
Ossim convo with Raish

Oct 21st, 2014
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  1. [Totoro]Piexplode: the real question is
  2. [Totoro]Piexplode: how much is viable
  3. Raish: yeah
  4. [Totoro]Piexplode: and by that I mean like
  5. [Totoro]Piexplode: you could use in tours level viable
  6. Raish: right
  7. Raish: well I took this kingler team to #1 ladder
  8. [Totoro]Piexplode: I don't see why
  9. [Totoro]Piexplode: we couldn't have a
  10. [Totoro]Piexplode: list of literally
  11. Raish: because gengar kingler zapdos is an amazing trio
  12. [Totoro]Piexplode: every possible 'good' RBY team
  13. [Totoro]Piexplode: since with the combinatorics that's still gotta be
  14. [Totoro]Piexplode: less than 100
  15. [Totoro]Piexplode: and to an extent
  16. [Totoro]Piexplode: you get small variations too
  17. [Totoro]Piexplode: with move slashes
  18. Raish: yeah
  19. [Totoro]Piexplode: and I reckon even from that point
  20. [Totoro]Piexplode: you could start
  21. [Totoro]Piexplode: removing teams with
  22. [Totoro]Piexplode: weaknesses to threats that it can't handle
  23. [Totoro]Piexplode: idk
  24. [Totoro]Piexplode: hmm
  25. [Totoro]Piexplode: I do wonder tho
  26. [Totoro]Piexplode: if that is
  27. [Totoro]Piexplode: realistic and possible
  28. [Totoro]Piexplode: I think I spoke to marco about it before
  29. [Totoro]Piexplode: hmm I might
  30. [Totoro]Piexplode: speak with lutra
  31. [Totoro]Piexplode: and ask to hold
  32. [Totoro]Piexplode: a total team archive
  33. [Totoro]Piexplode: on there
  34. Raish: there are probably thousands of teams possible
  35. [Totoro]Piexplode: yea but essentially you can start from
  36. [Totoro]Piexplode: the niche threats up
  37. [Totoro]Piexplode: so take
  38. [Totoro]Piexplode: every possible
  39. [Totoro]Piexplode: good team
  40. [Totoro]Piexplode: with an BL or below mon
  41. Raish: well there's a place where people put their favorite teams on pokemon perfect
  42. Raish: I've got my main team on there
  43. [Totoro]Piexplode: yea Ik that
  44. [Totoro]Piexplode: I'm just saying like
  45. [Totoro]Piexplode: you can reduce it to
  46. [Totoro]Piexplode: starting with
  47. Raish: going to do a write up on this one soon because lutra wanted it
  48. Raish: to show a real kingler team
  49. [Totoro]Piexplode: those which are really low tier
  50. [Totoro]Piexplode: since they are so niche the rest of the team is basically forced
  51. [Totoro]Piexplode: and then you have
  52. Raish: right
  53. [Totoro]Piexplode: about 20 pokemon with which
  54. [Totoro]Piexplode: to make
  55. [Totoro]Piexplode: the remainder of the teams
  56. Raish: yeah
  57. Raish: like I've only found 2 tourney viable kingler teams
  58. [Totoro]Piexplode: and tauros+lax+chansey+eggy will make up
  59. Raish: one is this one
  60. [Totoro]Piexplode: a good solid 60-80% of those imo
  61. [Totoro]Piexplode: and all but maybe the last 5% will have 3 of the 4
  62. Raish: and the other is the big 4 with an SToss Zam lead and Kingler
  63. [Totoro]Piexplode: so RBY teambuilding is limited enough that i feel a total archive of all possible teams is a viable idea
  64. Raish: you made a good point
  65. [Totoro]Piexplode: bear in mind you also have
  66. [Totoro]Piexplode: nche sets
  67. [Totoro]Piexplode: *niche
  68. [Totoro]Piexplode: like
  69. [Totoro]Piexplode: withdraw slowbro
