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Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. # These are Global Settings for Residence.
  2. Global:
  3. # Starts UUID conversion on plugin startup
  4. # DONT change this if you are not sure what you doing
  5. UUIDConvertion: false
  6. # If you running offline server, better to check this as true. This will help to solve issues with changing players UUID.
  7. OfflineMode: false
  8. # Players with residence.versioncheck permission node will be noticed about new residence version on login
  9. versionCheck: true
  10. # This loads the <language>.yml file in the Residence Language folder
  11. # All Residence text comes from this file. (NOT DONE YET)
  12. Language: English
  13. # Wooden Hoe is the default selection tool for Residence.
  14. # You can change it to another item ID listed here:
  15. SelectionToolId: 280
  16. Selection:
  17. # By setting this to true, all selections will be made from bedrock to sky ignoring Y coordinates
  18. IgnoreY: false
  19. # By setting this to true, player will only pay for x*z blocks ignoring height
  20. # This will lower residence price by up to 256 times, so ajust block price BEFORE enabling this
  21. NoCostForYBlocks: false
  22. # This determins which tool you can use to see info on residences, default is String.
  23. # Simply equip this tool and hit a location inside the residence and it will display the info for it.
  24. InfoToolId: 287
  25. Optimizations:
  26. # Name of your main residence world. Usually normal starting world 'World'. Capitalization essential
  27. DefaultWorld: world
  28. DisabledWorlds:
  29. # List Of Worlds where this plugin is disabled
  30. List: []
  31. # Disables all listeners in included worlds
  32. DisableListeners: true
  33. # Disabled any command usage in included worlds
  34. DisableCommands: true
  35. GlobalChat:
  36. # Enables or disables chat modification by including players main residence name
  37. Enabled: false
  38. # Modifys chat to add chat titles. If you're using a chat manager, you may add the tag {residence} to your chat format and disable this.
  39. SelfModify: true
  40. Format: '&c[&e%1&c]'
  41. # When this set to true, any teleportation to residence where player dont have tp flag, action will be denyied
  42. # This can prevent from teleporting players to residence with 3rd party plugins like esentials /tpa
  43. BlockAnyTeleportation: true
  44. # Set this as low as posible depending of residence.max.res.[number] permission you are using
  45. # In example if you are giving max number of 10 for players, set it to 15, if its 30, set it to 35 just to have some small buffer in case
  46. MaxResCount: 30
  47. # Set this as low as posible depending of residence.max.rents.[number] permission you are using
  48. # In example if you are giving max number of 10 for players, set it to 15, if its 30, set it to 35 just to have some small buffer in case
  49. MaxRentCount: 10
  50. # Set this as low as posible depending of residence.max.subzones.[number] permission you are using
  51. # In example if you are giving max number of 10 for players, set it to 15, if its 30, set it to 35 just to have some small buffer in case
  52. MaxSubzoneCount: 5
  53. # By setting this to true, regular pvp flag will be acting as overridepvp flag
  54. # Overridepvp flag tries to ignore any pvp protection in that residence by any other plugin
  55. OverridePvp: false
  56. KickLocation:
  57. # By setting this to true, when player kicks another player from residence, he will be teleported to this location instead of getting outside residence
  58. Use: false
  59. World: world
  60. X: 0.5
  61. Y: 63.0
  62. Z: 0.5
  63. # Less than 0 - head up, more than 0 - head down. Range from -90 to 90
  64. Pitch: 0.0
  65. # Head position to left and right. Range from -180 to 180
  66. Yaw: 0.0
  67. ShortInfo:
  68. # By setting this to true, when checking residence info with /res info, you will get only names in list, by hovering on them, you will get flag list
  69. Use: false
  70. Vote:
  71. # Range players can vote to, by default its from 0 to 10 points
  72. RangeFrom: 0
  73. RangeTo: 10
  74. # If this true, players can onli give like for shop instead of point voting
  75. OnlyLike: false
  76. Intervals:
  77. # How often in seconds to heal/feed players in residence with appropriate flag
  78. # Bigger numbers can save some resources
  79. Heal: 1
  80. Feed: 5
  81. # Potions containing one of thos effects will be ignored if residence dont have pvp true flag set
  82. NegativePotionEffects:
  83. - blindness
  84. - confusion
  85. - harm
  86. - hunger
  87. - poison
  88. - slow
  89. - slow_digging
  90. - weakness
  91. - wither
  92. NegativeLingeringPotions:
  93. - slowness
  94. - instant_damage
  95. - poison
  96. - slowness
  97. # Defines speed for particular wspeed1 and wspeed2 flags. It can be from 0 up to 5
  98. WalkSpeed:
  99. '1': 0.5
  100. '2': 2.0
  101. # The interval, in milliseconds, between movement checks.
