Guest User


a guest
Feb 28th, 2016
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text 0.74 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. :menu
  3. cls
  4. echo 1.Sign in
  5. echo 2.Register
  6. echo 3.Exit
  7. echo.
  8. set /p input=What would you like to do:
  9. if %input%==1 goto log
  10. if %input%==2 goto reg
  11. if %input%==3 goto exit
  12. goto menu
  13. :reg
  14. cls
  15. set /p user=Enter your desired username:
  16. set /p pass"Enter your desired password:
  17. echo %pass% >> %user%.txt
  18. :: This will prompt for a username and password and then
  19. :: output the user variable as the name of a .txt file that contains the
  20. :: password
  21. goto menu2
  22. :log
  23. set /p user="Enter your username: "
  24. set /p pass="Enter your password: "
  25. set /p password=<%user%.txt
  26. pause >nul
  27. :: This will check if the password entered is equal to the password in
  28. :: the .txt file
  29. if %pass% equ %password% goto menu2
  30. goto menu
  31. :menu2
  32. ::Enter your script here
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