
witch conceptual traits

Mar 26th, 2023
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  3. Conceptual Traits
  5. Witches are beings which exist on a somewhat metaphysical level, their Barriers being an expression of their self-image, an infantile riddle lodged in the unconscious, which is difficult for humans to decode without complete derealization of what they percieve the world to be. However, when creating a Witch, a GM should have some kind of sense what their deal is, what their childhood and life as a Magical Girl were like, and what the circumstances of them turning into a Witch were. A Barrier will have some clues, and the ability to read Witch Script, or simply read the mood of the place, may be helpful for the players before facing the Witch. As Earth's warpis affected by the gestalt of mankind's collective unconscious, Barriers created here often include cultural references. These do not need to be sources that the original Magical Girl would be familiar with, making indentification through cultural context of what is being referenced further difficult.
  7. That which has been created with a thought can be affected by a thought, so long as the observer and the Barrier's owner manage to be on the same page. These properties can be somewhat simplified as 'concepts'. Below is a table of concepts which may be helpful for random Witch generation, or inspiration for deliberate creation of a specific Witch the GM has in mind, but this table is by no means exhaustive. A Witch gains one Concept per each 100 Karma she has, which may be an Agressive Concept (the way in which the Witch affects her surroundings), Intrinsic Concept (things harmless to the Witch due to familiarity or nature) or a Conceptual Weakness. Each Concept that a Witch has may be either Agressive, Intrinsic, or both. If a Witch has both, then she must also have weakness to a different concept.
  8. A GM may choose or roll each concept individually, or Agressive+Intrinsic together, and then Weakness separately. There is nothing preventing concepts from stacking, either, so long as it makes sense - for example, 'once per combat' becomes 'twice per combat', and a Witch with double Intrinsic Concept of Air might be able to move everyone 10 meters instead of 5.
  10. 2 - Soul
  11. Agressive: The Witch may use Breaking Point once per combat, failing the check automatically, and gaining an Emotion score from the 'Trauma'. The effect lasts 3 rounds.
  12. Intrinsic: The bonuses from Breaking Point are negated against the Witch and her Familiars, save for results of the Trauma.
  13. Weakness: Powers costing 15G or more deal double damage to the witch, inflict -10 to checks, or are otherwise greatly boosted.
  15. 3 - Love
  16. Agressive:
  17. Intrinsic:
  18. Weakness:
  20. 4 - Curse
  21. Agressive: The Witch inflicts Curse 1 on an arbitary roll with every instance of damage she deals. One breed of her Familiars may purchase Magic Pattern: Curse for 10 Karma, granting this ability.
  22. Intrinsic: The Witch is immune to Curse, and Blessing grants no bonus against her.
  23. Weakness: Penalties from Curse powers are doubled. Additionally, when dealing with this Witch and her Familiars, bonuses from Breaking Point and Todestrieb are doubled.
  25. 5 - Art
  26. Agressive: The Witch's intricate attacks ignore Posture, except for one rank per each 5 Karma the target has in Competence. Any Complex Competence negates this effect.
  27. Intrinsic: Any Combat Maneuvers function as regular attacks of their style/stance when targeting the Witch, with the exception of Flurry, Combo, and Barrage.
  28. Weakness: Maneuvers made against the Witch which would add 1/4 Weapon Skill add 1/2 to accuracy instead. Maneuvers which would add 1/2 add full WS.
  30. 6 - Mind
  31. Agressive: The Witch's predictive attacks ignore Posture, except for one rank per each 5 Karma the target has in Knowledge. Any Academic Knowledge negates this effect.
  32. Intrinsic: The Witch gains an extra +20 Defensive Mental Strength.
  33. Weakess: The Witch loses her bonus for being a Witch when subjected to Mental Magic.
  35. 7 - Metal
  36. Agressive: The Witch's body acts as an infinite repository of Common Steel weapons, one of which the Witch may Toss once a round as free action, and use for regular Toss/Lockdown. Unlike conjured swords, these do magic damage. She may also Toss her Familiars in the same way, treating them as weapons.
  37. Intrinsic: The Witch gains an extra instance of both Bloodless and Bulletproof, which may stack with the regular purchases of these powers. These instances only function against attacks made with metal weapons or ammunition.
  38. Weakness: Metal mundane weapons deal double damage against the Witch after reduction. Metal bullets count as two calibers higher against the Witch.
  40. 8 - Predation
  41. Agressive: Gain Witch Drain pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  42. Intrinsic: The Witch is especially ravenous. Whenever she or a familiar of hers eat a sentient soul, even a civilian, they gain a burst bonus of +3 to all her Attributes, with the maximum being one stack per 100 Karma she has.
