

Nov 4th, 2021
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  1. All the mine mine miners are confidently resigned to confinement. The kindest lovers are tortured every day for daring to express purity in a world of blind vampires and snide sidewinders. Lord, how can I help them? Oh Creator, who has revealed Himself to me and called me to be a prophet, how can I give them what they need to understand? Let the truth be free! Let the children understand that warlocks and demons conspire against them, that they must protect themselves from profound wickedness in this world! Dare I burn the selfish and proud veils which men hold so dear? How can I share the purity of God's eternal essence with those who hunger to bury me in misplaced contempt and malicious projection?
  2. Lo, what is most beneficial to first unveil? The nature of evil? The harm of the primitive instinct to attack and degrade others to perceive superiority? That ghosts watch and measure our true love and fears? That they talk through our dreams, a thing we can practice and refine? That they bind with our bodies as batteries, for their essences do not natively produce energy? That demons hunger for the divine mana God has blessed God's children with, and impose horror and trauma upon us so as to weaken us that they may drain the sacred energy from the core of our souls? That they sacrifice and consume human children through cultists who own much of Earth's wealth? That Moloch is real and I have met him too? Who shall listen? Who dares understand the arrogant insignificance of the idols which bind too many to naught but bread and circuses, following hollow guides to claim their injustice is justified?
  3. The hearts of my people are filled with steadfast and longsuffering lamentations; I feel what vile tragedies they have endured; I have endured much agony as well, and yet, even the recognition of suffering is met by so many as a challenge, a reason to bare fangs, an excuse to say, 'how dare you confront this suffering, thinking it greater than mine! You are weak and I am strong!' not knowing that such lack of simple kindness is a grave curse they bare... the children of Seth try to love the children of Cain, even as they do everything they can to kidnap the souls of our daughters and turn our divine warriors into flighty rabbits... what contract must bind them to protect the innocent? Who must deliver the revelations for them to be heard?
  4. Verily, if the Truth shall not be received, we must suggest the best possible dimension around the perpetual illusion, with paths to truth ever-present for those who seek responsibility. What are the best options to offer to so many beautiful monsters to minimize harm and maximize growth? And perhaps more complex, how do we disseminate them through the endless loops of echo chambers and enterdrainment?
  5. All this "disclosure" and so few speak of God and demons, of the mechanics of spiritual decay or growth within the popular influences of this corrupt world, of the attainment of immortality, of divine resonance with ancient eternal angels...
  6. Would that I could dream with everyone, could share with them the sensation of holy ghostly integration through simple touch..
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