  70. [Totoro]Piexplode: where the team is
  71. Raish: I think a list of viable niche teams
  72. [Totoro]Piexplode: virtually forced too
  73. [Totoro]Piexplode: ad then once we have
  74. [Totoro]Piexplode: all the viable 'niche' teams
  75. [Totoro]Piexplode: then we work on those with
  76. [Totoro]Piexplode: the core 15-20 mons
  77. Raish: and then saying but then there are these other more flexible mons where you can just do most combos of these
  78. [Totoro]Piexplode: dnite is really limited and stuff
  79. [Totoro]Piexplode: I don't think it's impossible to find
  80. [Totoro]Piexplode: every viable build with
  81. [Totoro]Piexplode: gar/jynx/zam/mie/eggy/tauros/lax/chans/lapras/zappy/
  82. [Totoro]Piexplode: rhydon/golem/slowbro
  83. [Totoro]Piexplode: that's kind of it of the stuff that doesn't feel super niche
  84. [Totoro]Piexplode: altho zappy and bro can do to an extent
  85. Raish: yeah
  86. [Totoro]Piexplode: and victreebell, jolteon, articuno, cloyster, and dnite can probably form a few viable teams
  87. Raish: zapdos definitely needs support
  88. Raish: yeah
  89. [Totoro]Piexplode: so if we remove
  90. [Totoro]Piexplode: zappy and bro from the list
  91. [Totoro]Piexplode: then the core pokemon is basically
  92. [Totoro]Piexplode: the 4 usually leads + the 2 rocks + the big 4 + lapras
  93. [Totoro]Piexplode: and of those there's not all that many combinations
  94. [Totoro]Piexplode: probably max 20
  95. [Totoro]Piexplode: in terms of
  96. [Totoro]Piexplode: those that are viable
  97. [Totoro]Piexplode: and then teams could all be
  98. [Totoro]Piexplode: rated in terms of
  99. [Totoro]Piexplode: consistency
  100. Raish: in terms of mons yes
  101. [Totoro]Piexplode: suprise factor
  102. [Totoro]Piexplode: major weaknesses/strengths
  103. Raish: but then you need to change movesets and that's what makes the numbers big
  104. [Totoro]Piexplode: difficulty to use
  105. [Totoro]Piexplode: yea agreed but if a team's the same 6 mons you can just list
  106. [Totoro]Piexplode: the best moveset combos and then list other options that are specific to the team
  107. Raish: yeah
  108. [Totoro]Piexplode: man we should really
  109. [Totoro]Piexplode: get this project down lol
  110. [Totoro]Piexplode: so what there's like
  111. [Totoro]Piexplode: 20 teams or so from
  112. [Totoro]Piexplode: the biggest ones
  113. [Totoro]Piexplode: probably about 20 from the super niche
  114. [Totoro]Piexplode: and then amybe another 40 from the middle road ones
  115. Raish: yeah
  116. [Totoro]Piexplode: that's not even 100
  117. [Totoro]Piexplode: we can do that
  118. [Totoro]Piexplode: ^o^
  119. [Totoro]Piexplode: so I think I'll
  120. [Totoro]Piexplode: copypaste this convo
  121. [Totoro]Piexplode: send it to lutra some time
  122. Raish: haha sure
  123. [Totoro]Piexplode: and then seee if I can
  124. [Totoro]Piexplode: get this project going
  125. [Totoro]Piexplode: with like
  126. [Totoro]Piexplode: borat m9m isa jorgen bomber etc.
  127. [Totoro]Piexplode: involved
  128. [Totoro]Piexplode: I could even assign people to work on
  129. [Totoro]Piexplode: specific sections
  130. [Totoro]Piexplode: to an extent
  131. [Totoro]Piexplode: idk hmm
  132. [Totoro]Piexplode: well like dre on wrap mons which are mostly middle of the roaders
  133. [Totoro]Piexplode: bomber on the super niche stuff
  134. [Totoro]Piexplode: etc.