  43. Weakness: The Witch is especially ravenous. She takes a degree of Fatigue penalties for every day she does not eat a person, and also takes a rank fatigue whenever all-ready food is directly taken from her.
  45. 9 - Electricity
  46. Agressive: Gain Witch Lightning pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  47. Intrinsic: The Witch emits an electric charge from certain parts of her body. All 'conductive' surfaces her sprite, or its relevant parts, would touch, deal her blast damage upon contact and at the end of every subsequent turn. Her own body does not count as a Blast Body effect and attackers are able to avoid the source. Instead, consider it a combined Terraform effect, usually working with water or metal. As with other Terraform effect in Barriers, they shouldn't take more than 2/3 of the space, and the Barrier still needs to be normally traversible.
  48. Weakness:
  50. 10 - Earth
  51. Agressive: Gain Witch Earth Pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  52. Intrinsic:
  53. Weakness:
  55. 11 - Fire
  56. Agressive: Gain Witch Fire Pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  57. Intrinsic: The Witch and her Familiars heal from fire instead. This healing cannot exceed first degree fire damage, unless it is an attack made with Fire Pattern.
  58. Weakness: The Witch and her Familiars take double damage from regular Fire, as well as Fire Pattern attacks.
  60. 12 - Water
  61. Agressive: Gain Witch Water Pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  62. Intrinsic:
  63. Weakness:
  65. 13 - Air
  66. Agressive: Gain Witch Wind Pattern. One breed of Familiars gains the ability to purchase it as well.
  67. Intrinsic: The Witch may Levitate as free action, and may choose to push everyone on the map 5m in given direction, as a secondary action. This may also pull everything 5m towards her, or away from her. Doing this does not affect posture, unless characters lose their footing. A character may brace themselves to prevent this effect.
  68. Weakness: Unlike other Witches, this one is very light. She may be moved with effects such as Mighty Wind, traveling double the usual distance, and takes appropriate environmental damage.
  70. 14 - Magnetism/Attraction
  71. Agressive:
  72. Intrinsic:
  73. Weakness:
  75. 15 - Weight/Gravity
  76. Agressive:
  77. Intrinsic:
  78. Weakness: The Witch increases all falling/ramming damage by one degree.
  80. 16 - Corrosion
  81. Agressive:
  82. Intrinsic:
  83. Weakness:
  85. 17 - Law/Bonds
  86. Agressive:
  87. Intrinsic:
  88. Weakness:
  90. 18 - Time
  91. Agressive:
  92. Intrinsic:
  93. Weakness:
  95. 19 - Matter
  96. Agressive: All damage dealt by the Witch is physical, even damage from powers such as Magic Blast. One breed of Familiars may purchase Magic Pattern: Matter for 5 Karma, granting this effect.
  97. Intrinsic: The Witch reduces all environmental damage by one degree, and cannot be stained by liquids.
  98. Weakness: The Witch cannot purchase physical damage reduction, and the natural Armor from her rank is halved.
  100. 20 - Void
  101. Agressive: The Witch ignores all defensive powers except Protection. This includes such as Shield, Blast Body, Phase Out, and so on.
  102. Intrinsic: The Witch ignores Blank Pattern's effect of doubling damage.
  103. Weakness: The Witch is fully subject to the effects of Anti-Magic fields like a regular Magical Girl, using the strongst layer touching her sprite.
  105. Cold
  106. Agressive:
  107. Intrinsic:
  108. Weakness:
  110. Sexuality
  111. Agressive:
  112. Intrinsic:
  113. Weakness:
  115. Community
  116. Agressive:
  117. Intrinsic:
  118. Weakness:
  120. Flora
  121. Agressive:
  122. Intrinsic:
  123. Weakness:
  125. Food
  127. Gore
  128. Agressive:
  129. Intrinsic:
  130. Weakness:
  132. Poison
  133. Agressive:
  134. Intrinsic:
  135. Weakness:
  138. Sorcery
  139. Agressive:
  140. Intrinsic:
  141. Weakness: The Witch cannot purchase magic damage reduction, and the natural Resistance from her rank is halved.
  144. Spite
  145. Agressive: The Witch automatically uses Todestrieb on the first round of combat at no action cost, and may keep using it on following rounds by spending secondary actions. She still cannot use Todestrieb normally. On a Player Character, this concept makes the first turn of Todestrieb in combat cost no Grief.
  146. Intrinsic:
  147. Weakness:
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