  102. # Reducing this will increase the load on the server.
  103. # Increasing this will allow players to move further in movement restricted zones before they are teleported out.
  104. MoveCheckInterval: 500
  105. Tp:
  106. # The interval, in seconds, for teleportation.
  107. # Use 0 to disable
  108. TeleportDelay: 3
  109. # Show aditional message in title message area when player is teleporting to residence
  110. TeleportTitleMessage: true
  111. RandomTeleportation:
  112. # World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
  113. world:
  114. # Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
  115. MaxCoord: 1000
  116. # If maxcord set to 1000 and mincord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 1000 to 500 coordinates
  117. MinCord: 500
  118. CenterX: 0
  119. CenterZ: 0
  120. # How long force player to wait before using command again.
  121. Cooldown: 5
  122. # How many times to try find correct location for teleportation.
  123. # Keep it at low number, as player always can try again after delay
  124. MaxTries: 20
  125. # The interval, in minutes, between residence saves.
  126. SaveInterval: 10
  127. Backup:
  128. AutoCleanUp:
  129. # Do you want to automaticaly remove backup files from main backup folder if they are older than defined day amount
  130. Use: false
  131. Days: 30
  132. # Do you want to backup files by creating zip files in main residence folder in backup folder
  133. # This wont have effect on regular backuped files made in save folder
  134. UseZip: true
  135. IncludeFiles:
  136. Worlds: true
  137. forsale: true
  138. leases: true
  139. permlists: true
  140. rent: true
  141. flags: true
  142. groups: true
  143. config: true
  144. AutoCleanUp:
  145. # HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL residence cleaning on server startup if player is offline for x days.
  146. # Players can bypass this wih residence.cleanbypass permission node
  147. Use: false
  148. # For how long player should be offline to delete hes residence
  149. Days: 60
  150. # Worlds to be included in check list
  151. Worlds:
  152. - world
  153. Lwc:
  154. # Removes lwc protection from all defined objects when removing residence
  155. OnDelete: true
  156. # Removes lwc protection from all defined objects when buying residence
  157. OnBuy: true
  158. # Removes lwc protection from all defined objects when unrenting residence
  159. OnUnrent: true
  160. # List of blocks you want to remove protection from
  161. MaterialList:
  162. - CHEST
  164. - furnace
  165. - dispenser
  166. AntiGreef:
  167. TNT:
  168. # When set to true will allow tnt and minecart with tnt to explode below 62 (default) level outside of residence
  169. # This will allow mining with tnt and more vanilla play
  170. ExplodeBelow: false
  171. level: 62
  172. Creeper:
  173. # When set to true will allow Creeper explode below 62 (default) level outside of residence
  174. # This will give more realistic game play
  175. ExplodeBelow: false
  176. level: 62
  177. Flow:
  178. # Level from witch one to start lava and water flow blocking
  179. # This dont have effect in residence area
  180. Level: 63
  181. # With this set to true, lava flow outside residence is blocked
  182. NoLavaFlow: true
  183. # With this set to true, water flow outside residence is blocked
  184. NoWaterFlow: true
  185. Worlds:
  186. - world
  187. Place:
  188. # Level from witch one to start block lava and water place
  189. # This don't have effect in residence area
  190. Level: 63
  191. # With this set to true, playrs cant place lava outside residence
  192. NoLavaPlace: true
  193. # With this set to true, playrs cant place water outside residence
  194. NoWaterPlace: true
  195. Worlds:
  196. - world
  197. BlockFall:
  198. # With this set to true, falling blocks will be deleted if they will land in different area
  199. Use: true
  200. # Level from witch one to start block block's fall
  201. # This don't have effect in residence area or outside
  202. Level: 62
  203. Worlds:
  204. - world
