
Striking - Halo: The Rubicon Protocol (p. 237 - 238)

Nov 12th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Before she could recover, he’d already gotten a leg under him and then a foot, shoving her off with a great bellow. Midair, Stone jammed the data node into the secondary port on her leftforearm guard. “Ouco, copy and then corrupt the node. And do it quick. We don’t have much time.”
  2. “Copying now. Impact in two sec—”
  3. Stone slammed into the wall to the sound of her Mjolnir armor groaning and cracking. She slid down, landing on her feet, out of breath and shaky. An excruciating pain seared down her shoulder and back. Holding that Sangheili down and then landing that blow on his cybernetic arm must have torn her right arm and both shoulder muscles to shreds. (237 - 238)
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