
Shot in the Dark

Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. >Her hooves dance across the strings like a ballet
  2. >The crowd hanging on every note.
  3. >There’s no time for you to enjoy it like they do. You scan the crowd, the high places, the dark places
  4. >Despite all that though, you can’t help but glance her way.
  5. >Octavia, the master of the cellist. She’s the hottest thing to hit the Canterlot high society since… You don’t really care.
  6. >She’s a client, a body to protect.
  7. >You know there are only two reasons she hired you.
  8. >One: Your resume. Or your reputation more like it.
  9. >Attempted guardsman… Pony…. Whatever. During a particularly nasty winter storm you racked up a body count unheard of in Equestria.
  10. >They didn’t know what to do with such justified violence.
  11. >’Thank you for stopping a changeling threat, but the locals are terrified of you’. You were discharged and left being a personal assistant to the rich and powerful.
  12. >Second: You’re an oddity.
  13. >The only bipedal ape in a land of technicolor marshmallow ponies.
  14. >The set ends and the crowd’s appreciation is electric. Cheers deafening.
  15. >If you were a shooter, now would be the time. Everyone’s so loud, no one would hear the shot.
  16. >Nothing happens though… Nothing ever happens.
  17. >She takes her bows and heads off stage
  18. “Good show ma’am”
  19. >”Thank you Anon, but I did hit a flat note….” She laments as if she’s a first year cello student. You didn’t notice and you doubt the crowd did either. In the morning, the papers will sing her praises while she still remembers that one note.
  20. >Then comes the fun part. After taking her saddlebags, you both weave your way through the back stage to a waiting carriage.
  21. >An orange unicorn stands between you and the exit. Fan? Staff? Or something else?
  23. >On instinct, you step between him and Octavia, your hand in your jacket.
  24. >His eyes widen and he stammers. “I-I just… A-autograph…”
  25. >Octavia puts a gentle hoof on your side, “Anon please. He’s just a fan.”
  26. >You give a nod and step aside, letting her sign whatever scrap he shoves in her face.
  27. >After he gets what he wants he runs off in a trail of spaghetti.
  28. >Octavia turns to you with a frown, “You REALLY need to relax. Not everyone’s out to get me.”
  29. “No ma’am, but someone is. YOU need to stop being so trusting”
  30. >She frowns, “The day I stop trusting in the kindness of others is the day I stop playing.”
  31. “Or die”
  32. >She sighs, the looming death threats she’s been receiving brought back by two blunt words. “Trust is very important to me. Should be to you too,” She looks back and smiles, “I DID trust you after all.”
  33. >True, her agent fought against you tooth and nail. She saw something he didn’t. Either that or she just took pity on a washed up cop that no one wanted.
  34. >The carriage ride to the hotel’s the same as all the rest.
  35. >Silence
  36. >The city lights flashing through the carriage, giving glimpses of a black mane that falls across Octavia’s face like a summer rain.
  37. >”Anon?” She asks in that proper manner.
  38. “Yes ma’am?”
  39. >She brushes a bang out of her eyes. “Oh, you were just staring… Is something the matter?”
  40. >Yeah, something’s wrong. You’re distracted. Watching after someone doesn’t include watching them.
  41. “No ma’am, nothing’s wrong”
  42. >You go back to checking out the window.
  43. >She’s just a job. You keep reminding yourself of that fact.
  45. Six months earlier
  46. >You walk up to the office door.
  47. >New client time.
  48. >Your last three were underwhelming one off gigs. You need something regular to pay the bills
  49. >”Still think this is a bad idea Octy. This guy has a rep… Remember the blood bath last year? This is him!” A masculine voice says. Your hand stops over the door knob.
  50. >”I don’t care Money Clip. YES it was… Brutal, but we all forget that he stopped an attack on Equestria. How was he rewarded? Treated like some sort of monster.”
  51. >Money Clip sighs, “You and your soft heart will be the end of me”
  52. >”You weren’t complaining when I donated most of my profits last year”
  53. >The man snorts, “Only because I got a big tax break off it.”
  54. >You decide to let yourself in. The stallion behind the desk stands and smiles in a way you’re all too familiar with.