  205. ResCleaning:
  206. # With this set to true, after player removes its residence, all blocks listed below, will be replaced with air blocks
  207. # Effective way to prevent residence creating near greefing target and then remove it
  208. Use: true
  209. # Level from whichone you want to replace blocks
  210. Level: 63
  211. # Block list to be replaced
  212. # By default only water and lava will be replaced
  213. Blocks:
  214. - 8
  215. - 9
  216. - 10
  217. - 11
  218. Worlds:
  219. - world
  220. Flags:
  221. # By setting this to true flags from list will be protected from change while there is some one inside residence besides owner
  222. # Protects in example from people inviting some one and changing pvp flag to true to kill them
  223. Prevent: true
  224. list:
  225. - pvp
  226. # The default group to use if Permissions fails to attach or your not using Permissions.
  227. DefaultGroup: default
  228. # Enable / Disable the Lease System.
  229. UseLeaseSystem: false
  230. # Sets date format when shown in example lease or rent expire date
  231. # How to use it properly, more information can be found at
  232. DateFormat: E yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz
  233. # Sets time zone for showing date, usefull when server is in different country then main server player base
  234. # Full list of posible time zones can be found at
  235. TimeZone: Europe/Prague
  236. # Enable / Disable money returning on residence removal.
  237. ResMoneyBack: false
  238. # The interval, in minutes, between residence lease checks (if leases are enabled).
  239. LeaseCheckInterval: 10
  240. # Allows leases to automatically renew so long as the player has the money, if economy is disabled, this setting does nothing.
  241. LeaseAutoRenew: true
  242. # Whether or not to use the Permissions system in conjunction with this config.
  243. EnablePermissions: true
  244. # Set to true if NOT using Permissions or PermissionsBukkit, or using a really old version of Permissions
  245. LegacyPermissions: false
  246. # Enable / Disable Residence's Economy System (iConomy, MineConomy, Essentials, BOSEconomy, and RealEconomy supported).
  247. EnableEconomy: true
  248. # When enabled extra message will apear in chat if residence is for rent or for sell to inform how he can rent/buy residence with basic information.
  249. ExtraEnterMessage: true
  250. Sell:
  251. # If set to true, this will allow to sell subzones. Its recommended to keep it false tho
  252. Subzone: false
  253. # Enables or disables the Rent System
  254. EnableRentSystem: false
  255. Rent:
  256. # Prevents residence/subzone removal if its subzone is still rented by some one
  257. PreventRemoval: true
  258. Inform:
  259. # Informs players on rent time ending
  260. OnEnding: true
  261. # Time range in minutes when to start informing about ending rent
  262. Before: 1440
  263. # Time range in seconds for how long to wait after player logs in to inform about ending rents
  264. Delay: 60
  265. DefaultValues:
  266. # Default values used when putting residence for rent
  267. AllowRenewing: true
  268. StayInMarket: true
  269. AllowAutoPay: true
  270. # If set to true, when player is not defining auto pay on renting, then this value will be used
  271. PlayerAutoPay: true
  272. Schematics:
  273. # EXPERIMENTAL!!! If set to true, residence will be restored to state it was when backup flag was set to true
  274. # For securoty reassons only players with aditional residence.backup permission node can set backup flag
  275. RestoreAfterRentEnds: true
  276. # When set to true, area state will be saved only when setting backup to true value
  277. # When set to false, area state will be saved before each renting to have always up to date area look
  278. # Keep in mind that when its set to false, there is slightly bigger server load as it has to save area each time when some one rents it
  279. SaveOnFlagChange: true
  280. # The interval, in minutes, between residence rent expiration checks (if the rent system is enabled).
