

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. @realDonaldTrump Mother fucker! you just HAD to fucking run for an office you REALLY didn't want, didn't you!? you just had to fucking go for it because what the fuck else were you going to do!? buy and sell more FUCKING STEAKS!? You realize what you've unleashed!? DO YOU!? I don't give a flying fuck if you the god damned pope of the fucking universe, because of the way you ran your fucking campaign, because of your choice of words, of phrases, of fear and hate mongering, because of EVERY FUCKING CHOICE YOU'VE MADE FOR AND BECAUSE OF THE CAMPAIGN, there's an outburst of racism, of bullying, of people who truly beleive that because a PSYCHOTIC BULLY got into the white house, they have god damned justification to act like fucking assholes! Well, and you said stop it, so I guess they've gotta stop it!
  2. Oh, wait, no. Because you just had to run for fucking president, you overbloated ack of orange csushed shit!
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