  55. >Cubic zirconium of smiles. Attempt at genuine, but fake as all hell
  56. >”Ah you must be this Anon Octavia told me about. Well, welcome aboard”
  57. “Thank you sir. I was told what had been going on”
  58. >The excuse he’d been waiting for to drop the smile. “Yes, death threats, nasty business. Octy doesn’t think much of them, but I insisted… Didn’t know she’d hire someone of your….”
  59. “Reputation?”
  60. >”…..Highly recommended skillset.”
  61. >You didn’t know the city guard cared enough to give you a review, let alone a good one
  62. >The meeting goes as good as you would expect. This guy’s used to lying and putting on a friendly face.
  63. >All the while she smiles. She’s the only one with faith in you.
  64. >She’s just a job
  66. Now
  67. >The sun rises.
  68. >Fresh light on a new day.
  69. >Same shit though.
  70. >You go through your morning routine. Coffee for yourself and tea for Octavia. Toast, lightly buttered, sugar and cinnamon gently sprinkled atop.
  71. >Just a small added duty for a body guard.
  72. >You’re at the point you can meet her every need without being asked.
  73. >You don’t get paid enough for that.
  74. >Your room’s right next to hers.
  75. >It’s a shame she has to pay the extra to get you a fancy room like that.
  76. >You’d much prefer one of the studio like places a few floors down but you need to be nearby just in case.
  77. >You knock on the door and wait for a response. She’s a light sleeper so you know you’ll wake her.
  78. >……….
  79. >Nothing.
  80. “Octavia? It’s me, I have your breakfast”
  81. >……..
  82. >Nothing
  83. >You fish the spare key out of your pocket.
  84. >You open the door. It’s interesting how a simple act can help set off a chain of events.
  85. >You don’t have to check her. The hole in her chest evidence enough. Her eyes still closed in a now unending sleep.
  86. >You set the tea down and slowly approach her. You want nothing more than to kiss her like in some sort of fairytale.
  87. >Be the prince charming to bring her back.
  88. >But this isn’t a fairytale. There are no happy endings.
  90. >You know the routine.
  91. >The guad usher you to the side and treat you like some frantic house wife.
  92. >You’re sick of the blanket they keep trying to put over you.
  93. >”Go over it one more time.” Detective Gem Bravado asks. You and he go back and not in the friendly way.
  94. “I saw her off last night, went to bed, got up, brought her breakfast, and found her like this”
  95. >You glance at the tea now as cold as she is.
  96. >Gem nods and jots something down. “And how’d you get in? To bring her breakfast.”
  97. >You sigh. This isn’t unexpected. Hell if you were investigating, you’d be a suspect too.
  98. “I have a spare key just in case she needed me.”
  99. >”Lot of good that did her.” Gem scoffs.
  100. >You want to be mad at him. To grab him by the throat and put him through the nearest wall, but he’s right.
  101. >She expected you to protect her and you failed. Just another in a long line of women you’ve let down.
  102. >”Detective!” Some young guard shouts. “The door was locked but the window’s open. Maybe a flier got in, did the deed, and took off.”
  103. >Gem stares at you and scoffs. As much as he’d like to continue his vendetta, he can’t ignore this obvious evidence.
  104. >Too obvious.
  105. >Octavia never slept with the window open and anyone brash enough to do this wouldn’t have been so sloppy as to just leave the window open like that.
  106. >Let the guard dogs chase their tails, you have your own leads to follow.
  108. >The front lobby’s exactly as you’d expect from a fancy hotel
  109. >A fancy layer of paint and marble counters.
  110. >A good impression to make those that can’t afford the top rooms feel special.
  111. >The mare behind the desk seems bored listening to the radio
  112. “My name’s Anon, I need some information.”
  113. >She stares at you. Only human in this world, you tend to stand out.
  114. >Let alone being the last one seen with a murder victim
  115. “I need to know who would have access to the rooms last night. Cleaning staff, maintenance, anyone.”
  116. >”….You?” She asks. You feel a flash of anger before she answers earnestly. “We got a renovation crew. They’re working on a few rooms, but they only work during the day and only pull the keys they need.”
  117. “Nobody last night though?”
  118. >”I…. Maybe? I dunno… If you’re that curious it’s F & R Construction down on Trotter Way”
  119. >You nod a thanks and head out. F & R Construction was on your ‘to-do’ list to investigate.
  120. >You thought they would get a pass seeing as their boss helped with that changeling incident.
  121. >No time like the present.
