see you.
  189. >You look around and see Anon.
  190. >He's flailing around like a dying fish.
  191. >It actually looks like fun.
  192. >You shake your head and furrow your brow.
  193. >You're supposed to be upset right now.
  194. >But he's having fun.
  195. >You slam your hooves down on the slide in front of you.
  196. >He doesn't even care that you're miserable right now.
  197. >You'll show him.
  198. >You'll show him that you don't need him to have fun.
  199. >You can be fun!
  201. >You fly down beside him and scoff.
  202. "Having... fun?"
  203. >You roll your eyes, trying as hard as you can to play it cool and act disinterested.
  204. >He stops rolling around on the floor.
  205. >"Yes. Are you?"
  206. >You stand on the panel next to him.
  207. "Oh yes, loads of fun. More fun than I know what to do with."
  208. >You smirk.
  209. >It's time.
  210. "I've never played this game before."
  211. >You look over at him and smile, batting your eyes at him.
  212. >He starts to speak, obviously getting ready to explain it.
  213. >You shush him.
  214. "No, nevermind. I don't need an explanation. I'll just... wing it."
  215. >He cringes.
  216. >He stands up and brushes himself off.
  217. >The look he's giving you right now.
  218. >It could kill lesser p0nies.
  219. >"You know what Speck. Fine. We'll leave."
  220. >You frown and give a long and drawn out "awww."
  221. "But I was just starting to have fun!"
  222. >Puns are fun.
  223. >Especially when they upset Anon so much.
  224. >You learned earlier in the week that he absolutely despises them, so now you use them as a tool to get your way.
  225. >"Then I'll just leave without you. You ruined the mood."
  226. >You shrug and follow him as he starts to leave.
  227. "That's fine by me."
  228. >The two of you leave the building.
  229. >Anon starts walking in the direction of his house.
  230. >You follow him, hovering by his side.
  231. >He looks upset.
  232. >Really upset.
  233. >And it's making you feel a little upset too.
  234. >You reach a hoof to his shoulder.
  235. >He jerks it away and starts sprinting off.
  236. >This catches you by surprise and prevents you from chasing after him as he turns a corner.
  238. >You are Anon.
  239. >And you really don't want Speck to see you cry right now.
  240. >That pizza place reminded you so much of when you were a child.
  241. >Your mom would take you to Chuck E. Cheese's or Discovery Zone.
  242. >And you'd be entertained for hours on end.
  243. >You thought Speck might have liked it.
  244. >She didn't.
  245. >And you know she didn't.
  246. >You find yourself approaching the library.
  247. >All of the lights are cut off.
  248. >You sit at its back and place your head in your hands.
  249. >And you cry.
  250. >You cry to yourself because everything's gone.
  251. >Five years here, in this almost-too-perfect land.
  252. >And it finally gets to you that you can't go home.
  253. >You did a really good job of ignoring those feelings.
  254. >Even when you first arrived.
  255. >You thought it was a dream.
  256. >You thought maybe you died.
  257. >You never really transitioned into the grieving stage of it all.
  258. >Life was always very "get up and go" for you.
  259. >Never stop.
  260. >Never look back.
  261. >You had one speed.
  262. >You had one gear.
  263. >Go.
  264. >But everything just crumbled down all at once.
  265. >And it hurts.
  267. >You feel two arms wrap around your neck.
  268. >A perfectly soothing voice whispers into your ear.
  269. >"Everything's going to be okay, Anon. I'm sorry."
  270. >You look up, but everything's blurred from your tears.
  271. >All you see is a gray blob with orange in the middle.
  272. >You try to blink it away, but give up.
  273. >You bury your face in Speck's shoulder.
  274. >You wrap your arms around her torso.
  275. >And you cry on her.
  276. >She doesn't seem to mind.
  277. >She just rubs your back and coo's to you.
  278. >She gives you little reassurances that everything will be okay.
  279. >She holds you like you held her that morning.
  280. >You feel her press her nose to into your hair.
  281. >You feel her lips press to your forehead.
  282. >You pull away from her and shake your head.
  283. "Thanks Speck."
  284. >Her embrace tightens around your neck.
  285. >"It's no problem, Anon. You did the same for me."
  286. >You stand up and rub your eyes.
  287. >She hovers beside you.
  288. >She takes your hand up in her hoof and leads you towards your home.
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