  281. RentCheckInterval: 10
  282. # Enable or disable residence chat channels.
  283. ResidenceChatEnable: true
  284. ActionBar:
  285. # True for ActionBar - new component in 1.8
  286. # False for old Messaging in chat enter/leave Residence messages
  287. General: true
  288. ShowOnSelection: true
  289. # Color of residence chat.
  290. ResidenceChatColor: DARK_PURPLE
  291. ResidenceChatPrefixLength: 16
  292. # Whether or not to ignore the usual Permission flags and only allow OPs and groups with 'residence.admin' to change residences.
  293. AdminOnlyCommands: false
  294. # Setting this to true makes server OPs admins.
  295. AdminOPs: true
  296. # Setting this to true server administration wont need to use /resadmin command to access admin command if they are op or have residence.admin permission node.
  297. AdminFullAccess: false
  298. # This is the name of the plugin you use for multiworld, if you dont have a multiworld plugin you can safely ignore this.
  299. # The only thing this does is check to make sure the multiworld plugin is enabled BEFORE Residence, to ensure properly loading residences for other worlds.
  300. MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core
  301. # Setting this to true causes subzones to inherit flags from their parent zones.
  302. ResidenceFlagsInherit: true
  303. # Setting this to false will allow rented residences to be modified by the renting player.
  304. PreventRentModify: true
  305. # Setting this to true will prevent subzone deletion when subzone owner is not same as parent zone owner.
  306. PreventSubZoneRemoval: true
  307. # Setting this to false will cause residence to continue to load even if a error is detected in the save file.
  308. StopOnSaveFault: true
  309. ResidenceNameRegex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]'
  310. # Setting this to true sends a message to the console every time Residence does a rent expire check or a lease expire check.
  311. ShowIntervalMessages: false
  312. # Setting this to true sends a tutorial message to the new player when he places chest on ground.
  313. ShowNoobMessage: true
  314. # Setting this to true creates residence around players placed chest if he don't have any.
  315. # Only once every server restart if he still don't have any residence
  316. NewPlayer:
  317. Use: false
  318. # Setting this to true, residence will be created for free
  319. # By setting to false, money will be taken from player, if he has them
  320. Free: true
  321. # Range from placed chest o both sides. By setting to 5, residence will be 5+5+1 = 11 blocks wide
  322. Range:
  323. X: 5
  324. Y: 5
  325. Z: 5
  326. # Experimental - The following settings are lists of block IDs to be used as part of the checks for the 'container' and 'use' flags when using mods.