  122. >Canterlot’s streets are full of ponies getting to work, avoiding work, or relishing the fact they’re too rich to work.
  123. >Have to hurry. Every second wasted is another second Octavia’s killer walks free.
  124. >What are you going to do? Arrest him? Kill him?
  125. >Why are you even doing this?
  126. >To protect your image? You failed. She was killed on your watch. That looks bad.
  127. >Or is it something more personal? Revenge
  129. >F&R Construction’s a small time front for the Equis Lupus crime syndicate.
  130. >Dirtier than a bachelor’s underwear
  131. >No sense going through the front. Besides, you know who you need to talk to.
  132. >Charmer, one of Viney Cognito’s lieutenants.
  133. >You charge straight through the window of his office, weapon drawn.
  134. >Gift from a friend. Looks like a gun, shoots like a gun. Instead of a magazine of bullets, you have crystals of stored kinetic energy.
  135. >”SHIT!” Charmer shrieks as you’re pulling him over his desk
  136. “Who did it Charmer!”
  137. >He squirms, “Dunno what you’re talking about!”
  138. >You slam him into the wall and shove the barrel of your pistol under his chin.
  139. “WHO DID IT!? Who ordered the hit?”
  140. >He spits, “What makes you think we’d waste our time with some bitch cellist?”
  141. “…..I never said who it was”
  142. >He gets a round in the leg. He’ll live
  144. >Kid gloves are off. You don’t have much time. Any second now his soldiers could be charging through the doo-
  145. >The distinct sound of magical discharge. There’s a fire fight going on in the building.
  146. >You flip Charmer’s desk and shove him down.
  147. “Stay put!”
  148. >”You shot me you psych-“
  149. >His insults cut short by his office door being shredded like a paper towel
  150. >Someone really wants him dead.
  151. >You return fire, but it’s too hot
  152. >You turn just in time to see Charmer halfway out the window.
  153. >When you pull him back in you see the still smoking hole in his head.
  154. >No idea how long you’ve been looking at him, or when the shooting stopped.
  155. >What snaps you back is a familiar voice.
  156. >”This is Shining Armor of the Royal Canterlot Guard! We know you’re in there Anon! Drop your weapon and come out with your hands up”
  158. Five months ago
  159. >Octavia loves her walks.
  160. >Everytime she’s in a new city, she has to find the closest coffee shop to the hotel.
  161. >She doesn’t give a warning just ‘let’s go, follow me’
  162. >You keep your eyes out for anything while she strolls without a care in the world.
  163. >In a way you envy her care free attitude
  164. >She finds a place that appeases her. A poncy little place on a corner
  165. >The type of place folks go to feel important over a mass produced beverage
  166. >”Oh this looks lovely! Would you join me for a cup?”
  167. >Why she asks is beyond you. Of course you’ll join her, you have to.
  168. >You reach for your wallet and realize you have no cash. All spent on drinks of the less stimulating variety.
  169. >She must have caught you hesitating. “On me?”
  170. >You don’t need her charity. She’s already paying you a salary.
  171. >One look into her violet eyes tells you that’s not the case. It’s not pity.
  172. “Yes ma’am, that’d be very nice”
  173. >She orders and you carry the cups to the table.
  174. >One look around reminds you one of the reasons you’re sure she hired you.
  175. >All eyes on the large freak.
  176. >You’re not so much protection, as you are a publicity stunt.
  177. >Just a job.
  179. Now
  180. >You’re sitting in an interrogation room, arms bound.
  181. >Been there for a few hours.
  182. >Lead suspect in a murder and caught in a place shot up.
  183. >Things are looking pleasant.
  184. >The doors open and a white stallion trots in with a stern face. “Hello Anon.”
  185. “Armor, good to see you. Congratulations on the engagement.”
  186. >He manages a smile, his good nature winning out over his attempt at being all business.
  187. >But then it’s back to it. “What the heck’s going on?”
  188. “……My client was murdered”
  189. >He rolls his eyes and sighs. “Yeah, we got that. I got a detective all ready to bring you up on charges. We caught you at the scene of a magic shootout with your favourite toy. The princesses are breathing down my neck to get this under control!”
  190. >You lean back in your chair. “I’m handling it Armor. You know me.”
  191. >He shakes his head, “Yeah! I know how you ‘handle’ things…. Listen… You’re not arrested. Not a prisoner. Not yet anyways.”