  135. Raish: yeah
  136. [Totoro]Piexplode: I mean everyone has theiir favourite
  137. [Totoro]Piexplode: niche stuff
  138. Raish: haha yeah
  139. [Totoro]Piexplode: the whole thing is
  140. [Totoro]Piexplode: getitng this organised
  141. [Totoro]Piexplode: so I thnk the
  142. Raish: gen1 doctor's my favorite kangaskhan user
  143. [Totoro]Piexplode: middle of the road stuff
  144. [Totoro]Piexplode: would be subdivided more to make it manageable
  145. [Totoro]Piexplode: ahh I've not seen kanga used yet
  146. [Totoro]Piexplode: altho marco explained
  147. [Totoro]Piexplode: its usage to me
  148. [Totoro]Piexplode: seems oaky but
  149. [Totoro]Piexplode: hard to build around
  150. Raish: Alakazam MDEggy CRBSBlizLapras BSHBEQCounterKangaskhan IBTBChansey Tauros
  151. Raish: that's his team
  152. Raish: or all the moves I know off it
  153. [Totoro]Piexplode: looks mostly standard but with a kkanga over a lax
  154. [Totoro]Piexplode: mm
  155. [Totoro]Piexplode: I'd defo
  156. Raish: yeah
  157. [Totoro]Piexplode: speak to marco about kanga
  158. [Totoro]Piexplode: he's been
  159. [Totoro]Piexplode: tmonning the fuck out of it
  160. Raish: lol
  161. Raish: yeah I got into kingler because my friend wanted to make it work
  162. Raish: and then I found out I loved it
  163. Raish: lutra just asked about who belongs in ou
  164. Raish: and the top 13 were easy for me
  165. Raish: the last 2 slots were really tough
  166. [Totoro]Piexplode: yea I spoke to him about that too
  167. Raish: lots of competition
  168. [Totoro]Piexplode: he asked me like
  169. [Totoro]Piexplode: favourte 15
  170. [Totoro]Piexplode: no order
  171. Raish: yeah
  172. [Totoro]Piexplode: at first
  173. [Totoro]Piexplode: and I added in
  174. [Totoro]Piexplode: parasect
  175. [Totoro]Piexplode: rofl
  176. [Totoro]Piexplode: but then
  177. Raish: lol really?
  178. [Totoro]Piexplode: when I found out
  179. [Totoro]Piexplode: it was about tiering
  180. [Totoro]Piexplode: I knew
  181. [Totoro]Piexplode: I had to swap in like
  182. [Totoro]Piexplode: cloy or gar or dnite for it
  183. [Totoro]Piexplode: lol
  184. [Totoro]Piexplode: parasect isn't
  185. [Totoro]Piexplode: too bad
  186. [Totoro]Piexplode: it's just super niche
  187. Raish: because I don't think of wrap, I ended up putting jolteon and articuno in the last slots
  188. [Totoro]Piexplode: it matches up like eggy except
  189. [Totoro]Piexplode: bbetter versus jolteon
  190. [Totoro]Piexplode: dies to zam psychic crit and same with starmie blizz
  191. Raish: and I realized articuno gets virtually no usage
  192. [Totoro]Piexplode: articuno is usable
  193. Raish: so now I want to tmon articuno
  194. [Totoro]Piexplode: allala and I use it
  195. [Totoro]Piexplode: and I've seen
  196. [Totoro]Piexplode: floppy use it
  197. Raish: I haven't seen it in half a year at least
  198. [Totoro]Piexplode: I actually found a
  199. [Totoro]Piexplode: first series or two of SPL game on YT
  200. [Totoro]Piexplode: RBY
  201. [Totoro]Piexplode: that was
  202. [Totoro]Piexplode: pretty interesting
  203. [Totoro]Piexplode: the game I watched
  204. [Totoro]Piexplode: was so terrible lol
  205. [Totoro]Piexplode: everyone involved knew it was
  206. [Totoro]Piexplode: a poor game
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