  327. CustomContainers: []
  328. CustomBothClick: []
  329. CustomRightClick: []
  330. Visualizer:
  331. # With this enabled player will see particle effects to mark selection boundries
  332. Use: true
  333. # Range in blocks to draw particle effects for player
  334. # Keep it no more as 30, as player cant see more than 16 blocks
  335. Range: 16
  336. # For how long in miliseconds (5000 = 5sec) to show particle effects
  337. ShowFor: 5000
  338. # How often in miliseconds update particles for player
  339. updateInterval: 20
  340. # Spacing in blocks between particle effects for rows
  341. RowSpacing: 2
  342. # Spacing in blocks between particle effects for collums
  343. CollumnSpacing: 2
  344. # Maximum amount of frame particles to show for one player
  345. FrameCap: 2000
  346. # Maximum amount of sides particles to show for one player
  347. SidesCap: 2000
  348. # Particle effect names. Posible: explode, largeexplode, hugeexplosion, fireworksSpark, splash, wake, crit, magicCrit
  349. # smoke, largesmoke, spell, instantSpell, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, witchMagic, dripWater, dripLava, angryVillager, happyVillager, townaura
  350. # note, portal, enchantmenttable, flame, lava, footstep, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, snowshovel, slime, heart, barrier
  351. # droplet, take, mobappearance
  353. # If using spigot based server different particales can be used:
  354. # click2, click1, bow_fire, door_toggle, iron_door_toggle, trapdoor_toggle, iron_trapdoor_toggle, fence_gate_toggle, door_close, iron_door_close, trapdoor_close, iron_trapdoor_close, fence_gate_close, extinguish, record_play, ghast_shriek, ghast_shoot, blaze_shoot, zombie_chew_wooden_door, zombie_chew_iron_door, zombie_destroy_door, smoke, step_sound, potion_break, ender_signal, mobspawner_flames, brewing_stand_brew, chorus_flower_grow, chorus_flower_death, portal_travel, endereye_launch, firework_shoot, villager_plant_grow, dragon_breath, anvil_break, anvil_use, anvil_land, enderdragon_shoot, wither_break_block, wither_shoot, zombie_infect, zombie_converted_villager, bat_takeoff, end_gateway_spawn, enderdragon_growl, fireworks_spark, crit, magic_crit, potion_swirl, potion_swirl_transparent, spell, instant_spell, witch_magic, note, portal, flying_glyph, flame, lava_pop, footstep, splash, particle_smoke, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion, void_fog, small_smoke, cloud, coloured_dust, snowball_break, waterdrip, lavadrip, snow_shovel, slime, heart, villager_thundercloud, happy_villager, large_smoke, item_break, tile_break, tile_dust,
  355. Selected:
  356. Frame: happyVillager
  357. Sides: reddust
  358. Overlap:
  359. Frame: FLAME
  360. Sides: FLAME
  361. # Shows particle effect when player are being pushed back
  362. BounceAnimation: true
  363. GUI:
  364. # Enable or disable flag GUI
  365. Enabled: true
  366. # Item id and data to use when flag is set to true
  367. setTrue:
  368. Id: 35
  369. Data: 13
  370. # Item id and data to use when flag is set to false
  371. setFalse:
  372. Id: 35
  373. Data: 14
  374. # Item id and data to use when flag is set to remove
  375. setRemove:
  376. Id: 35
  377. Data: 8
  378. # Default = false. Enabling this, residences with flag nomobs will be cleared from monsters in regular intervals.
  379. # This is quite heavy on server side, so enable only if you really need this feature
  380. AutoMobRemoval:
  381. Use: false
  382. # How often in seconds to check for monsters in residences. Keep it at reasonable amount
  383. Interval: 3
  384. EnforceAreaInsideArea: false
  385. EnableSpout: false
  386. EnableLeaseMoneyAccount: true
  387. # By setting this to true, partial compatability for kCouldron servers will be anabled. Action bar messages and selection visualizer will be disabled automaticaly as off incorrect compatability
  388. CouldronCompatability: false
  389. DynMap:
  390. # Enables or disable DynMap Support
  391. Use: false
  392. # Shows or hides residence flags
  393. ShowFlags: true
  394. # If set true, residence with hidden flag set to true will be hidden from dynmap
  395. HideHidden: true
  396. Layer:
  397. # Enables 3D zones
  398. 3dRegions: true
  399. # How deep to go into subzones to show
  400. SubZoneDepth: 2
  401. Border:
  402. # Color of border. Pick color from this page
  403. Color: '#FF0000'
  404. # Transparency. 0.3 means that only 30% of color will be visible
  405. Opacity: 0.3
  406. # Border thickness
  407. Weight: 3
  408. Fill:
  409. Opacity: 0.3
  410. Color: '#FFFF00'
  411. ForRent: '#33cc33'
  412. Rented: '#99ff33'
  413. ForSale: '#0066ff'
  414. # Shows only regions on this list
  415. VisibleRegions: []
  416. # Hides region on map even if its not hidden ingame
  417. HiddenRegions: []
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