  192. >Your arms shake under the table, rattling the chains. “Could have fooled me.”
  193. >Armor stares at you for a moment. “What the BUCK’S going on?”
  194. “Octavia was murdered. No sign of forced entry and don’t give me the window crap! She NEVER slept with it open. That means someone with a key got in. The hotel’s doing some renovations so I went to talk with the company doing it which is also a front for the Equis Lupus Syndicate but YOU know that… Someone’s cutting out the middle man. Covering their tracks. Armor… This is big.”
  195. >Armor’s horn glows and you feel the chains slip off your wrists. “I agree with you… You have one week. One week and if you haven’t figured this out, I am coming after you personally.”
  197. >The train rumbles down the track.
  198. >You could do it, just keep riding it.
  199. >Leave the country and disappear, put it all behind you.
  200. >Find a new home and drink until you kill enough brain cells to either forget or stop caring.
  201. >Sounds tempting but you’ve never been one to quit.
  202. >Need to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Not just for yourself, but for her.
  203. >You hear the brakes screech as you pull into the station.
  204. >”Next stop! Ponyville!”
  205. >Thought you’d never see this place again. Where it all started those years ago.
  206. >Things change and you need to see a friend.
  207. >You wander down the streets of the small town.
  208. >There are those stares again.
  209. >You ignore them and carry on. A man on a mission
  210. >The house is just as you remembered it.
  211. >You wonder if her girlfriend’s still putting up with her crap. About to find out.
  212. >When the door opens it takes her a moment. Has it really been that long?
  213. “Hello L”
  214. >The minty unicorn smiles with sleep deprived eyes, “Anon? What are you… It’s good to see you… Come in!”
  215. >You step inside, the place dark and smelling of female shut in.
  216. “Wish this was a social visit, but I need something”
  217. >She nods, her smile fading just a bit, “Oh… Still good to see you.”
  218. >Good job Anon, she hasn’t seen you in over a year and the first thing you tell her is you’re not here to see HER.
  219. “You too Lyra. You’re looking wel-“
  220. >”Like garbage, I know,” She gives a shrug. “After Bonnie left I… Well I have more time to tinker now.”
  221. >She’s not lying, her home filled with various half-finished devices including a set of mechanical hands.
  223. “You should really get out more”
  224. >”Funny, I remember telling you the same thing. Guess you have though.” She chuckles dryly and clears a spot on a table.
  225. >You find a serviceable chair and take a seat.
  226. >After a moment she joins you, emulating your sitting style, “You never write anymore and I figured… Well I thought you either forgot about me or you were finally dead.”
  227. >Always the well of optimism.
  228. “No, I’ve just been busy. Had a job remember?”
  229. >She nods slowly, eyes lowering to the table top, “I remember. The musician right? And she’s…”
  230. “Dead. Murdered.”
  231. >Her eyes shoot back up. “A-and you want me t-“
  232. >You pull out your pistol and set it on the table.
  233. “I’m going to need guns and ammo. Lots of them”
  234. >Lyra’s shoulders sag as she looks at the weapon, “So you’re….”
  235. “Going after them? Of course.”
  236. >L pulls the weapon over with a glow of her horn. “Shouldn’t be hard. This one was easy enough and I still got my notes. Give me a day.”
  237. “Thank you”
  238. >She smirks and shrugs, “You can stay if you want, but I bet you want to see a few ponies.”
  239. >Not want to, but you suppose you should
  240. >You leave Lyra to her work. You know you can count on her.
  241. >There’s only one place you need to stop at.
  242. >The one that started it all.
  243. >She was the first friend you had and still owes you after that Diamond Dog revenge squad
  244. >You try to flatten the creases in your shirt before knocking on the door.
  245. >No matter how far you run, you always seem to end up back at the start.
  246. >The door opens and she smiles that smile, “Hello again dahling.”
  248. Four months ago
  249. >There’s a knock on your shitty apartment door.
  250. >Sounds like a gunshot with your hangover.
  251. >Octavia’s on the other side. She’s not angry, just that disappointed look.
  252. “What are you doing here? My day off”
  253. >”I was hoping we could… Are you ok?”
  254. >You wave her off and stagger back inside.
  255. “Just enjoying my weekend”
  256. >The bottles from your previous night clink as you kick them out of your way
  257. >Octavia walks in and frowns, “Is THIS what you do on your time off?”
  258. >You just shrug and find and half empty bottle on the table
  259. “Not all the time. Last night was special?”
  260. >She looks away and frowns, “But why?”
  261. “Anniversary”
  262. >Octavia’s eyes widen, “I didn’t know you were married!”
  263. >You pause in your drink and stare for a moment.
  264. “No… Anniversary of me getting here. In this world”
  265. >She gives a sigh of relief. “Um… What was it like?”
  266. >You pause and set the bottle down
  267. “Terrifying. Alone in a strange place. Didn’t know anyone or even what the hell anything was about.”
  268. >”Y-you were All alone?”
  269. “……Not at the start actually, no”
  270. >She smiles and takes a seat, “That’s good. I’d hate to think of you being ALL alone. Everypony needs somepony.”
  271. >You shake your head and set the bottle down. It’s a nice thought but you don’t agree.
  272. >”So…. What were they like?”
  273. >You sigh and think for a moment. The trace of a smile forming at the memory.
  274. “Probably one of the most generous beings I ever met.”
  276. Now
  277. >Rarity’s mane falls over her face like a curtain about ready to reveal the star of the show.
  278. >That’s what she’s always been in her world, a star.
  279. >”It’s been too too long, do come in please.”
  280. >You enter her home. It’s just as you remembered. Immaculate, perfect, an outward symbol of her own inner wishes.
  281. “It has. How have you been?”
  282. >Her hips sway as she walks. A pendulum of plot. “Very well, my spring line was a smashing success… But enough about me… I read what happened.”
  283. >She nods to a paper on a table.
  284. >Octavia made the front page.
  285. >”I’m… Terribly sorry. I’m sure you did all you could… You must be devastated,” She magic’s a chair under you. “Is there anything I can do to help ease your pain?”
  286. >Not too long ago, you’d have taken that offer for what it probably is.
  287. >Comfort of the flesh.
  288. >Just seems… Improper now.
  289. “I’ll live. Still have something to do, I’m here for some equipment from L”
  290. >Rarity’s frown turns angry. “No….”
  291. “What do yo-“
  292. >”NO! I forbid it!” She stamps her hoof for emphasis. “Just… She’s dead! Let it go!”
  293. >You sigh and look out the window.
  294. “One: I don’t just give up, you know that. Two: There’s something big going on, I can feel it. Three....”
  295. >You look back at her, the fury of her eyes met with the calm of yours.
  296. “What authority do you have to tell me what to do?”
  297. >She puffs her cheeks in anger, “You! Ooooh yooou…. What was she to you hm? WHY are you taking this so personally!?”
  298. “She was just a job”
  300. >Rarity’s just as full of piss and vinegar as you remember. Gives you an earful about how you need to let sleeping dogs lie.
  301. “Like with you?”
  302. >”Wh-what?” You know you’ve gotten to her. Her veneer of suave cracked ever so slightly.
  303. “When the Diamond Dogs took you again. When they wanted revenge on the ‘thieving pony’?”
  304. >She shakes slightly at the memory. But what memory? Her being taken, or something else?
  305. >”I…. Anon please… I don’t like thinking about that.”
  306. >You allow a small smirk of victory
  307. “If I’d have just let ‘sleeping dogs lie’ who knows what would have happened to you.”
  308. >She looks away. The curtain of mane over her eye falls open briefly.
  309. >With a scar like that as a daily reminder, how can she forget?
  310. >”I know… YOU know what they would have done just… She’s already gone, why carry this on?”
  311. “I. Have. To.”
  312. >”THAT’S NOT AN ANSWER!” Tears hill her eyes as she roars back at you. “…It’s not an answer….”
  313. >You stand and shrug.
  314. “It’s enough for me.”
  315. >Rarity turns away and says almost at a whisper, “Was she at least prettier than me?”
  316. >You walk over to her and place a hand on her back. She jumps, but doesn’t move away.
  317. “There are few things that are and…”
  318. >”D-don’t answer that… Just… Just stop it all and… Live here with me? Like we used to?”
  319. >You grab your coat and make a few steps for the door.
  320. “When this is all over… When my job’s done I will.”
  321. >She doesn’t respond. She knows you can’t promise. All you’re doing is giving her a hypothetical hope.
  322. >You wish that’ll be enough for her
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